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private Flake: A Tundra Frontier


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When the mysterious stallion appeared, Nova looked at him and make an awkward kind of face. She wiped her tears and tried making the straightest face possible, also twitching her eye. She stood up straight and tall and decided to start a talking. "Hey, who are you? You come here often, well I don't! Do like beans?! Please tell me yes or no!!!" The second Nova thought of hostility, she screamed "Oh my Celestia, stranger danger!!!!" She started hypercentilating and looking all over the room.

THE   dead_space_no_3_signature_by_fricky93-d3  MARKER

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@@Th3 Chaos Theory,


Redstorm's mouth fell open, as the mare freaked out. A few seconds later, he closed it again and began to talk.

"Right... no offence, but are you insane? Try writing, it helps a lot."

The cold became unbearable, so Red decided to close the door. Not hearing anything from the other ponies, he decided to speak up again.

"So... um... you guys don't mind if I camp out here for a while?" He finally asked, observing the room.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Pluse smile was now sad as she laughed softly. "If I don't think highly of myself, then who the hell will?" With that, she turned her back to him and shut her eyes, falling silent as she feigned sleep.

After a while, she stealthily rose and checked that her grouchy ally wasn't looking, then slipped into a small kitchen area at the back of the bar. A knifeblock full of grubby knives sat on the windowsill, and her breath was taken by the beauty of the swirling winds. The blade she had pressed to her arm was forgotten, only a little blood leaking out, but she made no movements to continue with her grim mission as tears welled in her eyes at the sight.


Edit: (OoC: Haha, sorry, I basically made Pluse act like Raindancer in a lot of regards. I miss RP'ing her. XD So her personality may be more brash in person and more angsty alone than it normally is. XD Pluse is a lot angrier in most RP's.)

Edited by PDS.avi


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@, Gloom was sitting at the other side of the bar, looking out the crack in the window while still smoking , when his ear twitches from the sound of Pluse snooping around the kitchen. Gloom lets out an annoyed grunt, he then put is cigarette out on his hoof and slowly stats walking towards the kitchen while trying to be as quiet as possible. When he reached the doorway he finds Pluse looking out the window crying while cutting herself. Gloom slowly walks up behind her. "What are you doing?" He asks in a even tone.

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Pluse glanced behind her and smiled wanly and quickly wiped her tears, wondering why she was even crying in the first place. Beauty really didn't normally get to her. "What's it look like, Glooms? Dunno if we have enough food, so I thought I might as well amputate. Hope you don't mind a bit of fur, I'm not sure I could skin my own leg." She pressed a little harder and shrugged, then offered him the knife. "You wanna give it a go? Bit slippery, sorry for the blood, but I'm sure you don't mind."

Pluse cursed herself - stupid enough to think that she could get away with it in such a small area. Her japes were weak, and she couldn't really hide it, but it was worth a try.

Edited by PDS.avi


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@, Gloom snatched the knife from her and threw it at the wall making it stick into it. Then out of nowhere he punched her right in the face. "And what gave you the BUCKING idea that I would even want to eat anything that came from you?! Are you retarded or something?!" He stars at her, eyes filled with anger and something else. It looks like, worry? He then grabbed her...claw, hoof, thing. And pulls her into the main room. "Come on, I need to patch you up. Wounds get infected easily in cold weather."

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"Well, I could've eaten it, had some autocannibalism fun," muttered Pluse, holding her nose to make sure it wasn't bleeding. "Dammit, man, you have hooves. That actually hurt. Can you warn me next time you're gonna do that?"

Pulling her arm away, she clutched at it. "But if I'm dropping that pretense, I've been through this enough times that I think I know what I'm doing, thanks. Minor cuts heal quickly. See?" She proffered her arm and the cut began to slowly shut, but it seemed to take something out of her and her eyes dimmed slightly. "The joys of being a test tube baby," she said sarcastically. "I need to wash this stuff off before it dries, if you'll excuse me." She tried to nudge him aside to get past and winked weakly. "Thanks anyways. Sweet of you to punch me. About time someone did."


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@, Gloom give annoyed sigh. (Damn she's good at annoying him) "I'll gladly pinch you anytime you do something completely bucking stupid. And I don't care if you are a test tube spawn, don't EVER do anything like that again." He picked up the bottle of whiskey and chugged down the rest off it and tossed the bottle in the corner. 

