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open The Aura Wedding

Drago Ryder

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Tempest woke up in his bed in a cold sweat. He sighed and got up, before trotting towards the living room. "I can't let these nightmares get to me. I'm just being paranoid." He thought. "Nothibg will go wrong at the wedding." The cyan pegesus was about to marry Ivy, his "other half", and the wedding was just a few short days away. Tempest noticed the sun start to rise and smiled. "I better get breakfast ready. Ivy'll be up soon." The cyan pegesus then trotted into the kitchen and started cooking.

Ivy woke up and trotted down stairs. She had been spending the past few nights at her soon to be husband's house, planning every aspect of the wedding. She soon noticed him in the kitchen and started to help make breakfast. "You don't have to prove yourself to me." She said, smiling warmly.


Tempest smirked and finished cooking. He and Ivy then sat down and began to eat. "So, do you think the others will be able to attend?" The cyan pegesus asked.


Ivy glanced at Tempest and nodded. "They should be able to. I know I sent out the invitations, a few days ago." She said.

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Frost had been staying at lighting's house since he had gotten kicked out, despite what lighting had said about his sister Frost thought she was a delight and Iustus never stopped making her laugh. "W-what time is it.....OH CRAP!" he said as he fell of the couch aka his makeshift bed. "It's the wedding day, oh crap oh crap." he said to himself as he started to get his suit ready that Iustus had gotten for them the other night. "Really....your always freaking out about nothing," Iustus's soul said "the wedding isn't for another three hours. Can we just get some breakfast." he complained.

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It took a while but it finally arrived and sweet Celestia was Rut-Light excited to see it; his invitation to the wedding of Tempest and Ivy.  "Well this is very neat, thanks Ditzy."  The mare smiled and flew off to deliver more mail, Rut-Light went back into his house while shutting the door to the outside world, "This is going to be awesome!"  Then he thought to himself, 'When the hell was the last time I said that?'  He shrugged and opened the letter, wanting information.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Tempest smiled and put a wing over Ivy. "At least we got the dress and tux early." He said.


The silver unicorn nodded and sighed. "We can just make then out of our own aura." She said.


The cyan pegesus laughed slightly and got up. "I'll go make sure everything is set up." He said,before exiting his house. The wedding would be held in Canterlot in about a day or two, and Tempest knew everything would be fine.

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Fireblaze with Rainbow Dash since he living at her place now. Getting up too since he was her mate. Also getting ready for Tempest and Ivy wedding. "Morning Dash my sweet."

Blade was getting up too, getting ready for the wedding since he and the apple family were getting ready for the wedding too. Halt there farm work for the day and will get to it tomorrow or next day. Then he see Applejack was up too. "Morning love."

Skull was getting up too, getting ready for the wedding of his two best friends and then he see Futteryshy was up. Making breafaskt and already feed the animals too. "Morning love and mind i Help with the breakfast too?"

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Ivy sighed as she trotted through Ponyville. The wedding was only a few days away, and most everypony knew about it.


Tempest looked over the last few wedding formalities in Canterlot, and smiled. "Only a few more days until I leave here with the mare of my dreams." He thought. The cyan pegesus hadn't been this happy in all of his life, even when he had joined Luna's guard.


(@Fireblaze: I will not be controlling Dash, Applejack, or Fluttersjy. If you want to, that's fine.)

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Frost was on his way to the coffee shop when he spotted Ivy, he smiled and trotted over. "There's the lucky lady," he said with a grin "so what are you up today, special dinner, movie, just hanging around?". Frost felt that he was more excited than anypony, but Iustus was just a bit more excited for some reason "That little butt head had better make me his best stallion or so help me...." Iustus began to say as he was cut off by Frost "...OK well I think that he is about done, so where you headed?" he asked

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Ivy glanced at Frost and blushed slightly. "We'll probably go out for dinner." She said. "Tempest should be back in a few minutes. Anyway, what have you been up to?."


Tempest was just finishing up and smiled. "Everything seems to be in order." He thought. The wedding would take place in the main throne room. Flower pots lined the aisle every other row of seats, which contained several roses. Aside from that, everything else held the architecture of the aura civilization. The scene, no matter the angle or time you viewed it, looked beautiful.

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Rainbow Dash waking up seeing her lover Fireblaze as she was yawing too. "Morning Love sleep well and yea I really need get something to eat before Our friends wedding."

"Ok let head out and get something to eat first." Then FIreblaze and Rainbow Dash Flew into the air as they heading to the Resturant.

"Sure love I need some help with the breakfast." Futtershy Saying as Skull smiles and then went to help his love with the food.

Applejack was already up too, she and her family were getting ready for there Friend wedding too. "Morning love, are you ready for Tempest and Ivy wedding too?"

"Sure love I am ready for that and seeing them getting Marry too." Blade saying.

"Ok Join us for Apple Family Breakfast and we be heading out." Applejack saying as Blade following her to the Dining room as he see every Apple over Equestria for Tempest and Ivy wedding.

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Tempest sighed as he exited the palace and trotted back to Ponyville. He then sensed a very familiar aura and smirked. "You can come out, Aqua." He said.


The unicorn sighed and trotted next to Tempest. "I heard you were marrying Ivy. Dad isn't to happy about that." She said.


The cyan pegesus glared at his sister and shrugged. "He gave up the right to medal in my life, when I found out he was turning me into something I wasn't." He said. "Is that all?"


