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Show me one hard example of a alicorn of being over powered.


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Okay one of them raises the sun.


Have we ever seen luna do anything on the show?  I mean as a good guy?

Candices bestows love or have you but she could done all those same things as a unicorn.


IF you slapped a horn on derpy she would still be clumbsy occasioanlly be setting houses on fire.

Why?  What possible displine or understanding of magic would she posisbly have?


How about Alicorn Rainbow dash?  KNowing dash if she could use magic she'd likely just mini max and try and use it all in making herself fast.


Riddle me this, if you took the wings of princess celestial would she be lesspowerful?

She's still be a tricked out unicorn yes or no?


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Alicorns on average do tend to be significantly more powerful than unicorns and it is for that reason that it is likely Twilight Sparkle who is already one of the most powerful unicorns who has ever lived will likely get a power boost from her transformation, how much of one and how quickly we don't know yet. If Celestia on the other hand were to be transformed into a regular unicorn than she probably would become significantly less powerful and would likely lose her long lived/immortal status. This is not to say Twilight will be immortal/long lived as I think that Celestia and Luna are because of their connections to the sun and moon.


The reason why alot of people including myself are concerned that Twilight will become overpowered is because the transformation was done way too soon and its introduction was handled poorly. With Celestia and Luna it dosen't matter if they are overpowered or not due to their differing roles in the story.

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Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are born alicorns, while Twilight Sparkle and Cadence are awakened alicorns having come to realization of an ideal (Friendship and Love).


The royal sisters are in a league of their own. Thus I did not feel it should be a guarantee that Twilight Sparkle would have gained power boost.

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If Celestia on the other hand were to be transformed into a regular unicorn than she probably would become significantly less powerful

It is entirely possible that having great magical power is what causes a unicorn to be able to become an alicorn. I believe this because Twilight didn't become an alicorn until after she mastered the magic of friendship. It seems that only those who master the power of the stronger magics can become a true alicorn. If Derpy was made an alicorn, likely it would be purely cosmetic, and if Celestia became a unicorn, it would be a symptom, not a cause, of losing power. Seeing as Celestia controls the movement of the sun and Luna the moon, I think it is safe to say any magic preformed on top of that could be considered 'over-powered'.

Keep flyin'


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Everyone here realizes Princess Cadence was born a pegasus, an orphan raised by earth ponies right?


Becoming an awakened alicorn has nothing to do with magical ability.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Everyone here realizes Princess Cadence was born a pegasus, an orphan raised by earth ponies right?


Becoming an awakened alicorn has nothing to do with magical ability.


To be fair, Pegasi do have magical abilities though in the form of weather control, although I suppose by the show's standards that is not technically magic. Which I find odd... it's as if the Pegasi treat control of the weather as something natural while thinking of unicorn magic as strange and odd.


Kind of weird, but then again, they are of a different world than ours and that might actually be factual. After all, Griffons apparently can walk on clouds too, so perhaps control of the weather by some winged creatures is seen as natural. And the creation of tornadoes... and the creation of rainbooms... all natural.


Regardless, when it comes to the topic at hand, I just think Alicorns aren't necessarily overpowered in so much as they should be treated as a rare thing. At this point, there are four Alicorns, and each of them obviously does have a lot of power. Two of them can raise the sun and moon by themselves and control an entire kingdom, one of them can cast powerful shield spells, cause ponies to rekindle their love, and rules over a Crystal Empire, and one of them has extraordinary magic abilities and knows more about friendship than probably half the populace combined.


So... maybe a little overpowered, but a concrete example? I can't really provide one. After all, our two main Alicorns, Luna and Celestia, both rely on the Mane Six to do a lot of evil-fighting, so it's hard to gauge just how powerful they are.



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For being supposedly deities they really don't have much power without the Element of Harmony, which should be noted was the only reason they defeated Discord last time and house Princess Celestia was able to take out Nightmare Moon... which it should be noted should not have been possible based on evidence from the show.


The EoH should not work without all the bearers of The EoH being in harmony with each other, and yet Princess Celestia was able to use them despite the fact her bond with her sister was broken.


Of any case the royal sisters do not really showing much power apart from raising the Sun and Moon, something that should be noted unicorns already did before them.

