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Professor Tocks

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@Professor Tocks


Equinox kept walking till he decided to head up to a stall and saw a made making what looked to him was bread. "Um excuse me miss" Equinox called out to the mare. "How many bits for some of the food you are cooking" He asked waiting for an answer as he heard his stomach growl again

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Feather turned, "Hum? Oh sure." She smiled at the colt infront of her stall, "It'll be done in a minute. If you'd like to take a seat, you can wait, it shouldn't be long." She flicked her tail at a stool infront of the stall.

With that, she turned round, checking on the bread.


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"Yeah! Come by my house later with some more cloth and cotton."

She said as she thought.

"Oh one more thing! Bubble told me to give you this cupcake."

She said as she gave a cupcake to her. It was frosted with chocolate icing.

"I helped a bit, I added a chocolate in the middle of the cupcake mid baking. Its a combination between Dark white and milk chocolate!"

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Skylight grinned, "Thanks. It looks delicious! I'll go see Elusive, then. See you soon, Shardz."

And with that, she trotted out of the house towards the market, putting the cupcake carefully in the drink compartment of her saddle bag, where it wouldn't get squashed.


Feather took the bread out of the oven, "It's ready." She smiled.


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"Okay thanks" Equinox said as he sat on one of the stools as he waited. His nose twitched as he caught a smell of the bread that's cooking. "It smells really good" He complimented as he smiled. "My name is Equinox by the way" He introduced himself to the mare of the stall

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Feather smiled, "Thanks. I'm Feather Whirl, but you can call me Feather."

She waited for the bread to cool, before wrapping it in protecting film, and then putting it on the counter, "Here you go."

She turned to check on some cupcakes she was icing, before turning back.


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Rainbow Blitz laid on top of a cloud. He had just finished taking his self-appointed nap after clearing the skies. He stretched his legs out and hovered to the ground below. 

Now what should I do? He asked himself.

I could always visit Butterscotch, see what he's up to.

Rainbow Blitz decided he would walk, instead of flying, to Butterscotch's hut.


Butterscotch was in his hut making food for his woodland friend, Angela. He hovered around his cabinets and pulled out some pellets for the rabbit.

"Here you go, Angela. Eat up so you get nice and strong." He said in a tender voice.

The bunny stuck her nose up at the pellets. Butterscotch sighed and continued trying to persuade the bunny to eat her food.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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"Thank you Miss. Feather" Equinox said as he left 20 bits at the stall before leaving and taking a bite out of the bread. "I might head on back later this bread is pretty good" He said to himself as he went towards the center of town.


(Are the mane six already around like is Duskshine in ponyville yet I just want to know)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((Elusive, Butterscotch, RainbowBlitz and Bubbleberry are, but you'll have to wait for the Duskshine RPer, or just mention him or something))


Skylight paused. "I could've sworn...!" She realised that she hadn't handed in the weather schedule yet! She needed to find a Rainbow Blitz. But she didn't know him.


Feather Whirl had taken a lunch break, and bumped into Skylight, who was panicking slightly.

"Whoah, Girl! You do NOT look awesome right now. What's up?"

Skylight frowned, "I need to find Rainbow Blitz."


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@@Professor Tocks,


Elusive put up a "CLOSED" sign on the Carousel Boutique before he set off towards the train station. He desperately needed some new fabric and it's about time he got some; his orders demanded it. He sat down on a bench and looked around for the first train. He also needed some cloth for an outfit for tomorrow..


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((Welcome Back, Shaymin - Is it alright if Sky drops by to pick some fabric up for a bracelet?))


Feather shrugged, "It's kind of getting a little late, Sunshine. You should do whatever it is tomorrow."

Sky sighed, "I suppose it can wait. I also need to pick some fabric up from Elusive."

"Of course you do." Feather replied, smirking.

"I do! Shardz is going to show me how to make bracelets."


By this time, they were passing the station and the market.

"Sunshine," Feather started, "You need to slow down, okay? I think you're overworking yourself, Sky."

((The Next day))


Skylight jumped awake, using her horn to switch the light on and gasping.

She'd had a nightmare.

Shaking it off, she put the kettle on, and set about pouring some cereal, before opening her wardrobe to look for something to put on today.

She could multitask very well, thanks to her magic.


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Equinox closed the book he was reading as he saw the sun set and sighed. "Time to head home" He said as he got up and headed home.



