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open Canterlot's Insane Asylum {Reboot RP}

Pripyat Pony

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"Sure. Oh, and you can call me Goldie if you wish..." he said meekly


The two guards grabbed him firmly by the arms. "Right this way" they said, guiding him somewhat forcibly down the corridor towards his room. He didn't put up a fight, he didn't really care, the part of him that was still sane had lost all will to fight a while ago. "I'd advise you lads not to startle me in the mornin'" Goldie said to the guards "I tend to to get a bit fiesty when I'm startled."

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Being in the complete blackness of the cell gave Glacier no interruptions to her thinking and in a completely bare cell, what else was there to do?


'Now then. Obviously I won't be spending the rest of my life here as an escape will happen sooner or later. Unfortunately, with a busted leg and no magic, it seems my way out of here will be a test of cunning and agility not brute force. And as shown earlier, all the staff seem to be lacking the intelligence to do much about it. But, being honest, the change of scenery will to me good. I'll like to see what happens. Damn it, where is everypony? This isn't psychotherapy, this is confinement.' 

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Grand quickly signed the rest of the patients in "sorry if I missed you, I'll be coming around to your room to speak with you personally." She said to the patients she hadn't had the chance to speak to. She got up and began making her usual rounds, stopping at her office to drop off her papers before continuing on

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Eddie kept arguing with the gaurds all the way to his gaven room "...i swear, no wonder you become a gaurd...agh you probably crushed your wife with your gorilla hoofs let go..." without the gaurds letting Eddie finish his sentence they threw him in his room as it had no electricity and only light trought the window shined down his face, it was a small room too, Eddie took a seat on a old bed " *sigh* dont give up Eddie, there is a way out of here or something...there is away...away...always aalwaysGRRRAAAAH!!" Eddie stared into the wall with his eyes wide open and shaken his head after a few seconds "AL-WAY-S a W.A.Y o.u.t....OUT!" Eddie then lied down on the bed "i dont know what they found wrong with me Eddie...i was always like this as far as i can remember, like always im different but im no where special...im just another crime statistic...buuuuck..." Eddie closed his eyes deciding to put his mind at ease a little since he is frustrated and paranoid here.

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The  guards showed him too his room, locked the door, and walked away. It was a rather nice chamber. The door was made of wood, but had a lock. The window had no iron bars on it, but was placed high enough as to where nopony would be able to reach it. There were two decent sized beds, Goldie thought he might be able to combine the two into one large bed as long as nopony else was going to bunk with him. It wasn't really a cell, it was more like being placed under house arrest almost.


He threw his knapsack on the ground, which contained all of his belongings: a spare shirt, socks, a greatcoat for the winter incase he stay was to last longer than expected, Charles Hoovin's newest book, 'Hay Times' and a small tin whistle. This was not what all he had brought, but the guards had confiscated the rest. One of the confiscated items was a bottle of pills, which he needed if he was ever going to get any sleep. It did not really matter however, because his Shell shock would not let him sleep anyway.


Well, I hear they have group activites in this type of asylum he thought to himself. Get to walk around the peremeter or something to the effect. Games, social interaction, group healing, sounds better then that bloody hellhole they call the criminal asylum.


He collapsed on the bed with his book and opened it to the first page in an attempt to pass the time.


(OOC: Yay for Charles Dickens refrences! XD)

Edited by ~HistoricallyInaccurate~
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Grand turned on the intercom that was connected to all patients rooms. "Welcome patients, I am nurse Finale, here to tell you about your new home. We have several group activities and support groups available throughout the day. If you would like to keep yourself busy with work, we have a garden for you to maintain if so desired. We have several games and activities available in the patients recreation room. If there us anything I can sign you up for or help you find, please do not hesitate to call me from the button in your room"

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@@Pripyat Pony,

Steeleye blushed again when she thanked him. Praise was something that he didn't get often. Coming from a mare he was rather attracted to, it made him feel befuddled and strangely happy. "Err... yes. That is part of why I work here I suppose; doing something good for others that is." He scuffed a front hoof against the floor and set the reports down on her desk. "Though... I'm... glad I get to work with you as well. Oh and... the paperwork is nothing too special... It needs to be done... is all." He looked around her office for a moment before continuing. "This thing with the Criminal Asylum ma'am... its bad. Really bad. I've been running some numbers and... I think I've narrowed down what will happen if we actually merge with them." A sketch pad and pen was taken out of a side bag he was wearing. Flipping through the pages showed a number of different architectural and artistic drawings until he reached a clean page.


