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Blast folded his front arms and had an cocky expression on his face. "I'll try, Your Highness. What is your little code of conduct that I have to follow while on the campus." Blast couldn't wait to hear this. He's already seen a lot of things wrong with the city itself. Imagine what kind of crap there is at the campus itself.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

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"Aha, Highness! I love it! If only all students addressed me like that" Leather smirked, but then went serious again "I'll condense these rules for you and uh..." He gestures over to a few non-earth ponies "...Other trouble makers"


"First rule, my word is the law around here. Second rule, teachers make the rules for their classroom which must be obeyed unless it contradicts the first rule. And third rule, punishment is justified and will be enforced harshly on anypony who breaks the first two rules. I hope everyone here has the common sense to not do anything stupid outside of these rules, like urinate on a wall or something foul like that"


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Blast's cocky expression quickly turned into an angry one. "Other trouble makers? Sure, whatever. Well, I would love to stay and chat, but you're cramping my style. But I have my eye on your, Boot track. I'm the hero where I'm from. If I see any sort of foul play here, I won't hesitate to step in." Blast turned to walk back to the bleachers. "Good day." He walked back to the bleachers and sat back down.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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"Weird child" Leather said to himself "Anyways students, it is good that we all got this into the air. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask any of the teachers. Don't wait too late though, lessons will start very soon!"


Leather walked off the stage, coughing along the way. The other pony teachers started to walk off.


((OOC: Anyone wanna talk to the teachers before lessons begin, feel free!))


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Aqua grabbed sunset's hoove


“Thanks, my name is aqua de lis, i know your name already, anyways watch out through we got some rasist teachers"


She then got into a crowd of pegisi (hiding her) and threw a bucket towards the teachers in a way that made it looked like one of pegisi threw it

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A bucket smacked Soarin in the head.


"Ow!" He said, rubbing his injury "That's not cool, man"


Spitefire nudged him on the shoulder "You're being picked on by the students already. Good job knucklehead"


"Nobody can see my wings, they're hidden under my coat"


"Everyone knows the Wonderbolts have wings"




"Hush, we've got a PE lesson to teach"


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"Something isn't right about Leather Boots." Blast thought to himself. "A school with a Principal shadier than when Sombra tried to cover the Crystal Empire. I have a bad feeling about this place... a really bad one." Blast got up and walked to one of the Thunderbolts. "So, you're the Thunderbolts? Interesting. My friend is very... well, fond of you guys."

Edited by Stevenearthpony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Sunset hid behind her mane more, trying to hide her now-wide eyes. 

"Y-y-you know my name? Th-they're racist? B-b-b-but-

Aqua wasn't listening and left. Now anxious, Sunset Sky inched to the corner of the room and cowered.

"She-she-she knows my name?.... h-how?... Racist? I-I-I shouldn't have come here..." she whimpered to herself, curling into a little ball. First ten minutes here and she was already close to having a panic attack.

She was going to hate it here.

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"Well, we get that a lot..." Soarin smiled "Are you much of a fan yourself?"


@@Mint Drop,


Cheerilee was just about to leave when she saw a mare hyperventilating in the corner. This caught her attention, she made sure no pony was looking and trotted over.


"Excuse me? Are you okay?" Cheerilee asked in a soft tone


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"Well, in a sense. Allow me to introduce myself." He was about to show off to the great Thunderbolts. Blast clicked his back hooves and did a little air flip. "I'm Blasted Nova, the fastest earth pony in all of Equestria. You can call me Blast, though I've been here in Equestria for about four or five years, originally coming from Earth. I love adventuring to death. I just came here because, well, sometimes I just need to get away from all of the troubles."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Sunset looked up and realized the pony that had spoken to her was a teacher. She squirmed. 

Did she mean racist against Pegasi...? and which teachers?

She decided to just not trust anypony.

"U-um... I'm o-okay," she lied through short breaths, trembling all the while.

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Pixie sat, daydreaming to herself about her future school adventures, when she noticed a pegasus pony quietly walk in. She seems a bit... nervous maybe? She wasn't too sure. But Pixie really had only talked to one pony the entire time she had been here. 'Well here goes nothing.' She whispered under her breath, brushing her mane back a bit with one hoof. This pony seemed semi-normal at least, not anything like the freakshow she had been thrown into.

"Uh, hello there! I'm Pixie Dust. I noticed you here and thought I'd say hi." She spoke, smiling to the pegasus. "Wait. Are you sure you're okay? You are trembling pretty bad."


(((Sorry if this isnt too gramatically correct, I'm on moble and it sucks. Also i cant do the mention thing, so I'll just brohoof people when I am talking to them)))

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((It's still possible to mention, it's just tedious. Also, the only errors would be inconsistent tenses, so you're good.))

Sunset shrank in her spot as yet another pony came up to her. This pony seemed like a student, though.

