Thunderchild 875 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 @@Artemis Well, you may just have achieved what I thought was impossible. You've made me interested in going to a con. Thanks for taking the time to share what was obviously a special time for you. I guess I was concerned that I would be perceived as kind of a weirdo if I went-especially after seeing the videos of the events. So many kids, so few adults. I guess I never considered that the adults would be down the pub hanging out. Who knows-Maybe we'll have a drink together at the next one. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WingMcCallister 368 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 And there we go. I probably missed a bunch of stuff already, but it is just so much to document. Either way, the overall vibe is correct. I had a great time. 2 Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now... Wick I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~The Snowy Wolf~ 1,579 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 (edited) I got to meet: A whole bunch of unimportant people and some guy with "Vinyl" somewhere in his name Haha! Haha! It's a giraffe! That's me! And I kid the unimportant people... No I don't. I kid people like Feld0, his mum, Arty, and ~CD~. Oh, and some guy named Marco or something. Oh, and . Yeah, thanks for letting me chill in your hotel room while our feet and legs recuperated Edited August 9, 2013 by ~Shadow Wolf~ 2 Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sigMy OC: Vinyl BladeVinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Creamy Arty 6,252 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 @@Artemis Well, you may just have achieved what I thought was impossible. You've made me interested in going to a con. Thanks for taking the time to share what was obviously a special time for you. I guess I was concerned that I would be perceived as kind of a weirdo if I went-especially after seeing the videos of the events. So many kids, so few adults. I guess I never considered that the adults would be down the pub hanging out. Who knows-Maybe we'll have a drink together at the next one. Actually, most of the attendees were adults or people in their late teens. Not so many kids in comparison. Same as last year. There was even a "bar trot" among the 21+ crowd on two nights, neither of which I was able to attend due to schedule conflicts. And if you're down for a movie, dinner, some shopping and sightseeing, or any other activity without kids involved, I'm sure we could round up a posse for that. Don't worry about how you're perceived by or because of the kids though. All of the one's I interacted with were pretty cool and intelligent. To me they were just like shorter versions of us... that couldn't have beer. And if we do have a drink together next year, I'm buying. 4 Kyoshi made this ^^ Come join us on on Fridays at 6 PM Eastern for our weekly movie nights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 (edited) Aw hell, might as well detail my journey a bit more. Let's start with the departure: I was lucky that was able to get a flight from Kalamazoo to Baltimore because I flew on American Eagle. I had thought I would be the only brony at such a small airport like AZO, but I was wrong. As soon as I got to my gate I saw someone in a "Luna is best princess" t-shirt, and it was a fellow BronyCon-bound brony flying on Delta via Detroit. We talked a while and exchanged Facebook info before his flight left. Mine left about an hour later, time I spent planespotting, Skyping, and playing KSP. It was a two-flight journey, first going to Chicago O'Hare (a total of 20 minutes in the air at 14,000 feet xD), then to BWI. It was an ERJ on both flights, and in both cases I had seat 10A, which on the ERJ is a single seat (it has 1-2 configuration), so I had some room to stretch. I ended up arriving at BWI at around 5:40 like originally planned, as American did a fantastic job of making up for some previous delays. Fun fact - DJ One Trick was on the same flight I was on, and she even took the same light rail train car I did. We talked for a bit about mixing, she's such a nice and fun person. Also on the train I met a brony live streamer who was also a pilot, so we talked planes a bit. He even has a picture of Rainbow Dash on his Cessna! Then I got off at the train station after the convention center (Union...something), and walked to the Radisson, where I met up with Rainbowswag, and after freshening up a bit, we walked to the Hilton to mingle a bit (and buy some prints And watch someone drop $100 on prints and squee) and get some dinner, and wait for Auron to arrive (his flight got in at like 1:00 in the morning). After he arrived we did a night-owl run to get our badges, and on the way back, even met Lord Bababa just standing on a street corner! We talked a bit, and talked with someone else who walked up and showed us some of his animation. Friday: We went to a couple panels, including voice acting, art panels, and my favorite panel: Mixology 101 (I have a video I might post later...a Soarin cosplayer was TEARING IT UP). I also bought merch...a LOT of merch. Three plushies, a bracelet, steampunk goggles, and a bunch of other stuff. xD Also got a LOT of commissions. Also met up with Haven and Hex. Rocked out at Bronypalooza. Had so much fun!! Auron, Rainbowswag, and I were the brony wolfpack at the con! Saturday: More panels and merch shopping, this time being mostly commissions. Got my custom badge, which was AMAZING. Hung out with Haven and Fox, mingled with everypony at the Poniverse booth and panel, and cheered for mah boi Lord Bababa extra loud (at his request :3). BronyPalooza was even better the second time around. And the midnight clopfic panel say the least. :3 Um...Speaking of. I even got a commission from Braeburned. A...*cough*...FULL...commission from him. :3 (You're gonna have to PM me if you wanna see that one ) About mid morning I realized I still had my iHome speakers in my backpack, and in a stroke of genius, Auron and I rigged them into my backpack, and we spent the rest of Saturday AND Sunday blasting brony music from his iPhone while we walked around the con. Another special note about Saturday. At the McDonalds by the Radisson I got a chance to talk to an Air Force brony who worked with FOB Equestria. And I think more than ever I am going to go ahead and join the Air Force ROTC. We had a good conversation about military service and sacrifice, and he really inspired me. He's also a badass artist. My custom badge. I LOVE THIS BADGE!! Sunday: Did my last bit of merch shopping and hung out with everypony for one last time. Finally got to actually sit down with the mods and shoot the breeze, which was so much fun. It was where that picture of me with Scootaloo was taken. xD The convention ending was such a sad moment. Auron and I were walking back to the hotel still blasting brony music from my backpack, and we could only think "Damn! How could it be over so soon? :(" Monday: We met up with Fox one last time and we all headed back to BWI together, after we said goodbye to Rainbow as he went to join his carpool. Fox was on Air Canada so his gate was on the far side of the airport, but since American and Southwest were in the same area, we hung out a bit more after we got through security, and even got lunch together, before he had his flight. We even met a pegasister at the airport who didn't go to the con, but saw us in our pony merch and it sparked her curiosity! At my gate I once again met a few more bronies who were on the flight to JFK. Talked pony and BronyCon a bit more. Unfortunately that was the last bronies for the trip. None were on my flight to Chicago, and none on the ride back to Kalamazoo. But oh well, I still wore my merch with pride. TL;DR - SO AWESOME!! /)O3O( You guys are all awesome! Next year when I'm 21 I'm buying you all a pint! Final merch list - - Cutie Corral Rainbow Dash rave hoodie - Vinyl Scratch plush - Pinkie Pie plush - Scootaloo plush - Vinyl Scratch hug me backpack - 5 comissions, 6th coming digitally - Dozens of prints - A Soarin button from Braeburned. I bought a Braeburn button for Rainbowswag. - MLP trading card box - MLP trading cards - Vinyl Scratch paracord bracelet - Scootaloo scarf - Scootaloo hat - Soarin hat - A Fluttershy shirt for mom - Steampunk goggles LOTS OF STUFF xD Edited August 9, 2013 by AtomicBassCannon 6 Follow me on Tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoop 8,384 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 Caution: this is going to be a bit very long winded. In