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private The Canterlot Caravan


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Chapter 1: The Edge of Equestria

Zone: Seaponyport Town / Beach

On a beach on the edge of Equestria, a sandy brown Pegasus sauntered along the sand dragging his hooves as he went. He stopped for a moment and examined one of his wings, then continued walking.

He was walking towards a little single-floor house just past the beach, a white building with a flat roof, a couple of seagulls stood on top of it and called.

The stallion pushed open the door to the house, the inside was dark yellow due to the blinds covering the only source of light in the room. Besides the blinds, the room appeared to be part kitchen, part dining room.

He looked as his right wing again, the bandage was still there, unsurprisingly, and the wing was most likely still broken, as it hurt when he tried to move it.

He sighed and sat at the polished, solid pine dining table. He looked at the cork board to his left, nothing out of the ordainary.

Or wait...

He turned and looked again at the notice board, a white A4 sized sheet had been blatantly pinned to it where there had been none before. Curious, and angry at the notion that somepony had broken into his home, the Pegasus plucked the paper from among the old photographs and drawings.


Dumbfounded, and still annoyed, the pony looked around his small abode. Nothing appeared to have been stolen, whoever this pony was they went through some trouble just to post this message on his kitchen cork board.

He decided that going to Canterlot would not be so hard, and would probably do him no harm. Probably. Besides, it had been a while since he had wandered the land in search of adventure and answers and whatever else came with it.

The stallion picked up his adventuring knapsack, emptying it of rotten food, replacing it with wayfarer bread, and taking a few essential items with him for long distance travel. Namely a compass, a map of Equestria, a bottle of water, a fleece blanket, and a lighter.

The flightless Pegasus locked the door behind him as he left his only home and started heading towards the seaside town, the town was called Seaponyport and was famous among travelers. Its taverns were full constantly, and many of the ponies walking its streets were not residents of Seaponyport.

Seaponyport had many other establishments also, tourist shops, restaurants, commercial stores of all sorts, a guild for adventurers was also rooted here.



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Fire sharp was walking among the stall markets looking for any trinkets she could by. She did travel a lot but every time she visited a place she would buy a little something to remember the place by. Though none of the trinkets that were for sale took her eye so she left the large streets dedicated to them and went back to wandering in the seaport's streets.

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I (Lightning Chaser) was strolling on the beach. There was so much noise here...well, it is to be expected, but still. A beach ball was thrown over my head, causing me to duck. "W-Watch it...please..." I mumbled, fast walking away from the pony that threw it. I didn't want to start hanging out with them, much less play with them. I had to head to town and get a trinket, and I would succeed if the beach wasn't blocking my path!


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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"Oh my..."


Bardic blinked the seawater out of his eyes as he lifted his head out of the surf - sand clinging to his coat and mane. There was no sign of any driftwood nearby: he summarised that he must have fallen overboard somehow.


"Most certainly not a favourable situation." He spoke aloud, infinitely thankful that there had been no damage done to his voice.


A port-town, not unlike his distant home, lay a short distance away: while he might stand out a little here, perhaps that would be the best place to start his search for his missing companions. At any rate, it was the best place he could see where he might recover a little.


He set off at a stagger along the beach, thankful that he only seemed to have sustained minor injuries. His real problem here was that he knew nothing of this place aside from the multitude of books he had read: he had never set hoof on this land before.

Never quite forgotten.

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Driftwood, the sand coloured Pegasus, began walking up the main street of Seaponyport. As he walked, he took the curious message he had found in his house out of his knapsack and examined it more closely. He noticed a seal, depicting a hippocamp (a horse with the bottom half of a fish) with three shells above it, the midmost one being larger than the other two. Driftwood recognised the seal immediately, and stuffed the message back into his pack. Now he knew that whoever was at Canterlot, they were certainly not joking around.


He began to trot up the path, taking care to avoid the other ponies and resisting every urge to open his wings.

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I finally managed to get off the beach, exhausted from running from all of those ponies that wanted to play with me. I certainly despise the beach with a passion. I hate getting wet, unless it was a shower. I'm fine with showers. I quickly looked and saw the trinket stand. I bought the trinket I was looking for at a low price of 10 bits. They had no idea what they're selling, apparently. I walked around a bit before noticing a pony walking quite fast. "H-Hey, hello?!" I said, trotting over to the pony. "C-Can you help me?" I asked, still a good ways behind the pony.




(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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Fire sharp walked in the streets of the seaport. Not really paying attention to the ponies around her but enjoying the sights and sounds that surrounded her. That was a bit of a mistake, because a pony ran into her. Or she ran into a pony, she really wasn't paying attention. The sand coloured pegasus ran straight into Fire Sharp and they both toppled over each other.

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@@Spiritual Nightmare, @,


"C-Can you help me?" a white pegasus called to Driftwood, and started trotting along behind him. Driftwood glanced back at him, then continued trotting onwards ignoring the distressed pony. However, as he looked forward again, he was greeted with an Eden coloured unicorn butting right into him causing him to trip over her and onto the floor. He grumbled, and arose, but his expression of indifference did not change.

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I gasped as they both fell. "A-Are you guys ok?!" I asked, carefully trotting over to where they laid. "I-I mean, pfft, obviously you wouldn't be fine, but I have to ask anyways because otherwise my dignity would explode right here and then but obviously it wouldn't." I helped the sandy-colored up, giggling. "I'm Lightning Chaser. You?"


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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Bardic wandered into town along the coast, feeling better for the walk. The weather was fine for the time of year but the climate was still foreign to him.


