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Count to a million


CTAM after 1 million  

190 users have voted

  1. 1. What should happen after 1 million is reached?

    • Start over at 1
    • Keep counting to infinity (count to the next million(s))
    • Count back down to 1 (then back up)
    • Other (pm or mention if you'd like)

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"Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof..."


Well, I'm not clapping along. It's raining and I need a roof so my computer won't get wet.

This xD

  • Brohoof 2

My OCs:

Joyfire (ask page), Miroslav (under construction).


Uhh... equerio is a not-so-lazy Serb who has been to other countries smile.png

He may have been banned from the Welcoming Plaza, but he is still welcomed here biggrin.png

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Why are you thanking me? :lol:

Edited by equerio
  • Brohoof 3

My OCs:

Joyfire (ask page), Miroslav (under construction).


Uhh... equerio is a not-so-lazy Serb who has been to other countries smile.png

He may have been banned from the Welcoming Plaza, but he is still welcomed here biggrin.png

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Oh! :lol:
Actually, I never said this. I like your avatar very much CC! :):lol:

Edited by equerio
  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:

Joyfire (ask page), Miroslav (under construction).


Uhh... equerio is a not-so-lazy Serb who has been to other countries smile.png

He may have been banned from the Welcoming Plaza, but he is still welcomed here biggrin.png

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Here, have some good music to listen to...


Just lean back, and enjoy ;)

Edited by equerio
  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:

Joyfire (ask page), Miroslav (under construction).


Uhh... equerio is a not-so-lazy Serb who has been to other countries smile.png

He may have been banned from the Welcoming Plaza, but he is still welcomed here biggrin.png

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Damon Albarn is amazing :o

Edited by equerio

My OCs:

Joyfire (ask page), Miroslav (under construction).


Uhh... equerio is a not-so-lazy Serb who has been to other countries smile.png

He may have been banned from the Welcoming Plaza, but he is still welcomed here biggrin.png

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so, they may not perfect yet, but I may by planned to ponifying the MGS-stories


Pony Gear 2 Rainbow Dash:

Rainbow Bash(Dash father): The nightmares? They never go away, Rainbow. Once you've been on the battlefield, tasted the exhilaration, the tension... it all becomes part of you. Once you've awakened the warrior within... it never sleeps again. You crave ever bigger tensions, ever bigger thrills. As a mercenary, I'd think you would have realized that by now. You care nothing for power, or bits, or even sex. The only thing that satisfies your cravings is war! All I've done is give you a place for it. I've given you a reason to live.

Pony Gear Rainbow:

Luna: Magic exist to pass down our hopes and dreams for the future through our children. Living is a link to the future. That's how all life works. Loving each other, teaching each other... that's how we can change the world. I finally realized it. The true meaning of life...

(No MLP-Character yet): We're not tools of the government or anypony else! Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at, but... At least I always fought for what I believed in...

Twilight Sparkle: The whole reason I got into science in the first place was because I was no good with ponies. I was scared of them. I was scared of life. I thought that I could never understand them because they're so illogical. But I've finally learned how to like ponies. I'm not afraid anymore

Pony Gear Rainbow 2 Sons of Friendship

Rainbow Dash: Life isn't just about passing on your magic. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, music, literature and movies...what we've seen, heard, felt...anger, joy and sorrow...these are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light.We have all the magic of the magical age to do that with. The pony race will probably come to an end some time, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.

Scotaloo: Applejack, listen to me. We're all born with an expiration date. No one lasts forever. Life is nothing but a grace period - for turning our genetic material into the next generation. The data of life is transferred from parent to child. That's how it works. But we have no heirs, no legacy. Cloned from our father, with the ability to reproduce conveniently engineered out. What is our legacy if we cannot pass the torch? Proof of our existence - a mark of some sort. When the torch is passed on from parent to child... it extends beyond DNA; information is imparted as well. All I want is to be remembered. By other ponies, by history. The Poniots are trying to protect their power, their own interests, by controlling the magical flow of information. I want my memory, my existence to remain. Unlike an intron of history, I will be remembered as an exon. That will be my legacy, my mark on history. But the Poniots would deny us even that, I will triumph over the Poniots, and liberate us all. And we will become the "Sons of Friendship"!