the past, when I'd write up wall of text forum announcements I'd always pass them over to Feld0 to look over so that he could have a chance to tell me that I was being too damn wordy - however given that I'm no longer staff and this isn't a forum announcement, there is now nothing that stands in my way from delivering a completely and utterly ridiculous wall of text. Deal with it. This is more or less just a recap - as much for my own benefit as anyone else that may wish to read it. After I've gone through and documented everything that I don't want to ever forget, I'll go ahead and add some reflections and thoughts about various people and/or things (spoiler: everyone and everything was awesome). Day zero. Well, Bronycon happened. For me, things began a decent number of months ago, when Feld0 - seemingly at random - popped into one of the staff Skype groups to ask if any of us planned on attending Bronycon. I laughed, said no, and stated that I hated conventions. He then stated that it looked as though we had a shot at getting a panel and a vendor table. Suddenly things seemed much more interesting. I began to scheme. As the convention grew closer and closer I found myself warming up to the convention a bit more, and began looking forward to it beyond simply as a 'business trip' to do staff stuff. I began to realize just how many forum folks would be there, and how much potential there would be for amusement. Eventually I found myself resigning from my staff position, an act which more or less negated my original reason for coming to the convention entirely. Strangely, I was not bothered at all by this in the least bit. My original plan had been to share a room with Lumi (then known as Key Gear), though when I discovered that Jonke was interested in possibly coming, we immediately invited him to share our room at no cost, given that he was coming all the way from Europe and would already have a hugely expensive plane ride. Eventually Skygunner was added to the room roster, bringing the room's population to a nice round four. The day zero plan that we came up with was fairly straight forward: Jonke's arrival would be in Dulles airport, roughly one hour prior to when Lumi and I would be arriving in the DCA airport. The idea was for him head to DCA after arriving, where the three of us would meet up with Skygunner before getting a ride from Artemis from DCA to Baltimore. It was a pretty good plan, which is probably why it got shot to shit. Day zero began for me at approximately 0300 Zoop Standard Time, when - growing increasingly annoyed with my inability to get any sleep - I checked my phone at random and saw that I had received message from Jonke stating that his flight from Sweden was being delayed - to the point that it was going to be impossible to catch his connecting flight. My panic was immediate. To keep a long story short, I more or less gave up on my ill-fated attempts at getting some small amount of sleep at that point, and jumped on my PC to see if I could get in touch with him on Skype for easier communication, during which time I discovered that Chigens was also running into some major issues herself, though thankfully not anything insurmountable. It wasn't even five in the morning and already two of the people I was most looking forward to meeting had ran into some pretty big hurdles. SO FAR SO GOOD LOL It was with no small amount of worry that I departed to the local airport several hours later and jumped on my flight. I was able on the previous day to upgrade my seat to first class for a $100 charge while checking in, which I jumped on immediately - something that I do not regret. Despite the larger seat and the extra leg room, it was a fairly uneventful ride. I experienced (minor) turbulence for the first time, was served a reheated porkchop for lunch, and got a nice view of the Pentagon as I flew over DC. All in all the trip was off to a dull start, though that was soon to change. Once I touched down, it was time to contact Agent Luminescence, whom had arrived at the airport just prior to me. Due to Jonke's delays, and the fact that Skygunner ended up hitting Baltimore early, it was just the two of us at the airport - with nobody else looking for us, we began a somewhat goofy game of cat and mouse. Somewhere in Skypeland, [8/1/2013 02:37:59 PM] Lumi: If Zoop doesn't notice me here, I will buy myself a soda [8/1/2013 02:38:11 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: lol [8/1/2013 02:38:56 PM] Lumi: The real trick will be simple [8/1/2013 02:39:04 PM] Lumi: Can I spot the Zoop [8/1/2013 02:39:07 PM] Lumi: ? [8/1/2013 02:39:22 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: just rant about nibbling ears really loudly [8/1/2013 02:39:23 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: lol [8/1/2013 02:39:29 PM] Lumi: Sure [8/1/2013 02:39:36 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: measure the cringe [8/1/2013 02:39:38 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: then you'll know [8/1/2013 02:49:05 PM] Lumi: Was that you [8/1/2013 02:49:08 PM] Lumi: ? [8/1/2013 02:49:25 PM] Zoop: I'll kill you [8/1/2013 02:49:26 PM] Lumi: This is fun [8/1/2013 02:50:01 PM] Zoop: Slowly [8/1/2013 02:53:22 PM] Zoop: I feel as though I'm being toyed with in my tired drunken haze [8/1/2013 02:53:27 PM] Zoop: (think) [8/1/2013 02:53:32 PM] Lumi: D: [8/1/2013 02:53:35 PM] Lumi: Fiiiiine [8/1/2013 02:53:40 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: you are... he's right behind you [8/1/2013 02:53:49 PM] Zoop: He's a wall? [8/1/2013 02:54:00 PM] Lumi: Alright stop moving. [8/1/2013 02:54:07 PM] Lumi: Now. What do you see? [8/1/2013 02:54:23 PM] Zoop: Nice to meet you, Lumi. My how stout you are [8/1/2013 02:54:29 PM] Lumi: ... [8/1/2013 02:54:35 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: x3 [8/1/2013 02:54:53 PM] Lumi: Where are you [8/1/2013 02:55:52 PM] Lumi: Go towards the exit [8/1/2013 02:56:04 PM] Lumi: Get out of there [8/1/2013 02:56:40 PM] Lumi: You must go deeper [8/1/2013 02:56:50 PM] Zoop: I may kill you [8/1/2013 02:57:20 PM] Zoop: Baggage claim? (think) [8/1/2013 02:58:02 PM] Lumi: Yess Eventually Lumi found me. I had attempted a clever disguise, but it apparently only threw him off my tracks enough to force him to do a double-take before approaching me. With our meeting out of the way, we decided it would be amusing to troll the Skype group that we had been talking in. [8/1/2013 03:04:14 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: my god have you still not found one another [8/1/2013 03:04:50 PM] Zoop: Nope... [8/1/2013 03:04:56 PM] Zoop: :/ [8/1/2013 03:05:02 PM] Arcanel: You mean Zoop finding Lumi? [8/1/2013 03:05:40 PM] Zoop: I've circled this place like twenty times. I've checked every scalp and hat [8/1/2013 03:05:40 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: my god [8/1/2013 03:06:02 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: okay.. here's an easy solution.. pick a baggage carosel [8/1/2013 03:06:05 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: stand in front of it [8/1/2013 03:06:07 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: done [8/1/2013 03:06:32 PM] Arcanel: Or shout. "LUUUUUMIIIIIIIIIIII" [8/1/2013 03:15:51 PM] Lumi: It's hopeless [8/1/2013 03:15:56 PM] Lumi: Totally hopeless [8/1/2013 03:16:06 PM] Arcanel: ;_; [8/1/2013 03:16:55 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: You still haven't found one another? [8/1/2013 03:17:00 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: wtb [8/1/2013 03:17:12 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: go to baggage claim #1 [8/1/2013 03:17:13 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: go [8/1/2013 03:17:14 PM] Wing T.F. McCallister: do it Once we got a bit of silliness out of our system, our thoughts moved to far more pressing issues: We didn't know where our beloved Swede was, or what his status was. We needed to link up with Artemis, who we had made arrangements with for a ride from DC to Baltimore. While communication with Jonke was proving to be difficult due to a number of unexpected technical issues, we were able to link up with Artemis after discovering that the designated pick-up area for arrivals that - according to one of the airport maps - was located on the third floor was actually on the first floor. Lumi and I, not actually knowing what Artemis looked like, managed to walk right by him before realizing that the random guy that Lumi didn't think could possibly be Artemis was in fact our designated automotive savior of the evening. And so began the next stretch of