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open The Looming darkness

Child Of Darkness

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Dark nodded, and sighed. "I agree." She said, before walking out onto the balcony, and simply watching Tempest.


The cyan pegesus sighed as he floated through his dreamscape. "So, this is how far my mind has improved, since Xena has come in." He thought, smiling slightly. "I wonder where he is." Tempest then arrived at the area of his mind that said aura beast normally inhabited, and noticed he was looking at a few of the memories of his own. "Is everything ok?" He asked.


Xena was slightly surprised, and glanced at Tempest, after dispelling the memory. "Yeah, I was just looking at what my life was like, before I was sealed away.'' He said. The aura beast then pulled the memory back up, and showed a sprawling meadow, with a younger version of Xena, along with the other eleven aura beast that he had once called his family. "We were hunted for our power, and killed if we didn't comply. Most of my siblings didn't, and they paid the price." Xena then sighed, as a feeling of sadness grew within him. "The one who came after me, one of your ancestors, was... different from the others. He came to me for power, yes, but also something more. He wanted to have me as an ally, an equal. I would provide him with life, while I was protected from those who would abuse my power to suit their own needs."


Tempest was slightly surprised by how open Xena was being towards him. "I never knew this side of you." He said, feeling the sadness that was growing in the one being that he shared his mind with. "At least things got better." The cyan pegesus knew how it felt to be one of the last of a species, and he wanted to help Xena in anyway possible. "There should be a way to set you free."


Xena glanced at Tempest, simply stared at him. "You would do that, for me?" He asked.


Tempest smiled slightly, and nodded. "I am not one to lie to my friends, and you are definatly one of them." He said. "I don't exactly know how that'll effect the abilities I have with my aura."


Xena shrugged slightly. "The worst case scenario is that they are slightly diminished in power. I doubt me leaving will cause any harm." He said.


The cyan pegesus nodded, and looked back at the memory. "I may not be able to restore your family, but at least you won't be bound to the confines of my mind." He said. Tempest then stopped meditating, and returned to the material plane. He noticed Dark, and smiled slightly, before heading into the castle, and towards the are of the castle where he could sense Minath's aura, which he assumed to be her room. When he arrived, he simply knocked on the door and waited.

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Minath rubbed her eyes and put on her now invisible armor. Sitting up, she used her magic to shove everything lying on the floor into her "clutter drawer".


Minath opened the door and saw Tempest.


"Tempest...? Do you, uh, want to come in?" Minath said, and offered him a chair.

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Tempest smiled slightly and nodded, before entering the room. "I don't mean to intrude, but I have a favor to ask. "He said. The cyan pegesus then told Minath about his plan to find a way to unseal Xena's bond to his mind, along with everything else he and the aura beast talked about in the confines of his mind. "I figured that you're one of the most experienced of the group when it comes to magic, I figured that you would know the right spell."

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Minath blushed.


"To be honest, my only knowledge of magic comes from Celestia's memories. My magic, in itself, is average. Let me think for a moment..." She said, then sifted through Celestia's memories. Minath had figured out how to keep Celestia's memories and her own separate, by basically turning her mind into a filing system .Minath wold use a keyword, in this case, 'Aura Beast', and would try to find either the right memory of the right spell. It was very efficient, even if Minath didn't have full control over the inter-workings yet.


Minath sifted through Celestia's memories for a moment, but some of them she had to stop thinking about. Celestia had seen some very bad things.


Next Minath thought of spells relating to Aura Beasts. Most of them were either attacking one or defending from one. Minath stumbled upon one that didn't seem very friendly, but would most likely work or kill both Tempest and Xena. She filed that one away as a last resort.


Finding no other immediate things in Celestia's 'bank', Minath turned to Tempest and realized she had just been sitting there with a concentrated look on her face for about the last ten minutes.


"Oh, um, sorry. Celestia had a lot of information on Aura Beasts. I did find something out, although I'm reluctant to use it at the moment. Celestia knows, knew a spell that could rip an Aura Beast out of it's 'Tamer' as she called it. That would be you, Tempest. But it would hurt a lot and possibly kill both yourself and Xena. I'm planning on going down to the catacombs and Cel... my private library and seeing what's in there. I'm hoping to find a better, safer solution." Minath said. "And hopefully one that will keep both you alive and give Tempest a body."

