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ooc Invasion of the Dark SisterHoof{Sign-Up}


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Here, is the sheet to put your OC's within








OC Data(Link): [You can tell, it is in your signature]




Location: [Choose of any equestria towns/ or villages]






*Use this~ if you are in the Dark SisHoof*


Position: [Rookie - Soldier - Mage - Floater - Captian - Prof - Major - General]



Patrol(Team): [Captian can start a squad]

Against: [Reason you join the Dark SisHoof]




Name: KabelPod

Age: 24

Gender: Colt

Specie: Earth Pony

OC Data(Link): KabelPod DataBase is in Signature

Coat(Color): Blue

Mane(Color): Orange

Cutiemark: Steam Engine

Location: Ponyville

Likes: Soda, Helping with Labor, Brohoofs, Donuts

DisLikes: Hugs, Cuddles, Being Layed on, Noms, Spoiled Mares, Dive Glomps, Hard AppleCider, Muffins

History: Humor Colt that is the 3rd recent child of the relative family of the Pods, seen doing activities around ponyville

Edited by KabelPod
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(I think that I'll go through everything, I like being bad guys)

Name: Stardust

Age: .... 687

Gender: Female

Species: Alicorn

OC Data:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/stardust-r4020

Coat: White

Mane:Black and green

Cutiemark: Clock with no hands with a blade going through it and music ledger lines behind that

Location: Foal mountains

Likes:  check the link

DisLikes: check the link

History: Check the link



Position: General

Strength: Fighting, organising troops and such, giving brilliant speeches, time magic

Weakness: Music

Patrol(Team): I would like to give creativity to the Roleplay master

Against: Bored, right point in time, She was part of the history books as actually being a part of the event so might as well to do it.


I would really love to join this, sounds wonderful

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I did tell you that I had an OC that could work as the pony who started the SisHoof, so here she is:



Name:Mind Hex






Species:Unicor/psychic pony


OC Data(Link): Coming soon


Coat(Color): Hooves are deep red, rest of body is a slightly brighter red.


Mane(Color):Deep blue, almost black


Cutiemark: She wears a cloak at all times and rarely shows herself in public, so nopony really knows, though some ponies say they've glimpsed it and it seems to represent the mind.


Location:Lives in Everfree Forest most of the time


Likes: controlling ponies' minds, ruining parts of ponies' lives, any way she can use her talent to cause pain or trauma to somepony.


Dislikes: rebels, ponies who are hard to control, ponies who seek pity or have sad lives.


History:was created in a lab many years ago, for a project named Alinix. It was a project dealing with specially created ponies that were made to look, act, and think a certain way and have some special attribute. Her attribute was being psychic and mind reading. When another creation went out of control and blasted the entire ward, she escaped, but the magic that had been used to destroy the lab had messed with her. It warped her ability. Taking refuge in the Everfree, she found she was able to control the minds of ponies at times, but it took magic and mental energy and worked somewhat like spells. For the next few years, she traveled the outskirts of the Forest, ruining ponies' lives as she saw fit.

(If she's accepted I'll add why and how she started the SisHoof.)


Position: Founder and Leader

Strength: Controlling ponies' minds for varying periods of time, depending on how much they are being controlled. For example, if she is just making a pony hate another pony, she need only use a small amount of energy and it can last for quite some time. If she's controlling their every thought and their movements, it'll only last a few minutes

Weakness:She believes in brain over brawn and is a very weak physical fighter, so if left vulnerable, she can be easily injured. 

Patrol(Team): Garnet Squadron, perhaps?

Against: Founded it, if accepted I'll add more.

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Alright, I may know some ponies who might want to join.

I have two other OCs that would be very interesting to add to the mix. Thus, i would like to know what the character limit is.

Edited by Mint Drop
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Hmm, if any artist ponies- wanna make signature banners for users to show others about  the rp. They can make symbols of the {RESISTANCE} & {DARK SISTERHOOF}

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Yeah, Mint Drop- a user can sign up 3 OC's. When they wanna rp with up to 3 ponies in the roleplay. I don't know- how I'm gonna let an advance rper be able to use a Canon Chara from the show.


All chara's ready/ can go in here http://mlpforums.com/topic/73593-invasion-of-the-dark-sisterhoof-rp/

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The 1st RP is for characters to start their adventure, as against the Dark SisHoof, or... Joining the Army of Mares. The 2nd is if characters was captured as prisioners & if the Rebel Mare is a soldier punishing the prisioners. I am letting more OC's being signed-up and beginning their stories

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Why don't we just make it into one RP. The second RP makes no sense whatsoever.


