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((OOC: Blast is in a different location, fighting robots, so I'll make it so it fired at me, is that fine?))

Light flipped over the blast. "You're a madman, and a menace." Said Light. "But believe me, not the most mad and not the most menacing. You assume that I'm going to back down, but you better think again. Because, as I've always said, the bigger they are, the harder they fall." Said Light, unsheathing his sword.

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Fireburn was bussy beating up another Pony then his head was hurting. "ARGG"  *NOT you. I see you return Master Sefu but you didn't save me form being corrupted it too late. My New Master show me the light and if you come here. Then I am going to Kill you when I See you*

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Flux dropped down and stabbed the Master in the back of his leg trying to disable him and make him unable to run.





Ambrose shot a bolt at the Master, anything to stop him attacking Light, then the voices began. Why let them live, WHY NOT KILL THEM. HELP THE MASTER HELP HIM, KILL LIGHT. Ambrose cleared her head. This was the third time the voice had come.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"As you'll soon see, I'm going to free everypony from your corruption and tyranny, Master. " said Light, grinning. "And when they are freed, I will make sure that you, Dark, and Sombra are disposed of in the most painful manner possible." Said Light with an intimidating look on his face.



Flux dropped down and stabbed the Master in the back of his leg trying to disable him and make him unable to run.





Ambrose shot a bolt at the Master, anything to stop him attacking Light, then the voices began. Why let them live, WHY NOT KILL THEM. HELP THE MASTER HELP HIM, KILL LIGHT. Ambrose cleared her head. This was the third time the voice had come.

Light was certain he saw Ambrose flinch. He called to her. "Ambrose, are you all right, my dear?" He asked, turning to her with a look of dire compassion upon his purple face. "I don't want to lose you... Please tell me if anything is wrong, Ambrose." Continued Light to the mate.
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"Lets deal with the master first, later". KILL LIGHTTTTTTT the voice roared in her head. Ambrose's hoof shook with the effort of pointing it at the master. The voice had been slowly getting louder.



((This is part of Ambroses new story, i wanted to test it out, it will happen every now and then unless, people dont like it.))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"Lets deal with the master first, later". KILL LIGHTTTTTTT the voice roared in her head. Ambrose's hoof shook with the effort of pointing it at the master. The voice had been slowly getting louder.



((This is part of Ambroses new story, i wanted to test it out, it will happen every now and then unless, people dont like it.))

((OOC: sounds good! I'm fine with you making a dark side. Like I always say: every hero has a choice.))

Light saw Ambrose's hoof shake. "Something's wrong with you, Ambrose. Don't be afraid to tell me. Please tell me, I want to be able to help you, Ambrose." Said Light, looking into her eyes.

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(Ambrose is still not quite to trusting Light so she wont be super forth coming)

"Light, focus on the Master, later" she said shakily. Her hand trembled but then steadied. Ahhhh so i see now, you don't want to kill Light, why didn't you say. Now i dont just want you to kill him, i want you to betray him, CRUSH HIM, I WANT YOU TO SEE THE PAIN IN HIS EYES, KNOWING YOU CAUSED IT. Ambrose head hurt, but resolutly pointed the crossbow at the doctor.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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((OOC: Sounds good, I'm liking what you're doing with her, great character development things happening! :)))

"Whatever you say, Ambrose." Said Light, still concerned for Ambrose. He turned back to the Master. "If you think you can stop me, you better think again," said Light. "Try me, I dare you." He challenged.

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The Doctor had fear in his eyes as the crossbow was aimed 

"Ambrose,please don't",he said,"You are better than that."


The Master silmed 

"Oh, I don't need to stop you", he said firing a smyboite goo at Light and walking to,"Becuase you will."

He then laughed 

"You should have kept it,but no you had throw it away."

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The suit had made contact, but Light fought back. He ripped the suit off, and set it on fire with magic. "On the contrary, Master," said Light, "It's no more." He finished, grinning. "Now, let's do this, mono-on-mono." Said Light, striking a battle pose, ready for anything the Master would throw at him.

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"Oh Twilight", he said

Twilight came out of his TARDIS

"Yes,hon?", she asked

"Take care of him", he said

Twilight then bite him and try to set him on fire


The Doctor was brought his TARDIS and The Doctor's TARDS was burried into a ocean and The Master kicked him and his TARDIS demateralized

"Now Doctor we are going back to Canterlot."

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Light rubbed his arm. "Biting, eh? How childlike of you, Twilight." Said Light, grinning. He poised himself, and prepared himself, but he first had to try and help her. "Twilight!" Shouted Light, "this isn't you! The Master is trying to destroy you from the inside out! Fight his control! You're strong, I know you can do it!" He shouted. He prepared himself for battle, in case Twilight couldn't change back to normal.