"U-um... I-I don't kn-know..." she whimpered. Having two mares in her face wasn't doing much to prevent the oncoming anxiety attack. She was starting to get dizzy from shortage of breath.

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((Yeah, its kinda hard for me to do that when I can't proofread it all at once. x3 sorry ))

"Uhhhhh... I think we might need the school nurse. That is, if we have one." Pixie sighed. It seemed as if she wouldnt really make a friend on campus. She would have never guessed it would be so difficult. "Well kid," She said to the pegasus. "Try to relax a bit, your goin' to give yourself a heart attack."

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Flash and The Doctor had already got up the moment they got a chance. What puzzled him was why non-earth ponies weren't popular. Maybe it was because most of the population was Earth Ponies, but that still didn't give them a reason to hate Pegasi.


They both left just as the Principal stopped speaking.


"Whooves, I don't get it, why all the hate for anypony who's not an Earth Pony?"


"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe something happened a long time back here on this island?"


They were both walking down the corridor. 


"Well, let's forget that for now and get our books."



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Aqua Ran down the long hallway followed by a lot of guards, knocking over some students and hitting whooves in the face


“merde, merde, merde, faites attention aux gardes!" (shit, shit, shit, watch out for guards!)


(I have no idea, Never mind i got some SSSSSPPPPPPPPPAAAAAACCCCCCCCEEEEEE to fart into))

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"Earth? Isn't that an island somewhere?" Soarin pondered


Spitefire nudged him "You're a terrible teacher. Anyways Blast, you seem like a decent student. Are you taking PE by any chance?"


@@Mint Drop, @@Bronyette,


Cheerilee opened a nearby window "Just take deep breaths, you're going to be alright" She looked at Pixie "Unfortunately, we don't have a nurse. She got fired a month ago for some... bad things"


@@The Awesome One,


The doctor looked at Flash "What subjects are you taking by the way? If we share any lessons, I could do with a buddy to sit next to"


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"No, not really." Blast responded. "I could use some training in physical strength, though. That's not my main focus, though. That principal of yours seems really weird. He makes me feel... uncomfortable. There's just something about him that isn't right." Blast said.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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@@Bronyette, @@GingerJoy

Sunset nodded. The other student's words were a little rude, but the way she had been bullied for years, she decided to just ignore it. Besides, the pony might not have meant to be rude.

The small Pegasus tried to slow her breathing and slowly stood up on four unstable legs. 

"S-sorry," she mumbled, before trying to walk away. Due to her trembling, her legs didn't do well to keep her up and she tripped, hitting  her muzzle on the foor as the landed.


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@@Mint Drop



"Oh dear, are you okay?" The earth pony seemed very concerned for the shy pegasus. Her older sister instinct kicked in, after all she was the oldest filly in a rather large group of foals.


"Uh, let me help you to your room, I think maybe you'll feel a bit more comfortable there." The earth pony suggested. Pixie could lift the small shaky pegasus rather easily with her strong legs, so it didn't really phase her at all."Cheerilee, maybe you can help. You seem to know a bit more first aid stuff than I do." 

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"A lot of the teaching staff are weird here" Soarin said "I guess it's just one of those things"


@@Mint Drop, @@Bronyette,


"I can try" Cheerilee replied, she followed Pixie as she carried Sunset "Now just take it easy and keep breathing. You'll get over the shock of this new college within a few days"

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Blast shook his head. "Leather Boots needs to realize that pegasai and unicorns are just as much of ponies as earth ponies are." Blast then turned and walked out of the gym. He then stopped and ran back in. "Sorry. I will make his realize... right after gym class!" Blast then runs into the gymnasium.

(Corniness is one of my many talents)

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Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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Sunset nodded. She wasn't sure what to say, not that she could if she had tried. The earth pony picking her up had shocked her into speechlessness. It was okay, though, she wasn't much of a talker at any rate. But still, they thought she was just nervous about being a new student? That may have been a factor, but she had really been spooked by the mare saying she knew who she was. They obviously didn't know that, so she just went with it and tried to follow the teacher's instruction.

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After gym class, Blast rand back to his dorm and began writing a petition. The petition was for equality among ponies of all kinds, whether they were earth ponies, pegasai, or unicorns. After he finished, he went outside looked for ponies to sign the petition.

@@Mint Drop,@@GingerJoy, @@Bronyette, @@Noble,  @@The Awesome One,@@Chubby Luna,


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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"Wow, I'm not too sure where your room is." Pixie said, carrying the pegasus down the dorm hallway. "Do you know who you room with?" She asked, flicking her ear. "I'm sure once you are alone you could calm down a bit, seeing as the crowd earlier made you pretty upset." Pixie looked and smiled to Cheerilee to make sure she didn't feel left out.


((Mobile once again, will brohoof instead of mention.))

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