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open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle

Toothless the Night Fury

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Twilight dropped her gaze "sorry, it's just that we have to find Rainbow, I'm sure we'll find another way to rescue her....hopefully" "I'm still not sure that they even have her on the mountain..."

Edited by Pinkazoid




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"Ah, Strong Hooves..." Nightmare Moon spoke, her voice having no trace of the rage she expelled earlier.


"One of the Lunar Republic's most finest soldiers..." She rose elegantly from her throne, her dark, shadow-like mane drifting behind her like a royal flag. "You have proven yourself worthy for a... promotion..." A sinister smile stretches across her face.


"But tell me... What can you give me in return?"




Toothless turned away from Twilight, head downward, eyes closed. His mind, logical and reasonable, spoke, "You can't do this! We already lost Solus, we can't lose anyone else!" But his heart, honest and true, knew that we had to go save her. We had to at least try...


Toothless turned back toward the Element of Magic. "Ok, on one condition."


"I pick my team."




The private spoke again, "No sir. " He then saluted, and closed the door for the Sargent.

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury

And stuff.

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Strongs eyes lit up at the word promotion, "I-uh... thank you your highness... and I believe I have something that you would find quite useful" he pulled out the document folder he had shown the soldier, "Due to a previous interrogation, I have acquired information regarding all the main bases of operations within Solar Empire control, as well as battle strategies and various other plans that they havent put into effect"...


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After the private had left, George would open the box and take out a small vial. The bright green color was pretty iconic of poison and it was not different here. He placed it on the table in front of him, carefully as not to break it, and covered the table with a white blanket before stepping away and towards the door.


It was time to meet the infamous Rainbow Dash, somepony he had once looked up at but as she sided with the light he lost all admiration in her, it has been replace since with hate and anger. He stepped out of the room and was headed for the room the Princess was currently in.

Edited by Neikos VI

I love you! <3

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Serah remained in her que, looking at the other ponies around her who were preparing to enter the battlefield. She wondered who they were, and what their reasons were for joining the fight. But she didn't wish to start a conversation with someone who could very well be dead by the end of the night, and nopony approached her, so she stood in silence.


She was anxious to get started. She could already feel her blood boiling as her inner heat rose in anticipation. All she needed was the order to move out, and she would strike out like a flaming bolt from a crossbow, leaving the burning bodies of her enemies in her wake. It all seemed so heroic in her minds eye.


What was keeping the higher up from letting them loose?

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Haste had fallen asleep on her cloud, she awoke and made sure there was no pony around she fluttered her wings and landed on the floor



Draco stood guard on the edge of the Everfree, he knew Haste would back him up, but he wasn't planning on letting them capture them again




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Dash stood on the cell's floor, blowing her mane from her face


Two guards chuckled as they walked down the long rows of cells. "Well, well well... Look who we have here..." One guard said as he laid his eyes on Rainbow Dash.


"Impressive right? I caught her not too far away from Dragon's Mountain." The other guard chuckled. "Didn't even put up a fight."





Strong's smile widened further, "A whole section actually, it seems the underside of the city is left completely unguarded"


Nightmare Moon grinned, quite pleased with the information Strong Hooves had obtained. "You have gone above and beyond the call of duty, Strong Hooves. It seems that some of the soldiers around here are going to have to call you 'General' Strong Hooves."


"Shall we be leaving?"




Toothless set out from Canterlot after General Sparkle gave the order. His mission was set: Find and rescue General Dash at all costs. However, he needed some help.


He quickly set off toward Ponyville for a particular pegasus friend of his...

And stuff.

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As he was walking trough the corridors George would look at the piece of paper again. He didn't remember the Princess giving him this mission... the private must have mixed it up or something. George shrugged and walked into the waiting checking up onto the squad he will probably lead.

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Two guards chuckled as they walked down the long rows of cells. "Well, well well... Look who we have here..." One guard said as he laid his eyes on Rainbow Dash.


"Impressive right? I caught her not too far away from Dragon's Mountain." The other guard chuckled. "Didn't even put up a fight."



