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Light saw the signal, and tried to get up, but couldn't. He needed to heal. He crawled to get a rope, and grabbed it, nodding at Hero.

"Oh, you'll see there's more to me than you think. I know what Light thinks. I know what he does. Who he is. And the tragic thing is that you won't find out why." Said Dark with a grin.

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"I know all I need; second rate villain, henchmen to someone more deserving the title villain... From the sounds of it probably couldn't fight your way out of a fog bank" As low as i am on energy you shouldn't even move the proverbial needle. How about we do something more suited for you, like a game of tag. Guess what YOU'RE IT DORK STOP!" I said trying dark spot's ego as a weak spot.

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Dark Spot yawns. "That's the best you can do? Next time I should just bring a book or something." Teased Dark, laughing. "For your information, I'm one of the darkest oppressors of this land. And also, I wouldn't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry." Said Dark.

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"Yeah not scared. Anger problem is my middle name" I yawned in return. "Maybe we should hang out and lose our temper together sometime?" I offered "But. for now about I just tip the scales a little bit with some party tunes?" I said immediately thinking of a strategy. The sky darkened, thunder rumbled off in the distance, my ring and necklace glowed as three songs mashed into one ultimate party song. Then blinding light covered the world as a bolt lit up dark spots tent post before he could even move. After the bolt disappeared I saw light slowly tying up a twitching figure that was hissing his frustration. Then it was my turn. The ground slowly started getting closer as my point of view changed. I'd put all of my energy into today's travels and. protecting myself and light from the lightning mys song had summoned. Now I had no choice but to rest as I went from face to face with everypony to face to hoof, the very secret I'd been trying to hide was now out in the open as I passed out.

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Dark had hissed at seeing and hearing the alicorn and his song. When he fainted, he said a quick, "good riddance." Before turning to Light, who was now standing up. The two began to duel. Both were masters of the blade, and both fought powerfully and amazingly.

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days later I awoke with a start. I looked around expecting to see a world I was more used to back in ponyville. Instead I was on the floor of a tent looking out at blades of grass that were as the should be..I immediately remembered the fight and ran to see who'd won. I called out for light hoping that I hadn't failed in protecting him. There were other details I needed from him as well. Details none other than those I deemed trustworthy knew.

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Light lay on the ground, silent. Rain was beginning to fall, and thunder with lightning could be seen, as well as heard, in the distance. Near Light's hoof lay his bloodstained sword. Light wasn't moving. His eyes were closed. However, he still had one thing: a pulse.

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@super 2379


"Crep lulu's gonna hang me for this" I said looking up the injured light. "I do think a healing spell she taught me though might do the trick along with a little of an old spiritual raising" I assessed. I put a good portion of my energy toward my horn which started glowing. The glow covered light as I released the spell. I then whistled a few notes from a song from what seemed another life time ago. . 

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Light began to stir. "Hero?" He asked. "I-I can't feel my legs..." Complained Light. He moved his upper hoof to grab his blade. "Dark Spot escaped..." Groaned Light. "And I can't do anything about it now. I know what he is now. And I'm scared." Said Light, shutting his eyes again.

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"Good, let that fear drive you toward our goal. Dark spot is just a small fry no matter how big he makes you think he is. You have me, and the rest of our group Maybe even the elements if we call in back up. We are stronger than him, sombra, even discord himself would have trouble with us. As long as we stand together and face that fear we'll win. Think about it this way; an animal only knows fear when it faces death. This means fighting for it's life, territory, food, family. They fight using that fear to drive them toward life. If an animal dies it dies fighting. It may die scared but it didn't die cowardly. Learn from the animals.". I said giving light one of my many uber pep talks. "Now You're still injured but awake. I need details and orders. as I finish with your legs. Then I'll go rest up. Before you start though I need a few details about after I passed; how small and how many know?" I asked darkly

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"It was big... Only I and Dark know..." Said Light. "But, hero, there's something about Dark Spot you need to know. The reason he knows me. The reason he's trying to kill me. The reason he doesn't want you to protect me or to help me at all." Said Light. "Do you want to hear it?" He asked.

