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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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Windy Runner


Windy blinked several times in mute confusion at Bubble's question and intense stare. "Psychic? What...? No! No I'm not psychic Bubble! Where did you get that idea?" he asked in confusion. Yawning heavily once again, he groaned and curled up on the bed again. "Besides, we should probably be getting some sleep. We can discuss how not psychic I am at a more decent hour. Like maybe noon." he said, having completely forgotten about sleeping on the couch.  

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Bubble Burst!


"Uh huh." Yawned the mare - settling down and curling up where she was at the foot of the bed: it made no difference to her - there was plenty of space. Kind of.

"Wow, yeah it is late: its been a while since I was up this late... like four days at least." She mumbled into her mane. "Huh... I should sleep more."

Never quite forgotten.

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Windy Runner


"hmmm... She's not laying down near me. That isn't fun. I should suggest it nice and subtle like..."


Talking through a yawn, Windy mumbled with only one eye lazily opened, "You know, I don't bite. You don't need to sleep so far away from me. No funny business, I promise."

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Bubble Burst!


Perking up her ears, Bubble flushed slightly (not that it was particularly noticeable with the pink mane cascading past her face) and squeaked something word-like as she pulled herself further up the bed with a smile.
"Heh... Okay." She said before stretching out alongside the stallion. "Uhm, goodnight?" She added with a sleepy grin.

Never quite forgotten.

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Windy Runner


"Well... that went well. She seems to be onboard with sleeping near me. So she trusts me. That's good. I won't betray that trust. There's no need for funny business... Tonight at least!"


Scooting a little closer in to Bubble, Windy groggily pulled a sheet up and wrapped a wing lightly around her body, pulling her in a little tighter. The shared body heat almost immediately made his eyelids heavy as lead. As his eyes shut, he mumbled, "Good night Bubble. Sweet dreams." before passing out, completely spent from the long, eventful day. 

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Bubble Burst!


"Goo... goodn...." Bubble yawned, curling up sleepily against the stallion and smiling to herself. "... Goognight Windy." She mumbled. 


Finally settling down for the night (or more accurately, the morning), she drifted off into a deep sleep after what had been an exciting first day.


And..... Its morning!

Never quite forgotten.

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Windy Runner


"Ugh..... Its too early to be waking up. I gotta get those curtains adjusted so the stupid sun isn't searing my eyes at 8 in the morning. What's the point of having no classes before 11 if I am getting woken up by the sun headshotting me from 90 freaking million miles away?? On the other hand, that was probably the best sleep I've had in ages..."


Yawning and opening an eye, Windy spied a pink mare using his chest as a pillow. Immediately his mind kicked into damage control mode to remember who she was, if she was in a relationship with somepony, and if so, how much stronger said pony was than him. However, he remembered soon that it was just Bubble, and nothing had happened the night before. Cracking open his other eye, Windy yawned again quietly and relaxed. "So what if I'm awake? Bubble is still asleep, and I can't think of a more comfortable place in Equestria than right here. I'll let her use me as a pillow until she wakes up. No need to rush her out of here too soon. I mean, from what I've seen so far, she's way more manageable than Minty ever was. I'll want to keep her around..."

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(( OOC: I forgot what was even HAPPENING here! Thanks for the timeskip! :D ))




"What happened last night? It all happened so fast, it must've been a dream.. well, I doubt Redwave is actually here. Thank goodness if he was! I'll knock on his door later if he is." Minty got up groggily and trotted into the shower. Afterwards, she trotted out of the door and knocked on Red's--maybe, door.


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Bubble Burst!




Bubble eventually stirred: stretching out with a slight groan of awakening before opening her eyes: she lay still for a moment while her sight adjusted to the brightness of the sunlight.


Twisting to look up at the pony she was using as a pillow, she smiled happily.


"Hey!" She said sleepily: her energy not yet coming back to her fully. "Good morning!"