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Tempest simply nodded. "Thank you." He said. "I can assure you that you have Xena's thanks as well. I'll see what I can find in the library here. That is, unless you want me to accompanty you, of course." The cyan pegesus then smirked at his slight joke.


Xena laughed slightly, and smiled. "You wouldn't be to far off from the truth, my friend." He said. The aura beast then sighed, and thought about what he would do when he was free.

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(( I don't get the joke, so I'm making Minath not get it either ))


Minath shrugged.


"You can accompany me if you wish, but I would prefer you not enter Celestia's... my library. I myself have only been there a few times, it was Celestia's private reading material. Plus, I'm pretty sure only I can open the door to the library. But I'm about to leave for the catacombs." Minath said, and stood up. 

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Tempest simply smiled and nodded. "I'm ready when you are." He said. The cyan pegesus then stood up, and exited Minath's room. He then waited for Minath. "I just hope this works." He thought to himself. "Something tells me that this won't exactly leave a impact on the final fight, but it'll probably give Xena a sense of closure."

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Caras was passing the time, trying to entertain himself while his opponents where recuperating. To entertain himself Caras visited ponyville not far away from the everfree forest. While he was their, he passed the time with destruction, murder and mayhem. To him it was a thing of beauty, all the destruction and cold blooded slaughter where the best things that life has granted him. By the time he was done, most of ponyvilles population was dead or had run to Canterlot of safety.


"So much fun, they are so pathetic, they cannot even fight back against me. And the few guards posted here posed no threat at all. In my time, this kind of destruction would be impossible in such a short time. Weapon skills have clearly been in delcine over the past 10000 years."


Caras lay on the ground and looked up to the sky which was as clear as it had ever been. He lost himself in his thoughts.


"Where to go next, should I demolish another city? Send more people running for Canterlot? A few hundered have ran, why not target a big city next. Manehatten."


Caras snapped out of his trance like state which he had remained in for the last hour or so.


"Manehatten, tomorrow, you will burn and your streets will be painted red with the blood of the innocent."


A devilish grin crept across Caras' face as he pondered on the possibilites of tomorrow.

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As soon as Dark left, Chivalry snuck over to the scroll and popped the barrier bubble around it. He then hid it within the depths of his sword holster. He looked at at Crimson who was still mourning and sighed. Chivalry then, once again, left his comrades. Though he didn't go too far, just outside the castle.


"I guess it's time to read this thing..." He retrieved the scroll out of his holster and slowly opened it. He started to read it.

((Okay what happens now? @@Child Of Darkness, Cause I seriously don't know XD))


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Minath nodded and led Tempest out of her room, locking it behind her. She was just in the habit of doing so. In all reality she should be sleeping in Celestia's old quarters, but she couldn't bring herself to do that.


She led him through the many corridors, navigating with ease. She had lived here for about the past 12 years, so she knew her way around and into every nook and cranny. She eventually led Tempest into a place resembling a cellar, with another door. Upon inspection the room on the other side of the door was no bigger than a broom closet, but when the palace was first built the designers had enchanted it, keeping it safe from the elements and making it huge (It's bigger on the inside)


After opening the door, Minath flared up her horn and lit the nearby torches. The books weren't in any danger, as long as the remained in the library/catacombs, they couldn't be damaged. Luckily the mythology and spells were sections next to each other, and sorted by alphabetical topic. She led Tempest through wit ease. She had often come down here to study up on ancient battles and such.


When reaching the spells and mythology section, Minath quickly located the 'A's, and found a shelf titled '"Aura Beast" soon enough. Nearby there was a shelf labeled "Aura Tamer" Minath indicated to the two shelves.


"The library is set up so that each topic gets one bookcase and one bookshelf only, but the bookcase grows taller as more books are put into it. I've only ever seen about three sets in this whole library that get two bookshelves. And those are Princess Celestia, The full History of the known world, and Elements of Harmony and their battles against foes. Let's just say I'm glad we both have wings."


"Now I must warn you, there's a reason nopony comes here often. If you want to switch bookcases, do not fly to the next one. Keep to your own bookcase while flying. If you want to switch bookcases, land. The library will spit you out at a random location if you try to switch midflight. And although I can navigate with ease, it's only because the library is familiar with me. It's practically sentient. Tell me if you plan on switching cases. Basically, tell me if you move. Except for up and down. Even still then, be cautious." Minath said, trying to make sure Tempest grasped the gravity of this library. 

