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open The new threat

Rainbow lightning

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new mane 6:

1.Rainbow lightning ( protection)



4.Sunset sky (perseverance)

5.Marina Emerald (kindness)

6.frost (bravery)

Elements of chaos:


2.demon blood(pain and suffering)

3.riordan-r4002 (hate)

4.Mindhex (manipulation)

5.Broken cloud ( malice )

6.Regal(fear and horror)

Discords niece: rascal61


If you are one of the above then jump in whenever. to start of. no first person needed



It was a beautiful day in equestria Celestia's sun shone bright on everything in this magical land. I'm Rainbow lightning and I was on my way home from my first day of the new school year when I saw a dark figure in an ally not too far away. Of course my curiosity got the better of me so I investigated. Right as I got in front of the ally the pony ran away. I wanted to give chase but it was almost time to be home and I didn't want to get in trouble for being out so late. I flew home to my lovely house in cloudsdale were my parents live also were my school is located. My parents wanted to move to ponyville and I was all for it but we needed more bits. we weren't exactly the kind of people who just have it all.

Edited by Rainbow lightning



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"ugh anohter sunny day ponies are to happy right now its high time i change that" i took flight in serch of some victems "here two fillies playing with a jump rope now what can i do here" my horn lights up with a black aura as i bring the jumprope tolife and make it attack the filles "haha i love seeing others in pain it just makes my day" the jumprope was whipping the fillies as they ran and screamed "nothing like the screams of filles to lift my mood.. now lets see if i can find somepony else to play with..." i flew till i made it to the town square where i saw one of hte happist ponies that live in equstria" theres a pony that could use some a bad day i used my magic to see into her mind and made her worstr fears apper around her "now she looks insane and isnt oh so happy hahaha*his laughter as you can guess is very evil* "that looks like enough for now i guess its time i head home i dont want the royal guard to find me ,that would not be fun at all

(( i hope im doing the fist person style right becaus ethis is the first time iv had to do it like this))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Heh ponies still sane and happy...I wonder if a few dont mind going a bit crazy" I said as I started to cast a spell and aim it straight at a tan colored pony causing him scream like a mad man for no reason and attack other ponies. "Thats better...and now its boring" I said as I droped down from a tree and walked into town with a hood on. "Time to make some fun" I said as I went to different ponies casting the same spell and let them be as they started to kill other ponies. "Sanity is so boring...Insanity is so much more fun..hmm I wonder if I can infect the air...nah to boring" I said as I bumped into a yellow pegasus(not fluttershy) and placed the spell on the pony causing him to change the weather for no apparent reason what so ever. "No matter what they think they cant blame me" I said as I laughed a normal laugh. "Well I guess I should be off to Canterlot to cause some more insanity" I said as I hummed a song as I headed to the train station. As I got to the train station I summoned illusino around the train conductor causing him to make the train go full speed.


(I hate talking in first person also Dashian500 I AM INSANITY >=[ )

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Dark walked among the the nobles in Canterlot. He had kept the facade that he was still who he was. He had a spell that made him look normal.

He was invited to attend thee gathering since of his noble background. He watched the ponies as they dance and partied in the light of the candles and such. 

-They all don't see what lies ahead of them- He thought to him self. -They only wish to see what they want and not what is really there-

They smiled at small things. laugh at annoying jokes, but Dark kept his cool and joined in their laughter. It wasn't until a young mare walked up to him and asked him to dance. He smiled, most of the other ponies avoided him because the others felt uneasy around him, but this one was smiling and unfazed by his aura. He smiled and danced with her. Nearing the end of the party he took her out to the garden where no pony could see them. He looked into her eyes and his eyes faded from royal purple to the harsh red, almost black, eyes. She tried to move, but found she couldn't

"Do not fear me. I am fear it-self and you take the first step to embrace fear." He said in a slow, but regal tone. "I am the horror most refuse to see. Allow me to open your sights and see the darkness of the void" Her eyes turned from the light blue to a deep dark blue. She could now see the horrors that he could see.

