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open The Forgotten Secret (Doctor Who RP)

Justin ZW

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The Doctor stared at the quiet town of Ponyville. It had been three years since he arrived here. Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course. He'd grown rather fond of it ever since. But all things must come to an end, and he wasn't one for settling down.


It had taken some time, but he finally managed to fix the Tardis. Apparently, when he'd arrived, the natural magical energies of Equestria had shorted out the time matrix. But now that it was fixed, it was time for him to slip away again. That was simply the way of things.


So why did he feel regret? Why was it that he didn't want to leave them behind? He'd helped save this world, once, but hadn't he done the same for thousands like it? "... I can't leave them all," he said simply. And it was the truth; he'd grown fond of them, and he didn't want to leave everyone behind. So that was it. "Well... I suppose some of them might like to join me. It'd be a chance to see what else is out there in the universe."


A renewed smile danced across his lips, and he trotted through the streets to the town notice board. He hastily wrote a message and posted it.


"Seeking brave adventurers for a trip to faraway places. Four spots to fill! Contact 'The Doctor' with any questions, located by the blue box just across the bridge."


The Doctor nodded and turned around, making his way back to the Tardis. He was surprised to find a light brown pegasus awaiting him.


"Doctor," Swordpoint said with a smile. "It has been some time since we last spoke. I trust you are well?"


"Ah, Swordpoint!" the Doctor chimed. "It's good to see you! Everything's going great, really! But I'm glad I got the chance to see you! You see, I'm leaving, I'm afraid. I finally fixed the old girl up, and now she's ready to fly again!"


Swordpoint glanced at the blue police box. "Yes... that is actually why I have come. This... machine. There is a presence inside unlike any other."


The Doctor continued to smile. "Ah, yes, that would be the heart of the Tardis. It's just the living force of the Tardis itself."


Swordpoint's smile faded to a confused expression, but the Doctor offered no further explanation.


"Wait!" the Doctor said suddenly. "How would you like to join me? I know you've got Rainbow Dash and all that, but... I could bring you back. Just come and see what the rest of the universe is really like. And you can study the heart of the Tardis, while we're at it."


Swordpoint stared for a moment. Well... I suppose that it could not hurt... He nodded. "Yes. I will join you. Allow me to make my arrangements."


"Of course!" the Doctor chimed. "This is wonderful! And do tell your friends!"


Swordpoint nodded and spread his wings, taking off into the sky, and the Doctor smiled again. "This will certainly be wonderful. Might be good for a few laughs, too. Swordpoint as a human. He'll be so hilarious to watch!" He opened the door to the blue box and stepped inside, waiting.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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(everything Repsol says will be orange, and everything he thinks will be italc orange. i find this easier to follow)


Repsol trotted around town. He never really had any real long lasting jobs, so he found himself once again visiting the town's notice board. As he searched the board for any interesting job applications, his eyes fel upon a seemingly hastily scribbled message. 




"Seeking brave adventurers for a trip to faraway places. Four spots to fill! Contact 'The Doctor' with any questions, located by the blue box just across the bridge."


Interesting. This should be a nice change of the usual routine of applebucking or delivering cupcakes.

After reading the hoof-written message again for a few times, he decided that it should be worth a try. He trotted over to the blue box near the bridge and looked over the thing cautiously. Don't want this thing going off when i touch it.

He closed his eyes and swallowed once. He then proceeded to tap his hoof on the door three times.

"Hello? Anypony here?"

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Crimson smiled and whistled happily as he walked the streets of ponyville, he was in an incredibly good mood today, the only explaination to this, usually means that crimson senses an adventure waiting for him, and judging by how happy he felt, it must be a dangerous one. Crimson then spotted the town notice board with a new notice on it, appearently the pony known as the doctor, was looking for anypony brave enough to join him on an adventure. Crimson smirked "I knew it! There is an adventure with my name on it! Wait...the doctor...hmm...he must be that pony rumored to be a time traveler..." crimson chuckled in delight, "hehehe, perfect! Let's do this!" Said crimson excitedly before running off in search of the blue box described in the notice, once he found it, he noticed an orange pony was already knocking on the door and decided to wait next to him.