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Tempest nodded slightly, and smiled. "I think I understand." He said. The cyan pegesus then shrugged, before looking at the section with information on aura tamers. "I never knew there was this much information on the aura." He thought to himself, as he read.

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Minath flew around on the case for Aura Beasts, looking for anything that would be of help. Minath had mastered the art of seeing which books were spell books and which ones were history books. Every once in a while Minath would pick up a book that looked promising, but had to pick it up. Apparently ponies didn't really associate, or even like, the Aura Walkers. Eventually Minath reached a book that had it's spine sticking out farther than the rest. The library must be cutting them some slack.


"Hey Tempest? Land, the library wants to show us something."

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Tempest glanced at Minath, and simply nodded, before landing on the ground. "So, what did you find?" He asked. The cyan pegesus then glanced at the book that Minath carried.


Xena watched what was happening from Tempest's view, and smiled slightly. "After so long, I'll finally be able to be free." He thought. "I just hope that there are more of my kind."

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Minath for the first time examined the book closer.


History of Spells, Volume DCXLVII, Aura Beast.


That is possibly the stupidest title for a book ever.


"It's a book about the history of spells. That seems a little weird, and it may not give us the information we need, but it will tell us if it's possible."


Minath was just now noticing how incredibly thick the tome was. It had to be at least 1,000 pages.


((The series of seemingly random letters is actually Roman numerals for 647))

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Tempest simply smiled, and nodded. "At least it's a good lead." He said. The cyan pegesus then began to think of how his life would probably change when Xena left his mind. "Maybe we should do this when Caras is officially defeated." He muttered to himself. The cyan pegesus then shrugged slightly, not really knowing if he would even live through a fight with said alicorn/demon without the help of a aura beast.

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Minath overheard Tempest's muttering.


"That's yours and Xena's decision. I think I'm going to take this book with me, though. Just in case."


Minath knew that you could "check out" books from the library. But the moment you walked out he door, the original book was returned to the shelf and you were carrying a "ghost book", basically just and exact copy that would vanish in two weeks time. The ghost book couldn't be damaged or taken, sense it wasn't actually there.

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Tempest sighed, as Minath left. "What do you think, Xena? Should we wait, or go through with the seperation?" He asked, slightly nervous.


The aura beast simply shrugged. "It would be best to wait until we are sure that Caras is either sealed back into Tarturus or is no longer living." He said.


Tempest smiled slightly, and nodded. "That would be for the best." He thought, before exiting the library and eventually the castle. He then noticed the destruction in Ponyville, and flew towards the destroyed city.

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Tempest sighed, as Minath left. "What do you think, Xena? Should we wait, or go through with the separation?" He asked, slightly nervous.


The aura beast simply shrugged. "It would be best to wait until we are sure that Caras is either sealed back into Tarturus or is no longer living." He said.


Tempest smiled slightly, and nodded. "That would be for the best." He thought, before exiting the library and eventually the castle. He then noticed the destruction in Ponyville, and flew towards the destroyed city.

Caras was enjoying his time in ponyville, burning down Twilights tree, making the air area around fluttershy home toxic and general murder of everypony he could find.


While standing on top of town hall admiring his work, he looked over towards Canterlot and spotted a pony flying towards the town.


"Lamb to the slaughter."


Caras jumped of the building and went invisible and clocked his magic signature, and waited for the pony to arrive, completely unaware that it was Tempest.

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@@Child Of Darkness,


As Chivalry read the scroll, the Ancient Blade started to react again.  "Wha- Agh! Not again! Stupid blade!" It unsheathed itself once again and flew towards Canterlot. "Great, I gotta chase this stupid blade everywhere I go!":Chivalry yelled out while chasing the blade toward Canterlot. 


                                                                                                                              My OC's



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Tempest landed in Ponyville, and looked at the destruction. "I swear, I'll kill Caras for this." He thought.


Xena nodded, and saw a vision of the future. "Behind you to the slight left, punch." He said.


The cyan pegesus did as Xena said, and felt his hoove hit something hard. He then saw an impact crater in a wall. "I thought you were behind this, Caras." He said, before forming his dual swords in his hooves.

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Caras was close to where Tempests hoof went, it only missed him by a about four inches. At first he was unaware that is was Tempest so he flew to the other side of the wall and saw that it was Tempest and he was alone. A dark spark, clicked in Caras mind this was a chance to remove Tempest from the equation once and for all. But he will savour that moment for a latter date, his target right now is someone else.