Twilight: Rainbow, you there? It's me. I've finished going over that magical disc.
Rainbow: Did you find the Poniots' list?
Twilight: Of course. It contains the personal data of 12 ponies. There was a name on it—Rainbow, it was one of our biggest contributors.
Rainbow: What's going on around here?
Twilight: I don't know...
Rainbow: ...Anyway, where are they?
Twilight: Well, we were right about them being on Manehattan, but...
Rainbow: But what?
Twilight: They're already dead. All 12 of them.
Rainbow: When did it happen?
Twilight: Well, ah... about a hundred years ago.
Rainbow: What the hay...

Pony Gear Rainbow 3 Apple Eater

Celestia: What about you, Bash? What's it going to be? Loyalty to your country, or loyalty to me? Your country, or your old mentor? The mission, or your beliefs? Your duty to your unit, or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet. But sooner or later you'll have to choose.

(Don't know MLP-Character yet): Rainbow, listen to me. She didn't betray the United States. No, far from it. She was a hero who died for her country. She carried out her mission knowing full well what was going to happen. Self-sacrifice... because that was her duty.

President of Equestria: You are above even Celestia... I hereby award you the title of Big Pony. You are a true poniot.
Random pony: You know, we could use an infiltration unit like PONY in the army. Somepony like him to handle our top-secret sneaking missions for us: a stallion who combines the qualities of a soldier and an agent.

(Don't know MLP-Character yet): Celestias defection was a ruse set up by the US government. It was all a big drama staged by Gallopinton so they could get their hoofs on the Philosopher's Legacy, and Celestia was the star of the show. They planned it so that they could get the Legacy that Colonel Thunder Bolt inherited and destroy the Ponyhod at the same time. Only a legendary hero like Celestia could have earned Thunder's trust. Finding out where the Philosopher's Legacy was hidden was to be her greatest mission. Everything was going according to plan... but then something happened that nopony could have predicted. Colonel Thunder fired an Equestrian-made magical warhead at (No pony yet)'s research facility. ??? demanded that the US government provide proof that it wasn't involved. They couldn't just abort the operation to steal the Legacy, so the operation itself was greatly expanded and revised. The authorities in Gallopington knew that in order to prove its innocence they'd have to get rid of Celestia and that one of their own would have to do the job. The public couldn't be allowed to find out about it, not ever. This, they concluded, would be the best way to keep the whole thing under wraps. Celestia wouldn't be allowed to come back home alive. And she wouldn't be allowed to kill herself. Her life would be ended by her most beloved disciple... that was the way the government wanted it. That was the mission she was given. And she had no choice but to carry it out... her death at your hoofs was a duty she had to fulfill. Out of duty, she turned her back on her own comrades. A lesser mare would have been crushed by such a burden. The taint of disgrace will follow her to her grave. Future generations will revile her: In Equestria, as a despicable traitor with no sense of honor; and in ???, as a monster who unleashed a magical catastrophe. She will go down in official history as a war criminal, and nopony will ever understand her... that was her final mission. And like a true soldier, she saw it through the end. But I think she wanted you, of all ponies to know the truth. She wanted to live on in your memory. Not as a soldier, but as a mare. But... she was forbidden to tell you herself. And that's why she told me. Rainbow, history will never know what she did. Nopony will ever learn the truth. Her story, her debriefing... will endure only in your heart. Everything she did, she did for her country. She sacrificed her life and her honor for her native land. She was a real hero. She was a true poniot

Pony Gear Rainbow 4 Guns of the Poniots:

Rainbow Dash: War has changed. It's no longer about nations, ideologies or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and magical machines. War, and its consumption of life, has become a well-oiled magical machine. War has changed. ID tagged ponies carry ID tagged weapons, use ID tagged gear. Nanomagic inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield, controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, war... becomes routine.

Scotaloo: This is only the beginning, Rainbow. Equestria will descend into chaos... It'll be the Wild West all over again. No law, no order. Fire will spread across the world. The ponies will fight... and through battle, they will know the fullness of life. At last... our father's will... his Outer Heaven... is complete.