Edited by ragestar
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@@repsol rave @

(OoC: Maybe I should separate the Doctor's speech from Swordpoint's... I just hate the coloration thing.)

The Doctor opened the door of the Tardis to find two ponies. "Oh, hello there!" he said happily. "I don't suppose you're here about my message? Oh, but of course you are! I never get visitors! Come in, come in!" He stepped aside and beckoned for them to come inside.

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,


"Ehrm...Thanks." Repsol said a little uneasy by the sudden enthousiasm of the stallion. After a few seconds of awkward standing he decided it would be best to actually go inside.

The inside of the blue box seemed massive. Especially when you think that it shouldn't even be possible.

"Wow.. how the hay did you do this?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Crimson smiled and entered the small blue box, but to his immense surprise, the box was much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, "holy shit! Nice place you got here doc! Not too shabby, i still prefer a place with an ocean view, but this will do I guess, so...your the doctor I take it? Well, I have a challenge for you, based on my profile, what famous pony am I? You only get one guess, and swear to celestia, if you say jack sparrow, I'm gonna break somthing! Everyone always thinks I'm jack sparrow!!" Said crimson in an annoyed tone.

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Fire walked through town, she was on one of her walks where she thought about things on life and today's topic was about how bored she was of late. She decided to check to notice board to see if she could help somepony with their roof or help them cook or something at least.

As she got to the board she looked carefully for any new papers and there was.



"Seeking brave adventurers for a trip to faraway places. Four spots to fill! Contact 'The Doctor' with any questions, located by the blue box just across the bridge."

She couldn't have run faster to get to the location. She had heard of the doctor, he was the subject of a couple of military... ideas and she wasn't going to miss the chance to meet the fellow.

As she got to the bridge she could see 2 other ponies enter it. She ran even faster and started yelling at the ponies.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Edited by rascal61
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@,@@repsol rave,@

The Doctor was about to close the door when he noticed a unicorn staring at him from the bridge. "Hello! If you're here about the notice in town, come right inside! I'm eager to meet you!" He turned around and smiled. "Well, this is what's known as a Tardis. You see, it stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. It's my ship, and I use it to travel through time and space."


Glancing at Crimson, he only shrugged. "Sorry, I'm not really familiar with you. Should I know you?"

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson frowned, "uhh...I'm a famous world renowned pirate and a hero of equestria! Haven't you ever heard of the warrior that serves under celestia named swordpoint? Well, me and him have saved equestria at least twice from some evil force! Yet you've never heard of me!? My name is crimson grinn, captain of the blaze of glory and official ass kicker of evil at your service!" Said crimson with a smirk.

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@@Justin ZW

"Yes, hello. Yes, yes I know what it means, I've read the reports. But I've never..."

Fire just stopped talking as soon as she walked into the T.A.R.D.I.S, She'd never once seen the actual thing. The pirate pony who was further inside started to introduce himself and Fire thought she should do the same but she was in awe. The thing was massive on the inside, and so much smaller on the outside. Just like it was in all of the reports she read when she was at the academy, training. 

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@, @, @@repsol rave

"Ah, I know Swordpoint!" the Doctor chimed. "He's coming with us, actually. In fact, he might have mentioned you once... I'm not sure; I'm a terribly busy man."


He turned to Fire. "Yeah, it tends to have that effect on people the first time. Now, then... all of you saw my note and want to join me, eh? Well... are you really ready? The universe is a big place, and there's things out there that you've never seen."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson smiles in anticipation, "trust me doc, that's just how I like my adventures, mysterious, dangerous and possibly life threatening, I've been on plenty of adventures like that myself on my pirate ship, but I've never been to anoather universe, so I figure I could give it a try, the sooner this adventure of ours starts, the sooner we see more action right? So hurry up and let's get this thing started!" Said crimson happily.

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@@Justin ZW,

Fire looked at the doctor, the whole universe? Oh, she definitely wanted to see the universe. Fire's smile really couldn't  have gotten any bigger and it was slightly weird how the doctor knew what was going on with the shock of the T.A.R.D.I.S, but she knew that he was an odd pony. She walked closer into the T.A.R.D.I.S and was staring at the control panels, nothing made any sense but they did looked pretty with the flashing lights and such.

