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private Broken Equestria

Aurora Lights

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Sparkshower growled "Goddamit Aurora" she teleported to him and began healing spell, they were more powerful now that she was an Alicorn. "You need to stop this Aurora, I won't let you destroy yourself. I don't care what the Darkness says to you you can't listen to him you can't trust him. He's already changed you so much please don't let yourself become him."

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DJ Alicorn looks at Sparkshower, then Celestia, then Luna. "Can none of you see this?! This is the most condensed energy flow I've ever seen!" DJ Alicorn then looks like he's cuttin something up. "There, 4 parts, one for each of us,and still so much power!" DJ Alicorn kicks the air in Luna's, Celestia's, and Sparkshower's directions. He then appears to fly what he's been staring at. "Well they don't affect me much anymore, I've collected them for thousands of years... But you 3 should feel a large difference in magic power!" Luna is scared to feel or see what happens, but when the thing hits her she slides back on her hooves. "I don't think I've ever felt more magical!"

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Jaeger watched as Aurora fell, keeping a blank expression as the shockeaves wind force blew his mane back. He got up and began to trot over to the crater, he would have listened to DJ, but given the talk of magic, he figured it was a unicorn thing that he would not understand so he toned out. He reached the rim of the crater and saw Aurora in the middle. He slid down the slide and stood over Aurora. "Damn your one crazy bastard you know that?" he said sitting down next to Aurora's limp body. He could not do anything, he was not a medical expert, all he felt he could do was to sit and wait....

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Shining Midnight saw what DJ Alicorn was going crazy about, and it was indeed something to go crazy about, but just as Shining was about to say something about it, Spirit picked him up and dropped him off next to Aurora, who was still just a lifeless body. Shining inspected Aurora "Well he's still alive, but barely. His brain activity is barely even there, his heart rate is very low... Be lucky he'll be able to walk or fly again after this, unless DJ over there heals him... Eh, I don't know." DJ looked at Shining, and and kicked most of the magic toward Shining. As soon as it hit Shining, his horn grew longer. "Well that's nice, but I barely ever need magic, so I didn't really want it. But thanks anyway!" DJ Alicorn flew over to Aurora and landed next to him. "Darkness, stop yelling at him, you're gonna kill him, which means you'll die too." DJ then glances at the princesses again, and they aim their horns at Aurora. "Since you didn't let us do it before you took off, we'll do it now." All three of their horns lit up and three seperate beams shot toward Aurora, not harming him. Luna and Celestia both slowly aimed their beams closer to DJ's, and they combined them. "I might as well heal you too." DJ's horn shined slightly brighter, and when the beams stopped, everything was all foggy and nopony could see anything except fog. DJ sighed "great, the fog side affect." DJ flew straight up and flapped his wings hard, and the fog cleared around the group.

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Aurora was standing on his hind legs with an unreadable expression,under him was...well...another HIM,his voice was but a mere whisper,yet it sounded clear as day "Celestia...Luna...DJ...Sparkshower...Alicorns...death to the invader."he whispers before his more ghostly body,which was now fading to nothing picked up the original Aurora,who's mane was white as snow,along with his tail and iris color,he slowly opened his eyes,he looked around before the "spirit" phased into Aurora again,then his eyes lit up,shining brightly as his mouth opened and light exploded out of it too,he was consumed by light for seconds,which felt like days,then the light instantly stopped,Aurora was now standing on his hind legs and looking down at the ground "..."he looks at Jaeger and blinks. Derpy stares up at him with wide eyes,Lyra as well,her mouth gaping wide.

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Jaeger stood up and stared at the spirit. "And who the hell are you?!" he asked in a surprised tone, he wondered just how many things Aurora had let take over his body. The silence after his question made him shiver, his tattoo glowed brighter and he turned his gaze to it, then back to Aurora. "Who. Are. You?" he asked eyes wide

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Sparkshower shook her head "please tell me you're still you, please I can't bear it if it isn't ."

And still you think of him before yourself, Love is weakness

No it's strength.

We'll see, when all the cards are on the table.

You underestimate love, that will be your downfall.

No you put to much faith in it and that has already been yours.

