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private Hoofstomp High Rebooted (Romance/SOL) Closed!


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OOC Link:http://mlpforums.com/topic/70106-hoofstomp-high-romancesol-reboot-yep-its-happening/?p=1749245




Corona stood outside her new school Hoofstomp High, located on the outskirts of Baltimare. The school was big but not as big as the mane school located in the center of the city. Corona had moved here just a week before school was set to start. Unfortunately she'd left all of her old friends, what few she had back in Cloudsdale. Corona looked at the red bricks that made the walls, for a small outer section of Baltimare the town was very big so it was logical to give it a good school. Swallowing a rather large lump inside her throat Corona checked her saddlebag and headed inside towards her locker and to start the first day of school. She knew that this was going to be a new learning experience for her, since she'd never been around other ponies except for pegasi.


Corona walked through the halls seeing some girls in a small group staring at her and giggling. Oh, I hope this doesn't turn out like it was when I was little. But maybe they aren't mean at all, I can't go assuming the worst in ponies. Corona thought as she reached her locker.

Edited by Umbreon
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#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Repsol looked at the building. It was... Pretty big. At least it was way bigger then his old school. After gazing at the building for a few minutes he slowly made his way inside. He never really liked school, you always needed to sit still for hours on end, never being able to just make some fun.

After searching for a while he finally found his locker. it was right next the locker of a pegasus mare.

"Hey" Repsol said as he opened his locker, and very unceremonially dumped the insides of his saddlebags inside. 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Flare entered the school and sighed. "Maybe I wont get lost...or annoyed to death this time" Flare as he headed to his locker. "So now this school year is just going to be a usual one anyways I shouldn't get my hopes up for anything exciting" Flare said as he arrived at his locker and opened it.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Shirley trudged into her new school. She hated waking up this early. Usually she took the lunch shift at her mom's diner, so waking up even an hour before that made her cranky. Her brother had been accepted to some private school, so Shirley was on her own. Roy would have been three years above her anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered. She found her locker, possibly net to a pony she didn't notice, and began shoving her stuff into the locker.

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@@repsol rave


Corona looked down the line of lockers and could see a pink earth pony next to her, and going down the line was a dark red stallion, and a brown stallion. "Um...hi...." Corona smiled sheepishly, packing her things into her locker. She didn't know what to say to any pony on the first day she just wanted to make it through and get home without being teased. Corona pulled out her notebooks and pencils and pens sticking them in her saddlebag. Corona pulled out her class schedule and saw that math was her first class, closing her locker door she trotted off towards the class. Corona trotted into the class and took a seat in the center of the room.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Flare placed most of his stuff in his locker and pulled out the schedule and saw that math was first period and sighed. "Math...why is it always math" Flare said to him self as he placed graph paper, pencils, pens and other stuff in his saddle bags before he went off to his first period class. "Hopefully no one will make fun of me" Flare said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Befopre Repsol could get a conversation started with the mare at the lockers, she was allready gone.

heh, guess that's my luck He thought as he made his way to his classroom. 

In the hallway he noticed a pegasus walking in the same direction.

Weighing out his options, he decided that he had nothing to loose anyway so he started the conversation, hoping to hold this one longer then the one at the lockers.

"Hey man, you also headed towards math?"


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,


Flare stopped and looked at the pony who started to talk to him. "Yeah I am its my first class but I really dont like math as much as art but I deal with it" Flare said as he looked at the pony. "My name is Flarebolt whats your name" Flare asked putting his hoof out for a hoof bump 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Shirley looked up to see noone around her. Hm... I could have sworn there were other ponies here... Whatever. She packed her things for math into her saddlebag and trudged towards the classroom. She saw two stallions and a mare, but decided not to butt in. They could talk to her awesomeness if they felt brave enough.

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Repsol grinned as he turned towards the stallion, returning the hoofbump. "The name's Repsol Rave, but you can just call me Repsol." 

He turned back to the class. "Understandable you don't like math. Almost nopony does, but you said something about art, right? Do you draw or something?"