Edited by Gloomfury
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(OoC: Playing "those" kinds of characters is my specialty. If it were Cora or the actual Rain you probably would've killed  them by now. XD)

Pluse ignored him as she removed the remainder of her clothing, checking her eyes in a grubby mirror as she splashed water on her leg. They were red-rimmed,  the positive-negative signs shrunk to a tiny size. She swore at her reflection and angrily turned away, drying herself off and tugging her clothes back on. She was cold again and the healing had taken up a lot of her energy, so she sat back down by the fire and sipped some of the hot water she had used to clean herself up, refusing to look at her companion as she hummed.


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Hearth stepped towards a small building. As sunset drew near, he knew that things were gonna get unbearably cold. He heard some voices from the inside. He knew that he could never be too careful. He pulled his rifle, and kicked in the door. He pointed the barrel at Gloom and Pluse. "Friend or enemy?' He asked simply.

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@@Th3 Chaos Theory,


Redstorm's mouth fell open, as the mare freaked out. A few seconds later, he closed it again and began to talk.

"Right... no offence, but are you insane? Try writing, it helps a lot."

The cold became unbearable, so Red decided to close the door. Not hearing anything from the other ponies, he decided to speak up again.

"So... um... you guys don't mind if I camp out here for a while?" He finally asked, observing the room.

Nova's face expression turned as she used to be a freaked out mare, into a mare that is not amused. She made a frown that stretched through her face. She approached the stallion and tapped his shoulder. "Just so you know if you want to stay with this so called group, keep in mind I'm not insane. If I do happen to be one, then it'd be best to have the courage to stay away from me."

THE   dead_space_no_3_signature_by_fricky93-d3  MARKER

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@, Gloom went back to sitting where he was before the test tube spawn started acting crazy. He takes out his pack of cigarettes and light up another one. He took a long drag from it and blew the  smoke in the air above his head. He knew he didn't have a good reason  to punch her, But foe some reason he didn't want to see her hurt...or cry. "Look...I'm sorry I punched you. I didn't have the right to. "He says with sincerity, still not looking away from the window. "How's your leg doing?" He asks with a little worry.

Edited by Gloomfury
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The new stallion that had walked in and began conversating with Nova startled him. "Celestia! Don't walk in like that I could have blown a hole in your chest." he said in a startled tone lowering his blunderbuss and propping it back up against the wall.

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Golden Age, after having recovered from the heart attack that had followed the outburst of the newcomer, decided to fix his bed spread, or what could be considered it. He unpacked his knapsack and placed a gumblanket down on the ground. He then unfolded his wool blanket and placed it on the tarp in a sloppy fashion. He took off his greatcoat and put it near the edge to use as a pillow. "Home sweet home" he said with a smile. "Equestrian Army teaches ye how to survive"

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Yet another pony she heard walk into the crammed shed. Annoyed, the young mare sat up and pulled the coat cover over her head, pushing her wings under her jacket before stomping over to the door and shoving it open powerfully with her hoof. Without a word the mare escaped out into the icy coldness and slammed the wooden door behind her, trudging through the thick snow wondering why she did it. Soon after walking for awhile, she regretted this and tried looking to see if she could see the hut, but it was almost invisible to see. Rosey pushed forward, on and on with her hooves becoming red and numb. Finally, she patted a wall. A brick wall as she guessed. A door was nearby, and she pounded on it with her legs before it opened immediately. Instead of running in, the mare fell forward onto her stomach with a loud groan, but managed to twist around and shut the doors with the little power she had left. Rosey weakly lifted up off her stomach as the room went pitch black. She felt around to see if there was a wall of some sort, but none was to be found. It was a lot warmer in here then in the shed since it was bigger and seemed to have thicker walls, but where was she?

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Frost looked up when Rosey slammed the door. "Great it's about to be nightfall, shell freeze to death." he thought flipping up his hood and putting on his googles before walking outside. He shut the door behind him and turned around. Rosey was nowhere in sight. "Rosey." he said loudly. "ROSEY!" he yelled before running a few feet from the shed. "Nononononon. For all I know she could have no food and no source off heat. "ROSEY!" he yelled one last time.

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"What's up wi-" She made a quick vomit inside her mouth and swallowed it back in disgust. "Excuse me, so what's happening here since I left?" Nova said in a curious and a somewhat 'what the hell is going on' tone. Something caught her attention as she looked back to see a shiny bayonet hidden under fallen debris.

