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Ambrose slid slightly off to the side camo cloak already activated, a leveled her crossbow preparing to defend Light, in case they were ambushed or attacked. She waited quietly for the response, but found in hard to concentrate. She kept looking over at Light.

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Spike and he was holding a shotgun 

"Get away", Spike threathened 

"Wow", The Doctor said

"We are from the past", he said 

"Prove it", Spike said narrowing his eyes 

"Were we are from The Master just became the Emperor of all Equestria", he explained

Spike looked at Game and belivd them

"Come in",Spike said 

The Doctor entred first 

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Game was startled that Spike had a gun, and that he was back in the tree house. After the doctor explained to spike the situation Game walked in after the doctor. Game looked at spike with pleading eye's. 

"Spike, you have to tell me... Are Midnight and Twilight okay... Please, you have to know..." Game said in a whimpering voice.




Midnight lowered her ears. Why is that pony aiming a weapon at me? She thought. Fang began to snarl again. He hunched as if he was ready to attack. Midnight rubbed his back.


"No don't be mean! Stop!" She demanded. Fang however only continued his stance ready for the two to try and hurt his master.


"Fang wont let you hurt Midnight." He confirmed staying in his position.


"No fang stop!" She whaled. She looked back to the other two ponies. 


"Stop put your weapons away your scarring him..."

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"Calm down, Fang, hopefully he's friendly, but he seems preoccupied right now. Maybe we should check later. My blade isn't glowing, so it should be fine." Said Light, looking at his blade. "We must advance to stop the torture of who's in the forest!" Shouted Light. "Onward!"

Edited by super2379
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Midnight was finally able to calm fang down. When she noticed they two older ponies leaving she ran twords the green pagasus and jumped in front of him pushing on his leg. 


"Wait!" She pleaded. 


"Aren't you here to take me home... To take me back to my mom and dad..." She asked looking up at the green stallion Fang was not far behind ready to pounce if the green Pony did anything to little midnight.

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"I have promised you, haven't I? Well, after this is all over, than you will see your parents. I will keep in touch with them." Said Light to Midnight. "I'm not going to hurt you. Think of me as a temporary parent until this is all sorted out. I'm here for you, Midnight." Said Light.

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Midnight looked up at the green stallion with aw. Her cheeks even blushed a little. The only ponies to ever acttualy care for her where Game Design and twilight. She couldn't find words to say. She only nodded. Fang then nugged the green Pegasus.


"Fang, sorry green pony." He said lowing his head. 

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"It's quite alright. Pleased to meet you, Fang. I am Light Streak, defender of peace." Light said, introducing himself to Fang and Midnight. "And like I said, I'll care for a midnight. I'll treat her like my own daughter." Said Light. "Many things are at stake, and I don't want her or you to get hurt, Fang."

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Fang smiled and gave Light a lick on his cheek. The large Lupus Major helped Midnight onto his back, being that she was still in aw, Fang then walked with the two ponies and looked to Light Streak.

"Can Fang help Light?" Fang asked.

"Light seams nice. Fang not see many nice ponies. They run because they scared. So Fang wants to help nice pony." He then looked back to his master who was laying on his back.


"And midnight. Fang wants to help Midnight too."

Edited by Game Design
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"I'll be honest the only element harmony left is Kindness and I don't even know where she is", he explained,"Applejack died on assasinaion attemptted on The Master and Rarity..well I will spare you the details,but she got eaten.Rainbow Dash well lets say she died protecting Scootaloo."

Spike looked at Midnight ,"There was a huge showndown in Manehattan from what I undestand neathr of them made it."

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"No..." Said game, tears formming in his eyes. He turned back to the doctor.


"Doctor you have to send me back! I Have to save them!" He lowered his head.


" I cant lose them... I have to save them...Please send me back..." Game looked at the doctor, tears streaming down his face.

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The Doctor shown no emotion on his face

"What about Celestia and Luna? What happen to them?"