"I have cursed you with sight unlimited. Follow me, for the world you once knew is no longer true" She nodded and followed him without protest. How could she? She was open to fear and open the fear the Dark controls.


-I wonder what my fellow allies are doing?- He though to himself as he made his way back to his house.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Rainbow lightning and his parents had finally made enough money to move to ponyville and were on their way. Once there they bought a nice house near the river on the outskirts of town. however there seemed to be something wrong. Rainbow lightning's curiosity once again got the better of him as he raced to the beginning of the red stained river. When he got there he found a horrific sight. Many ponies about eight or nine stacked on top of each other covered in blood. When he saw this he want straight to the ponyville police but they were all dead too. all but one that is he was laying on his back on the brink of death. He informed me what had happened. Someone whom he couldn't make out  attacked ponyville just before they arrived and almost the whole population was dead. Rainbow lightning decided Who ever did this must be stopped. He went home informed his parent and left for cloudsdale. There was something there that may be able to help him. On his way however he encountered a man whom for some reason was on a killing spree as if he was unconscious. ready for a fight Rainbow lightning Took his stance. However this pony just stood there like an insane freak of nature.



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I watched as filled screamed and seen several ponies just start killing others "well then look lik I can't have any more fun here" I said as I took flight and flew to canterlot "now this is more like it, now who should I pick ah I see" I siad as I spotted a peggises my horn began to glow as he was lifted into the air I used a spell and began to rip his wings off body his body as slowly and painfully I as I could "I low to hear screams of agony" But befor I was even half way done he passed out" well that won't do" I said as I finished ripping his wings of and laying them by his head " I can make his suffering last longer" I cast a spell that closed his wounds "now he will have to live with no wings*evil laughter*" I flew till I seen a a pony noble being followed "this will be great now what should I do to them ah I know" I said as I flew above them I summoned demonds to attack them " no all thats left to do is sit back and enjoy the show I hope these two last longer than the others I did this to"

((snowystrom it's dark that I just attacked denonblood hasn't relized who it is yet))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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I jumped out of the train as it passed by Canterlot and continued onward. "Now what to do" I said as I saw a pegasus on the ground with his wings ripped off. "Here a present" I said as I placed a spell that will make him have to relive what he went through in his dreams and when he wakes he will always feel pain . "Now im getting bored at the moment" I said as I walked by ponies inflicting insanity when I pass by them. "Being the element of Insanity is fun...but how am I going to make each thing different so far I only done the same spell over and over I need variety" I said as my horn glowed and made the pony who I just passed see dead ponies and animals then making him insane. And its so easy being evil. You see the devil tip his hat to me. I do it all because im evil and I do it all for free. Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need" I sang as I watched ponies cry and sob. I made my way to Canterlot castle and was stopped by some guards. "Halt nopony is permitted in the castle without any val" I stopped the talking guard and the other guard with a spell making them turn on each other. Making them think that they are attacking a enemy. I went into the castle and looked at the design. "A bit to bring and normal" I hissed

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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As I stepped off the train to canterlot I headed straight for the castle. Princess Celestia must know about these happenings in ponyville. I have already had to kill one pony for killing almost everyone in the town square and I don't want to have to kill anymore. When I got to the castle I was shocked to see all the guards fighting each other. When I asked what happened they just kept fighting so I flew into the castle to be stopped by a demon filled castle. For some unknown reason they ignored me as if not even there. As I walked through the horde they just stood there as I made my way to the throne room. When I got to the throne room however there was no one there. I walked around and waited a bit but still no one came. Right as I started to leave I saw a shadow and sat back down. The closer the shadow got the more I noticed that was not princess celestia. When I was positive I ran for cover eventually hiding in a cabinet I found at the back of the room Who ever this new pony was he must be responsible for this. 