our clusterfuck. I think it's pretty safe to say that all three of us were, at this point, tired as absolute balls, to the point that I can barely remember a damn thing from the journey up to the point in which we reached Baltimore, which was where things started to get a bit silly. The first thing we did when we found the convention center was take a wrong turn and end up on a highway to New York, which resulted in a few amusing text messages sent. Some time afterwards, Artemis uttered what would later become my designated quote of the day, "That cab almost hit me... ... ... or I almost hit it" From there, we located the convention center, and made the decision to park the car at Lumi and I's hotel for safe keeping - at which point we drove promptly to the Sharaton Inner City hotel, where we found convenient parking. The only problem was that it was the wrong floogin' hotel. Given that finding parking in Baltimore didn't seem like a fun thing, we decided to leave Artemis' car parked where it was and walk over to the correct hotel, and to the convention center from there. This proved to be an ... interesting decision. Through the course of the walk back to the convention center we were treated to less than inviting view of the city, one that left Artemis commenting that he was starting to wish he had brought his gun along with him on his trip. At one point one of the locals attempted to communicate with us, and requested the use of one of our phones... a request that all three of us very promptly and immediately declined. After an awkward journey filled with questionable directions provided by our handy-dandy GPS enabled smartphones, we made it to the correct hotel, at which point Lumi and I were finally able to dump our luggage. On the way out of the hotel back to the convention center we passed Skygunner, though at the time we had no idea what he looked like... as such we didn't realize who he was, and ignored him completely. Sorry, bro. After vacating the hotel the three of us slowly made our way to the convention center. By this point we had fully and completely missed all of the forum meetups that had been planned, so we figured we'd cut our losses and get our badges picked up. Once Lumi and I got into the peasant line, Artemis promptly ditched us for the VIP Superstar line, and as such was able to get his badge within the span of about two seconds. He returned with a glass of whiskey to taunt us shortly after, mocking us as we struggled through our slow moving line. Given that I had printed Jonke's registration information for him while at work the previous day, I attempted to get his badge for him when I picked mine up, but was turned down by the person behind the table. Poop. Achievement unlocked: badges GET. While we had been waiting in line, we had been texting back and forth with Skygunner and Marco, who made arrangements to meet up with us in the hall outside of room in which the badges were provided. First to arrive, as memory serves, was Skygunner, who promptly shoved a Subway sandwich at us before retreating to the restroom. Once he was safely out of sight Lumi and I looked at each other, and burst into horrific laughing fits, realizing now that the person we had passed earlier at our hotel had, in fact, been Skygunner all along. Derp. Shortly afterwards Marco arrived with LRP in tow, just in time to witness Lumi and I laughing like madmen following the meeting with Skygunner. At this point we were exhausted to the point that we were probably more than a little loopy, and as such we probably seemed more than a little insane to the two poor folks. Not that we cared much, mind you. Around the same time Chigens appeared and went through the process of getting her badge, which set the stage for what was probably the least entertaining part of the whole trip: returning to Artemis' car at around midnight with Chigens, who would be staying with Artemis at his hotel. Let me just say this: If Baltimore's inner city area looked like a shithole during the early evening, it was nothing compared to how it looked in the dead of night. Nearly every business in sight had extremely heavy metal shutters drawn over the windows and entries, Chigens - the only observant person in our group at this point - spotted several cat-sized rats lurking around, and there were a lot of completely unsuspicious looking individuals lurking around, engaging in transactions that did not look at all morally or legally questionable in any way. Seriously. While the trip back to the car proved to be a bit nerve wrecking, it was thankfully very uneventful. Once the car was acquired, Chigens proved herself to be an invaluable resource due to her ability to read and recognize the road signs that everyone else was now too exhausted to comprehend. Thanks to her guidance we only went the wrong way through a one-way road once. Once Lumi and I were properly deposited at the hotel where Skygunner was waiting for our return, we began shutting things down for the night in the hope of getting some sleep... something I was having a great deal of trouble finding, due to increasing worry for Jonke. Communication with him had remained difficult through the entirety of the evening, but I knew that he should have arrived in DC by that point, if nothing else. It was at the point that I was beginning to shake with anxiety (around three in the morning) that I received a message from him stating that he was in the hotel lobby. No fucks were given - I ran down as quickly as my feet would take me, in my shorts, completely barefoot, to the lobby and linked up with him. The desire to run up and hug him was extremely strong, but after all the shit he had gone through at that point I figured it best to not potentially freak him out, and settled for instead dragging him to the hotel room and directing him to get some sleep. With the final member of the room now known to be safe and secure, I was finally able to drift away to sleep. Though the day hadn't been boring by any stretch of the imagination, it also hadn't been terribly amusing either. It wasn't all bad though - the rides with Artemis were tons of fun, even when we were getting horribly lost, and even our time in line had some amusing moments. On the down side, Lumi and I were fairly certain that just about everyone we had met with thought we were both morons due to how out of it we had been due to exhaustion. Thankfully though, the days to come would prove far more enjoyable. And that's all for now. I realize that it's a bit long and rambling, but I've been exhausted enough that I'm not too concerned about editing it down into a more easily digested post. I'll be posting about the days following this weekend, I suspect. Apologies for any text derps - I don't care enough to go through my regularly scheduled SUPER NITPICK MODE at the moment. ^^; 17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yellow Diamond 7,575 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 And if we do have a drink together next year, I'm buying. I'm going to hold you to that promise. I love getting free drinks as much as the next guy. (Speaking of free drinks: Nelson was awesome enough to put drinks on his tab when a few of us went out to a bar following the dinner. I truly appreciated it.) 3 Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thunderchild 875 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 Actually, most of the attendees were adults or people in their late teens. Not so many kids in comparison. Same as last year. There was even a "bar trot" among the 21+ crowd on two nights, neither of which I was able to attend due to schedule conflicts. And if you're down for a movie, dinner, some shopping and sightseeing, or any other activity without kids involved, I'm sure we could round up a posse for that. Don't worry about how you're perceived by or because of the kids though. All of the one's I interacted with were pretty cool and intelligent. To me they were just like shorter versions of us... that couldn't have beer. And if we do have a drink together next year, I'm buying. As I said, I thought it couldn't be done. The spectre of being the creepy old guy amongst a bunch of kids-no thanks. I'd really like to meet the folks on the forums in person-it seems that we have a lot in common in most cases. And thanks in advance for the drink my brother-I'll get the next one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~The Snowy Wolf~ 1,579 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 And if we do have a drink together next year, I'm buying. I hope you can buy for three, because I'm