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Aurora blinked and replied quietly "I am Aurora Lights. The fastest pegaus in the multi-verse...I am the harbinger of the one called "The Darkness"...I am the creator of the Aurora Lights....I am reborn..."he says,then he looks to Sparkshower "I am still myself Sparkshower...the Darkness has silenced himself...I can now think agai-"he gets cut off by Derpy tackling and hugging him as tightly as she possibly could,he was thrown a couple yards with her,he landed with a loud thump and an "UMPH!"then squeals of joy broke out of Derpy's lips,she was glad Aurora was back. Lyra sighed and rolled her eyes,then walked beside Jaeger.

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Sparkshower smiled, feeling the closest thing to joy she could anymore. "I'm glad you're allright Aurora." She turned to Celestia "Tell me was canterlot destroyed do you know? And if so who got out alive? do you have that information. We need to assess the damage to Equestria and work on reparing it starting with this bucking nuclear winter."

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DJ Alicorn teleported next to Aurora. "Well, nice to have Darkness shuttup for a while, eh? Get used to it for a while. Hopefully he'll be quiet for the next 12 years. At least that's how long I predict he'll be silenced, but if I'm wrong it's only by a year or two." Luna looked at Sparkshower "Canterlot was not completely destroyed, but most of it was. Unfortunately, most ponies hadn't gotten out. Most of the buildings were destroyed, except for the castle, oddly. If the sky were clear I'd say let's just look..." Luna gets cut off by Shining Midnight who is staring in the direction of Canterlot "The castle is all that's left. The mountain is almost completely gone, so the castle is just floating there. All the windows are busted and most, if not all, furniture is destroyed." Luna smiles "And that is why we have a Royal Watcher."

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Sparkshowers eyes widened, brimming with tears "Such terrible destruction, who would wish that upon anypony. I don't understand why anyone would think of doing something so horrible, I think the Darkness may have had something to do with it, unlike Firequill he can speak into any ponies mind he wants. "  Especially Aurora's

Sparkshower cringed, An illusion already taking over her mind. Aurora as the darkness creating destruction, this wasn't aurora this was aurora dead, this was the darkness finally winning. "Aurora no, don't do this fight it, fight don't let him in, don't just give up , DO SOMETHING!" she fell to the ground, not seeing the real world. she crossed her hooves over her eyes. 


(Dj this is something that happened due to the combined trauma of many things. So Luna should have seen Sparks do something like this before.)

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Jaeger smiled and laughed when Derpy tackled him to the ground. "Haha still "great" with the mares I see" he said smiling even wider. He turned his head to see Lyra. He blushed a bit and kept smiling. "Well hey you," he said as his mind went blank, he honestly didn't know what else to say that wouldn't make him look like a stud.

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Aurora looks past Derpy's bright smiling voice,a light blush forming on her cheeks as she giggles and says "sorry."she says and slowly gets off of him,he sighed and walked over to Sparkshower,softly nudging her,his voice sounding cleansed and almost new. "hey...Sparks...you ok?"he asked softly looking under her crossed hooves. Lyra smiled and giggled slightly,blushing lightly "heh,hey yourself big boy."she says,nudging his side "so he was always good with the mares eh? You couldnt be too bad hm? You don't seem like you would be."she smiles and looks up at him,her eyes bright and shining.

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Jaeger blushed a bit deeper. "Ah. Hehe, I've had some luck not a whole lot though, given the fact I've been away from others for a while. What about you? In sure a pretty little mare like you gets all the attention." he said with a chuckle as he made eye contact with Lyra, her sparkling eyes almost knocked him on his feet.

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Lyra smiled and blushed lightly,looking away "wellllll..."she says and laughed slightly "no."she says,looking back to Jaeger with a smile and a blush,Derpy and Aurora now watching the two flirt with each other,both whispering things to each other,sometimes snickering,one time Aurora said something to Derpy that made her wall-eyes come out as her nose scrunched up cutely.

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Sparkshower stood up eyes wide and backed up "No what have you done to him. you monster He was a good stallion! He was a good stallion and you destroyed him and everything he stood for. What made your hearts so black." She was shaking now her iris were green. She couldn't see anything going on in the real world.

