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Count to a million


CTAM after 1 million  

180 users have voted

  1. 1. What should happen after 1 million is reached?

    • Start over at 1
    • Keep counting to infinity (count to the next million(s))
    • Count back down to 1 (then back up)
    • Other (pm or mention if you'd like)

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I don't think there is anything weird with loving a personality, as everyone has a type that represents their dream partner.  It can even happen with a real person, where you fall in love with the idea of them, but you don't love that specific person.


Also people marrying innannimate objects is nothing new.

Edited by gameangel147
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Well there isn't much to see, it's a prototype of an innovative design, so it's just simple graphics and very little gameplay. 


It still needs a lot of work before there is anything to show.

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Ahh happy wheels. Haven't touched that game in forever. I like how the porn custom levels are just you getting harpooned from all directions :lol:.


Gee, today has been the worst day ever... first Snapp, then Rising, and now equerio! I think it's time for me to take another break.


See you guys in a week or two :)

Wow, swirly you've got to chill and be careful with what you tell people if you want to stop taking so many breaks ;). Maybe I should start a counter for every time someone takes a break. Whoever has the most in 10 weeks gets 100 brohooves :lol:.




It really was a failure. I was using UDK Unreal development kit.


I see wolfie shares my views on the recent arguments in this thread.

Which views, snewp?

Edited by Super80 Wolf
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Ahh happy wheels. Haven't touched that game in forever. I like how the porn custom levels are just you getting harpooned from all directions :lol:.


Wow, swirly you've got to chill and be careful with what you tell people if you want to stop taking so many breaks ;). Maybe I should start a counter for every time someone takes a break. Whoever has the most in 10 weeks gets 100 brohooves :lol:.

That's just it, I can never seem to say the right thing.

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I could name a few lol. And I'm also guilty of saying things before I think, so.


@snewp: mhmm. I wish this wasn't a thing though.

Edited by Super80 Wolf
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Well they are just your views, I don't think there is a right or wrong.


And I remember UDK.  I also failed at programming with that.  :P


Hi Retro!  :lol:

Edited by gameangel147
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