going and bringing my (bigger-than-yours, that's what he said) Rarity flask. Next year, I'm hoping to fill it with something besides water and "vodka". Don't remember who it was that I fooled, but I'm hoping they'll let me know, so we can have another laugh about it 1 Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sigMy OC: Vinyl BladeVinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lady Rarity Pony 4,892 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 (edited) I didn't intend to write about my Bronycon experience because I'm (1) extremely lazy, (2) self-conscious about sounding cheesy, and (3) not confident in my writing skills. I've changed my mind, since it would be really dumb to have an amazing time with friends and not share a bit of it with anyone. Where to begin... First, I must say that the convention was well timed in my life. I really needed a break from the usual cycle I experience day-after-day. The day I left for the convention I was in a particularly sour mood. Imagine not caring if you died on the train-ride there. was that bad. The ride there was pretty frustrating, since I felt sick and the train car smelt like old cheese. Amtrak wifi doesn't work for crap, either. After leaving Amtrak, my dad and I waited for the little tram/wannabe-train that they had there. There we met a certain Rob from the U.K., who is the creator of the Mine Little Pony mod for Minecraft, apparently. An interesting fellow, but I let my dad do all the talking. Eventually we made it to the hotel. I left my dad at the end of the massive registration line while I went to call people and see where they were. No one answered except Chigens and Zoop. Chigens was still on her way. I have no idea what Zoop's whereabouts were because all I got from him was some random sounds and the occasional "who the hell are you?". He hung up after I started making some weird sounds in return. Meanwhile I was still in a bad mood. This wasn't exactly helping. Eventually Marco finally answered his freaking phone! That, or he called me back. I can't recall. Then came the first time during the trip that someone tried to give me directions and I had no idea where they wanted me to go. "Go along the side of the convention center" doesn't help very much when the convention center has four sides and entrances all over it. Marco's fun to screw with (in an entirely non-sexual way, of course), so of course when he came into sight I asked him if he could see some banner hanging over the street, and to use that as a landmark to direct me where to go. Maybe asking him to just stare at it wasn't the best of plans. He turned around and realized I was coming up behind him. Together we met the first group I joined at a fountain near the harbor. Apple Bloom, Skullbuster, Feld0, Marco, and some others were there. We messed around a bit before Marco and I took off for the registration room. As a general note, I tend to follow Marco around, and call his phone whenever I need help with something (during convention time). I don't know, he's just fun to do that with. So anyway, Marco and I went to the hotel on the 2nd floor (where they had the registration room/lines). We looked around for Zoop for quite some time. I wasn't sure exactly what Zoop would look/dress like, so we had some difficulties. There was, though, this bald guy on the registration line in a white shirt and glasses who I had a really strong feeling was Zoop. I'm one of those people who would rather postulate that someone just happens to look exactly like someone I know, rather than risk approaching them and it turning out not to be them. I did catch some of this on camera, where I literally film Zoop and jokingly suggest to Marco that it is Zoop. Marco and I went around for an unnecessary amount of time before finally leaving the registration room. And there was that bald guy again sitting on one of the couch-things they have out there. It was just too perfect to not be Zoop. So I got the idea just to call Zoop's phone number and see if the bald guy I've been staring at reaches for his cell phone to answer a call. And...turns out it was Zoop! Zoop, Luminescence, and...Skygunner I think was also there. There were some really long stares from Zoop and some random intense laughter from Lumi and Zoop in response to Marco's question "How was your trip?". Zoop explained in his post in this thread why that was. Later, Chigens finally arrived! My gosh, Chigens has a slender body. @_@ Chigens was my convention-buddy (I think that's an understatement ) so we were together more than not. [i was going to continue going over stuff according to day, but I can't remember the exact chronological order of stuff, and other stuff I recorded.] So, anyway, its was tons of fun. There were lots of hugs. Lots of shenanigans. Lots of laughs. There were many groups hugs. Chigens got the most hugs from me. Fox, who I met at the event (who's an awesome Canadian ) got the second most. I think I'm really off-track now. I'll make another post if I try to go into more detail on what we did during the event. Here's some more random footage. I'm sure there's some funny material in it but I think it's more unedited than the previous videos. Edited August 9, 2013 by Lady Rarity Pony 13 LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 August 10, 2013 Share August 10, 2013 (edited) So...anyone else already planning their cosplays for next year? I am, and I think it's going to go over well. Not sure if I should say it or not, I don't want anyone to steal it. xD BTW my link broke. Here's a working pic of my badge. It flipped. -.- YOu know what? Screw it, it works. xD Actually, screw it, I'm gonna say my cosplay plan. I'm gonna do a Rainbow Dash-ized version of the Stig outfit, complete with wings, ears, a tail, cutie marks, and iconic sky blue paint. Edited August 10, 2013 by AtomicBassCannon 4 Follow me on Tumblr! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fox 5,330 August 10, 2013 Share August 10, 2013 If you are mentioned from a notification, scroll to the bottom... So, BronyCon happened....I started in the colder region to the North. I had purchased my hotel and plane as early January. As I was prompt by NewCalamity that we were going to BronyCon this year.Time had passed and it was time to travel to Baltimore. I had got that feeling of excitement when you were younger opening Christmas presents. It didn't last long though, I happened to be more stressed than anything.This had been the first time I had ever been traveling by myself, and I hadn't been on a plane for thirteen years. I had been to busy worrying about what would go wrong and what not on my trip.I had already made a cover-up story for my absence for a couple days for BronyCon, and was ready to go. I had packed all my stuff, and had enough funds to keep me alive. I had help from a friend to drive me to the airport. Which was an hour away from where I live. I had gotten to the airport and struggled to get all the right things before going through security. I had bought a laptop bag at the airport with my Visa because I needed another bag to separate my electronics from my other bag.Later, I get to the waiting area, I'm minding my own business playing my 3DS playing Mario, because I got their 1-2 hours early. Some problems had arise, there were too many people that were going to board the plane. So two people were told to stay behind to wait for the next flight that was 4 hours later.Air Canada staff had noted this problem and had offered a $10 voucher for food redeemable at their restaurants, and $200 in flying credit that had to be used within a years time. Eventually, someone volunteered for one person, which left this one Jewish guy that couldn't fly with his family. He seemed pretty down about not being able to fly with his family. I understood this pain he must of felt not being able to fly with his family. I decided to be a good Samaritan and offered myself to stay behind for the later flight to Baltimore.The Jewish man approaches the Air Canada staff person, then approached me. Thanking me for the kind deed I did for him. I had shook his hand and said, "No problem", and explained to him that I knew that family is important. I wished him a safe trip, and had been thanked by his family of four that accompanied him for his flight.Before long, I decided to put use to the $10 coupon to some sushi I had managed to pick up, but still payed $8 for sushi and water because airport food is expensive. It totaled to a whooping $18.00. I had ate the sushi and felt a harsh pain against my chest. I couldn't breathe well. I ended up throwing