"Tempest, you where foolish to come here alone, you know of my power and you know you are powerless against me alone. So you have one opportunity. Leave me to entertain myself with these ponies and you will leave with your body still in one piece."

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Tempest simply smirked. "I was able to hold you off the last time we met." He said, his tone extremely dark. "I don't know what you're planning, but it wont work. I don't need to tell the future to know that I will be the one to finally end your life, like Celestia and Luna should've done all those thousands of years ago. For now, I bid you adieu." The cyan pegesus was then surrounded by his aura, and disappeared. He teleported to Canterlot, and entered his private quarters.

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Caras watched at Tempest left ponyville, astounded at Tempest willingness to listen to reason.


"And here I was thinking he was stubborn. I guess even I can make mistakes about a ponies personality every once in a while. But he is still just a misguided fool and he should have learnt by know that he cannot stop me."


Caras dropped his invisibility and magic cloak spell and returned to his favourite pass time activity. 

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Tempest smirked as he looked around the small, unassuming room. "If only they knew of the secrets that hide behind these walls." He thought, as he lit three candles with his aura. This created a small, black flame on the wick. As soon as the flame ignited, a low, rumbling sound could be heard throughout the castle, and a hidden door within Tempest's quarters opened. The cyan pegesus stepped inside, as the door closed behind him. Tempest then looked around at the large assortment of weapons and armour that was neatly placed and organized on multiple shelves. "This is very nice." He said to himself, smiling slightly. He then stepped into a adjacent room that was very plain with white walls and floor, and began to meditate.

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Minath went to Celestia's room next, carrying the book in the saddlebag she was glad she brought.

Celestia's library was similar to the catacombs, bigger on the inside. Only this one wasn't magically enchanted, but only the Sun Princess could open it. She also had to find another book in the library. One about funerals for princesses.

Browsing through, she found both books easily enough. She began reading the one about the death of one of the Princesses.

The Princess' corpse must be in the tallest tower at midnight, and a monologue will be given by the other princess. The contents of said monologue will be up to the princess. Then other monologues will be given until midnight.

The Princess' body will turn into a colored orb, the same color as the magic aura. The aura will go into the next successor. The successor will hear what the deceased wanted to tell them with their dying breath, but never had the chance to. Then the orb will go into the successor's body and their powers will merge. The successor will gain magic and wings if lacking one or both.

The footnote read: It is rare, but the next successor can be a stallion.

On the next page it showed a list of former Kings, Queens, Princesses and Princes. The very first one read "Faust - born at the creation, immortal and invulnerable. Still alive"

Minath read down the list until she reached Equinox and Solstice. It seemed that the book was magic and updated itself automatically. It was as old as Faust herself.

Flipping to the page that had the autobiography of Equinox and Solstice, she read through, and paused as she saw a certain part.

When a strong threat had come upon Equestria, Lilith, Equinox and Solstice created the Elements of Harmony and entrusted them to their children and other alicorns. Creating these elements, however, drained the remainder of their life forces and they became shades. Thus creating a spot in royalty for both of their daughters.

Minath paused, soaking in the words. Because of Equinox and Solstice, the elements had existed. Her spirit had molded with Celestia's so in a way, she was related to the literal elements of harmony. And that must be why Ceelstia and Luna were called princesses and not Queens, because in a way the King and Queen still existed.

That was a lot to soak in.

Flipping back to the royal tree, Minath saw Celestia's and Luna's names. She flipped to their pages and began to read. There was no new information for her there, she had studied history enough to know both of their stories.

When flipping back, Minath saw her name. She held her breath and warily flipped to her page. Luckily the book didn't update itself until the events had transpired, so all it was was a brief history of her past. Even Rambler and Caras were in her section.

She knew Celestia's library also worked similar to the catacombs to the point where if you take a book out you get a ghost book. The only difference is the book doesn't vanish in two weeks time, you have to actually return it to the library. Minath book the book in her saddlebag and started reading the next one, the one about Aura Beasts and their Tamers.

Browsing through this book she even found section on Xena. However, it didn't reveal much useful information. She decided to show it to Tempest later. Most of the book was written in a language Minath didn't understand, but was sure Celestia knew. She didn't have full control yet to read it, though. She put this one in her saddle bag too and decided to have Tempest read it to her. It seems that Xena would understand it, seeing how the book was probably as old as him.


Minath left the library and started searching for Tempest in the castle.


Edited by Minath Khalsi
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