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I walked through the castle a bit longer then turned and looked around after hearing a door. "Hm...just hearing things thats all" I said as I  walked past a cabinet and headed to the throne room. "I wonder if the princesses are here today I want to see what they would try to do to me when I tell them that they lost" I said to myself as I passed a few demons that had killed a few guards. When I made it to the throne room I didnt see the princesses. "Well...they are gone...they must have retreated..." I said as I sat in one of the thrones. "Sombra never could do this...he was just a foolish tyrant that never took initiative and tried to invade Canterlot...all I had to do was walk and inflict insanity and im just one person" I said as I laughed a bit before I looked at the demons and sighed. "You guys dont talk much do you" I asked knowing I wont get an answer from them. I got up from the throne and kicked both thrones down and smiled. "Anarchy and insanity mixing is perfect" I said as I left the throne room with a grin on my face. "Guards are insane, ponies in Ponyville and Caterlot are insane or being killed and the Princesses are not here...perfect day" I said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Thunder suddenly rumbled that very instant, awakening Marina Emerald from her sleep. Fearing that her nightmare of the royal thrones being kicked over may have somehow followed her into reality, she paused when she realized it was just a storm passing over the sea and sighed with relief. The earth pony got up from her bed and approached the window, only to discover the most peculiar thing.


"Odd," the mare said to herself. "The storm is rolling inland. I've seen them move up and down the coasts of Equestria but never straight across into the heart of the kingdom."


Marina Emerald rubbed her chin and pondered. "Pegasi aren't normally in control of the ocean weather, which normally manages itself out at sea."


Marina got the nagging suspicion that something was wrong with the natural order of things and hurried to her drawer where she kept her specialized equipment. Besides her temporary day job at a local sea-side bar, she also told fortunes for her fellow ponies. Though most everypony frowned at the practice, Marina herself was confident in her expertise as she drew a deck of cards.


After shuffling them with her eyes closed Marina drew the cards one at a time and lay them out before her as experience told her to. When the last card was drawn, Marina opened her eyes wide with alarm. Indeed, something had definitely gone wrong in the land of Equestria. Maybe her nightmare was more than just a dream; maybe a vision of something really happening. The cards were being rather vague, but they were definitely suggesting an invasion of some evil force. It wasn't like other invasions from before, but there was one thing the cards were definitely encouraging her to do. 


Marina Emerald had some kind of destiny to play in all this. 


But where to begin... Marina did not have a clue.


Suddenly, her better judgement started getting to her. "No, what are you thinking honey!?" she said to herself. "You can't just listen to the cards on a whim!"


But, there they were. Looking at the cards again, Marina could not recall the last time she had a card reading that suggested something so monumental. That was when the aquamarine earth pony inhaled a breath and realized what she had to do. Like many other times before, she found herself packing lightly and hurrying to leave town fast. She was going to Canterlot to get to the bottom of this!



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Dark was walking not caring what is happening around him. As long as he kept up  his ruse of being a noble his life would not change.

He noticed demons appear and swarmed around his. Dark wasn't frightened in the least. He wasn't going to allow such things to touch him or the mare trailing behind him. Stomping his hooves against the ground a Black miasma formed around him like a dark ring. As the demons got near to him to attack black tendrils shot from the miasma striking each of the demons. 

The tendrils left no physical damage to the demons, but they stopped there attack and fell from the ground holding there hands to there head. Screaming from fears unknown to any being. The horrors they saw began to pick up and worsen to the point where the demons were nothing more then rag-dolls.  Dark pulled out his rapier and slew the demons before without so much as breaking a sweat or even trying.

He looked around until he noticed a pony uneffected by the madness around them.

"You" He said pointing his rapier to him "You dare attack me? The element of Fear and Horror?"

The spell that made Dark look normal faded, Now his true form was shown. His Black coat, long midnight hair, his twisted and curved horn, his piercing Red eyes. The the beauty that he once had faded to show a dark, but elegant pony.