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"LIGHT" Sylver shoutes "Get Ready" Sylver starts pumping magic energy into the alicorn he stopes when he had pushed about half of the alicorns full magic potential. he was amaised by how strong the pony was he had a massive magic fuse. Sylver backs off to cover.



My Main OC's      Signiture done by Pink Mist

Avolon  Apolyon  Star Streak  Nocturne

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((SOrry point bow at Master, also going to be gone for a bit like 5 hours))


Ambrose quickly shot the master, disabling or killing him, Ambrose didn't care.




((Sorry LoneWolf, also going to be gone this weekend but will have phone so i will try and update as much as possible. Thanks))


Flux dropped down in front of the doctor trying to prevent the master from taking him.

Edited by Ambrose

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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(@Ambriose Thanks kinda Godmodding so please edit your post.)


Twilight growled and telported away from colose quaters and started engulf the area in fire 


The Doctor and The Master arrived at Cantrlot and The Master was ready to reveal how evil The Doctor really was 

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(@Ambriose Thanks kinda Godmodding so please edit your post.)


Twilight growled and telported away from colose quaters and started engulf the area in fire 


The Doctor and The Master arrived at Cantrlot and The Master was ready to reveal how evil The Doctor really was


((OOC: forgive her, it's her first RP. I'll make sure she knows. Just pretend she only shot the bow towards you.))


Light felt the power welling in him, he felt like he was n the black suit, but not evil anymore. "Thanks, Sylver!" Shouted Light. He was ready for anything, and that's when the fire began. "Coward." Said Light, admiring the flames. With his power, he quickly put out the fire.


Sombra and Dark waited in the lair of theirs. They were deep in thought when Dark said, "so the symbiote didn't work. He must be strong willed. But, maybe we can convince him to join us..." Said Dark. "Excellent idea!" Replied Sombra.


((OOC: Game Design will be back tomorrow, his computer went kaboom, and a new one is arriving tomorrow.))

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The Master was slightly injunred but healed thanks to regenration. The TARDIS landed in Canterlot and The Doctor was taken to the very edge of city where a plaform waited for him and his hooves were cuffed 

"Now Doctor if these plaform senses your hoofsteps you'll be dead,but you won't able to rengerate becuase I had a posion that disables rengeration.Don't worry there only enough for you and I took your sonic. So ta."

He then went to a changeling 

"How ready is the device?", he asked 

"Almost ready sir", a chalageing asked 

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Light streak was thinking. Hmmmm... I need to make something that repels that symbiote so it never hurts anypony again... But how? thought Light in a worried state. i can make my own repelling suit! and he did. He worked for a while with some components in the citadel until he made a white suit with a black cutie mark and a red mane on it. "This will work." He said, slipping it on.

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The Master was slightly injunred but healed thanks to regenration. The TARDIS landed in Canterlot and The Doctor was taken to the very edge of city where a plaform waited for him and his hooves were cuffed 

"Now Doctor if these plaform senses your hoofsteps you'll be dead,but you won't able to rengerate becuase I had a posion that disables rengeration.Don't worry there only enough for you and I took your sonic. So ta."

He then went to a changeling 

"How ready is the device?", he asked 

"Almost ready sir", a chalageing asked 


Light streak was thinking. Hmmmm... I need to make something that repels that symbiote so it never hurts anypony again... But how? thought Light in a worried state. i can make my own repelling suit! and he did. He worked for a while with some components in the citadel until he made a white suit with a black cutie mark and a red mane on it. "This will work." He said, slipping it on.

(OOC: I am going to set up a 2 Corrupted Cutey Marks VS 2 Non-Corrupted CUtey marks. Because Plan bring in Sweetie Bell and Babs Seed after they got there training form the ghost who is Fireblaze or Fireburn Master. Fireburn train Darkness Scootaloo while Applejack train Creepybloom more so she can become deadly. But I am going to have the 2 Corrupted Cutey Marks wins this one, Force Sweetie Bell and Babs Seed to Join since they will have no choice.)


"Sweetie Bell, Babs Seed in Detroit and we need go to capture them. Force them to become corrupted like us Creepybloom since Rarity Guards told me a ghost grab her."Darkness  Scootaloo saying.


"Yea I know, we need to get her and Babs Seed So the master will be happy what we did." Creepybloom saying.


"We need to take some Changlings with us to keep any intruders out of our fight." Darkness Scootaoo saying


"You right and this way any good guys want to inter fear with us." Creepybloom saying


Then they heading towards Detroit with some Changlings with them.