Dash looked at the guard "watch it..." she mumbled




Haste looked at the sky




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As he was walking trough the corridors George would look at the piece of paper again. He didn't remember the Princess giving him this mission... the private must have mixed it up or something. George shrugged and walked into the waiting checking up onto the squad he will probably lead.


A door opened and Serah eagerly looked in its direction, hoping to see the familiar face of one of the squad leaders. Instead, she saw a middle-aged orange earth-pony shuffle in distractedly. A waft of fumes accompanied his entering the room, carrying a distinctly clinical and sterile scent. The image of a sprout marked his flank, and he carried with him no weapons, at least none that were plainly visible.


"Must just be a medic; late as always. If you want to save lives instead of taking them, that's one thing. But don't hold the rest of us back having to wait on your lazy ass." she thought to herself, looking away from the preoccupied colt.

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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Toothless soared through the open skies until he saw the oh so familiar town of Ponyville. Unlike most of Ponyville, it seems relatively unchanged, except for the large brick walls surrounding the town decorated with razor-sharp barbed wire.


And, like Toothless expected, Haste was there. He spotted her standing on the ground, looking upward toward him. After making a soft landing on the ground, he spoke to her.


"Haste, Dash is missing."




The two guards chuckled at Dash's poor attempt of being threatening. "Or what...?" The guard said as he leaned into the bars. Maybe a little too far however, as Dash could easily reach him through the bars....




Strong Hooves, Nightmare Moon, and three of her guards exited Dragon Mountain through a secret back entrance, walking through the Everfree Forest toward the jail where Rainbow Dash was locked up. However, unknown to the small band of ponies, there was a dragon in the shadows, carefully watching them...

And stuff.

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A door opened and Serah eagerly looked in its direction, hoping to see the familiar face of one of the squad leaders. Instead, she saw a middle-aged orange earth-pony shuffle in distractedly. A waft of fumes accompanied his entering the room, carrying a distinctly clinical and sterile scent. The image of a sprout marked his flank, and he carried with him no weapons, at least none that were plainly visible.


"Must just be a medic; late as always. If you want to save lives instead of taking them, that's one thing. But don't hold the rest of us back having to wait on your lazy ass." she thought to herself, looking away from the preoccupied colt.


As George was not wearing his Uniform he didn't expect anypony to recognize him, several of the ponies here were new around and the ones he knew were currently occupied. Either way he would just seat himself somewhere and think, crowds always had this effect on him and he appreciated it greatly. He was thinking about his next mission, his last promotion and how he will have to handle things now. Lives were under his hoof and he had to make sure they all come back in one complete piece and at the same time complete the mission, which is almost a suicide mission and besides who thought that the Solar Republic would fall for a cheap trick like that? It all sounded a bit ridiculous to him...

I love you! <3

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As George was not wearing his Uniform he didn't expect anypony to recognize him, several of the ponies here were new around and the ones he knew were currently occupied. Either way he would just seat himself somewhere and think, crowds always had this effect on him and he appreciated it greatly. He was thinking about his next mission, his last promotion and how he will have to handle things now. Lives were under his hoof and he had to make sure they all come back in one complete piece and at the same time complete the mission, which is almost a suicide mission and besides who thought that the Solar Republic would fall for a cheap trick like that? It all sounded a bit ridiculous to him...


A loud voice boomed over an overhead speaker, making Serah's eyes tear away from the medic and turn eagerly towards the new voice.


"Attention team Alphaloosa, you have permission to begin your attack. Your squad leader is George Gray; you will follow his orders exactly."


When the name 'George Gray' was spoken, the orange medic colt's eyes suddenly snapped to awareness, and he stood at attention. Serah found that a bit curious, but the overhead voice continued.


"Remember, your primary objective is to kill as many of those sunny bastards as you can, and even drive them out of Apploosa as possible. In the end though, it is nothing more than a diversionary tactic, so treat it as such. Also keep in mind the secondary objective: We believe the enemy has acquired a piece of very sensitive information during their raid, and if it can't be retrieved, it must be destroyed. You're squad leader will inform you as to what it is you are looking for, if he deems it necessary."


The orange pony nodded, causing Serah's stomach to churn. No, there was no way this was their squad leader. Not this nurse-colt who looked like he'd never seen a day of battle in his life.