Rainbow Bash: Everything has its beginning. But doesn't start at "one." It starts long before that, in chaos. The world is born... from zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes two, two becomes ten, ten becomes 100. Taking it all back to one solves nothing. So long as zero remains, one... will eventually grow to 100 again. And so our goal was to erase Zero. Even the mighty Poniots began with a single stallion. That one stallion's desires grew huge, bloated; absorbed magical technology; began to manipulate the economy. We realized too late that we had created a beast. We had helped turn Zero into 100. His sin... was ours. And for that reason, I'm taking it upon myself to send Zero... back to nothing. [...] It's not about changing the world. It's about doing our best to leave the world the way it is. It's about respecting the will of others and believing in your own. [...] Zero and I... Scotaloo and Rainbowius... We all fought a long, bloody war for our liberty to free ourselves from systems, nations, norms and ages, but no matter how hard we fought, the only liberty we found was on the inside, trapped within those limits... Celestia and I may have taken different paths but in the end, we were both trapped inside the same cage... "Liberty."

Pony Gear Rainbow Pony Ops:

Rainbow Bash: It was four years ago, in Muzzlebique. There was a filly soldier fighting with a guerrilla group in the struggle for independence. He killed dozens of government soldiers with just a single knife. He'd throw the enemy off guard with the innocent frankness of a young stallion. Then he'd prey on them with the cold cruelty of a hunter. He spoke a little German so his enemies called him, "???"... the ???.

???: Soldiers, hear my words! The Colt War will soon be over. For the United States and the Saddle Union no longer have the strength or authority to shape the world as they seem fit. Even as Equestria sinks deeper into the quagmire of the War, her allies in the West have achieved tremendous economic growth. And with the collapse of its planned economy, Rusaddle can no longer keep up with the financial demands of her vast army. But the end of the Colt War does not mean that peace will follow. Freed from the domination of the world's superpowers, nationalism will soon be the driving force behind global politics. And the ever-widening gap between rich and poor will fan the flames of hatred between nations. Magical weapons will slip from the superpowers' grasp and spread throughout the world. Soon nopony will know when or where the mukes will come from. Today's ally may be tomorrow's bitter enemy. Or worse: the time may come when soldiers of the same country will kill their brothers, just like you are now. Who of you can say that tomorrow you won't be aiming your rifles at your neighbors? Your comrades? Your families? Is there nopony who has a grudge against you? Nopony who mocks you? Nopony who really needs you? Is there truly nopony out there who would kill you? One of my men is standing amongst you right now. His instructions are to kill you - for your betrayal. Your enemy is standing right beside you. Is it you?... Or perhaps you?... This planet is like a giant bomb. See how easily it blows itself to bits with a single magical warhead. Or rather, a single bullet. There he is... It's the enemy!

???: Why are you still alive? I used to get dreams, about my comrades. They would save me with strong arms and laughing voices. When I woke up from these dreams, I had nothing. No joy, no sorrow, no hatred, no memory. When I woke up from the darkness, all I saw were the bodies of men I've killed, lying in front of me. I know. Everypony dies. Crime. Disease. Accidents. War. No matter how good a man you are, no matter how good a soldier, there are no exceptions. Even if I don't kill them, they die. This world is full of death and yet you won't be killed. Why? Why do you still live? What do you hope to accomplish by living?

Pony Gear Rainbow Peace Walker

Rainbow Bash: No offense, but I don't know what peace is.

Rainbow Bash: There's always another reason to keep on living.

Rainbow Bash: Babs, growing up means choosing how you're gonna live your life. [...] Treasure your memories, Babs. No matter what happens, keep them safe. [...] Nothing to be ashamed of. Pain gets the better of us all. [...] Remember, real heroes are never as polished as the legends that surround them.

Pony Gear Apple Revengeance

???: Played college ball, ya know.
Applejack: At some cushy Ivy League school.
???: Try University of ???. Coulda gone pro if I hadn't joined the Navy! I'm not one of those beltway pansies. I could break the president in two… with my bare hands. Don't buck with this senator!
???: Nanomagic, Son!
Applejack: I was wrong. You're not greedy — you're bat-shout insane!


  • Brohoof 2

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Perseverance is a virtue...

Edited by Shadling
  • Brohoof 1

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music"—Friedrich Nietzsche


here's the most disturbing / touching sentence I ever read :"You have beautiful eyes" — Scootaloo's last words, The Rainbow Factory

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