Edited by Sparkshower
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Jaeger expression turned from happy and embarrassed to surprised. "Really? I thought you of all the mares would get love letters everyday." he chuckled, his blush still showing. "I dated a few mares awhile back, but they were just using me. Celestia I hated them" he said thinking back on the other mares he dated who were nothing but horrible little......he didn't care anymore. He looked back at Lyra's eyes. "Your eyes really sparkle in this light you know that? Pretty spectacular." he smilied, mentally slapping himself for the comment.

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Lyra blushed red at the direct flirt and looked away,she did like this stallion "well...uhh...there was this one stallion..."she murmurs,remembering her last experience with a stallion,she hated him,he used to try to get her to do things she didnt want to... "but...forget him,this is a new world,a new time,a new day."she says,looking back to Jaeger.  Aurora blinked and backed up from Spark and looked to Derpy,who shrugged before he looked back "hey,hey,hey...its alright,its me.Aurora Lights,The Darkness is gone,for now."he says,softly placing his hoof on her shoulder.

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The green slightly faded fro her eyes and she could hear him, see him slightly "A.. Aurora?" sjhe asked she could still see aurora as the darkness, but the vision of the real aurora was slowly coming into view finaaly she saw him clearly  She put her hoof to her head "Sorry sometimes I have these... hallucinations

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Aurora blinked and sighed "its ok."he says and looks down "I used to have hallucinations too..."he murmurs and shakes his head "come on,we need to get away from this crater...I don't like thinking about my major crashes too much."he says and slowly walks away with Derpy.

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(OOC: Sorry I haven't been replying for a while, work's been a bitch...)


DJ Alicorn looked to Shining, and telenetically said "Why don't you make your move? I see you've been eyeing her recently." Shining turns around and looks at DJ "No, not right now. Now's not a good time... Besides, what makes you think I got a shot?" DJ Alicorn looks amused "You're the Royal Watcher, you're Equestria's top Chemist and Physicist, and with the magic powerup I had recently gave you, you seemed to have to gotten way better with magic. I don't doubt she'd say yes." Shining peers over to Luna, then Celestia, then looks back to DJ "I don't know... What if..." DJ cuts him off "What if what? Don't worry about it, and just be confident." Shining looks at DJ kind of confused "Wait, why are you giving me advice on this subject? Have you even had a special somepony?" DJ looks up to the stars, re-watching old memories "I did... Long ago... Her name was Clyssoria... She was the most beautiful pony I'd ever seen... We were together for about 2 years... But... Let's just say there was an accident..." DJ looks back down to Shining "But hopefully that wouldn't happen to you." Shining looks at DJ again "Again, I'll wait until a better time." DJ then has a sarcastic look on his face "I wouldn't think there would be a better time than now, but alright."

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Jaeger looked down from the sky and looked at Lyra, "A new day." he repeated, almost getting lost in Lyra's eyes. "Your right Lyra, it's a new beginning almost." he muttered softly. He knew he had feelings for this mare, but he wasn't sure how to say it without looking desperate or come of as creepy.

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Aurora blinked,having a sudden change of heart,he felt almost like an outcast,taking into account of the resent things he had done,he sighed and looked away at the woods,he could leave...he could cover his tracks...he could get away...be alone...what he needed...alone... Aurora closes his eyes and sighed softly,he looked at Derpy as she walked off and started to do some stuff by herself,eat and such,he looked at the woods and silently slipped away,he wasent noticed till he was gone completely,he made extra sure to leave no possible trail or scent.   Lyra smiled slightly "yeah...a new beginning...thats what we all need huh?"she asked with a soft smile. Derpy was eating a muffin. 


(OOC: its ok DJ.)

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Jaeger smiled and nodded. "Yep, that's something a lot of ponies need, me for example." he said as he began to think back on his mercenary career, he wasn't to proud of it, but it was his path. He leaned back shifting the position of his hoof. He set it down over Lyra's hoof. His eyes went wide and he blushed a deep red. He didn't have any words that would come out of his mouth.

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Lyra blushed red as her eyes went wide,she stared down at their hooves,she gulped softly but didnt retract her hoof at all,she kept it there,she liked the warmth of it... Aurora was a ways out now,about a mile,he could cover alot of ground by himself,he descided that flying would give him away till he could reach a long point away. Derpy blinked and started walking around,she noticed the absence of a particular pegasus "has anyone seen Aurora?"she asked,searching around.

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