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"I was talking about what happened when I ran out of energy goofball, how small did I get?" I laughed. "Lemme guess" I said rolling my eyes "He's your twin brother or something? Not hard to figure out by sent, name, and what I felt coming from you both energies wise" I said. "Just means you need to show him the error of his ways somehow, convert him to our side" I offered.




Edited by Cimarronboy
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"In that case, I don't think you shrank that much, if not at all." Said Light, before going back to the mentioning of Dark. "No. Dark isnt my twin brother, Hero. He IS me." Said Light, with a look of horror in his eyes, remembering when he had discovered this scary fact.

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¨interesting, as my strengths go so do my weaknesses.¨ I mused. ¨You sir then hold the key to beating dark spot¨ I pointed out. ¨Unless the twelve swords didn't leave me, then I'd have at least two keys. Shieldbreaker and Farslayer.¨ I rambled jokingly to lighten the mood as my spell worked on lights legs

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Light felt a little better about the situation after hearing the joking statement of Hero. "Heh." He laughed. Light's legs began to feel better, and he told Hero this. However, Light thought he shouldn't move his legs, for healing purposes and all. "Thanks for helping me, Hero. It means a lot."

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"No problem,  consider it me making up  for earlier's failure." I said. "Now if you have no further need I must go lick the proverbial w. ounds, take some inventory, and then meditate for both relaxation and to recharge my proverbial batteries" I excused myself.  Next chance I had I would be a better guard.

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"Alright." Said Light, now getting up. He felt sad. How could he have become a monster?

Maybe he's always been one. Maybe he is a monster. Depressed, Light began to sing.

"Ever since I could remember, everything inside of me just wanted to fit in.

I was never one for pretenders, but everything I tried to be just wouldn't settle in.

If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me?

And if I seem dangerous, would you be scared?

I get the feeling just because everything I touch isn't dark enough, if this problem lies in me.

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me, and I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me,

A monster, a monster, I've turned into a monster.

A monster, a monster, and it keeps getting stronger.

Can I clear my conscience if I'm different from the rest?

Do I have to run and hide?

I never said that I want this, this burger came to me, and it's made its home inside.

If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me?

And if I see, dangerous, would you be scared?

I get the feeling just because everything I touch isn't dark enough,

If this problem lies in me.

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me, and I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me.

A monster, a monster, I've turned into a monster.

A monster, a monster, and it keeps getting stronger...

((OOC: that's a real song. Here's the instrumental, if you want to sing to it:


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"I was half way back to the spot I tried claiming the night before when I felt the first waves coming from lights song. Poor guy was hurting in the worst way. At first I wanted to challenge him with a mash up of "animal I have become" and "I was wrong but I went for something I touch more appropriate for light. I let the song play out from my necklace, loud enough for the whole camp and started along with it....


"Well I know the feeling

of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge

there ain't no healing

from cutting yourself with the jagged edge


I'm tellin you that

it's never that bad

take it form someone who's been where you're at

laid out on the floor 

and you're not sure

you can take this anymore 


So just give it one more try to a lullaby

and turn this up on the radio

if you can hear me now

I'm reaching out

to let you know you're not alone

and if you can't tell

I'm scared as hell

cuz I can't get you on the telephone

so just close your eyes

here comes a lullaby

your very own lullaby


please let me take you

out of the darkness and into the light

cuz I have faith in you

that you'll make it through another night

stop thinking about

the easy way out

there' no need to go and blow that candle out

because you're not done

you're far too young

and the best is yet to come


So just give it one more try to a lullaby

and turn this up on the radio

if you can hear me now

I'm reaching out

to let you know you're not alone

and if you can't tell

I'm scared as hell

cuz I can't get you on the telephone

so just close your eyes

here comes a lullaby

your very own lullaby


Well everypony's hit the bottom

and everypony's been forgotten

when everypony's tired of being alone

when everypony's been abandoned

and left a little empty handed

so if you're out there barely hanging on


So just give it one more try to a lullaby

and turn this up on the radio

if you can hear me now

I'm reaching out

to let you know you're not alone

and if you can't tell

I'm scared as hell

cuz I can't get you on the telephone

so just close your eyes

here comes a lullaby

your very own lullaby"


As the song ended I shed having lifted all my sadness and then finished my trip to my "nest" and instantly fell alseep hoping everyone else felt better.