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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@@repsol rave,

"Yeah I draw a bit I do it when im bored or have nothing to do really" Flare said as he continued walking his math class as he noticed a stallion that passed by him glared at him. "Also some ponies apparently dont like me at all...or much anyways" Flare said as he arrived at the classsroom

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(OOC: Sons of b****es! Damn you! :P You started the RP without me! Wait up!)


The school year was about to begin again in full swing, but little Sterling had no idea how it would turn out. He had just moved in from Manehattan after his parents were laid off by the Manehattan Gazette. They were promptly hired by the Baltimare Post, who wanted Front Page and Bubble Gum to help write stories about the Baltimare Orioles! Sterling had just begun walking to Hoofstomp High, wondering what new friends he could meet and the opportunities that were rampant. It was a lot better than moping all day about all he friends from middle school he was forced to leave behind... Just the thought of leaving them left him very sorrowful.


Those fears were quickly wiped out as Sterling reached Hoofstomp High. Its imposing creamy brick walls left Sterling know that this would be a high school experience like none other. The young Sterling had never seen a school so big before... After all, it was his first year of high school! Sterling then excitedly took out his schedule wondering where his first class would be... Apparently, it was going to be math. In Room 200. Sterling loved math. It was his favourite class other than biology. Everything in math was just so easy for him; his parents drilled the multiplication to him when he was 2! 


Sterling excitedly pranced through the school as he made his way to Room 200. He entered the room, seeing a grey coloured mare at its centre. She looked nice enough, but Sterling really didn't want to get off to a bad start with anypony. Worried that he would say something stupid, he simply sat about two seats to her right. He then took out his math textbook, wondering what was to be taught in math class for his first day of classes...

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"Yeah you'll allways have the glares and stares as a freshman." Repsol said casually as he trotted into class, and plopped in one of the seats.

There where a few other ponies in the classroom. He could see the mare he tried to converse with at the lockers, and some other mare that looked like she couldn't give less about what was happening in class.

Edited by repsol rave


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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"Well I guess...even though it shouldnt matter that im freshman" Flare said as he sat in one of the seats and pulled out paper and a pencil. "I only just my first to this school so no one really even knows me to tell the truth" Flare thought as he started drawing on the piece of paper.

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Shirley trotted into the classroom along with everypony else. She took a seat in the back and fixed her hat slightly. She took out a notebook and a pencil. Shirley often wished she was a unicorn, her job and even school would be much easier if she could levitate platters and pencils. Sh sighed inwardly. She'd just have to be stuck as an Earth pony.

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Corona looked around and decided that it would be best to at least try to make some friends on the first day. It'd be better to have friends then to not have any at all. Off to her right was the pink earth pony from the hallway, Well Corona better start with somepony so why not her. Corona walked up to the pink mare and shifted her wings nervously before opening her mouth to speak. "Um...hi I'm Corona it's nice to meet you..." Corona smiled extending a hoof in friendship.

Edited by Raichu

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Shirley looked up to see a pegasus mare with her hoof out. Shirley gave the mare a brohoof and gestured to for her to sit down. "Hey. I'm Shirley Temple. But please call me Shirley. Seriously. Call me Shirley."  She laughed afterward to show she wasn't trying to sound rude. "Nice ta meet you Corona."

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Sterling was still reading ever so attentively to his math textbook. Most of the material inside really did look very easy. That was all thanks to his parents who kept teaching him more advanced mathematics even in middle school. They knew Sterling was a very gifted foal, and they wanted the best for him. Sterling happily nodded as he inwardly thanked his parents for teaching him all the things he needed to do well in high school math and biology. After all, Sterling had medical school on his sights. He wanted to get the best grades he could for every course, starting with this one! The classroom was beginning to fill with ponies of all kinds. Blue, red, green... the diversity unnerved Sterling... he hadn't seen this many ponies in a classroom in his entire life... What was he to do in such a situation... Sterling could only wonder as he waited patiently for math class to begin...