"Dear Doctor, I've been ready for years."

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@,@, @@repsol rave

"Excellent!" the Doctor shouted. "Why don't you all go and pack your things and set you affairs in order? We may not be back for a long time." He trotted to the core of the Tardis and began fiddling with the buttons. "We'll all meet here tomorrow at about this time, and then we'll be on our way!"

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,


The entire conversation between everypony behind Repsol was getting lost in his mind. All he could really think about now was a stern "wut?" upon seeing the inside of the TARDIS. It seemed like his mind was properly blown, and then proceeded to just turn off to the point where there was almost a small drop of saliva hanging from his mouth.

He snapped back to attention as the Doctor seemed to adress everypony. His ears pirked up to the sound and he slowly turned around towards the exit.

"uh sure. see you tomorrow Doc." Was the most intelligent sentence he seemed to be able to form.

He trotted out of the TARDIS and back to his house. Preparing his saddlebags for the journey ahead.

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Crimson smiled and nodded, "uh...sure...I guess..." said crimson with a shrug before walking out of the T.A.R.D.I.S and making his way towards ponyville to tell the mane six that he would be gone for awhile ((he's freinds with the mane six, its a long story)) and to contact celestia about keeping the blaze of glory safe while he's gone.

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(OoC: We're doing a timeskip, since there's not much important stuff going on with everyone getting ready. It's now the next day, and it's time for everyone to gather.)


The Doctor looked at his pocket watch. "Yep. Just about time." He stood beside the Tardis and waited. "It'll be nice finally leaving this pony body. I can't say that it's been difficult... but I do miss having hands."


Swordpoint landed beside the Doctor, a saddlebag on his back. "Well, after much battling, I have convinced Rainbow to relent and allow me to come."


The Doctor smiled. "Ah, good!" He opened the door to the Tardis and urged Swordpoint to enter.


Swordpoint gave the Doctor a strange look, but he entered nonetheless. Once inside, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Doctor... this is... incredible."


"Stick around," the Doctor said with a laugh, "and you'll see a lot more things you won't be able to believe."

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Crimson smiled eagerly as he entered the T.A.R.D.I.S with a saddlebag on his back, "hello? Doc? I'm here for that adventure you promised! You should be happy to know that I travel VERY light, the only thing in this saddlebag is some fruits and a few bottles of rum, am I allowed to drink on this thi-" crimson paused as he noticed swordpoint standing next to the doctor talking, his eyes widened for a moment before he smiled, "swordpoint?! Your coming with us? Great! Even more fighting power on the team!" Said crimson happily.

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Swordpoint looked at Crimson and only smiled. "I should have known you'd be joining us, brother. You seem to be wherever adventure calls."


"Oh," the Doctor said suddenly, "you two know each other? That's wonderful! Well, we're just waiting for our other two adventurers to join us, and then we can be on our way."


Swordpoint approached the Doctor quickly. "Where is our destination, exactly?"


The Doctor smiled. "Wherever and whenever you like. I already have our first stop planned, and I'm sure you'll like it. But I'm not quite going to give anything away just yet! It'll be a surprise!"

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,


Repsol came trotting to the TARDIS. As he opened the door, he saw that there allready where two other ponies besides the Doctor.

"Hello everypony. mighty good day isn't it?" Repsol said, trying to get the attention of the group as he trotted towards them.

"I still havn't properly introduced myself i think. My name is Repsol Rave, but you can all just call me Repsol." He stuck his hoof out in greeting.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@Justin ZW,@@repsol rave, @,

Fire walked back up the hill she ran up yesterday. She could see the other ponies already there and a new pony had joined them. She really couldn't be bothered to run up the hill again, they could see her and she knew that they wouldn't leave without her.

Though she didn't actually pack anything for the adventure she would be going on.  She really didn't need to, all the stuff she needed she carried on her person at all times in the pockets of her old casual army jacket from when she was training at the academy. 


