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Could robots ever move freely?


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This is a question and yes i know i have been talking about robots a lot


But i what the question is, would robots ever be able to move freely so that they are not controlled by someone?


So the robots would just walking or fly around like normal people would and they would not have to be controlled by someone to do something


So you would just tell the robot something and it would do it without you having to control it to do it

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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In my experience with watching movies and other stuff with robots in them, most of the time robots tend to not be controlled by someone, and either fly, or roll around on one wheel.

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But i mean could it ever be real


This is more of a question for the scientists on the forums or the People who study robotics

Edited by codelyoko373


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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there is a robot that can actually move independend.

not truly yet tough, you need top put in the desired location, and the robot will make a route. then when it finds any obstructions through either camera input or sensor input it will change course around the obstruction.


still, this is some very early tech. it will be year till ther's a robot that could like get you a pizza or something.


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There are already robots that travel without remote control. I remember building a Roomba-like thing when I was in high school that would figure out the layout of a room by ramming into things all on it's own. Eventually it was able to travel around without me controlling it in any way.


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Ok i get it there is robots that can control themself so they are AI's but also could a robot talk for it's self so if i ask a robot where New York is would it be able to tell me?

Edited by codelyoko373


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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Sure. It's more likely to get an accurate answer about where New York is from a robot on the street than most people now-a-days. wink.png


Okay, okay. I'll be serious. I think you're actually asking: Will there be artificial sentient beings eventually?


Very likely. But they'll likely be in a form we wouldn't immediately recognize today. The line between 'machine' and 'biology' is getting blurrier every day. By the time we get to the point of movie-style robots, they'll likely be made of stuff we'd consider to be 'grown' rather than built. There's big strides going on in organic computing and man/machine interfaces right now.


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Creating an autonomous "living Robot" would be the same thing as creating a Human being. you'd have to master being able to Give something a conscious so that it could do things on it's own, and just like

Fhaolan said we're already doing some pretty crazy things so "living" robots could be very possible. in the future
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Artificial intelligence has its limitations, we don't really have languages that have the capability of creating a lifelike intelligent mind, we're getting there though, a little more advancement and it's possible that we could create a robot that could "think" for itself, in actual fact all it would be doing is living by a series of rules, like if it saw its power was running low it would know to go charge itself. We could never truly create a machine that is alive, we can only ever make one imitate life.





Yes we could create a robot that will be free, in time.

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No doubt, in fact I watched a documentary on The Discovery channel, and over in Japan they''re working on a robot that learns. So it is inevitable that it's going to happen.When?I have no idea, but probably not in our lifetime.

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What you're talking about is a fully autonomous robot. Yeah, those can happen. I've programmed an "autobot" as I like to call it in my head. Now, it wasn't responding or anything (though I've seen those too), but I taught it to go forward at full power, turn left, go ahead, turn right, go ahead, make a sharp right, park. It's fairly easy.

As for Artificial Intelligence, (btw, Siri can tell you where New York is), that will likely happen. But I don't think they'll be like actual people. You can program responses and give it the ability to learn, and even give it early memories, but it won't have true emotions. A robot will never achieve full, real life. 

Edited by Flicker
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Robots will always be limited to their AI. The AI can become so advanced that it could be considered a synthetic life-form, in which it will learn and develop its own life. Even going as far as simulating real emotions. In a sense, they would become a robot simulating a human, even a human's brain functions and perhaps even organs. In a way, they're just like us, as we are nothing but highly advanced biological computers ourselves.


So, yes. Robots will become a synthetic life-form somewhere in the future. And yes, robots already do move freely and do the things they're supposed to do using algorithms. 

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