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Corona giggled at how Shirley introduced herself. "Well it's really nice to meet you Shirley, if I seem a little weird it's only cause my last school experience wasn't the best." Corona hid a little at the last bit of her statement. But her outlook on the new school year was getting better now that she'd at least made a start of a conversation with another pony. "What do you like to do in your free time Shirley? I like to hang in the clouds every now and then but star gazing is my big thing to do."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Shirley nodded and smiled. "Nah don't worry about it. I'm not one to judge. Besides, I'm sure this will be different. Especially if you have me as a friend." Shirley giggled at her own comment. "But anyways, I'm a bartender at my mom's diner. Me and my brother  are pros at making and mixing drinks. But other than that... Not much. That diner is kinda my life. But I like working there, so it's not a bad thing I guess."

Edited by Thinkin' Inks
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(OOC: Would you like me to start math class?)


Sterling noted the time. It was 9:00 am. Shouldn't class start now? Just as he began to ponder about this fact, he could hear hoofsteps of a pony clearly in a rush. The teacher had just stormed into the math classroom and quickly apologized to the class for being late. He was a dark blue stallion with a calculator as his cutie mark. Unfortunately, the cutie mark didn't reflect his organizational skills, and it was fair enough. The teacher was actually late for class... Sterling couldn't help but giggle inside at the fact he was late. Once the teacher composed himself quickly, he then addressed the class,


"Hello class! Sorry I'm late! My name's Dr. Calc, and I'll be your new math teacher for this year! The first thing I say to students is to not fear math! In fact, we use it everyday! I'm here to show you that math can still be applied to everyday life, even if you have to be embroiled in algebra and trigonometry for quite some time while you're at it!"


Sterling quickly took out his math notebook, wondering what was in store for his first ever high school class. Dr. Calc was now teaching the first topic of simple algebra, the one where you have equations like "x-3 = 10" and the like. Dr. Calc was great at explaining concepts, even if his timing wasn't the greatest. Nonetheless, Sterling found it to be a bore because he knew all this stuff already...

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@, @@Sterling Crimson


Corona smiled at Shirley's statement wondering if she meant that she made alcoholic drinks or something else. Her and her brother mix drinks??? She couldn't do that it's not legal...no don't be silly Corona she probably makes soda's or something. Corona giggled at herself for letting her imagination get the better of her. Corona excused herself and backed up a bit when she bumped into another students desk. Corona spun around seeing a maroon stallion right in her face, the bump knocking a few things off the desk. Corona's face turned crimson, not moving an inch and embarrassed when she hear a small group of mares snickering. "I....I'm...s...sorry I didn't mean to...oh......" Corona quickly picked up the fallen items and placed them on the stallions desk, before quickly moving back to her desk two seats behind him. Corona burried her face behind a book, it was then that Corona saw a small note on her desk. Reading it made her start to tear up a little and she just stuck her face in the book more letting the note fall to the floor.


(OOC: I know it's very early but thought I'd introduce the bullies now instead of waiting till way later when I'm to lazy to do so lol :yay: )


(OOOC: Sterling please wait till until everyone's posted that way no ones falling behind. I would wait until late tomorrow before we start the class if at all possible otherwise I'll let you know when to start it ok.)

Edited by Raichu

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Sterling could see that the grey pony he sat nearby had just bumped into his desk and dropped some of his textbooks. Sterling wanted to say it was alright, and he did, but she probably didn't hear. He wanted so much to comfort her. It was an honest mistake, and he could see that the grey pony was feeling very sad after that. He could hear the giggles ascending from the back, to which Mr. Calc quickly responded with a glare at the ponies. He was a nice pony, but you didn't want to cross lines with him. 


After that incident occurred, Mr. Calc continued his lecture on math, while Sterling continued to take notes, wondering about the grey pony... He then strove to talk with her after class to comfort her. It was the gentlecolt's thing to do after all. 

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Flare was taking notes till he notice the grey pony bumped into another students desk and apologized. Flare then noticed she was embarrassed and heard giggling till it stopped. "Just stay quiet and no one will bothe-" Flare was interrupted by a spitball hitting his head. Flare looked behind him and saw a student snickering before he was hit by a book thrown by Flare. "Bucking idiot" Flare mumbled as he continued taking notes.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Shirley burst out laughing when the pony got hit with the book. Hehe Serves him right for being a prick. She tapped the pony on the shoulder. "Nice one dude. Good form. He'll be seeing stars for the next few minutes." Shirley snickered. She loved seeing mean ponies getting what they deserved. A book in the face.

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