THen Derpy was on the roof and smiles. "Well Since the Changlings Fail to Capture Babs Seed and she is alive along with Sweetie Bell. Better let Applejack that her sister Creepybloom going to capture her with Darkness Scootaloo. Also find out witch Changling was in charge capturing Babs Seed." Then Discord Derpy Flew towards Manhattan.



In the Rescents HQ Detroit.


Some Fillys Escape to Detroit survived the attacks became Teenagers and Form the Resisents as leader Sweetie Bell came to them after she got some training and there Leader Babs Seed was there too.


"Everything was FIne until this Master Jerk came and Runned it for all of us. Turn your Sister, My Aunt Applejack and my cousin Applebloom Evil." Babs Seed saying


"Same with Rest of the Element of Harmory and FIreblaze too." Sweetie Bell saying as she was looking outside of the window. "That not the Rarity I know gust she was using me until this Changing Coppy Cat attack me pretending be Diamond Tiara and now she toss me like a yesterday newspaper. Also Scootaloo and Creepybloom turn evil. Lucky Scoots Family didn't kick her out same as Applejack too."


"Also we heard The Great and Powerfull Trixie got capture by the Changlings. Then Gave her to the Master and now he have two Unicorns with Magic that powerful on his side too." Snails saying.


"Since when you became so smart Snails?" Sweetie Bell saying.


"Since Snips died saving me form the attack, I went to Zecora before she got capture and give me a smart postion to make me smart. I Made a Plan to take most of the Fillys, Meet Up with Babs Seed since she was leading them form Manhattan and head to one place the master Haven't touch Detroit, Equestria we were going to the Dragons lands but Master Forces was there and Capture every Dragon. I don't know what he did with them but it can't be good too. So Detroit was the only place we can go too. I try to tell Spike to come with us but he say he plan to Stay hidden in Ponyville since Twilight turn her back on him. But He still alive since I heard the Master let him live but I think he grow up now somewhere don't know." Snails saying.


"I see lucky he is the only one can convince Rarity but she turn her back on him too same as me." Sweetie Bell saying.


"So I am Lt. of the Resicents. Pipsqueak is over there and he was not happy that his faviort Pony Luna was capture but happy that she was still alive and somewhere. I Hope she can find this place same as the heroes." Snails saying.


"Lucky since there some Unicorns that know magic, they put a Fence with Special Magic Field that keep out any Evil, Changlings and Corrupted Ponies out only Good Guys can enter. But I don't know it will hold the Master." Babs Saying.


"Well What weapons you got here?" Sweetie Bell saying.


"Well we got Laser Rifles but we made them to Stun any Courrpted pony but got a second Settings to blast any Changlings. Also Sentries is keeping a look out for any corrupted Ponies or Changlings Army. We set Traps in most abandon Bulidings and if we capture a Corrupted Pony or a Changling then we will put him or her in a Cell, if a Unicorn then we use these Magic Blockers so this way they can't use any magic and wings Cuff so this way they can't fly." Babs Saying.


"I See you been doing your homework." Sweetie Bell saying


"Well Our Teacher died since we learn form him." Babs Saying


"Same with Miss Cherliee she died too and Big Mac Heart was broken so he close to corruption too." Sweetie Bell saying.


"Ok you need get some rest since you travel a long way and tomorrow we need to get other things too make this place safer form the Master." Babs Saying.


(OOC: Some of the Ponies like the Fillys didn't get capture and they became Teenagers. Snails did meet up with Zeorca before she was capture and his best friend Snips died too. So the Master will know a Blip on his map saying Ressicents in Detroit means Chrystial Army didn't go to that city yet and he will not be happy with her too.)

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((OOC: it sounds good to me if you do that, since this isn't an Equestria Empire roleplay, therefore, none of these are really canon to the show what so ever. So, again, to sum it up, give them I corrupted and corrupted cutie marks for the CMC if you wish to do so.))

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(ooc: Sorry for the long disappearance everyone, but im back now so lets get to it :D)


Midnight laid crying after Light had yelled at her. Her father was doing his best to try and cheer her up.


"Come on honey." He said to her as she cried


"He didnt mean, its just the suit like everpony says its not really him." Midnight only continued to cry Game couldn't think of anything to say besides all that he had tried. He let out a sigh remembering that only he and twilight together could stop her from crying. Everyone had entered back into the room. Light was apologizing to ambrose when he turned and looked to midnight. When went to kneel down to her, she backed away from him, and gave him an angry look. With out saying anything, she turned and walked behind the Lupus Major that had led the others. With her head down she laid behind him, and with in seconds the others had joined their leader and crowded around midnight not letting anypony towards her. Game was about to walk over to her when a flash came. There was a tardus. The master had walked out and began to fight with Light. It seamed he was doing alright, but then, twilight had steeped out and attacked light. Midnight perked up at the sound of her mothers voice. She knew she had changed and she was back to normal!