THE   dead_space_no_3_signature_by_fricky93-d3  MARKER

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Pluae glanced back at him, eyebrows raised, waiting for the following insult and trying to hear the sarcasm in his voice. Getting neither she prepared a nasty response herself, then thought better of it. If he was going to be polite, there was no point in antagonizing him further. There was no point in her games now; she might as well stop.

"Don't apologize," she said with a bitter chuckle. "It's high time that someone gave me a dosage of my own medicine. I deserved that, very much so," She patted her leg. "As for this, it's taken much worse. The good thing about thick fur is that it hides well." She paused. "I suppose I should formally apologize myself. My attitude was...less than proper, and there wasn't much excuse for it." She smiled. "Look at me, getting all sentimental and weepy. Looks like you've managed to make a kid outta me, Glooms. If you don't mind my calling that." She shrugged. "Not that I'd stop anyways, I'm sorry to tell, you've got a bit of a mouthful."


Already she had put her walls back up, hiding behind barbs disguised as sugared words. If he found out what she truly was, what she had done, it was game over. Kindness and apologies mean nothing, she reminded herself, but this was the first semi-non-violent contact she'd had in years, and was it so wrong to want to savour it?

But you can't, her brain insisted, yet for the first time in years Pluse tried to let her heart win the battle.


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@, To his surprise, Gloom didn't receive a very smart-assish response. It sounded rather polite."Still. It wasn't really called for. And it's alright. no big deal." He takes another drag from the cigarette and blows the smoke out through his nose this time. "And we all do stupid things sometimes, so don't worry about it, Pluse.  And I'd rather you called me that then gramps, I'm only 29. So that name don't really fit me." He looks toward her and gives a half smile.

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"Not much older than I, curses," muttered Pluse, shaking her head. "All that time I was half-insulting myself." She went back into her lying position, flipping onto her backside and gazing at the ceiling. Her eyes roved over the cracks and knots, their sharp gaze calculating and careful.

"We need to clean off the roof at some point, or move on soon," she said suddenly. "The snow is falling so hard that the roof may eventually collapse in on us; the wood is pretty rotten." She shut her eyes, remembering a snowfall years ago, and winced at the memory. She shoved it out of her mind and focused instead on survival. There was no time to hate herself right now, not when she had an extra set of hooves helping her. She disliked ponies, usually, but this one was clearly different; must have been the griffin upbringing. Pluse liked griffins; swift and brutal, they made good fighters and companions once you got to know them. She fell silent again, thinking.


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@, Gloom leans his head back and takes a look at the ceiling. It dose look rather rotten, and there is a lot of water damaged. "Aye, you're right. We shouldn't stay here to long. we should get some rest first,  it's almost nightfall. We'll head out in the morning and try and find someplace more durable." He finishes his cigarette and puts it out on his hoof. He then got up and made his way towards her. "And sens that is my only blanket, we're gonna have to shear. Do you mind?"

Edited by Gloomfury
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Pluse nodded and stretched luxouriously. "Yes, it's much too dark...I'm sure there are other survivours around here, there's lots of buildings. Where there's ponies, there's food. Not sure how much we have collected; I only have a handful of personal effects." She began to unfurl herself from the blanket. "Probably best that we share, anyways. Body heat and all." She curled her body up so that her thicker fur could provide extra heat to her companion, and smiled, offering him the other half of the blanket.


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@,  "I'm sure there are, I'm also sure we might run into some ponies who might not want to shear their food. And there might be some out there who might try to kill us. Don't get me wrong, you ain't bad to look at. But there are some who'll think you're a monster or something. That goes for me too." He then lied down next to her, pulling the blanket closer.

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"You know, ponies kind of are food to me," said Pluse offhandedly as she snuggled a bit closer so the blanket could cover her side more, "so I don't have a problem with the ones that want to kill me so long as I nab them first. As for you, I don't know what your diet is. I'm sure you still eat plants, but I can't. May be a bit of a problem, but I think you'll be okay. Your fangs aren't too bad." Edited by PDS.avi


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@,  Gloom wasn't really phased buy the hole, eating ponies thing. He kinda called that when she attacked him. "If anyone tries to attack us, I don't care if you kill or eat them. The bastards would have it coming. And yeah, I'm an  omnivore, so I eat meat and plants. It's a pity that you can't. But I guess you can have the rest of my meat that I still have in my bags. It ain't much but I think it'll do for now." He moves closer to her, to get more of her body heat."Wow, you're soft."

Edited by Gloomfury
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