up my food and had an awful time, since my throat was burning, and there was still discomfort within my thoracic cavity.I had played my 3DS to pass the time while not feeling so well until the plane arrived. It came and I had hopped on. I accidentally went to the wrong seat, and sat at the window, but the Japanese guy I had sat beside, let me take his window seat. I had thanked him, and I watched as we took off. I was amazed with the scenery that I had seen as we flew in the air. The flight was magnificent, and is truly something else you have to first witness when taking a plane ride.After, I had arrived in Baltimore. I had taken a taxi to my hotel. I was about to check in and they had asked me for a deposit fee in case of any damages to my room. I searched my wallet only to discover that my Visa was missing! I was remembered I had payed for my laptop bag via Visa, and I didn't get my card back from the sales lady. I had come to troubleshoot the problem with the desk manager and had accepted a $50 deposit fee, (instead of the regular $100 deposit fee), and he gave me my key for my room.Unfortunately, I had given a pretty hefty sum of my money away for possible damages. I wasn't too happy at all about that, since I just gave a good chunk to the taxi driver who drove me to my hotel for $43.00. I had only about $70 left for anything. I was terribly worried because I couldn't withdraw any money since I had already lost my Visa at the airport in Canada.Feeling sick from throwing up, and feeling lost without my visa, I walk to the elevator only seeing a shit ton of Bronies hanging out in the lounge and crowding near the elevators waiting to go to their rooms. I get up to my room and find out that my luggage zipper is stuck. And call the front desk for help. They send someone to help open my bag. We tried to open it with a vice grip by tugging on the zipper with an enormous amount of force. It took 20 minutes to open it. I thanked him kindly, for helping me. I was so relieved that I had access to my bag. I was very afraid we wouldn't be able to open it. Which only furthered my anger for this atrocious trip. After he left, I noticed I had something spill on my socks, my body wash soap leaked onto my socks and had stained a few red blotches on some of my socks. It wasn't a big deal, but it was still unlucky to have happen.I had talked to NewCalamity to where we would meet tomorrow through poverty internet connection that my hotel had given. We were going to be early birds and go get our badges with Zoop, and Lumi except NewCalamity had been held back from his parents. So, we decided to meet at the convention center where the stairs and somewhat iconic hedges that marked the location. I went to take a shower, and went to bed to prepare myself for BronyCon tomorrow.Oddly, I had awoken with little sleep, but a great abundance of energy. The bed I had slept on was very comfortable, and I managed to have a really deep sleep. I got myself ready and set out to the location to meet up with NewCalamity.I got there at 7am, and he was not in sight. I circled the convention center 5 times after waiting quite a long time. With no success, they had opened the doors at 9, and everyone lined up preceded to enter the convention center with a great amount of excited screams that followed.I trailed the majority of the people that headed to the vendors. We had waited an hour and half before they opened because the vendor hall had been hauled up with some complications, and we couldn't go in as scheduled.Eventually, they let us in, and everyone rushed through the doors, and security had made people flash their badges/passes to be let in. I avoided them, and got in with ease. I then browsed many of the items quickly before the vendor halls were flooded with Bronies trying to buy all their stuff first, or anything limited sold out.The plushies were the main attraction to most of the consumers. There was one table that sold out within a few hours. After, it seemed everyone swarmed the other plushie-makers for the less desirable crafted plushies. There were a great assortment of different merchandise. Somethings I wouldn't of considered getting for obvious reasons. *cough* Pony swords. *cough* *cough*The other merchandise the vendors had offered were bags, shirts, buttons, pillows, magnets, prints, sculptures, stickers, custom commissions, and some other miscellaneous things. There was a great selection of things. I don't even know why I bought stuff. I ended up buying buttons, magnets, and a few prints. All of that wouldn't of been possible if I didn't borrow some money from the Zoop, and NewCalamity bank. The first day however, I was lost and was very strict to not buying anything.I was still lollygagging at the different tables until I came across the Poniverse table. I saw all the staff members and decided to pull a joke on ~Chaotic Discord~. Since I knew what he looked like from the "In Real Life Picture Thread." I approached him and asked what Poniverse was. He gave me the introduction and all the information what Poniverse was about. I had said to him, " This is a stupid idea, who the hell would consider making a social network for ponies; it's stupid." I got bad energy coming from ~Chaotic Discord~. I got the feeling like he was going to hit me or something. I went on a little bit more cutting up Poniverse, then just told him I was joking. I then introduced myself as Fox. Probably not the best ways to introduce yourself, I don't suggest you do it my way; it's dangerous. Although, I like to live dangerously~We came to introductions after pulling ~Chaotic Discord~'s leg, and I had talked to a few of the moderators/administrators briefly, only to get to an important question, "Where do you get your badges?" I had been given the whereabouts of the registration only to find out about LineCon. An ongoing inside joke at BronyCon. Where a line is present to accompany those events you have to wait for before you can get in anywhere all the time.I got in the line for registration and had listened to some artists with their own bass cannons blasting music/DJing. I later heard people complaining about that. I personally enjoyed it, whatever. I actually saw Zoop, Luminescense, and Jonke leaving the line with their backs turned I yelled for Zoop, but got no answer, so I just made myself quiet, and waited in line. They were too far probably to hear me because of all the people chatting, singing, and whatnot. I had been waiting in line forever bored out of my mind, since I wasn't talking to anyone. Except I then had someone speaking to me about their end of the trip. That had kept me less than bored, and I had a good time talking to the guy. He was pretty casual and uplifting me from the boredom I had for waiting in that crappy line.The time had came when I had reached the end of the line. I had said my farewell to the casual Brony I had talked to, and got my badge and headed back to the Poniverse table. I had waited two and a half hours to get my badge. I was sick of standing. I got to the Poniverse table only to see NewCalamity and Vexx3, we had wandered about in the vendors a bit, and I had to borrow a portion of NewCalamity's money.After discussing things, and watching people wander about. We decide eventually to go out and get something at the nearby Subway. This was my first time going to Subway. I've never eaten anything there before. I, and Vexx3 go in to get something to eat. We both get pizza. Yeah, go to a sandwich place to get pizzas. Awesome. We see Jonke, Luminescence, Artemis, and Zoop take seats at our table outside while I, and Vexx3 wait for our pizzas. We happen to get outside and start talking. At one point in time some drunk man came behind Zoop, and I had cautioned Artemis who sat to my left about the conspicuous bum with a bottle of liquor in one hand, and his other hand fastened to his belt buckle as he stood lazy eyed looking at something behind Zoop's back. The situation felt ominous, and I had already begun to thinking of counter measures if something "were" to happen. He soon wandered off, and I noticed he had no shoes on. It was really weird. We continued conversation, and had Zoop's crew leave.We had a small group of people come to our table asking what Bronies were pretty much. That and wandered what was happening to the convention center across the street. Our table educated what Bronies were and what relevance they had at the convention center, and they decided to take pictures of our shirts, and Artemis's MLP lunch boxes. It was getting late and we decided to return to our hotels.The night I go back to my