"Beg for mercy, for your own horrors shall grant none" He said


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Frost had been running for hours. The insanity wavelengths had caused many things around his home, family and friends go aria. His mother and Dather slowly turned into mad ponies friom letting the insanity get to their souls. The same for his friends, they had become overcome with madness and had turned into the raging insane ponies you would expect to see in a horror movie.


He had tried to stay behind and try to help, but it slowly became to much for him. He had protected his soul well, but nopony can hold back the insanity forever, and a soon as he could feel the madness creeping into the reaches of his mind he had to leave or else it would over come him to. Once he felt he was far enough away from all the disturbance he sat and wiped away a tear from his eye. "Dammit, your bigger than this you little babbling foal." he scolded himself through gritted teeth. "So just stop your crying and go find out how to fix it." he added standing up and continuing to run towards ponyville. He figured there must be somepony there who could help.

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Demonblood just smiled and began to laugh taking flight with his dragon wings "I am demonblood element of pain and suffering, since your are an element of chaos I won't fight you, if it means anything to you thought you was just another noble trying to get some tail" demon said with a smile as he landed " but you killed my babies... Well not my babies but babaies none the less now you will have to deal with there moms and this time don't kill them it takes a lot to raise a loyal demon" demon bloods eyes shifted in to dark purple pentagrams as his horn light up, hebcast a spell and under his feet a pentagram appeared and split open a gateway to hell had jar been opened and demons bigger and stronger than the last ones came up "there is the one you seek e killed your children" denim blood said in deep speech than to the element of fear and horror "try not to kill them if you get that chance" demonblood said and them laughed as he watched from above


((deep speech is the language of demons and all thugs from hell))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Dark looked at DemonBlood with loath. The demon before seemed to be angry at him

"We are suppose to be allies you idiot!" Dark growled. he raised his hoof and dismissed the pony behind him.

"Here I thought I could remain hidden and watch from the shadows without having to fight, but now I might just have to kill this giant ugly thing and you along side it" Dark said facing Demonblood

His dark horn glowed a black aura Increasing the size of his miasma. Dark hated to fight, he rather have fools around him kill each other first. -Demon will pay for his action against me-

A black sphere grew with power. He tossed the black ball of energy at the demon. Unlike his other attacks this one was one of his more twisted magic. 

------This is taking place in the demon's head-------

As the ball hit the demon it inflicted no damage once again, but this time Dark was gone. The world around the demon faded to black. The demon stood and looked around, everything was going, nothing was there. It tried to make a sound, but couldn't, It tried to move and failed to. it soon learned that it couldn't feel anything, not even it's own body. Slowly the blackness of the new world around it began to invade its mind. Unable to see, move, make a sound, or have control of it own mind the demon began to fade away into the darkness.

------ -------

Dark stood and watch as the giant demon before him fell silent, not moving, but have a blank and empty look in its eyes. This was only one of his many horrors. He walked up to the demon and knocked it down with his magic. he walked over to the head of  the demon and looked down at it. he released the demon from his spell. slowly it's eyes regained its color. Dark wanted the demon to see his rapier plunge into its ugly face. dark finished off the demon and took in the fear the demon gave off. 

Dark's powers have increased a little. Dark feeds off of fears and grows stronger from it. Those that stood against him and showed no fear would not cause him to lose his powers, He had found a way to retain his power he gained.