Aqua sighed and nodded. "I'll be at the wedding." She said, before trotting down a sidestreet.


Tempest rolled his eyes and flew into the air. "He had better not show his face at the wedding." He thought to himself.

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"Man I can't wait for this wedding, I wouldn't miss it for the world...well maybe if I had work the same day but I don't currently work."  He was still skeptic of Tempest but he trusted him, but he still wonders why we went to save his home from being destroyed; instead of destroying the changelings.  Why?


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Tempest soon landed in Ponyville and trotted through the streets. He still had a lot to plan for the wedding. "I wonder what Ivy's up to." He thought. The cyan pegesus then sighed. "Things will never be the same for Ivy and myself." Tempest then laughed slightly.

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Frost grinned "Nothing lately, except for taking care of Lighting's little sister, she is the best." he said trying to keep his mind of the thought at hoof. Frost was very happy for Ivy and Tempest, but how would this effect the group? "No more adventures?" Frost shuttered at the thought, but Iustus didn't want to aknowledge that he actually cared "I'm sure everything will be fine you little baby." Iustus replied trying to keep his cool. 

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lightning was taking a walk in everfree forest for fun " i love this place." he said as he started to make his way to Sugercube corner, he said hi to some random ponys and entered Sugercube corner, walked up to the counter "two chocolate chip muffins please." he said as he paid and left with them, heading home, he ate one and left the other one on the kitchen counter for his sis with a little note saying "enjoy, it's your favorite".

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Ivy and sighed. "If Tempest and I have kids, then I guess we know who to call." She said, before laughing slightly. "Anyway, I'm sure Tempest and I will still have enough time for a few more adventures, before we get to busy." She said.


Tempest noticed Lightning. "Hey, Lightning." He said, smiling.

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lightning heard tempest and went over to him "hey tempest how are ya, mind if i hang with you for awhile." he said smiling, he started walking with tempest "how about we go find something to do." he said happily, he smiling i wonder where frost is? he thought about his bud who is crashing at his house, he shook his head and forgot about it.

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Tempest glanced at Lightning and smiled. "We might as well. Have you seen Ivy?" He asked. "I was actually looking for her so that we could discuss a few things about the wedding."


A young filly then trotted next to Ivy and tilted her head. "Are you a friend of mommy?" She asked.

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Crimson trotted merrily through the streets of ponyville, whistling a happy toon to himself, he was in a very happy mood today, he hadn't been to a wedding before, but he loved parties, he hoped that wedding parties would be even better, but aside from the party fantasies, crimson was also happy that one of his best freinds could find love and happieness. "I'm proud of him, he found a nice mare like ivy to settle down with...if only I was so lucky...but whatever, this should be a wedding to remember!" Thought crimson as he trotted quitely through the streets.


((If anyone wants to talk to crimson, he's open for conversation))

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As Tempest trotted, he noticed Crimson and smirked. "Hey, Crimson." He said. "Did you get the wedding invite?" The cyan pegesus then sensed Ivy and Cynthia's aura, and smirked. "I might as well talk to Ivy, later."


Ivy sensed Tempest nearby and sighed. She rounded the corner and also noticed Crimson and Lightning.


Cynthia followed her mother and noticed Tempest, as well as the others. "Hello." She said, looking at Crimson and Lightning.

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Crimson smiled at tempest and held pup his invite, "yeah, I got it, congradulations by the way, your finally settling down after so many years, but its a bit of a shame that you'll be too busy with the family to go adventuring anymore...*sigh* like the good old days..." said crimson jokingly, imitating an old mans voice.

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Tempest laughed slightly. "I should still be able to find some time." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at his daughter and smiled. "Hello, Cynthia. What have you been up to?"


Ivy glanced at Tempest. "As long as you don't get yourself killed." She said.


The young filly shrugged and smiled. "I was just meditating." She said. "Those tips you gave me were really helpful."

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Frost grinned at seeing his group of friends. "Hey guys, what are you up to, you know we should go have some lunch." he said. "Yeah, but I wasn't expecting Cynthia to be here." Iustus said to himself. Frost looked at the filly "Yes I am a friend of your mothers." he said softly as Iustus cut in. "Hey kid it's your uncle Iustus," he began to say before Frost stopped him. "Don't listen to him, he is bonkers." he said with a wink

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After Fireblaze, Rainbow Dash ate they flew into Ponyville as they were looking for Tempest and Ivy to say hi to them before the wedding or one of them.

After Blade ate with the Apple Family he and Applejack went into town. As they going to talk to Tempest and Ivy too while they looking for them too.

Once Skull, Futtershy finishes eating there food, feeding the Animals and then they went out to find there friends so they can talk.

(I wounded if Cynthia want to meet Fireblaze and Rainbow Dash kid FireDash)

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Rut-Light walked out of his house and started walking to nowhere in particular, until he saw his friends and started trotting towards them.  "Hey!  How are you guys doing?  There he is, the man himself, congratulations Tempest!"  He said as he gave tempest a noogie for a split second.  "So how long until the wedding?'  


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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The cyan pegesus smiled slightly and glanced at Rut. "The wedding is tomorrow." He said. "I think all of you will like the décor." Tempest then smiled.


Cynthia glanced at Frost and giggled slightly. "I think Tempest might've mention you." She said. "By the way, my name is Cynthia."


Ivy smiled slightly as she watched Tempest and the others. "To think that I would marry a royal guard." She thought.

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