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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

open Angel X Devil

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Frost fell on his rump when she screamed. He was concerned that her other side would take control and harm the others. He hit a button under the table next to him causing the door to the armory to close and latch shut. He had medical bags of blood, but he heard her. "Fresh." he mumbled as he pulled out his custom combat knife and made a small, but fairly deep incision on the side of his neck away from the jugular. "Fine you want it "fresh."? Come...and.....get it." he said closing his eyes awaiting the attack.

Synangels eyes opened wide, she smelt the blood. Her heart raced pumping adrenaline into her blood. Her wings opened and she flew straight at frost and pushed him against the wall with unbelievable strength. She then allowed her fangs to sink deep into frosts neck. The thick liquid poored down her throat. Angel blood.....


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Synangels eyes opened wide, she smelt the blood. Her heart raced pumping adrenaline into her blood. Her wings opened and she flew straight at frost and pushed him against the wall with unbelievable strength. She then allowed her fangs to sink deep into frosts neck. The thick liquid poored down her throat. Angel blood.....

Frost dropped the combat knife when Synangel rammed into him. Hitting the wall knocked the breath out of him, and when she sank her fangs into his neck he clenched his fist expecting pain. There was some, but it slowly became...pleasurable. "The blood bags....the blood bags." he mummured as he began to go in and out of conciseness from the blood loss, "When....your....done....get the....blood bags." he panted trying to stay awake.

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Frost dropped the combat knife when Synangel rammed into him. Hitting the wall knocked the breath out of him, and when she sank her fangs into his neck he clenched his fist expecting pain. There was some, but it slowly became...pleasurable. "The blood bags....the blood bags." he mummured as he began to go in and out of conciseness from the blood loss, "When....your....done....get the....blood bags." he panted trying to stay awake.

Syn's eyes popped open as her senses came back. She felt him close to loosing enough blood for the wound to be fatal. She allowed her fangs to slide out if his neck and she jumped back. She felt better. But not satisfied. She still was half in hunt mode, so she ran downstairs to grab the blood bags. And she drank....and drank...and drank.


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Syn's eyes popped open as her senses came back. She felt him close to loosing enough blood for the wound to be fatal. She allowed her fangs to slide out if his neck and she jumped back. She felt better. But not satisfied. She still was half in hunt mode, so she ran downstairs to grab the blood bags. And she drank....and drank...and drank.

Frost struggled to stand and walked over to the small staircase leading down to the medical area. "Save....me....one." he mumbled as he couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed, falling down the stairs right behind Syn. "Oowwwwww." he muttered on his incocience state.

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Frost struggled to stand and walked over to the small staircase leading down to the medical area. "Save....me....one." he mumbled as he couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed, falling down the stairs right behind Syn. "Oowwwwww." he muttered on his incocience state.

She was full. Done. Not a predator....but her kind, and gently self. She then gasped as she realized what she had done. She had to fix it. "Oh my...." She said getting up, and helping up frost "I'm so so so so sorry....p-please don't be mad at me....please." She said carrying him to the blood bags.


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Frost shook himself awake to did himself being helped to the blood bags. "Ok....set me in that chair." he motioned to the chair in the corner. "Then....get an AB+ blood bag and an IV line from the drawer below it...then.....then put it here." he said poking his wrist vein. "You got all that." he said in a woozy tone before smiling at Syn. "It's ok.....don't beat your.....yourself up about it." he stammered

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Frost shook himself awake to did himself being helped to the blood bags. "Ok....set me in that chair." he motioned to the chair in the corner. "Then....get an AB+ blood bag and an IV line from the drawer below it...then.....then put it here." he said poking his wrist vein. "You got all that." he said in a woozy tone before smiling at Syn. "It's ok.....don't beat your.....yourself up about it." he stammered

Synangel nodded her head and helped him up to the chair and sat him down. She then took a AB+ bag and hooked it up. Then she took a needle, and slowly entered it into his wrist. She then sighed and made sure the blood ran into his wrist without braking. "I....I think....angel blood m-might be my favorite...." She said smiling a little.