He looked at Demon

"I will give you one last chance. Stood down and leave Canterlot, This place is mine, unless you wish to bring the power of the princesses down on us. of course, unless you want to fight me, This is your chance"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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I watched from above as two ponies fought and a giant demon was summoned. "Well this could be interesting" I said as I watched the fight silently not making a sound. "Hm...two different elements of chaos also...maybe I should introduce my self when they both are...not fighting" I said to my self as I jumped from the castle and landed in front of the two. "Hello there both of you I couldnt help but watch that fight that just happened and I also over heard that you both are elements of chaos" I said as I looked at them both. "Allow me to introduce my self I am Equinox Sin the element of insanity" I introduced my self and my horn glowed a crimson red as I shot the mare that was with the pony before, turning her insane causing her to act like all the others and the guards infected with the spell, "I really hope you didnt need that mare if so terribly sorry...okay not really" I said as I smiled. "Also the princesses are not here actually so no need to worry about them at all" I added knowing that no princesses would be a good thing instead of them being here to stop me.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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" you haven't noticed but the princess left already my demons run around the city and face no opposition" demonbloods eyes shifted back to the dark purple pentagrams and a pentagram sported under the demons that had been killed "arise and go back to the depths fro which you came" demonblood yelled In deepspeach "I was just having some fun and like I said when I sent the demons after you I didn't know who you was so relax "and your little fear magic dosnt work on me because I livenin between here and hell I know no fear now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go have more fun with these other ponies would you care to join me it's been so long since someone has had fun with me" demonblood said as he landed near dark " you know you just need to relax and have some fun" -this stallion is so boring it's like he has no clue what fun is maybe I shouldn't have invited him-demonblood thought -but seeing him attack others could be fun if he allows them to actually react-


((demon blood just loves to have fun at others expense))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"None the less, killing is an extreme and unneeded. Learn to be in command of you power" Dark gave him a real hard look.

"No pony is free from fear, That goes for me as well. Lie all you want to yourself, but your fear will be at the back of your head gnawing away at your thoughts" Dark knew DemonBlood would not listen to him.

"Look at your demons, They should be things that do no have fear, for they are fear it-self to other, but I showed them things beyond that. You may claim to be free from it because of your tries to hell, but you have not seen the horrors of the void and beyond. You have a fear and you hide it. If I wanted I could take you down a level and show you what it is to know fear. Sadly I believe you have deceived yourself to the point where you think you are immortal or god. I will love to see you fall" Dark said shaking his mane,

He then noticed a pony appear from the ruins of Canterlot


He heard the pony intruduce himself.

"Good to see not all of my allies are murderous, mindless, idiots" Dark bowed to him

"I am Dark Regal, But you may call me Dark" He noticed his follower behaving as the other insane ponies around him

"I would find it useful if you would leave those who I control alone" His horn let a black aura envelope it. He used her fear to over come her insanity. She fell as a shivering pile of fur and flesh, after releasing his spell from her she stood back up and looked at them in horror.

"Such fear adds to my power and delight. Our ally Demon seeks to hinder my power. I am sure if I really wanted to fight I could place Demon in his place, but I hate using force and violence." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I hope Demon is the only loon of the group, or I might just have to start doing things to keep myself from hurting him" he sighed.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"i have controle of my powers and my demons and for one thing I'm not like the demons I truly know no fear and I don't see my self as a god or immortal I see my self as the controller of all things from hell and I don't want to hinder your power the only reason my demons attacked you was because I didn't relize who you was now relax now I you will excuse me I'm going to go have fun at the expunge of others have a nice day" demonblood said as he spread his wings "and one more thing if you want you can try to show me something that inspires fear in me but I doubt you can" and with that he left and went high above the city, he used his magic to dive into the minds of his demons and sent them into a block formation infront of the palace, he landed infornt of them his eyes still showing the deep purple pentagrams and he began to send them back to hell once they had all been sent back he called cybrus "my my you havent changed a bit, it's time we had some fun" demonblood said in deep speach "now let's just see what we can do"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"Trust me when you can control insanity you need to make sure it doesn't control you first" I said as I looked at the pony. "Besides I used to  no be like this at all in fact" I said as I heard him pronounce his name. "Dark Regal huh....interesting how about I just call you Regal Dark sound too boring in my opinion" I said as a grin spreaded across my face. "Listen do you know why the princesses are not even here cause I found it strange that not even the princess of the night is here" I asked hoping someone has seen to wretched princesses. I was really hoping I can make them my servants of insanity or something but they were not here at all. "Also I believe Demonblood sent some demons to the castle cause I saw a few while I was there searching about making the guards kill or attack each other" I said as I looked back at the castle. "Maybe its best if the castle get destroyed instead of letting it stand" I asked looking at the castle with a bored look of dissatisfaction on my face as my horn glowed and shot a bolt at a running pony turning the pony insane 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Stardust woke up from her slumber, well really it was a quick nap but sleeping for a couple of days it counts as a slumber. Well, Stardust was sure of it.