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Light felt somewhat better after the song. But, he still couldn't shake that feeling that everything was wrong. He sang again:

"the secret side of me, I never let you see.

I keep it caged but I can't control it.

So stay away from me, the beast is ugly.

I feel the rage and I just can't hold it.

It's scratching on the walls, in the closet in the halls,

It comes awake and I can't control it.

Hiding under the bed, in my body in my head,

Why won't somebody come and save me from this,

And make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin,

I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun.

I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster.

My secret side I keep hid under lock and key,

I keep it caged but I can't control it,

'Cause if I let him out,

He'll tear me up, break me down,

Why won't somebody come and save me from this,

And make it end?

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun, I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster

I, I feel like a monster

It's hiding in the dark, its teeth are razor sharp,

There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, and it wants my heart,

No one can hear me scream, maybe it's just a dream, maybe it's inside of me, stop this monster!

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I must confess that I feel like a monster!

I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I'm gonna lose control, it's something radical, I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster,

I, I feel like a monster.

I, I feel like a monster,

I, I feel like a monster!"

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The next morning I went over to light. "I think it's time you sat down and found your groove" I began. "You're tormented. You need to change that and be able to lead us. The only way you can do that is by finding your source. Source's are powerful songs that can take you at your worst  and make it so you fell untouchable, like you could walk through lava and not even get warm. They also make you feel strong, like you could move the planet just by pushing the ground with your finger.". You need it, the camp needs it. I suggest we start doing some group soul searching and grab you all something that'll prove very helpful against our main target". I can walk everyone through it if need by as I've already got mine." I explained seeking permission.

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... Unh?


The young child of the wind at last awoke from an extensive hiatus careless abandoning of the RP briefly sleep. Given what he had been through prior to arriving, and the things he had seen since arriving, it was well-needed.


He was awoken by the sound of... singing, oddly enough. He was somewhat confused... moreso than being surrounded by four-legged equines. After all, his games weren't musicals.


He looked and saw the two ponies standing together, singing their own depressing songs. He HAD been awake to hear of the truth behind Light and Dark Spot, even if it DID confuse him quite a bit.


Feeling the despair and the emotions, a reminiscent song of Klonoa's own despair began to ring in his own ears. A song that he normally tried to forget... but with the atmosphere of the time, it began to feel fitting... even necessary. He'd lost his own fair share of happiness and learned a few painful truths of his own... it flowed through him easily, despite his subconscious protests.


With this song in his heart, he began to hum the tune, approaching the ponies, without actually going right to them. He didn't want to enter into their musical. He just... thought it would feel nicer if he was there now.


((For the everyone here that hasn't played the game, this is the song Klonoa's humming right now.

Real mood-lifter, ain't it?))

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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((OOC: moods were lifted that night.))

Light heard the song, and found it quite soothing. He calmed down, but he still had sadness in his heart. "What am I to do?" Cried Light. "Why would I do such dastardly and evil things?! How did I become HIM?!" Asked Light in anger at himself. "Why?! Why?! WHY?!"

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Klonoa looked and saw Light going on to beat himself up for what he was supposed to become. The boy quickly ran over to him, and grabbed him carefully with his gloved hands.




Assuming that at least snapped him out of his self-loathing, he calmed down a bit.


Light, please... Don't do this to yourself. What he is... and you... at least not now... you aren't the same thing.


He... he's from the future. A future. It doesn't have to be your future.

If... If it means anything, I'll make sure that isn't what you become.


Just... please... stop.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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"He has to be from my future. And that means only one thing." Said Light. "I have no future." He said, hanging his head. "Why...?" He asked himself. "I want to do so much more... But I know that he's there..." Said Light. "It's not right." He continued. "I have to make it right, no matter what, though." He continued.

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Something must have happened to make something like that out of you.


Klonoa briefly dropped his head. He rose it a short time later.


But that's no reason to think we can't fix it now, right? He's the future... we're the present.


He gave a somewhat smug smile.


I've got nothing left to lose right now. If we're going to fix your future and make things right... I'll do whatever it takes to help. You won't become that monster... I'll make sure of it!

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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