"Your sergeant will now address you, and you will then head out immediately. Good luck, and may Lunas blessings be upon you." the overhead voice finally concluded.


'Sergeant' George Gray approached the troops, and Serah's enthusiasm for the mission plummeted. Was this her higher ups' way of punishing her for requesting to be on the front lines? Worse, was this now a suicide mission?

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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George stepped up, everypony around him went silent and looked at him, waiting for his speech. Once really everything was quiet he raised his voice, "You heard the pony, we will attack Appaloosa.", he stood up, "Eight squads have been made: Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Aegaeon, Anthe and Pallene. Each of those squads is made of four members and one squad leader. You will listen to him, you will follow his orders and he will protect you.", he paused and looked into the eyes of the soldiers around him, some were only halfway listening while others were scared or nervous, he then continued. "We will attack from the south, Intel tells us that the trees have been burned down so we will use that as an advantage, the half burned down trees should give us some cover while the hills surrounding it makes it more difficult to spot us." The other option would be to come from the plains but being spotted is way too easy that way and either way nopony here had to discuss the decisions made higher up. "Did everyone get that?", he then asked, only to hear an agreeing mumble. "Very well. Debriefing is over. You will immediately be told your group, go find your Squad Leader and be ready to head out."


As everyone started to stand up a door opened with a rather young pony entering. He was holding several sheets of paper, as he saw George he saluted, "Sir! These are the papers you requested, Sir!". George nodded, "Pin them up on the wall over there.", the pony obeyed and soon everypony could read which squad they were in.


Should Serah check out the squads she would see that she had been assigned to the Pan squad, right with George as Squad Leader who would also be heading out.


George was already standing in one of the corners of the room, with two other ponies who were actively talking to each other.


( Sorry for the long delay :/ Got distracted often and I needed some inspiration too! )

Edited by Neikos VI

I love you! <3

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Despite how hard he was trying, George was unable to sound even the least bit convincing in his role, at least not to Serah. The stallion's plan seemed similarly unprofessional; the trees had been burned down, and they were to use that as an advantage? Perhaps if the trees were still thick they could have provided cover, but unless the Solar Kingdom had been staring at the sun so long that they'd gone blind, they were sure to be spotted before too long. She begrudgingly gave her sergeant the benefit of the doubt, though; if the treeline were in fact the only semi-suitable way of entering the town, that would mean it was straight up suicide to enter from any other direction. Lesser of two evils, she supposed.


Sighing, she trotted up to the paper that had been tacked to the wall, reading her assignment. Quell surprise, she had been placed in the same team as the good Nurse Sergeant. Wasn't that just swell.


Sucking up her indignation, she approached her... 'squad leader'... and the rest of the ponies in Pan squad. George wasn't talking anymore, and that was just fine by her. The three other ponies in the squad talked amongst themselves, one excited, one nervous, and the third indifferent. Three little pigs; she wondered if any of the them were made of brick, or if dirt and straw was all the Lunar Republic could send into battle these days.


George tapped his hoof against the ground, perhaps impatiently, getting the attention of his squad. Wordlessly, he turned and led the team out towards the hangar where the Shadow Bolts would fly the carriage carrying all 40 troops to the outskirts of Apploosa orchards. Serah did not begrudge them their job.




The flight was over mercifully quickly, though only in comparison to the alternatives. The Lunar Republic could hardly ask its troops to march the several hundred miles from their base in the Everfree Forest to Apploosa on foot, and though bursting into town by use of the railroad appealed to Serah, her sergeant seemed to want to go about things quieter than that. Plus, it would have taken far too long any other way than by air, and the second objective might have been out of reach by the time they arrived the next next day.


And so the troops had stealthily landed at the base of a hill only a few feet from the former Apploosa apple orchard, just as the sun began to set. Serah thought that at just about this time, Nightmare Moon and her escorts would be heading out to interrogate Rainbow Dash, and the pegasi attacking Cloudsdale would be nearly ready to attack as well.


Serah stared into the orchard, hoping to spot Solarians hiding in the dead branches. If any where there though, she couldn't spot them. But an idea struck her, and she approached her squad leader who hadn't said a word during the entire trip there. He was in conversation with the Shadow Bolts, perhaps instructing them to take off and hide the carriage they'd came in, but he paused when he heard her approach.