She moved from her sleeping area, and walked towards the door. She had about two minute walk before she got a wall where she could open her door. As she walked through the halls and corridors of the innards of the mountain Stardust quickly looked at the carvings in the wooden beams. Many of the small battles and wars carved into the wood she recognized, but some she didn't. 

Stardust was the only one who did the wood carvings, all of the things dictated she had partaking in. But of course, as being a time mare she wood carve things from her future onto the wooden beams. Things that she had done in the future are here in her past, which was also the present. These kind of things were quite complicated but Stardust understood it all.

There wasn't any new battles or wars on the wooden beams, but Stardust did like her own art work.


Stardust had gotten to the wall, and she used her magic to open her non existing door. She through to the outside world and made it disappear once again, no one could enter her home and that was how she liked it. Stardust turned around to face the world, though her ears were granted that before her eyes. 

All before her she could see ponies running around like headless chickens from demons running around, she could hear their screams and cries. Fire and destruction had started to run  wild with the city below her. Which Stardust could recognize as the city of Canterlot, where the princesses lived and where anyone important did as well. Oh... this was going to be fun.

Stardust couldn't contain the madden smile on her lips, how could she. There were ponies running and dying below her, she had an amazing view from her place high up in the mountain.

Stardust opened her wings then jumped off the ledge in front of her, she was planning to go straight down to the streets and join in the fun but in mid flight she changed direction for the castle. Stardust was going to taunt and maybe even play with the princesses there. She landed on the balcony of one of the towers in the castle, which was deserted. 

Stardust walked through the doors and walked in the halls, they reminded her of her own home within the mountains itself. She had only been in this wretched place only a few times but she knew her way to the throne room. The big doors were in front of her now.

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((note cybrus is about the size of a fuul grien drgon))Demonblood jumped onto cybrus "now then I guess I'll see if the others want a ride" demonblood steered cybrus back to the others he just left "hey guys you want a ride, and don't worry he wont bite unless I want him to" demonblood said with a wicked smile "I'm just about to go and put a ring of demons to guard the outer wall so nopony that will try to stop us can get in and I may be able to use your help" demonblood flew off of cybrus and landed near dark " especially yours, your ability to controle fear could be very useful for a first Line of defense however if you don't want to help keep thus beautiful chaos going by stoping the princesses then by all means Stay here and play mind games with ponies"demonblood laughed as he watched an insane pony he turned to the the other pony "equinox is it.. Is that your work over there it simply amazing I havnt had so much fun watching others work, your my firend are great Manet later we can go cause some chaos in anted part of equestria" demonblood looked over to dark "I would invite you but you seem to like to sit on the sidelines and enjoy the fear"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"equinox is it.. Is that your work over there it simply amazing I havnt had so much fun watching others work, your my firend are great Manet later we can go cause some chaos in anted part of equestria" demonblood looked over to dark "I would invite you but you seem to like to sit on the sidelines and enjoy the fear"