The pen began furiously scribbling out lines, forming a checkered square with a hundred different sections. "This is a summarized chart of the maximum amount of funding available." About a third of the squares turned green. "Thats how much we need to operate on a monthly basis." The green faded away and was replaced with red, this time over half the squares were colored in. "Thats the amount of funding needed by the Criminal Asylum. They're not getting that much." A few squares faded back to clear. "With the amount of funding both facilities put together, we far exceed the maximum amount of funds we could recieve." The entire square turned a sickly grey, with a large number of extra sections appearing below to hold the overflow. "Even if the funding both facilities recieve and or produce was combined, we'd still have less money than would be needed to support the facilities." The chart changed to black, still with more sections than the square could hold.


"Thats... mostly theory though," he finished. "The income of the Criminal Asylum is exceedingly hard to keep track of. But from what I can see... it may very well be that if we combine both facilities, we may not be able to handle the strain. It is quite likely both Asylums could be shut down."


((OOC: To clarify, I am not saying that this -will- happen. Thats up to you. This is what Steeleye -thinks- might happen.))


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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((Sorry I haven't been posting, I just now remembered I was part of this RP))


Blind Noise sat in his room.

"Room? It's more like a cell..." a voice rang in his head.

"Please don't start..." He mumbled to nopony in particular. It was only him down there in Solitary Confinement.

"Why? You're the one who let me take over a week ago."

A week? He's only been in here a week?

"Yeah, a week. Guess crying your eyes out like a little baby really makes time fly." The voice said snarkily.

"Shut up..." Blind mumbled.

"Why don't you make me?" The voice asked tauntingly.

The truth is, Blind couldn't shut the voice up, because it was himself who was speaking.


To the outsider, Blind Noise, or DJ Bl1nd Fury as he was once known as, looked as if he was speaking to himself. In reality, he was. However, in his mind, the other voice was harsh and demeaning, making fun of him whenever it could, and even get him into trouble with the Asylum staff.

Blind Noise suffered from schizophrenia, but his case was mild. Some cases were known to have about five other personalities within. But Blind was lucky to only have formed one other personality, and he often dubbed it as his 'Evil Self' when under therapy with his doctor.


The sounds of slidding metal was heard, and a small peepslot opened, spilling hallway light into the dark room.

"Alright Blind Noise, your week is up. Time to come out." said the orderly. Blind Nosie stood up slowly and listened to the locked be undone on the door. Finally, the door swung open, and the orderly came in to assist him out of the room.


"You promise to be well behaved this time?" the orderly asked. Blind simply nodded and muttered a response. Ontop of his mental disorder, Blind Noise was extremely shy, and was often quiet around other ponies. The shyness and schizophrenia made for a terrible combination and would often cause him to snap when he felt he was under too much pressure.


"We're going to take you to the cafeteria. Het some food into you, okay?" the orderly asked kindly. Blind nodded and continued to walk


Upon entering the cafeteria, Blind's nose picked up the scent of fresh baked cinnamon buns. Pinkie Pie must've made a new delivery to the Asylum. The orderly helped Blind to his seat and Blind sat down.


"What would you like?" the orderly asked. Blind pointed a hoof in the direction of the cinnamon bun scent and the orderly chuckled.

"Alright Blind, I'll get you two. I'm also going to get you some milk and orange juice, alright?" Blind said nothing, so the orderly took his leave.


"You hear that? He's talking to us like we're a baby. Maybe a nice butter knife to his throat will shut him up..." the voice said, malace coating each and every syllabel.

"Shut up..." Blind whispered. The voice was about to retort when the sounds of hoofstep were heard.


((Alright, someone can pick up from where I left off.))

"When put into a pair of hooves, anypony can change time for better, or for worse. That's why I use my time ablility to run a business, and not trying to take over the world, making slaves of everypony."

                                                                                                                           -Timeless Toaster to Doctor Whooves

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Jay noticed when she was put into her cell, that there was a pony next door. She stared at the wall that divided the cells, as the door was locked behind her. She lifted a hoof and tapped on the wall. This wasn't a padded cell, not one of those which they put ponies who were in fits of rage; just a cell where she would spend the rest of her life... or not.




Joy looked worried. "I would not like that stallion Dume anywhere near the running of this asylum," she said. "We are self sufficient here; the patients work on the farm and in the vegetable garden, and the food goes to feed the patients. I think that Dume is jealous of this; perhaps, if he treated his patients better, he too could have them work for the good of the institution. But I don't think there's any likelihood of that happening. Tell me, Steeleye; what is your opinion of Dume?"


