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What's your least favorite thing about MLP?


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I think that they should go the Naruto/One Piece/Bleach way and give the villains intresting minions who appear before the actual villain does. I mean, Imagine if in TCE instead of Sombra himself attacking the empire we see an army that is saying that the empire belongs to King Sombra, and after the crystal heart is restorted and all of this army exept for one are blown, the surviving minion goes to a secret place in ice and he tells Sombra that he failed and we get to see Sombras angry face at the end being revealed in a cool way saying "this is not over"


Well I don't think we've seen the last of Sombra.


Now this is just what I would do, we saw his horn going flying when he blew up.  Tell me that's not cursed artifact material?

Imagine if trixie found that bad boy?


Or someone else, anyone else.  Someone curious, anxious, maybe someone thinking it might get them their cutie mark and willing to go to crazy lengths to get it.


There alot ways to bring him back.

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Well I don't think we've seen the last of Sombra.


Now this is just what I would do, we saw his horn going flying when he blew up.  Tell me that's not cursed artifact material?

Imagine if trixie found that bad boy?


Or someone else, anyone else.  Someone curious, anxious, maybe someone thinking it might get them their cutie mark and willing to go to crazy lengths to get it.


There alot ways to bring him back.

Something tells me that we will see his ghost trying to find a new body. You know, like Voldemort who had his body destroyed but created a new body for himself
  • Brohoof 1
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Something tells me that we will see his ghost trying to find a new body. You know, like Voldemort who had his body destroyed but created a new body for himself

I'm down with ghost sombre.

Be kinda funny he goes on to be a far better boogie man in death than he ever did in life.


So seeing as how he got smoked by spike last time who's gonna bring him down this time?


tank or gummy?(LOL)>?

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I'm down with ghost sombre.

Be kinda funny he goes on to be a far better boogie man in death than he ever did in life.


So seeing as how he got smoked by spike last time who's gonna bring him down this time?

tank or gummy?(LOL)>?

To be fair Spike got help from an entire race plus Shining and Cadence and Twilight.

Would like to see him being dragged to tartarus as a reference to the Mummy 2

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To be fair Spike got help from an entire race plus Shining and Cadence and Twilight.

Would like to see him being dragged to tartarus as a reference to the Mummy 2

wouldn't mind seeing more of Tartuus while we're at it.


I think it would be epic of we got a hades kinda character james woods style.

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I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I have to agree with some of us about the songs being the most irritating thing about the show.  I think our resident marine brony, Josh Scorcher put it best.  The lyrics are just sooooooo juvinile and spell out everything in a nearly remedial fashion.  Not to mention some of the song's don't really serve a purpose that a couple lines of expositional dialogue couldn't deliver.  I know Daniel Ingram and whoever the other guys in charge of teh songs need a job to do, but songs for the sake of songs are reaaaally annoying...


Plus, Trixie never got a song.  We saw her VA's singing ability (IIRC) in A Canterlot Wedding; she FREAKING ROCKS!  I can't believe the show missed out on the opportunity of a reprisal of sorts in Magic Duel! :(

The Twi-centeredness can bug me at times. I don't feel like focusing on her especially adds much to the show. She is a wonderful character, even without ponies singing her songs about how fantastic and great she is. By that point, it's just grating to me.


I'm also going to hop in with the people who are upset about missed opportunities with characters. Spike, Zecora, Lightning Dust, Princess Celestia, and more all have so much potential, and give the writers so many opportunities that haven't been quite touched on yet. Suppose there's plenty of time for that in Season 4 though, aye?

Well now that depends.  With Twilight's ascension to ponyhood, there is a possibility that the she, as a character, could actually become less important, with the implication that royal duties and politics is both boring and less-pertinant to the interests of Hasbro's target demographic.  If that's the case, Twilight just might be put on the backburner, except for particularly critical episodes and plots that deal with the fate of Equestria.  Some instances of Twilight's character development will have to be dealt with, like her learning how to use her wings, and the art of delegation and such.  However, once these are out of teh way, there's no realistic way to drag out the princess thing without it getting stale.