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Synangel nodded her head and helped him up to the chair and sat him down. She then took a AB+ bag and hooked it up. Then she took a needle, and slowly entered it into his wrist. She then sighed and made sure the blood ran into his wrist without braking. "I....I think....angel blood m-might be my favorite...." She said smiling a little.

Frost leaned his head back and let out a huge sigh of relief for the blood that he was regaining. "Haha....Angel blood huh? Never heard of a demon drinking ANGEL blood before, but I'm told we have the purest of the pure when it comes to blood." he said as he looked down at Syn and pointed. "Never....speak of this ok? Sole would have me head on a platter stuffed with my wing feathers." he said with a straight face.

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Frost leaned his head back and let out a huge sigh of relief for the blood that he was regaining. "Haha....Angel blood huh? Never heard of a demon drinking ANGEL blood before, but I'm told we have the purest of the pure when it comes to blood." he said as he looked down at Syn and pointed. "Never....speak of this ok? Sole would have me head on a platter stuffed with my wing feathers." he said with a straight face.

Synangel giggled "he won't do anything" she said shyly. She then sighed, then the question came to her, she then grew quiet for a long pause. "Um.....I forgot to tell you....I-I found out....I'm both demon...and angel" she said slowly and quietly. Trying to not let others hear her. "I....no one...knows besides me and sole..."


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Frost looked down from the ceiling. "Angel and Demon?" he asked with a questioning look. "Well isn't that something....your what the elders call a Demi. Like the myths of the Greek gods, but your real." he said still breathing heavily. "I never thought I would meet someone like you in my lifetime." he chuckled

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Frost looked down from the ceiling. "Angel and Demon?" he asked with a questioning look. "Well isn't that something....your what the elders call a Demi. Like the myths of the Greek gods, but your real." he said still breathing heavily. "I never thought I would meet someone like you in my lifetime." he chuckled

"But....I don't know what it means.......what can I do...or what am I supposed to do.." She said asking questions. She wanted all the information as possible. She needed to k ow what she exactly was, and what was her purpose. Did she have a meaning. Or was she just a rare occasion.


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Frost looked back at the ceiling getting ready to awnser a lot of questions. "When I was young, the Elders used to tell stories of people called "Demi's" like yourself. Many thought it was just a simple cross between an Angel and Demon, but it was more than that." he said in a story telling voice. "It was told that every fifty thousand years a new Demi was born. According to my Elders Demi's held a very large untapped potential, but there were different kinds of Demi's. Angel Demi's have an unatural talent in speech, they can talk there way to get what they want. They also have an unatural need for pure water. On the other hand you have Demon Demi's. Demon Demi's hold unatural strength that can only be unraveled at the proper moment. They, have unatural need for.....blood. Unlike other demons, Demi's rely on blood, With out it they could not fuel their half demon soul....the same as the Angel Demo's and the pure water." he said beginning to regain his strength. "Anything else?" he asked.

Edited by Frosty V
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Sole walked around outside the small building to get some air, before he decided to check on syn inside. As he entered and began to look around he followed their auras to the back of the building where a bunch of guns were. He walked up behind syn "what're you guys doing?" He asked calmly, but was still weary of the angel.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Frost heard the voice of Sole and winced. "Shhiiiittt." he remembered that the latch on the door only lasted thirty seconds without proper clearance. He put on a smile turning his head so that his bite wound could not be seen. "Ther was a......complication with one of the guns and I didn't want to freak anyone out, but Syn helped me down here to get some....blood." he stammered upon saying that word. "And that's that." he finished his head still turned.

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Frost heard the voice of Sole and winced. "Shhiiiittt." he remembered that the latch on the door only lasted thirty seconds without proper clearance. He put on a smile turning his head so that his bite wound could not be seen. "Ther was a......complication with one of the guns and I didn't want to freak anyone out, but Syn helped me down here to get some....blood." he stammered upon saying that word. "And that's that." he finished his head still turned.