@@Timeless Toaster,


It was Glory. Her face wore a look of harrassment; there was so much for her to do, the stress was getting to her. But she still made time to talk to the patients whenever she could.


"Everything alright now, Blind?" she asked. "I hope that you're feeling better now. Do you want to work outside this time, instead of inside? The fresh air might be better for you."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@Pripyat Pony


Blind looked at Glory with his milky eyes. To the normal pony, they looked like dual blizzards raging madly in his skull.

"I'd like to work outside..." He said quietly as the orderly returned with his breakfast.

"There ya' go buddy. Now eat up. Hey Glory, how's it going?" the orderly asked.

"When put into a pair of hooves, anypony can change time for better, or for worse. That's why I use my time ablility to run a business, and not trying to take over the world, making slaves of everypony."

                                                                                                                           -Timeless Toaster to Doctor Whooves

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Grand went out to keep an eye on everypony out in the court yard. she liked to watch the patients socialize and make friends. it gave her hope that they would all get better, without the need of torture or torment. "hello everypony, lovely day out isnt it?

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The two guards escorted the former Lieutenant out into the courtyard before releasing him and walking back. "Treating me like a bloody dog..." he mumbled quietly, so softly that he himself could barely understand his words. He spotted Grand Finale and walked up to her, being that she was the only pony in the facillity he had met as of yet. "Hello lass...lovely day I reckon...nature's been good to us today..." he said quietly.

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Grand smiled at the patient. "I would agree, Its been awhile since we had a day it wasnt raining" she said, scribbling down her observations of the patients. she had a hobby of finding the mannerisms of the patients, it gave her something to do when she was on patrol. "And how are you this fine day?" she said smiling

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"Well...on the mental side of things, I'm doing...not so good. The bloody guards took away my sleeping medication, but that don't matter none, because me shellshock won't let me sleep anyhow." He lifted the brim of his hat, allowing the nurse to see his face. His eyes looked as though they had't seen sleep in ages. "And...t-this weather..." he said nervously "It's...t-too perfect. It's the same! The weather was beautiful there! Wonderful! Lots of food, sunshine, not a cloud in the sky!" he began to say distraughtly, his voice shaking. "Then the cholera came...and the rain...then the w..w-..." his voice trailed off. His faced dropped down and he fell to his knees, his hooves covering the tears and leaving only the sounds of sobbing.

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Oh dear. "Oh my, come now, lets take you inside dear." she said, helping him up and taking him inside. "would you like something to calm you down?" she asked, seating him in the recreation room. she gestured to the garuds to find one of the doctors, but stayed next to the patient. "now you need to take a deep breath" she said, hoping the doctor would arrive shortly

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Golden Age eventually calmed down. "Perhaps..." he said softly, sniffing occassionally. "Perhaps I should...talk to someone. They say that talking it out with somepony can help but...I-" his voice trailed off again. He began to wring his hands slowly. He took a sip out of a cup of water that one of the guards gave him. "The things I've seen..."

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Grand looked at him. "the things ive heard. I am always here to talk if you need it. Would you like to tell me?" she said, glad he had been able to calm himself down. "we also have support groups if thats more appealing. We can even bring in a therapist if thats what you need" she said, giving him the options

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He smiled faintly. "I'd feel more comfortable confiding in you...you're the only pony I've met in this...'hospital'". He wiped his eyes and sniffed one more time. "I should probably tell you my story from the beginning of the war...and it'll take a while. Perhaps I could stop by yer office tomorrow?" he said with a small glint of hope, something he hadn't beared since the war's end.

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Eddie had just woken up from his 2 hour nap, interupted by a nightmare, he firstly dreamed about seeing all of his enemies including his father die a slow violent death while Eddie just laughed and taunted them as they cried for mercy, Eddie then saw Joe in the middle of all that bloody slaughter fest thats when Eddie woke up in cold sweat "good buck....im gonna die just like Joe, this is the quiet before the storm KINDOFSHIP" Eddie got out of his bed and started to walk wall to wall thinking trying to put together pieces to make sence of all this "there is no hope...there..."


Eddie fell to his knees, his morale broken but not destroyed "...i dont give a buck actually, i have NO regrets or remorse for those rich BUCKS, i hope one of them is dead too....but..ha-hahahah-HAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! all of.... of you's will not get a single piece of bucking satisfaction of rotting me and killing me with this shitty buckingbucking cell...becasue....because? ill tell you why...i mean ill tell you why because because ya know aaah whatever...........BE....cause i will do it for you's" Eddie quickly got up sprinted as fast he could in a small cell and banged his head on the steel door as it made a loud BANG.