"Mom!" She yelled bursting for twilight, Game stopped her and wouldn't let her go. Twilight teleported and made the fire start, when she left midnight began to yell for her. But after a short while, she realized that her mother wasn't coming back for her. She turned and cried into her Fathers chest.


(ooc: sorry for how long it is :[)

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The Master went to the seaker and he adjuted it so he can be heard throughout all of Equestria

"Attention,citzens of Equestria,this is your lord and Master speaking,let me tell about The Doctor.According to some of oyu he is just a normal pony,to some thoer he is a hero,but he is not.Allow to me to explain,back in our universe that did something so teribble even Clestia and Luna themselve would kill The Doctor. He committed genocide with 2 races The Dalkes and our own All I am asking is you treat The Doctor like an enemy becuase he has the power to End Equestria, and unlike me, he will."

The Master than got off speaker 

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@@Game Design

((OOC: good to have you back! :D))

Light looked at Midnight. "Midnight... I am so sincerely sorry for what I have done and become." Said Light in his new white costume. "But never again will I be corrupted. This suit will prevent that." Said Light. He sighed. "It will be a long time before all is restored, and I will need to do a lot to do so." Said Light. "Midnight... Please forgive me..."

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Midnight got out of her fathers hold, and walked behind the large wolfs once more. Game walked up beside light and smiled at him.


"I'll talk to her" He winked at Light and trotted off to his daughter. The leader of Lupus stepped aside. Game walked over to midnight and sat next her.


"Are you alright sweetie?" He asked as he rubbed her back. She looked up to Game, her eyes red and her face wet. She slowly shock her head side to side.


"He was being really mean daddy..." She mumbled.


"He was acting like those ponies that tossed me in the river and... And I..." Midnight began to cry harder. Game quicluy picked her up and patted her back, resting her head on his shoulder.


"Shh. We dont need to talk about that." Game was at a loss for words once more, then he remembered one thing.


"Hey, mid can i ask you something." Midnight pulled her sell up and laid in her dads hold. She dried her eyes and nodded.


"How come when i turned into my Sombra form, you where right there next to me telling me it was okay, but when light dose it, you wont forgive him." Midnight looked down before she spoke.


"Casue... Cause your my daddy." She looked back up.


"And, and you couldn't control your self."


"Right, and light couldn't control himself ether." Midnight looked down aigin. Her father was right. She felt his lips touch her forhead and looked up.


"Why dont you go make up with him?" Midnight nodded.


"But, dad... Will you sing to me... Please?" Game smiled, and rocked her in his arms.


Come stop your crying, it'll be alright. Just take my hoof hold it tight.


Game sung to his daughter as she smiled and held him tightly.


(thanks man glad to be back! Sorry for the long post... hehe

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The Master went to the seaker and he adjuted it so he can be heard throughout all of Equestria

"Attention,citzens of Equestria,this is your lord and Master speaking,let me tell about The Doctor.According to some of oyu he is just a normal pony,to some thoer he is a hero,but he is not.Allow to me to explain,back in our universe that did something so teribble even Clestia and Luna themselve would kill The Doctor. He committed genocide with 2 races The Dalkes and our own All I am asking is you treat The Doctor like an enemy becuase he has the power to End Equestria, and unlike me, he will."

The Master than got off speaker 


@@Game Design

((OOC: good to have you back! biggrin.png))

Light looked at Midnight. "Midnight... I am so sincerely sorry for what I have done and become." Said Light in his new white costume. "But never again will I be corrupted. This suit will prevent that." Said Light. He sighed. "It will be a long time before all is restored, and I will need to do a lot to do so." Said Light. "Midnight... Please forgive me..."

(OOC: I Know just want to show off and Yea Make Darkness Scootoos and Creepybloom Corrupted Cuttie marks)


"Master I heard form Darkness Scoots that a Rebble base was in Detroit not far form here and I think Queen Chrystials have some explaining to do why she didn't capture that City? Because Sweetie Bell and Babs Seed is alive and still ticking. They got a Army of Teenagers Colts and Mares. Darkness Scoots and Creepybell is heading there with Army of Changlings right now." Discord Derpy saying. Then she looking at the doctor. "Also you are right The doctor is a idoit to blow up Equestria I don't know why I Marry him since his Discord Side won't come out I Rather love his Discord Side instead of HIM!"

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