hotel, I had messaged Haven to meet me at the Poniverse Panel the next day. I felt really pathetic messaging him, when the internet couldn't even load the PMs properly. It took me at least half an hour to load it. I must have gotten lucky with it even loading it. The internet at my hotel was that bad.The next day, I awoke early and went to the Poniverse table and met up with Zoop's crew. The people in Zoop's crew were Lumiscence, Jonke, Chigens, LRP, and Lugia was there most of the time. We had wandered around the vendor halls as others bought items.We later went to the aquarium. but reconsidered the idea because they weren't letting people until it was 3:45pm, and the Poniverse panel was close to that. So, we scratched the idea and browsed the candy store nearby, and almost everyone got smoothies. I, and Chigens just got water. We were walking to the Sheraton where Zoop, Jonke, Lumi, and Skygunner were staying. *BOOM* Along the way we had a battleship fire a blank out of nowhere. It startled everyone in our group, I had jumped. No one was ready for cannon fire. It was really unexpected. We all picked ourselves from our scared states and proceeded to the hotel.When we arrived at the hotel we all squeezed in the elevator to the get to Zoop's room. We all pushed into Zoop's room lying down. I was tired and fell flat on some stool. Zoop took some bizarre video of me lying down blinding me with his Iphone light. They also peer pressured me in drinking Canada Dry. Which is a pretty good ginger ale. I didn't question it, but they found it strangely funny since I'm Canadian drinking Canada Dry. It's like me laughing at an American for drinking a Coca Cola product.There was something special Zoop wanted to share with everyone. He showcased us one of his favoured movies that had us head over heels. A true master piece on it's own. Acting was spectacular. Special effects were superb. The fade outs... just jaw dropping. A true motion picture that must be appreciated with friends and family. Other than that we watched a few things on Youtube, and burned Pokemon abuse into Jonke's head and some others.At one point in time we had Zoop had called Marco.Also, Zoop found a Bible and decided to spoil us and give a dramatic reading of it.Other shenanigans., when we had Marco appear, we left shortly after to go to BronyCon to the Poniverse table for a bit. Some of us bought more merchandise, including myself. Luminescence came to a table where a girl complemented his chibi Pinkie Pie plush. She really liked it. Then Zoop implanted the idea into Lumi to give it away and spread cheer. So, what Zoop says, Lumi does. It's a fact. They had hugs and pictures. Then we decided to ascend the stairs and kick it back at one of the tables upstairs.Then we came to see NewCalamity, Vexx3, Thereisspoon303, as they were preparing for a picture. Jonke, Zoop, and Chigens hopped into the photo too. There was a bit of discussion for the Poniverse panel that was starting very soon. The very panel where all the bloody Feld0 memes exploded onto the forums trended by Jokuc.We entered the Poniverse Panel and I sat between Jonke, and ~Shadow Wolf~. We observed Feld0, Lord Bababa, Nelson Laquet, Ice Storm, and Apple Bloom do their thing. I personally think the panel went very well for Poniverse. I think the whole staff did a great job with all the new projects being unveiled and did well at speaking, but most of my props have to go to Lord Bababa. Even through no sleep and many Red Bulls, he was still able to communicate, finish his project, be funny, and kept us entertained. I think he did a great job, no matter what anyone says. Nelson Laquet did a great job explaining his work on Apple Bloom, has made Equestria.TV blossom, and brought together users closer together through streaming. Ice Storm, had invested a great time of time with an impressive massive new roleplay world. And last of all Feld0 has modeled for a bunch of hilarious memes. the Poniverse Panel ended I had met up with Haven. I wasn't invited to the Poniverse dinner, and he wasn't either. So, we just kicked it back like average forumers. Zoop had joked around poking that I should go unattended, but ask to sit at the restaurant with them. They wouldn't say no, because it would make em' look like jerks.We never ended up going to their elitist dinner. I had respected what had wanted me to do, and followed through. You needed $40 in donations I only had $25. Maybe next year I could be special and have had dinner with MLP forums staff.I, and Haven dropped all our baggage at our hotels, and I met up with Auron, Rainbowswag4, and AtomicBassCannon at McDonalds, and went to their hotel. Which I discovered they were staying at the same hotel I was. Auron got a little sauced up for BronyPalooza. When it was time we all left, but we split. I and Haven went to FanFic readers after dark to see if it was a the supposed clopclop panel Haven thought it would be. It was a panel to write a good clop fiction. Same thing. They even checked our IDs to see if were 18.I got the gist of what the panel was, and told I'd meet up with Haven again tomorrow. I had later went to BronyPalooza with a bunch of staff members that were chilling. They had popular Brony music artists featured at BronyPalooza, TheLivingTombStone, Alex S., and ect. We saw some odd dancer spinning on the floor being really silly and everyone else generally having a good time. Even Feld0 was shaking his hooves getting crunk. The BronyCon staff had told everyone not to jump because they had measured 2.4 on the Richter scale yesterday from all the jumping (that's what I heard). There was a lot of shaking regardless of the warnings.After the concert had finished I, Lady Rarity Pony, Chigens, ~Chaotic Discord~, and Artemis kicked it outside and relaxed talking outside about stuff. When Lady Rarity Pony had vanished, we had migrated to the HIlton Hotel, where ~Chaotic Discord~ wanted to peek onto the forums on Artemis's laptop. I had been giving a personal drawing of Roseluck from Chigens. I felt rewarded and kept it to my side. With time passing, I was getting really tired. Eventually, I passed out for a short period of time, then I had awoken and said my goodbyes at 4:30 am, then summoned enough energy to get back to my hotel and fell sleep.The next day I hustled to the Poniverse table and met up with Marco, and we later met up with Zoop's crew. All of us went to Zoop's hotel shortly to do something, then as we descended down the elevator. Another few people, and a dog came inside the elevator and it became very crowded. The elevator had opened again for another person to board. Except it was too full, and a trio of dogs had turned viciously excited for seeing another dog. They were barking and it was a shit show going nowhere. Then someone yelled, "CLOSE THE DOOR!" We all laughed and chuckled and had closed the doors to end the battle of yelps and barks against the dogs that had hollered to the one that stood still and behaved.A picture of us walking to Miss Shirley's Cafe. With Jonke's kawaii paws. (????)?*:??? We were all hungry and headed out somewhere nice for breakfast. We had went to Miss Shirley's Cafe. There was a 45 minute wait time before we could enter. A pager was given to Zoop to notify us when we could be let in. Zoop also came out with a menu to preview the many items that were on the menu.During the 45 minute wait time, Jonke and I had decided we'd try to play The Legend Of Zelda: 4 Swords. We were unsuccessful with doing this because Jonke later found out that it was limited to regions and I couldn't play with him because he had the Europe version, while I held a North American version. Although, they're both digital copies. Just a stupid thing to limit people to play 4 Swords.The pager buzzed, and we advanced into the restaurant and were seated by our host. We took our time admiring what delicious items were in the menu, I had felt like French toast. So, I ordered cinnamon French Toast from the menu. While everyone else got their own thing easily. Marco had troubles picking a cheese for his burger. He usually got American, but they didn't have it available. Zoop tried explaining how American cheese is garbo, and Marco had a hard time warming up to the idea of cheddar cheese on his burger. Which is higher tier. I've never had American cheese. SO I DON'T KNOW! Marco finally came to a decision and had gotten the cheddar.The free appetizers had came, courtesy of Zoop. I personally enjoyed them, others weren't so hot for the deviled eggs. Then, our real breakfast came. I had indulged in mine, pouring that syrup like it was