Wandering through the town standing roughly a head higher than the others he passed, the unicorn wondered just how much attention he might draw: there had been a few glances cast his way but nothing really exceptional.


Despite his own issues his eyes were drawn to some kind of commotion ahead of him: he wasn't going to get any more lost after all. He stopped and observed from a distance.

Never quite forgotten.

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Jaeger was walking along the street markets in worry "Where is the caravan." he said as he looked at his watch. "It was supposed to be here....oh!" he stopped as he saw a group of ponies conversating, "heh looks like they've had a little mishap." he laughed under his breath. "Ah there they are." he thought as he trotted over to greet them.

Edited by Frosty V
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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


Driftwood grunted at the bespectacled pegasus before him. "Driftwood." he answered plainly, a little way behind the white pony, a dark grey pegasus was approaching with a smile. "You're all making a big scene here, I'm disliked well enough as it is." he said rolling his eyes, becoming a little bit annoyed. The newest pony had said something about a caravan quietly to themselves, Driftwood thought for a moment. "Was this planned? Did one of you plant this message in my house?" Driftwood demanded. No, they couldn't have. These strange ponies couldn't have known the Hippocamp seal. Perhaps fate was intervening with his little trip? No. That's just nonsense. He sighed, and looked past Lightning Chaser at the grey pegasus "I think you have the wrong group. We are gathered only on account of a minor accident."

Edited by TotalNeon
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Moonlight Fire listened carefully to the ponies. Perhaps I should talk to them, she though. "No! It's none of your business," she quietly scolded herself and continued walking. She was right in their line of vision, and she hoped they wouldn't notice her. Suddenly, her hoof struck a rock.


Moonlight yelped as she tumbled face first into the sand.

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As Jaeger was walking to greet the ponies he heard a loud yelp and turned his head to see what was the matter. He saw spiny face plant into the sand, he ran over to help her up "Hey, miss are you all right? You took a nasty fall there." he said as he extended a helping hoof.

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@@Moonlight Fire


Bardic's attention turned to the tumbling mare nearby, crashing down into the sand. She was quickly joined by another pony who offered to help her.


"That was quite a fall, are you well?" He said simply, turning but without moving closer, afraid of causing offence - having little first hoof experience of this culture.

Never quite forgotten.

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@cinderscribe @Frosty V

Moonlight looked up to see the two ponies. She ignored the helping hoof and grunted, "I'm f-fine. Thanks." She hastily brushed the sand off of her mane. Great job not attracting attention, she thought to herself. Both ponies had a reassuring smile, but Moonlight wasn't the friendly type.

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@@Moonlight Fire


Bardic nodded in acknowledgment of her response.


"I am pleased to hear it. You have some sand in your mane." He said simply, despite the masses of sand covering himself, before returning to watch the commotion ahead of him: another had joined the gathering it seemed.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Jaeger stepped back to let the mare stand "Oh well I'm glad your not hurt!" he said with a sigh as he as he looked at the two ponies "I'm jaeger by the way it's nice to meet you." he exclaimed with a smile as he looked back at the group of ponies "Someone else is there now." he thought

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


Driftwood grunted at the bespectacled pegasus before him. "Driftwood." he answered plainly, a little way behind the white pony, a dark grey pegasus was approaching with a smile. "You're all making a big scene here, I'm disliked well enough as it is." he said rolling his eyes, becoming a little bit annoyed. The newest pony had said something about a caravan quietly to themselves, Driftwood thought for a moment. "Was this planned? Did one of you plant this message in my house?" Driftwood demanded. No, they couldn't have. These strange ponies couldn't have known the Hippocamp seal. Perhaps fate was intervening with his little trip? No. That's just nonsense. He sighed, and looked past Lightning Chaser at the grey pegasus "I think you have the wrong group. We are gathered only on account of a minor accident."


"U-Um...hello, Driftwood. You have a beautiful name, if it is your real name." I sighed, looking a bit tired and sad. This pony has some issues with friendship...not like I'm any different... When I heard 'plant a message', I blushed a bit. "N-No, that's absurd! I wouldn't do something like that! But...somepony sent me here to check on somepony named Driftwood, so this couldn't have been a minor accident...if it was, then I wouldn't still be standing here."


(Thank Kaz for the wonderful banner owo)

My OCs

 Lightning Chaser: Pegasus, Darky: Baby Dragon

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@@Moonlight Fire

Turning back at what sounded like a statement of annoyance, he cocked his head to one side. The mare looked to be injured in some small way: probably superficial, most likely from her fall. The other pony didn't look particularly well versed in medicine - though that was an assumption Bardic couldn't back up with fact.


"... Would you care for some assistance?" He asked, only becoming aware for the first time that most of the supplied in his saddlebags were most likely ruined. Certainly his ink and quills would be, though the bandages, while wet, should still be perfectly practical.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Spiritual Nightmare,


"Somepony sent you?" He pondered for a moment, then took the message out of his knapsack once again looking at the emblem. This was all very mysterious, a pony sent to him and an illusive message appearing in his house bearing a lost seal known to few. "Who sent you? It is important that you tell me." He ordered, never breaking his unfeeling expression.

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"I'm fine," Moonlight snapped at the pony. She quickly realized her rudeness and sighed, "Sorry. Yes, I think I could use some." She wasn't used to taking help from other ponies, and she didn't like it either. In fact, she preferred just not talking to ponies at all! But her knee was aching, and she knew it might get infected.

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Jaeger looked at the wound "Worse than I expected." he thought. He saw the pony next to him pulling out some bandages and he felt bad not helping out. "O can go get some ice for that if you would like." he stuttered in an awkward tone. "I need to get out more." he thought.

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