Next day



Equinox woke up and headed outside again this time not sure what to do. "I still have bits and food to last me...what should I do" Equinox said to him self

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((Okay so not much from me till around 7 tomorrow British time, 'cause I got to switch off. I'll try to follow with my Ipod but not so many posts))


Skylight sat down to read a book while eating her cereal.


Feather opened her shop and set about kneading some dough.


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Carrying his bags through Canterlot to the train station, Elusive was distractedly thinking about his and Skylight's, 'outing' today. He needed to look fancy--he needed to put an impression and he had a reputation to uphold for being Ponyville's Most Fashionable Stallion! He trotted onto the train and sat in between a mare and a stallion, while fiddling with his hooves.


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Skylight decided on a cloud shaped clip which she slipped into her hair and smiled. She was looking forward to touring pony villa with Elusive.


Feather put on the kitchen gloves and put more dough in the second oven, deciding to get a milkshake from sugar cube corner.


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Equinox decided to head to Sugar Cube Corner and help out a bit. "I wonder if I could help out at Sugar Cube corner...besides I got nothing better to do anyways" Equinox said as he headed his way to Sugar Cube Corner. "Plus it will give me a chance to learn the owners names and everything" Equinox said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Feather say at a stool in front of a counter in sugar cube corner, sipping a vanilla milkshake and smiling.

She was thinking of Skylight, and hoping that her new friend got on alright. She took another sip, Boy did she love vanilla.


She began humming a pretty tune under her breath.


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Bubble was on his break, and decided to roam around ponyville.

He hums a song in his head.

_______________________________________Shardz followed her usual morning procedure, then went to where she worked.

Ponyville's medical clinic.

"Well.. Time to do what i do best!" She said and smiled.

"I love it when i help and heal ponies that are sick. It makes me feel happy."

Edited by (MC) Trixie Lulamoon

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Equinox arrived at Sugar Cube Corner and went on inside. When he went in he saw Feather sitting at the counter. "Hey Feather how have you been" He said as he decided to say hi to her then almost forgot the reason he actually came here in the first place

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Rainbow Blitz approached Butterscotch's hut and knocked on the door. He anxiously awaited for his friend to answer the door.


Butterscotch opened his door to see Rainbow Blitz at the door.

"Oh, hello Rainbow Blitz. What brings you to here?" He said.


Rainbow Blitz smiled and trotted into his hut.

"Eh, I'm bored and wanted to see what you were up to. Plus I was around." He said.


The two spent the day together tending to Butterscotch's animals. Rainbow soon parted when night fell.


(Next day)


Butterscotch awoke to the sound of her birds chirping and Angela waiting impatiently for her food. He went about his normal morning routine of feeding his woodland friends. After he was finished, Butterscotch decided to go into town today.

I think i need some more apples anyways. He thought as he opened the door.


Rainbow Blitz woke up early and took to the skies. He wanted to try it one more time. 

The Sonic Rainboom. He thought as clouds whizzed by his muzzle.

He left behind him, a rainbow colored contrail as he ascended into the skies.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Shooting Star flew near Ponyville. She saw a pegasus with rainbow hair making rainbows in the sky. "That's so cool!" she said shocked. She never saw a pony do that. She had just moved to Ponyville a day ago. She didn't really make any friends. Shooting flew closer. "Hi!" she said.

Edited by drawingpandapony

I love Supernatural! :D

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Equinox arrived at Sugar Cube Corner and went on inside. When he went in he saw Feather sitting at the counter. "Hey Feather how have you been" He said as he decided to say hi to her then almost forgot the reason he actually came here in the first place

Feather turned, "Ohi, Hi Equinox, how're you doing?"

She smiled, taking another sip of her drink.


Skylight decided to go for a walk through ponyille. She had time before she was going to meet Elusive, after all.

She made a mental note to drop off the weather schedule for Rainbow blitz.


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"Im doing fine how have you been Feather" Equinox said as he looked around. "Um have you seen Bubble Berry around at all I was wondering if I could help out at all around here" Equinox said as he stopped looking around as sat down on one of the stools next to Feather

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Feather smiled at Equinox, "Hullo there. I'm doing fine today, how're you? Bubble Berry? No, I don't think I've seen him today, sorry." She frowned, "But you might be able to find him in here later."

She smiled again, "You want to help? You'd have to ask Mr. and Mrs. Cake, not me. They should be behind that counter over there.2 She pointed.


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"Its about time i get back to the sugar cube corner." Bubble said, and walked to the SCC.

"Im baaackk!!" He said as he went through the door.

"Well.. Did anypony miss me? I was just on my little break, and was just walking around the town. Its an good day."

He said with a big smile.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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