"Why yes that is my work I am glad you noticed it was very easy though" I have said as I looked at Demonblood. "It's nice to see somepony actually like what I do to ponies...Hell I think even Discord would be proud of me I bet...hell he would be proud of most of you guys" I said as I knew hitting Dark or Demon with the spell will do absolutely nothing to them so I shot a bolt of insanity into the air then thought of something. "You guys do know we also have the accursed Elements of Harmony also...I say we get rid of them before they stop us and are chaos cause if that ends then common sense will come back and where is the fun in making sense when its more fun to make chaos" I have contemplated as I side stepped a pony rushing on through trying to kill another that passed by. "Anyways I am going to head back to the castle and see if the guards aren't hitting their heads against the wall because of insanity and maybe wait for the Princesses to come by to turn them insane...if they are insane that will make life so much more fun and easier" I said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"well I could give you a ride there an give you controle over about 50 demons to work as guards although I have to warn you they know who there true master Is and if you want them to do somethig that I wouldn't approve of they will send themselves back to hell" demonblood said and he sat on tip of the middle head of cybrus

"lower you right head" demonblood commanded in deepspeach,cybrus dine as henwas told and lowered his head waiting for his next comand "hop on it's fun riding up here I promise and it gives a great view of the chaos"demonblood said "do to really think discord would b proud of us because I think he would be scared because we've done what he failed to do twice and we did it with just out magic, and we did it in only a few hours, it took him a couple of days to even get ponyvile into pefrect chaos" demonbloods eye shifted into dark purple pentagrams and One appered on the ground it split open as imps began flying out "go my children go and spread pain and suffering to all"demon yelled in deepspeach

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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As Rainbow lightning crept out from the cabinet as fast as he could he jumped out the window so as not to be caught by whoever he heard approaching the doors. " Well judging from what I've heard the elements of chaos have gathered" he thought out loud. He then knew the next logical step. He had to gather a new team of six no matter the cost. He then flew off to ponyville to start the search. When he arrived he came to a run down city that looked nothing like the ponyville he and his parents moved to. "Speaking of mom and dad wonder how they are doing" He worried at the thought. He decided to go home and check on them. He reached his house by the river and walked inside. There on the floor lay the cold lifeless bodies of his parents. " I swear on my life I will personally kill the pony that did this with my own two hooves without mercy"! But vengeance would have to wait for later right now he had an army to gather. As he flew back to the library over ponyville he wished he had been here to possibly prevent all this. When he arrived at the library he sat and waited in hopes of another pony coming along.

Edited by Rainbow lightning



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As Rainbow lightning crept out from the cabinet as fast as he could he jumped out the window so as not to be caught by whoever he heard approaching the doors. " Well judging from what I've heard the elements of chaos have gathered" he thought out loud. He then knew the next logical step. He had to gather a new team of six no matter the cost. He then flew off to ponyville to start the search. When he arrived he came to a run down city that looked nothing like the ponyville he and his parents moved to. "Speaking of mom and dad wonder how they are doing" He worried at the thought. He decided to go home and check on them. He reached his house by the river and walked inside. There on the floor lay the cold lifeless bodies of his parents. " I swear on my life I will personally kill the pony that did this with my own two hooves without mercy"! But vengeance would have to wait for later right now he had an army to gather. As he flew back to the library over ponyville he wished he had been here to possibly prevent all this. When he arrived at the library he sat and waited in hopes of another pony coming along.

Frost ran and ran as fast as his hoofs would carry them. He wanted to just forget all he had heard and seen. His family and friends were still back there in their insane, murderous states and he was powerless in his effort to save them. "Why?Why? WHY?!" he screamed to himself as he ran through the thick forest vegetation. He was beginning to grow tired after a few long minutes of non-stop running he came soon what appeared to the small town of Ponyville. "Oh thank Celes-" he cut himself off thinking about his own town. "What if they suffered the same fate?" he thought aloud, slowly walking along one of the towns many streets. He poked his head around thre street corner and sighed. "The place looks abando-Oh Celestia!" he exclaimed when he turned to see a bloody, mangled, pony corpse. He fell on his rump from the startle and scooted himself backwards. "Nononononon." he mumbled, still staring at the body. He got up and ran to the nearest biulding he could find......the library. He burst threw the door and quickly shut it behind him. He was still breathing heavily when he turned to see another pony just sitting on the floor. "Hey, your not like "them" are you?" he questioned as he began to reach for his dagger just invade things went south.

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