'Well hen Luna and Celestia got free from The Master's cluches they try put him into stone,but they were tooo weak and somehow The Master killed them."

The Doctor looked at Midnight 

"Come on lets go", he said exting the libary 

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@@Game Design

"We could use some help in an espionage mission. There are some ponies that are trapped and are being tortured in the Everfree Forest. I was headed there with my group to see if we could silently free them." Explained Light. "Could you help us with that mission?" Inquired Light.

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Midnight went over to her crying father and tried her best to comfort him. Midnight looked puzzled when the doctor told her to go with him. She stepped back and looked confused.


"M-me? Why do you want me to come with you?" She asked with a hint of disbelieve.



Fang nodded.


"Fang will try." The lupus major looked back to his filly friend laying on his back. 


"Midnight stay with Zacora."


Midnight looked at fang and shock her head.


"No! I Wanna come with you... I don't want to lose you again and maybe i can help some how." Fang looked to Light to see what he thought about midnight coming along.

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@@Game Design

"Midnight, if you are up to the task, you can come along with us. I'll make sure that you aren't hurt." Said Light to Midnight. "And Fang, I'm going to make sure she doesn't get hurt, and that she'll be fine and well after everything. And you have my word on that." Said Light.

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Steel had ignored the ponies then when they left he followed "hey sorry about that I'm steel and I don't know what your talking about "steel said "bit out seems you have some real work to do so mind if I join you"steek asked "and word to the wise don't ever try to fight me with a blade" steel said to light

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Midnight smiled, and fang nodded and the continued on their journey to help the captured ponies. Midnight looked back to see another stallion walking next to light. She hopped off of Fang and trotted next to the new pony. 

"Mister steel, why are you out here all alone?" She asked looking up at him.

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"I have been hunting a pony by the name of demonblood he is pure evil and is very powerful, he even stole the wings of a dragon" steel said "but the trails gone cold once again, and that means he isn't doing anything besides laughing at the fact I haven't caught him yet, so what are you ponies up to" steel asked as he walked

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"We are here to recur some ponies from peril." Explained Light. "We are going in the Everfree to resue them from torture." Light added, walking at Steel's speed. "And I'm taking care of a pony named Midnight as I do so, protecting her with all of my will and the best of my ability."

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"would you like some help if that's what's going on then it's safe to say the other ponies are going to fight back and well I haven't had a good sight in a while"steel said "and protecting other ponies is something I don't do often because i don't have but one pony to protect"steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"I know those feelings, and thanks for volunteering to help." Said Light. "We need as much as we can get in these dark times." It was about this time that Light was at the edge of the Everfree. "Get in the forest and stay quiet, everypony! We don't want to get caught and tortured ourselves." Said Light.

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As the small group walked along, Fang stopped and his ears stood up. He sniffted the air and got an uneasy look on his face. Midnight walked up to him and nudged on his leg.


"Fang, whats wrong?" She asked. The lupus major ignored her and picked her up and put her on his back. He turned to light.


"Light need to hide. smell Ursa Major." He stated.

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Steel watched the others as they walked in to the ever free "well I could lead the way that is if I knew the location" steel said thinking about how he could follow and move around without being detected

$(steel had an demon that lives in him but if you don't want it he doubt have to be in

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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((OOC: @@dashian500 the demo thing is fine. It'll add suspense. ;)))

@@Game Design

"None of us know this location of where they are tortured." Said Light, when he heard Fang speak. It sounded like, "Light need to hide. Smell Ursa Major." Light was shocked. "Everypony, behind this tree! He said, motioning toward a broad tree, which could conceal up to 10 ponies effectively.

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Steel silently took flight and hid in the canopy he could make out the faint noise of the ursa so he didn't move he figured henwqsrje beat hid since they had all hid behind the trunk of te tree he was in -steel have you decided to bena good pony-spawn taunted steel in his mind

((-- thoughts and thins that happen in his head will be tin those and spawn is the demon

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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