nothing on my cinnamon French toast. When we finished Zoop had generously aided anyone short on money, and covered the tip for us. Demonstrating to us how rich of a white man he really is.Many footsteps later we came to the Sheraton hotel, and hung out there for awhile. While Marco retrieved his Fluttershy, and everyone else's junk. Continuing to the convention center we bump into Wing, Skygunner, and some other members loitering. Today was Lumi's birthday, so everyone broke out into singing as we all sung a Happy Birthday to Lumi/Key/Scootacool. of us decided for any questionable last minute merchandise we might of wanted to buy before the BronyCon vendor hall closed. When we had finished we all grouped upstairs to take seats.Haven playing with Zoop's fox tail.We managed to secure our own table and just chatted it up.We came to a point in time where the Poniverse Banner was being auctioned off. So, everyone was putting their signatures on it for Feld0.Haven had a special spot for the GCT/GCB~It was very peaceful until some very mysterious Brony had came to our table trying to start conversation with us. He had introduced himself, and showed us his merchandise briefly, then he had gotten into his FanFiction addiction. He had been lured by Marco's beautiful face, because he later talked in depth to Marco about FanFiction or something. All us smirked, and tried to hold on to our giggles. Then Lumi announced that he was going to get a drink that had to have caffeine in it. The guy abruptly turned away from Marco's face to Lumi where he decided to bring his attention to Lumi and said, "Hey man, I got some caffeine pills." As he reached into a pocket to the jacket he wore, he pulled out some suspicious looking pills, and had offered them to Lumi. Everyone was stunned, and tried to withdraw laughs. Lumi insisted that he needed a sugary carbonated drink that had caffeine in it. As he walked away, we all slowly followed saying we had to leave. When we had dispersed from the drug dealer, we had all laughed, and were shocked that even happened.Finding ourselves hungry, we had all decided to go to this small mall that was nearby the port we had visited and been caught off-guard with the cannon fire. Majority of us went to the Japanese restaurant, while the some others had decided to go to 5 Guys.We had all been seated and had all us had decided to order. Haven wasn't feeling too friendly with the Japanese food, so he shortly joined Marco, and the others at 5 guys. Majority of everyone ordered Bento Boxes, while I got some special chicken udon, and Jonke got some eel thingy, that looked pretty good. When we finished Zoop had decided to pay FOR THE WHOLE THING! Everyone got a free dinner on Zoop.When we all gathered into the elevator we had were doing something like leaning back. I don't know if we tried doing it like Bernie or something. But something scary/hilarious happened. Zoop leaned back and had flipped the EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH! Everyone startled, Zoop managed to flip the switch upright, and everyone broke into huge laughs. Zoop was probably feeling a tad embarrassed~Retiring to the hotel room to watch Equestria Girls, we had all cuddled close together and had watched the potentially hideous film everyone was complaining about. A few of us decided to put in some jokes into some questionable points where humor could be applied to make the film a little more entertaining. During the movie could only smell Zoop's feet. He had taken his socks off, and were smelly from walking around so much. He kept harassing me with his deadly feet. Eventually, he stopped and started again. It made me feel really uncomfortable. I think Marco also had the chance to first witness my problems. It became late, and everyone had to leave to catch their method of transportation to where they had came from.I took a shit ton of photos at the last minute just for the sake of having em'. This was something I needed to do. I've felt that I didn't have enough photos with my friends, so I had to spoil myself at the last second and get as many photos with my friends as I can. I knew I wasn't going to see any of these awesome people anytime soon.Skygunner, had to kick us out because we were being really noisy. He had a good point in limiting the noise since we needed to leave a good impression BronyCon next year. So, a small fraction of us left and said our goodbyes to SkyGunner, Lumi, Wing, Jonke, and Zoop.I, Haven, Chigens, Lurpy, and Marco just happened to bump into Feld0, Apple Bloom, and ect. We had all reminisced and had hugs and pictures. While we had those last key moments to say our farewells to everyone who had attended.I, and Haven split and said our goodbyes as we returned to our own hotels. Then it was time to get settled down and I packed my stuff for home. I had felt happy that I had went on this trip. I felt a little spark of happiness, but sad at the same time saying, "It's over."Collecting myself up from my heavy eyes. I find myself walking to the shuttle train with my luggage which was going to take me to my airport. I decided to sit down, and had been greeted by Auron, AtomicBassCannon, and Rainbowswag4. We had all talked about our own personal experiences about BronyCon, and how much fun we had.Rainbowswag4, had a different method of transportation and had left our small group. Entering the shuttle bus/train we had waited to be dropped off at the airport. Eventually, we had split up, and I said my goodbyes to Auron, and AtomicBassCannon. As they had left for their planes.I waited long for my plane, and saw army troops coming in most likely from Afghanistan to see their families that had been waiting for them. I later put myself in a chair waiting for my plane while playing on my 3DS.When I had boarded the plane, I saw some Bronies going back to Canada. This one guy had spoken out loud, and I was eavesdropping, that they were talking about a favor. I butted in and asked, "What do you need help with?" They had wanted to sit together so I gave up my seat and sat where the other guy had to. I was a little upset I had to lose my window seat, but it was okay, because I had done something good to spread cheer.I then focused on my time at BronyCon, and what significance it had on life. It gave me a a chance to meet my online friends, traveling experience, and I have had a great deal of fun looking past the first few crummy days. I was going to miss what had happened. Except even if it's sad it's over, I can be happy that it happened.We had a little bit of a rough landing, but the flight felt more smooth than the previous one. I had touched down in Toronto. I was really afraid that I was going to need my visa to help me get back into Canada. It was just unneedy stress that had made me feel that. Then came a real challenge, since I was an hour away from my actual house, and had no one to pick me up. I later troubleshooted that I could catch a bus, than a transfer.I then arrived in my city, I had felt really independent with getting back from the airport. I had then walked to my grandparent's house which was 3KM. My grandmother had drove me back, thinking I had just been dropped my friend's cottage.Arriving home, I thanked my grandmother for the drive, and stepped inside the hell home which I don't like considering I hate everyone. Although, I felt a bit more happier than i would on average, because the turn of events at BronyCon had put me in a more happier mood. My mom had asked me many questions about the cottage, but I used my throat as an excuse to talk about it, because my throat was so sore from laughing so much at BronyCon.I had a great time with all the people I met. I couldn't help but to thank all the people who I had gathered, and had the opportunity to talk to. Many thanks to NewCalamity, Feld0, Zoop, Jonke, Lady Rarity Pony,Chigens and Kay, Marco ~ Ace Attorney, Vexx3 , Apple Bloom, Skygunner, Luminescence, Ice Storm, ~Chaotic Discord~, NASCARFAN160, Artemis, WingMcCallister, , ~Lugia~, ~Shadow Wolf~,TGAP Haven, AtomicBassCannon, Auron, and Rainbowswag4 You are all wonderful people, and I can't explain how much I would like to go next year and meet you bunch again. I had a awesome time. If the moons align right, I might consider going again. I hope you guys had a fantastic time as I did. I hope you all have a good year ahead of you guys. Cheers! 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve-A-Sketch 37 August 10, 2013 Share August 10, 2013 Well, I was REALLY wanting to go there! But due to unfortunate and stupid events, I was unable to go due to lack of funds.Well instead of being all time Jealous because I couldn't go and BronyCon was bigger the fun which is sortof killing me, I putted all that aside and as of August 5th, I decided to get serious with BronyCon 2014! I ain't screwing around anymore, I'm not just gonna hope I can go there, I'm putting my efforts and persistence into it, BIG TIME! Here's my video about it with a song and my drawing. Thus also dedicating this video for other Bronies who also was unable to attend BronyCon. I have plans while I wait for BronyCon 2014. 1. Order my own fast internet August 16th 2. Start up MLP Commissions that will aid my funds to BronyCon 2014! 3. Saving up each payday of my job which will also help and little extra money by doing other stuff and saving up change 4. Do Brony MeetUps 5. Watch Equestria Girls 6. Watch Season 4 of My Little Pony 7. Keep Chatting with you guys and be more social with Bronies here and out there. See you Bronies at BronyCon in 2014! I Vow To Attend!My Quest Has Begun! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