If that is indeed the case, we will have the opportunity to really explore the slice-of-life nature of the show and break off to different characters.  In addition to putting in the limelight some underserved main characters, like AppleJack and Rarity, we hopefully will get a look at some other characters.  I think there will be an episode of Derpy in this season, the Princesses backstories would be very nice to explore, and I swear if the CMC don't get their cutie marks this season, I will RAAAAGE!  Besides, what's the point of having a club dedicated to helping ponies find their cutie marks if you don't have yours yet?!


...Wow, JoshScorcher's voice totally was screaming in my head as I typed that...

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Well, thats not been happening until recent episodes (Yes, I'm looking at you season 3) But honestly I have to agree with you on this partially.

Yes it have, they have done cliche and old plots since day 1, and the reason they can get away with it is due to the strong characters. Season 1 had a "1 thing everybody wants and you have to choose between friends" plot for crying out loud, yet it was a pretty good episode.


My least favorite thing... hmm... it would probably be the quick endings to a lot of episodes. I would have loved to see more episodes with action plots have longer third acts, especially the Discord and Chrysalis ones.


Also I am never going to get how someone can hate the songs in this show personally, Daniel Ingram and William Anderson are amazing musicians.

Edited by Nightmare Lyre
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My least favorite thing about MLP is when the credits roll because I never want the episodes to end! I also can't stand when the whole season ends. Who wants to wait 8-9 months for new episodes? huh.png


On a more serious note, I wish there was a bit more consistency between the ponies and their respective elements of harmony. When we see Rarity acting stingy, Applejack lying, and Rainbow Dash wanting to bail on her friends, the elements of harmony start to feel more and more like a weakly built plot device that sits in the back of the writers' minds most of the time. Granted, the ponies are not perfect and do not have to demonstrate their virtues of generosity, honesty, and loyalty 100% perfectly all of the time, but this fanbase has found more ways in which these characters have broken out of their element rather than display it, and I would appreciate a bit more consistency. I want to see Rarity proving herself as the most generous pony in town, not someone who gives Spike the tiniest gem of all of the earnings he received for pet sitting. I want to see Rainbow Dash stick by her friends instead of wanting to fly away from them or leave them to rot in a desert. And I wholeheartedly want to see the pony who represents honesty to cut down on the lies and just tell it like it is. When people complain that Applejack isn't fit for her element of honesty, it's because there's something wrong with the writing that is telling them otherwise. (I don't agree with fans on this completely, but I will admit that we need to see more of AJ's honesty come into play because there's still so many instances where she's dishonest.)


Overall, it's a minor gripe. I don't want the characters to be anywhere near flawless, but if they're going to stand for a certain virtue, then we need to see that virtue shine on a more consistent basis.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Where to begin.


I guess I'll start with my pet peeve animation flaws there are alot and I mean alot of places where backgrounds and somtimes main articles on the screens have flaws. Smaller ones are things like houses floating in background (Episodes not containing discord) and not leaving enough space between duplicates so we wouldnt notice. ( Number 1 offender Lyra)  To huge ones like the mess up in ticket master with fluttershys wing. ( why hasbro why!!!!)


I also would like to say I used to be for the songs but after listening to alot of this communities music I have now found myself saying why couldn't they of used that song...


Anyway thats my 2 bits

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It doesn't come on nonstop.

The show isn't 110% revolved around Twilight and how amazing she is.


All jokes aside, I can't think of anything about the show that's my least favorite thing. I love all of it so much. Snips, Snails, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon; I can do without, but that may be the only thing?


EDIT: OH! I remember now, they censored Derpy. There was a great disturbance in the force that day, but that's probably it. Remove the censored voice, please!

Edited by NocturnalTwilight
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Probably equestria girls. It just doesn't seem right seeing purple, blue, red, orange, green, etc... humans. Its just not right at all. :\


Why not though?


If your here because you watch MLP FIM: a show full of ponies who are all purple and green and pink etc and enjoy that. Then why is it any different if there human equivalents are the same colours? 


I know real life humans don't have pastel coloured skin: but real life ponies don't either so I don't see a problem.


I think cartoons that look peculiar in someway is a good thing because it makes it stand out

Edited by Asherdangerdash
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