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Neither Celestia, Luna, nor Cadance have actually demonstrated any extreme magical ability beyond a single special ability. In the case of Celestia and Luna, they move the moon and sun around, which supposedly was done by a group of Unicorns previously (according to Hearth's Warming Eve). Cadance's love ability is a bit more powerful than what normal unicorns seem capable of, but then Rarity's telekinesis is also *way* above what other unicorns have demonstrated, sitting at near Twilight-levels of power, so I'm not seeing Cadance's abilities being that far out of scope for a unicorn's special ability. The only other thing Celestia and Luna have is their exceptionally long lives and ethereal mane which so far appears to be just cosmetic. Every other case when they've brought power to bear, it's not been anything above what Twilight can't already match before being alicoronated.


Yes, the show has Equestrian culture treat them as exceptional, but not in magical power, but social power instead.


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Celestia and Luna are the two oldest and most powerful ponies in Equestia... but with the EoH others can exceed their power in all but their ability to raise the sun and moon by themselves.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Most unicorns are only magically apt in their own special field, where their talent lies. Rarity, for example, has a special talent that involves gems and fashion. Thusly, the spells she is most proficient in are gemfinding and telekinesis, the latter of which is well-developed for her due solely to her practice with the fine art of dressmaking, which rather requires a steady hand. For most any other spell - and we happen to know quite a few, thanks to Twilight being talented in magic as a whole - Rarity isn't particularly skilled.


Trixie, similarly, is very skilled in showy magic, flashes and bangs and silly animations of small objects - but it takes an Alicorn Amulet, an amulet that blesses the wearer with a dark disposition and the magical power of the strongest of alicorns - to give her the ability to defeat Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn who, as I said, is incredibly powerful.


It's evident that alicorns don't have these inhibitions that restrain the power of their magic to just their talent. Celestia, for example, can perform types of magic completely disassociated with raising the sun, and can do so rather powerfully too. The Dark Magic of the kind Sombra uses, that Celestia demonstrated for Twilight in the S3 Premiere comes to mind, as does her "Discord-proofing" the Elements of Harmony in Keep Calm and Flutter On. Luna's dreamwalking serves as another example of an obscure branch of magic, not necessarily directly tied to her talent.


There's also the fact that alicorns seem to be incredibly powerful when it comes to the branch of magic directly correlating with their cutie mark. Celestia and Luna raise the sun and moon respectively and single-hoofedly, where it took the combined efforts of the entire unicorn race once upon a time. Similarly, Cadance is exceptionally powerful in the field of love and the fickleties that come therein, being able to banish the entire Changeling army using solely love of Shining as a boost, and being able to hold back Sombra for quite a while. We must remember that Sombra was an exceptionally powerful dark unicorn. I personally believe him far more powerful than Chrysalis, who was only able to defeat Celestia due to being overcharged with the love she fed off of. There's also the fact that Chrysalis fed off love, and was therefore susceptible to blasts of it, while love and dark are basically polar opposites, and therefore more volatile against each other.


Considering the fact that only the Elements of Harmony are more powerful than Celestia herself, and perhaps since she's only slightly stronger than the other alicorns... yeah, I'd say that alicorns are overpowered.

Edited by Descant
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Alicorns on average do tend to be significantly more powerful than unicorns and it is for that reason that it is likely Twilight Sparkle who is already one of the most powerful unicorns who has ever lived will likely get a power boost from her transformation, how much of one and how quickly we don't know yet. If Celestia on the other hand were to be transformed into a regular unicorn than she probably would become significantly less powerful and would likely lose her long lived/immortal status. This is not to say Twilight will be immortal/long lived as I think that Celestia and Luna are because of their connections to the sun and moon.


The reason why alot of people including myself are concerned that Twilight will become overpowered is because the transformation was done way too soon and its introduction was handled poorly. With Celestia and Luna it dosen't matter if they are overpowered or not due to their differing roles in the story.


Well twilight and Candice are tied to magic and love, two powerful words, but unlike Celestial (and hell even Luna who i'd lump in with twilight and Candice)


Equistra needs celestial.

I would imagine love would happen with out candice.

Magic has happened (and rather well) with out twilight.

Celestial ruled over night and day in luna's abesence so I'd actaully consider her as expendable as the other 2.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Everyone here realizes Princess Cadence was born a pegasus, an orphan raised by earth ponies right?


Becoming an awakened alicorn has nothing to do with magical ability.

but she has magic.


I imagine simply getting the horn would give "the means to use magic." not the how.  If derpy had a horn i would wajer she'd be able to channel arcane magic like any other unicorn,

but would have to learn how to do it.


as for the alicorn amulet I think it's only in name.  Just how if you had a ring of a dragon that made you super strong, whom ever made it and named it did so because her perceived that name to mean power.


Ie why trixie despite having a alicorn amulet couldn't even fly.

Edited by FNGRpony


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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