---------------------- 1,645 August 11, 2013 Share August 11, 2013 (edited) Hay there guys, I was going to do a really long and crazy post, but I realize that everyone else's posts are pretty much the same as what I was about to say, so instead of giving you a rehashed experience that you probably read already, let me just say this. I got to meetup with a bunch of people, all of them were really pleasant to hang out with. I really appreciate everyone for being there, it was an amazing experience. Seeing Poniverse grow so much, watching that panel , seeing the table and how active it was, it brought a teer to me eye. I got to meet people that I wanted to meet for a long time, and they proved to blow my expectations away, they were all awesome. The people I met up with made my experience much better then I was anticipating originally, and I really am glad that I got to see all of you. When it was over, it brought me to sadness to see everyone go, and I can only hope that I get to see all of you again next year. Thank you for giving me one of the best weekends of my life guys, I won't ever forget it Edited August 11, 2013 by Marco ~ Ace Attorney 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~The Snowy Wolf~ 1,579 August 11, 2013 Share August 11, 2013 Ok, so I was going to make a post about my experience, but after the page reloaded, I lost my post, and I'm too lazy to write it out again. So, I'll just post pictures of myself and my trip. (It's not too many, so don't worry) RD at the Superdome The beautiful view of the morning rays coming over the cloud layer Me and Marco Scatcoal! Me and Scootacool! Epic photobomb One last hug before we parted ways (I'm in the middle of it) 7 Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sigMy OC: Vinyl BladeVinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoney Pony 100 August 11, 2013 Share August 11, 2013 @the true forum overlord Where did you get that dark side of the moon Rainbow dash shirt? i will run to my car and go buy it right now. Im not even kidding. i have to have it. No you dont understand how big of a pink floyd fan i am im drinking pepsi out of an an animals glass and wearing a wall shirt right now! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gone for good 1,593 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 (edited) Ha, none of you snapped any pictures with me, Lord Bababa! Ha, ha, huh... uhh... That's not really good at all, is it? Five people did ask me for an autograph, though. You should like totally tell me who you are if you are a member of these forums and I will buy you all drinks or something next year if you go. Well, I have this one screenshot of the panel that a friend of mine took that hates bronies in general. My expression... it screams tired so much it is glorious. Edited August 12, 2013 by Lord Bababa 2 Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BaBaBrony 111 August 13, 2013 Share August 13, 2013 I was unfortunately unable to attend Bronycon this year. Did anypony here happen to talk to a guy with a microphone calling himself "Wolfie?" He's a friend of mine and he said he was there to do stuff for a certain talk radio show on Sirius-XM. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~The Snowy Wolf~ 1,579 August 13, 2013 Share August 13, 2013 More pics! Yeah, sorry I'm screwing up the loading time of this page so badly. I have to deal with it too TLT photobomb! Jaxblade!! 4 Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sigMy OC: Vinyl BladeVinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
thor9356 540 August 14, 2013 Share August 14, 2013 (edited) Man everybody here is posting pics and videos. Well might as well join in then lol. Here are a few extra pics of my brony group (The Windy City Bronies). We pretty much drove from chicago all the way to New Jersey, New York and then finally Baltimore. We went to New York cause it was nearby and we wanted to see the sights. Anyways, a video of it is below. WARNING: This video does have some explicit language due to Cards Against Humanity....and New Jersey. You have been warned lol. Edited August 14, 2013 by thor9356 3 My OC's: Back Track: Dogboots: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost Profile 644 August 14, 2013 Share August 14, 2013 Bronycon was definitely a party to remember, I had one hell of a time! I made new friends, got loaded with con swag, met some MLPforums members in person (including Feld0), and the best part... I was mistaken for being solrac 10 times... I definitely recommend attending a bronycon, you'll have an experience like non other. You'll be in a place that's crowded with bronies, and it's also where you can express your love for ponies without being judged. If I hadent gone to bronycon, I'd probably be watching it on the stream... But I wouldn't have met the new friends I have, I wouldn't have gotten the name Doppelrac... And I wouldn't have had fun with people mistaking me for being Solrac XD Anyways, here is the playlist of my vlog to bronycon! Note that day 3 is still being edited. I'd also appreciate it if you would Like/ Comment/ Subscribe! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bhending the Rules 697 August 15, 2013 Share August 15, 2013 (edited) Okay, so, Sugarcube Corner is the place for "pony talk" unrelated to the show, including "meetups", so... I guess this goes here. Anyway, I took over 6 hours of video footage at Bronycon a couple weeks ago and have spent most of my time not at work editing this down into two 15 minute highlight reels. I just finished and uploaded part 1. Here it is. I'll put part 2 up here when it's uploaded (will probably just add it to this comment). I put a lot of hours into this, so I really hope you guys enjoy it. Edited August 15, 2013 by Bhending the Rules 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 August 15, 2013 Share August 15, 2013 @@Bhending the Rules, We happened to have a pinned thread for sharing pictures and videos of this year's Bronycon, and for just talking about how it went and what you did and all that, so yours has been merged with it. Just letting you know . I look forward to watching it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 August 19, 2013 Share August 19, 2013 Welp, today is the 18th (soon to be 19th in my timezone), which puts us roughly at about two weeks past BronyCon. It's honestly a little strange how it's already been that long. Felt like it was last week, at the latest. Point being, it's been three days since this topic has received any replies (four, if you don't count the above two, which came from someone else's thread being merged into this one). I think the initial tidal wave of attendees replying and posting images and videos of their experiences has significantly started to slow down by this point. I think it's about time for this to be unpinned, thusly :3 I do look forward to watching and reading anything else people end up posting here, though. It's been really cool seeing all the various perspectives of other bronies, since this con was so big, that by the end of the three days, an individual has only saw a fraction of what went on. Most people were in the Vendors Hall 75% of the time, anyway. Everyone knows this. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bhending the Rules 697 August 22, 2013 Share August 22, 2013 Okay, I said I'd be back with part 2 of my highlights, and even though it looks like this is now a pretty much dead thread, here I am. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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