Eddie placed his front hooves on the wall and started banging his head as hard as he could making a too much noise, he did it 4 more times making his forehead bleed alot.

Eddie's blood ran down his eyes as he smeered his face with his own blood laughing manicly "HEHEHEH-HEEEEHOHOHOO BITCH! BUCKYOU BUCKYOUBUCKYOU!!" Eddie had hit his head once more as he noticed he gave himself a concussion, and started to feel a bit dizzy since his blood ran down fast down his face as Eddie fell down on the floor smiling "well i hope i die soon...soon...soon...aah" Eddie closed his eyes again hoping the process of blood loss will occur faster.

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Grand smiled and nodded. "I would be glad to have you come visit me tomorrow. but in the meantime is there anything I can get you to help you?" she said, noticing he still seemed on edge. "perhaps I can introduce you to a few of the other ponies?" she said, looking around for a group he might fit in well with

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Grand smiled and nodded. "I would be glad to have you come visit me tomorrow. but in the meantime is there anything I can get you to help you?" she said, noticing he still seemed on edge. "perhaps I can introduce you to a few of the other ponies?" she said, looking around for a group he might fit in well with

"I'm fine, thankye". He took off his hat and wiped his head. He put his hat back on his head and reached down to cover up the twitch with a hoof. "Do you have any doctors, medical doctors, specializng in the nervous system?" he asked curiously. "And...a few other ponies eh? I reckon it would help, it can't hurt at least."

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I cna try call in the doctor, but he is often busy with some of the more... troubled patients "she said, looking around in case there was one nearby. "but until then you might have to find a way to occupy yourself. I would love to stay but I have to go and check on the other patients."she said, bowing her head before she left to look for one of the doctors

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"Talk to ye on the morrow I reckon" he called out to the nurse before getting up and waking back to his chamber. The guards followed close behind this time instead of physically guiding him, perhaps he had earned their trust?


The guards locked the door behind him as usual. He threw off his coat and hat and collapsed into the two-combined beds. He knew very well that he wouldn't get very much sleep, if any, thus he kept his book on the floor beside him. He blew out the candle beside him and went to bed.

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@@Pripyat Pony


Glacier heard a knock on one of the walls of her cell. She slid over to where she thought she heard the knock and tapped back. "Hey, is somepony there? Not as great as I thought this asylum idea. If there is somepony there, what are you in for? I'm merely in for good, old-fashioned murder."


Whilst waiting for a reply, Glacier began remember the lyrics to a song that had guided her through life. If she ever planned on using cunning to get out, its words rang more true than ever:


"Do you know the enemy?

 Do you know your enemy?

 Well gotta know the enemy to win!"

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@@Pripyat Pony,

"My opinion of him and the way he runs his house is... mixed." Steeleye said reluctantly. "You see... the ponies in the Criminal Asylum... they really are monsters." He had to think for a moment before continuing. "They're ponies of course, and still deserve the same basic respect that all ponies should have for one another. But... they're almost inimicable to regular citizens. Most of our patients here for example, are pretty mild tempered. Sure, they act in odd ways and do odd things for strange reasons, but they aren't dangerous for the most part. Misunderstood more like. The inmates on the other hand... a good number of them don't even suffer mental disability. Something in their soul has changed. They're violent, brutal, and more of than not uncurable. Because... you can't cure someone of something if they refuse to be cured you know? There are others, those who went through highly traumatic experiences or those like we have here, just more degraded in stability."


"Keeping that in mind... different methods have to be used. Most of those inmates would try to kill each other or us if we gave them gardening tools. A good number would try with their bare hooves. One needs to keep a firm grip and control so that they don't turn on you. Whats more... I have a theory about the Criminal Asylum. Part of my job here is to research mental illness. In the process I have to study psychology. I will skip over the details, but it goes as thus: When you put a pony into a crowd that is different from the rest, slowly he will begin to change so that he or she will conform with the crowd. So... it would appear that Dume is... becoming like the inmates that he is in charge off, unconciously. There would be benefits... Being able to understand them more for one. But the detriments are... obvious."


((Summary: He said that firmer discipline is needed with the violent Criminal Inmates, but Dume seems to be going to far, because he is slowly changing into what he is trying to control.))


Short Stories:

Aqua Mortem- (Dark) http://mlpforums.com/topic/66720-aqua-mortem/

To the last Man standing- (Comedy/Fighting) http://mlpforums.com/topic/69520-to-the-last-man-standing/

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