Syncs gel was startled by soles random appearance "EEEK" she jumpec up and threw her hands to her mouth hiding the blood stains that was all over her slips. 'If sole finds out I'm.....I-I'm screwed..." She mumbled to herself. Her wings tenced up as well to as she stood there.


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Sole was a confused by their strange behavior... And a bit suspicious. "Well, you guys seem really no guilty." He said sarcastically, before a scent that didn't belong here caught his attention "and... Why do I smell blood? Are one of you hurt or something?" He asked, looking at syn in worry. "Alright, what's going on?" He demanded.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Ivy stood up and then thought of something. She then flew into the main room and glanced at Frost. "I just realized something. Tempest might be being controlled." She said. The angel didn't want to see her friend die, and was just grasping for proverbial straws at this point.

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Sole was a confused by their strange behavior... And a bit suspicious. "Well, you guys seem really no guilty." He said sarcastically, before a scent that didn't belong here caught his attention "and... Why do I smell blood? Are one of you hurt or something?" He asked, looking at syn in worry. "Alright, what's going on?" He demanded.

"I-I....I turned into...a hunter.....and fed on frost....he cut his throat....and I lost it...then fed on blood packets here.....now where trying to regain his strength...." She said letting her hands fall and blood was all over her lips. She then licked her lips of the blood. It tasted good to her,...very good.


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Sole was silent for a while, glaring at frost, before sighing. "And I thought I was your favorite snack syn..." He said jokingly, but still looked ticked. "If I see you go near her again... You'll get more then a cut on your neck." He threatened frost, before turning and walking out. He was pissed, and needed to calm down, so he went outside and took off into flight.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Sole was silent for a while, glaring at frost, before sighing. "And I thought I was your favorite snack syn..." He said jokingly, but still looked ticked. "If I see you go near her again... You'll get more then a cut on your neck." He threatened frost, before turning and walking out. He was pissed, and needed to calm down, so he went outside and took off into flight.

Synangel said something before he left. "N-no.....I'll can protect myself...." She said as he walked out. Even though sole was protective of her, she felt like it was to much. She did like the protection but if that ment to not be with a friend or something more. Why be there. She sighed quietly.


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Frost rubbed his neck and felt the dry blood. He watched Sole threaten him and leave, he smirked. "Right whaateevveere you say....dumbass." he laughed pulling out a chrome revolver and looked at his reflection before turning to Ivy. "I want you to be sure he is being possessed, if he is we've got this." he said holding up the revolver. "The rounds in this baby are designed for possessed souls. It targets the demon possesor, and eliminates it." he said putting it down before pulling out his black Desert Eagle. "If he isn't possesed, well.....this'll take care of it." he said with a smile, almost an insane smile.

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Sole flew around quietly, still angry about catching syn drinking frost's blood. He didn't know why, but he felt betrayed. He liked letting her drink his blood, and seeing others do it made him so... Jealous. He was pretty sure syn didn't like frost that way... But it didn't help make him any less angry. "Fuck..." He mumbled.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Synangel smelt more blood. Each packet....she could smell each of types if blood. "I-I.....can I need to get out of here...the blood is driving me insane...." She said looking down at the ground trying to avoid looking up at the blood, or look up at frost as she felt ashamed.


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Ivy nodded and sighed. "I hope he is simply possessed." She said. "He's my friend, and partner. I don't want to lose him." The angel then sighed. "Do you have any idea where he might be?"


Tempest woke up to the screams of tortured souls. He then felt a rush of power and grinned darkly. "The pain and suffering of these pathetic creatures is most delicious." He thought.

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Sole landed back outside the small shed of a safe house, but he didn't go inside. He still felt bitter, and pissed at frost. But for some reason he couldn't get angry at syn. He wanted to be... but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find it in him to hate her, or even be angry with her. "Damn human emotions... I'll be a fucking angel if I keep this up..." He mumbled, as he landed lightly on the roof and laid down to look up at the sky.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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