She finally got the the ponies in front of the T.A.R.D.I.S.

"Hello boys."

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@Swordpoint looked at Crimson and only smiled. "I should have known you'd be joining us, brother. You seem to be wherever adventure calls." "Oh," the Doctor said suddenly, "you two know each other? That's wonderful! Well, we're just waiting for our other two adventurers to join us, and then we can be on our way." Swordpoint approached the Doctor quickly. "Where is our destination, exactly?" The Doctor smiled. "Wherever and whenever you like. I already have our first stop planned, and I'm sure you'll like it. But I'm not quite going to give anything away just yet! It'll be a surprise!"

Crimson grinned happily, "well of course! I have a keen sense of adventure seeking! Wherever there's a crazy ass adventure calling for a team, I'm there for the ride! There's no adventure too dangerous or too scary for me! So bring it on doc! Just make sure he place were going is dangerous! I hope your ready brother, because im in the mood for one doozy of an adventure! Hahaha!" Said crimson gleefully.

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@, @@repsol rave, @
The Doctor smiled wide. "Ah, excellent! Looks like everyone is here! Let's all get inside, shall we? We've got places to go and worlds to see!" He opened the door to the Tardis and stepped inside. When everyone had followed, he closed the door. "Ah, this is wonderful. Granted, I'm going to miss this place, but I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to leave."
Swordpoint walked beside Crimson. "You are certainly the type for thrill seeking. I am glad to have you with us."
The Doctor approached the console of the Tardis and began pressing buttons, pulling levers, and fiddling with the controls. "Alright, blokes! Let's be on our way!" There was suddenly a very loud sound that almost resembled a siren.
Swordpoint sensed great power here. He knew that the Doctor was not of this world, and it was strange to acknowledge this.
Suddenly, the Tardis began to shake. The Doctor quickly flipped more switches and fiddled with the controls again. "Everybody find something to grab onto! This is going to be very bumpy!" Unfortunately, no one had time to do so. They were all thrown to the ground and knocked unconscious.
(OoC: Here we go. You're all going to awaken in human versions of yourselves. Cheers!)
The Doctor opened his eyes slowly. "Ugh... I'm so tired of that happening." He stood up, and it took him a moment to realize that he was standing on two legs. Shocked, he looked down at himself, and a large smile touched his lips. "Haha! This is excellent! I'm not a pony anymore! Somewhat wish that I had clothes on, though..." He glanced at his companions to find that they had all changed into humans, just like him. And like him, they were naked.
Swordpoint awoke and looked around. "Doctor... you really should consider safety harnesses." As he looked down at himself, his eyes widened. "What on earth?! What am I?! What have you done?!" He no longer had hooves, and instead of fur covering his body, he was... naked. He was about 5'10", and his hair was light brown. His wings were gone. 
The Doctor chuckled. "Welcome to your first day as a human, Swordpoint! Oh, and... we should probably get dressed. Can't be walking around like this, now, can we?" He went into an adjacent room and came back with five sets of clothing. He dressed himself in a suit with a trench coat, and he handed Swordpoint some jeans and a tee shirt.
Swordpoint tried to stand, but he found that he was not accustomed to walking on two legs, and he fell on all fours. "Doctor... never withhold information from me again." 

Edited by Justin ZW

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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@@Justin ZW,

Fire awoke, colder than usual and  the first thing she saw was the council panel above her. She felt very tight around her chest and when she looked down... She no longer had fur or hooves and she now had legs that sprawled in front of her. Her jacket was still on but it was bulging around... Oh god, it looked like she had milking tits right on her chest and they bulged outwards. Fire definitely kept her jacket on and covered what else she thought was meant to be private though her jacket felt quite tight around her.

She looked up at the doctor throwing some clothes to a... oh she didn't actually know what she  was but she was able to recognise the Doctor in all this.

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The Doctor heard movement and turned to see that Fire had awoken. "Ah, the lovely lady awakens! Right, let's get you clothed." He threw her a tank top and some jeans. "Oh, and do be careful if you try to walk. He already tried that." He pointed to Swordpoint, who had managed to clothe himself but still could not stand. 

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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