It was probably morning anyway: Windy had wanted to sleep until afternoon but she had never planned on doing that: she didn't usually sleep much - it was a wonder she wasn't up and about already, she had awake for a minute at least!








"What in the blazes is this?" Red muttered under his breath. "Dry land for but a single night and already I have an unwanted wake up call..."


Swinging the door open and seeing the Mint mare outside soon changes his tone.


"Aha!" He declared. "Miss Wintergreen! My apologies for the delay: I am not accustomed to visitors in the morning - at least not ones with the decency to knock... did you rest well?"

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"I woke you up? I'm really sorry; I didn't know! I did sleep well, actually.. thank you. Are you sure you're okay with me waking you up?" Minty asked cautiously. Of course, she hadn't thought this through; she just wanted to check if Red was actually there, and sure enough, he was. So everything yesterday wasn't a dream.. "Well, then, this is the best dream I've ever had!" 


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"Think nothing of it, better to be wakeful and in you're presence than dwelling in a world of dreams." The stallion said with a slight smile, taking position leaning against the frame of the door.


"Ahem, that is... Not a problem at all." He smirked.


Sleeping had been... tedious at best. It had been for a while and wasn't only because of the cheap bed and drunken shouts. Not that those had helped.


"How are you feeling this morning?"

Never quite forgotten.

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"mm...mno moommy. I dun, I wanna hug the dinosaur." Blaze protested to his mom, trotting forward to hug Barney, untill something odd happened. Instead, his hoof went an ice cold...

...Because that was when Blaze woke up.

Yelping loudly, Blaze fell back from where he was. Where was he? Oh yes. Sleeping with his face stuck in the fridge. Why hadn't Minty helped him? He got up, or at least tried to without being crushed by a fridge, and crawled his way over to his chair. It was then did his weak immune systen bust, and he suddenly felt sick. So he dashed for the bathroom. Fortunatley, Changelings had reinforced livers, so he wouldn't be there all day. Unfortunatley, he was only half changeling. Oh well. At least the amazing and super beautiful darklord260 didn't freeze his face in that fridge.

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Thanks.." Minty smiled. She's missed that tone of his: Windy never did that to her. She felt a lot better than she had yesterday when she had to break up with him, especially since a friend was here to cheer her up. "Pretty good; I'm getting over a certain incident that happened recently.." Minty said.




(( OOC: There you are! :D Is Blaze going to be in a relationship with someone for this? ))

Edited by Shaymin


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"GAHH!!!" "Kablam" went the beaker, professor luck stood eagerly in front of a now black beaker, his broken horn (and the whole lab) smoking from the blast. "alright... one more time before class... I have tried this spell so many times. I just need it once." his horn began to glow bright red, and sparks shot from it's cracks, suddenly it happened, his coffee began to steam, the dark brown liquid bubbling slightly. "Yes! it's working! it's work- BLEEEEHHHH  CHOOO!!!!" Professor luck sneezed, his coffee warmer than it was, but too cold to enjoy. the tears welling in his eyes made it hard to see the damage, which was probably for the best,

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Redwave pushed his back against the frame of the door to swing upright again.


"I believe you may have mentioned last night: unless this is a second incident that causes you issue?" He said: concern almost - but not quite - winning out over his usual jaunty tone. He seen Minty deal with much more than the usual pony could - mentally and physically... it was one of the things which caused her to fascinate him so much.


"Perhaps we could discuss further, if you desire? If I may be of assistance in any way... I am at your service as always."

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Windy Runner


"Well, as much as I want to just lay in bed like this all day, I have a Political Economy class in about an hour in the quad. I can whip up some food first if you want." Windy said, easing out from under Bubble gently and sliding off the bed into a stretch. "And I'm sure you're probably want to be heading out to keep spreading that infectious happiness of yours to other ponies around campus sooner rather than later, right?" he added. 