Age: Unknown

Gender: Mare


OC Data(Link): click her name, it will take you to her page.

Coat(Color):dark purple

Mane(Color):two different shades of blue

Cutiemark:A distorted looking music note in a dreamy-looking thought bubble.

Location: Everfree Forest

Likes: Manipulating ponies, entering ponies' dreams, etc.

Dislikes: ponies in general

History: Her father was a Unicorn. Her mother a siren.

Her mother did care for her mate, but he died soon after Nocturne's birth.
Her mother hated her and shunned her for not having the ability to transform into the trademark Seapony form. All she had inherited was the singing and song-like voice. After her father died, her mother left her at an orphanage. She remembers all of this, and doesn't care. When she was old enough, she left the orphanage, becoming a nomad. She disliked ponies, still does, and sometimes ended up fighting. Over time, her horn cracked from hits to it by hoof-to-hoof combat. She got angry and knocked the colt she had been fighting out, then her magic came in a spurt, and she ended up in his dream. She spoke to him, telling him to never attack anypony's horn again, and he seemed mesmerized, hypnotized. She turned away, and she was back in the real world, and her cutie mark appeared.
She continued be a nomad as she grew up. She started to somewhat enjoy reading, and sometimes reads to pass the time when she's waiting for nighttime.

As she matured, she grew to dislike ponies much more, but was calmer and manipulated their dreams, causing them terror if they managed to anger her. She grew to enjoy torturing them
As she liked ponies less and less, she grew tired of being around them and moved to the Everfree, where she met Mind Hex. Both being unkind and manipulative, they made a deal and founded the Dark Sisterhoof together.




Position: Whatever you think fits. Co-Founder?

Strength:Her voice, which has hypnotic properties, and her ability to enter dreams

Weakness: since she started to enter dreams, her physical ability has dwindled down to near nonexistence, and her dream magic is the only kind of magic she can use.

Patrol(Team): Garnet

Against:in history



And now.



Name:Lost Soul

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus(kind of a ghost)

OC Data: click her name in my signature 

Coat(Color):medium gray

Mane(Color): a darker gray

Cutiemark: a wilted flower with an echo sign

Location: Anywhere (Nomad)

Likes: helping ponies, happy ponies, sleep, flying

Dislikes:her condition/curse, blood, seeing dying/dead ponies, hateful ponies, terrifying ponies with her appearance

History:Her name was originally going to be Soul Silver, but before she was born, her mother committed a heinous crime at night. She had been possessed by another pony's magic, but nopony believed her. One night in the prison she had been put in, she saw the pony again. She begged the mare to help her, let her take it all back. The mare agreed to wipe everypony's memories of the crime, if she would only sacrifice her first foal.

She agreed and gave her first-born foal to the mare. The mare left her forever and left the filly to fend for herself, but with a curse. On the night of her mother's death, they would meet, and it would trigger something inside the filly to make her attracted to ponies who are about to die. It would also trigger a few other things:
-She's somewhat of a ghost~ she's not usually seen by ponies, and when she is, her appearance alone scares them off. However, she is solid and can't pass through objects
-She can't die of old age~ she was 17 when she met her mother, and since that is when the curse was brought into full effect, she will stay that way. She cannot die by mere age or sickness, but she could easily be killed by anypony who tries with brute force or weaponry.
-it changed her appearance~ blackening the whites of her eyes and causing her tears to change~ From saltwater to what seems to be blood, but it dries faster, flows faster.


She's going to be one of the ponies who is against the Sisterhoof.

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I thought, some rpers would be going for a slow-pacing rp/ if the 1st would have users bringing in all their charas. But, it looks like there's gonna be alot of time for members to create interesting oc's and decide which team~ their joining.

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Name: DaliQuh

Age: 23

Gender: Mare

Specie: Unicorn

OC Data(Link): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/daliquh-r4663

Coat(Color): Clay Red

Mane(Color): Pink & Vanilla

Cutiemark: Hypnotic Lens

Location: Humpalot

Likes: Wind Chimes

DisLikes: Fog Horns

History: Was once, a daughter of peasent family that always done labor- and collective in the herd of Pearl Fortress


Position: Mage

Strength: Potion Making

Weakness: Lust of Testoserones

Patrol(Team): Pearl Squad

Against: Colt Law of mares doing alot of chores

Edited by VictimoNightmareMoon
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