"Sergeant Gray." she addressed him with an extremely forced salute. "If this is indeed the only direction from which we can approach the city, it is highly likely that the solarians have stationed troops out here."


When Gray did not immediately respond, she continued.


"Requesting the opportunity to present an alternate strategy. One which may return the factor of surprise to us."

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"An alternate strategy?", George chuckled, "Well go ahead if you wish I can always listen, although the current one had not been set by me so I don't think I will really be able to change it, but perhaps it can be useful." He found it quite amusing that a private would try to change the plans.

Edited by Neikos VI

I love you! <3

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"An alternate strategy?", George chuckled, "Well go ahead if you wish I can always listen, although the current one had not been set by me so I don't think I will really be able to change it, but perhaps it can be useful." He found it quite amusing that a private would try to change the plans.


Sera didn't like the tone he was taking with her. To her, he sounded both condescending and resigned to what she felt was a faulty plan.


"With all due respect towards those who assigned you this mission, I'm sure they do not expect you to carry out their plan as specified if it would be the detrimental to our efforts." she was trying to sound as respectful as possible, and had to bite back a comment about how the point of being a squad leader was to lead, and not just to follow orders. There was a good reason she tended to get on the bad side of her superiors, and though she cared little for this particular sergeant, she knew she needed to make a good impression on him if she was to get any more assignments on the front lines.


"My plan is that, instead of trying to sneak by using the cover of the dead trees, which could very easily hold an ambush party of Solarians, we head straight through the middle on the path between the trees." Serah paused before continuing, ignoring the look her superior was giving her. The next part of the plan could only work in a place like apploosa, where the weather was dry and the trees brittle.


"And while we do so, I will use the Solarian's previous tactic against them, and set fire to the dead forest as we pass through it, driving the Solarians out into the open where we can easily fight them off." she continued, fire dancing in her eyes as she imagined it. "We could shut down their ambush, cut through them while they are still patting down the flames on their hides, and enter the city like demons."

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"What?" Haste was surprised "General Dash? we have to get her"



Dash grunted at the guards, trying to ignore them




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After the breifing a Young pegasus starts wondering around the base grinning "Finally i Might be going in to the fight instead of being stuck back here" He thinks as he walks into a room full of pegasi

Edited by Twister XXV


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Sera didn't like the tone he was taking with her. To her, he sounded both condescending and resigned to what she felt was a faulty plan.


"With all due respect towards those who assigned you this mission, I'm sure they do not expect you to carry out their plan as specified if it would be the detrimental to our efforts." she was trying to sound as respectful as possible, and had to bite back a comment about how the point of being a squad leader was to lead, and not just to follow orders. There was a good reason she tended to get on the bad side of her superiors, and though she cared little for this particular sergeant, she knew she needed to make a good impression on him if she was to get any more assignments on the front lines.


"My plan is that, instead of trying to sneak by using the cover of the dead trees, which could very easily hold an ambush party of Solarians, we head straight through the middle on the path between the trees." Serah paused before continuing, ignoring the look her superior was giving her. The next part of the plan could only work in a place like apploosa, where the weather was dry and the trees brittle.


"And while we do so, I will use the Solarian's previous tactic against them, and set fire to the dead forest as we pass through it, driving the Solarians out into the open where we can easily fight them off." she continued, fire dancing in her eyes as she imagined it. "We could shut down their ambush, cut through them while they are still patting down the flames on their hides, and enter the city like demons."


George would listen and then nod, "Sounds interesting, but we don't have time to fool around right now so please keep these kind of reflections to yourself, thank you.", he also added a small smile.


As everyone was getting ready, he looked around making sure that there were no disturbances as that would be the last thing they need. "Remember, our objective is to create a diversion, we are not enough to be able to take the city by force. But that is not necessarily an inconvenient as our small number enables us to use tactics. How? I leave that up to your respective leader as it is purely situational." He then nodded, giving them the sign to start attacking.


( I would continue roleplaying but first we gotta make sure which weapons we use etc... Modern or not? )

I love you! <3

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