Edited by Windy Runner
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"It's okay. I'm still surprised that we ended up in the same college, though.. it's like a miracle..! It's as if fate wanted us to be put together again or.. I rambled off again, didn't I?" Minty asked, chuckling. "I hope that you can stay for a while, though. If you had to leave, I'd probably be miserable again since.. well, I already explained what happened." 


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Bubble Burst!




"Oh! Really? That would be lovely!" Chirped the mare as she hopped out of bed: energy flooding back into her system at an alarming rate. "I'd love that, thank you!"


Shaking her mane to return it (mostly) to its previous state, she started to inspect the room in a little more detail than the night before.


"And I guess I should go and find Storm after we abandoned her last night..." She said without breaking her smile.








"Allow you to remain unhappy? I could not abide the thought!" Chuckled Redwave. "I am certain that I can find the time to remain a while, considering your presence and the distinct lack of sharp objects with which to be injured."

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Eddie had arrived to the university, he landed on the ground and folded his winds as he stood there looking at the university building "so...this...this is where ponies go to get higher education, i wonder for what exactly....aah no matter, im here to improvise anyway" Eddie had nothing but a saddle-bag with a text book and a pen inside it, and it wasnt for educational purposes.

He walked throught the main doors of the university, already lost, he sits down on the chair next to some room "maybe i should of asked that dumb mare when i was enlisting in this university where to go when i get here"

Edited by Eddie
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Windy Runner


"Aw, I'm sure she's perfectly fine. Last I saw, she was near Chase Trails. He's a good stallion; he looked after her I'm guessing. She's probably back at your room by now." Windy said absentmindedly, pulling a carton of eggs out of a small refrigerator. "Do you want just eggs, or an omelette?"  he asked, while pouring out two cups of every college student's staple: coffee. "And I don't suppose a mare of your... demeanor needs any help waking up?" he added.  

Edited by Windy Runner
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Bubble Burst!




"Oh! Whatever's easiest: I don't mind!" Beamed the mare as she leaned around Windy curiously: watching everything he did and generally getting in the way as she mentally recorded everything she saw in her usual state of rampant interest.


"It's really nice of you to do all this for me!" She said, finally helping herself to some coffee and sitting down - managing to avoid spilling any despite her bouncing in place slightly.

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"See, that's the talk that makes me want to get back together with you.. Hey, why did we break up, anyway?" Minty asked, blushing. It was mostly her fault they broke up: fussing over insulting the group.. she did regret the decision but soon forgot about it entering the University.


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Windy Runner


"Well, I can practically make scrambled eggs blindfolded, so I guess I'll just whip up some of those." Windy said, getting to work and rapidly slamming out a big bowl of scrambled eggs. Grabbing two bananas and some milk, he brought all the stuff over to the table and set it down in front of Bubble, along with two plates and forks. Sitting down across from her at the tiny table, he smiled. "Well, let's dig in! And tell me how it is, please!" 

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"Well, I always did..." Redwave began without fully hearing what Minty had said. It wasn't until after he had started that it sunk in. "... wait, what?"


He had made his decision to come to this place pretty much solely on the fact that Minty was there but... well, he hadn't been expecting her to want to speak with him at all - let alone admit freely that she...


He shook himself back to the world of the living: realizing that he had been standing blankly for a number of moments.


"Ahem! What I intended to say was... are you busy today? Do you have... class?" He asked in a somewhat flustered tone.




Bubble Burst!




Bubble started eating eagerly - thoroughly enjoying the simple meal as she quickly made a large dent in the eggs. "They're..." She munched. "...really good!"


Since talking and eating at the same time wasn't a specialty of hers, she fell silent for a short while until she was left nursing the hot cup of coffee.


"So I guess you're going to class soon?" She said with a content smile. "Will I see you later?"

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Windy Runner


"Yeah, sure! I mean, if you want to hang out later, I'd love to!" Windy said, standing up from the table and trotting over to open the door. "I hate to send you out so soon, but I have to get ready for my class, you know, take a shower and all that. I doubt you'd want to stick around for that.he said, a faint red tinging his face.   

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