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The sound of hooves hitting cracked stone was heard as a group of approached a temple. A temple of ancients, the vines visible from most angles, the pillars as tall as six of Celestia's behind. Mysterious symbols masterfully crafted onto the now broken stone bricks. One may say that this is cliche as a Hollywood movie!

How's that? :P


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The group continued through the ancient temple, being cautious of their surroundings. All of a sudden, a low growl is heard coming from deep within the temple.



IF is best girl.

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Stopping dead in their tracks and taking a quick look around shown nothing out of the ordinary. They walked a bit more, and suddenly with a jerk of awareness, noticed dozens of gleaming eyes all around them in the darkness.


~Signature by my awesome sibling @Armchair Adventurer "Som"~

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The group stopped suddenly in their tracks, they scanned the large room they are in. Some of the ponies moved into a protective formation as the group scanned the gleaming eyes. They whispered to one another, they need a decision, and fast.

  • Brohoof 1


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The unicorn who previously illuminated the temple now gathered some magical power as she bend through her knees. Her horn touched the ground and in a matter of milliseconds a purple orb was surrounding the group of equine creatures. It wasn't a very effective force field, but it should hold the creatures off for atleast some minutes.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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One of the ponies noticed a large door to their right side. It was hidden in the shadows where the light failed to reveal, it was sheer luck that one of the ponies noticed it. The leader of the group, a unicorn told the group to move toward the large door. They started to move, quickly though as the creatures slowly surrounded them.


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The whole 'adventure' was a hallucination by a group of teenage ponies stoned off their rumps. Fluttershy, who had previously saw a guy standing around doing nothing, shook her head as she trotted past the teenagers.


She went to the cottage and walked in, with some mysterious powers opening and closing the doors.

Fluttershy grinned. She had a deep dark secret. She was the Fluttershy from the other side of the mirror portal. She was the Fluttershy from Canterlot High. After realizing there must a pony version of her from the pony world who must have lots and lots of animals, she had jumped into the portal which had opened after thirty moons.
Then she tripped over and landed on her snout. She hadn't quite gotten accustomed to her new pony body yet. "Ow."
Suddenly, her eyes widened in horror as she noticed the door handle was moving. Pony Fluttershy was back. Thinking on her feet, Human Fluttershy found a hiding spot. It was...
Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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whoa, dat plot twist!


she quickly tried to hide in one of the many cages lining the walls of fluttershy's cottage. this prooved to be a rather worthless hiding spot as the bars surrounding her now didn't really block any sight. she slowly climbed back out of the cage and stood in front of the original fluttershy, only remaining silent.


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Anyway, continuing on from repsol rave's post...


Suddenly, Pony Fluttershy revealed she was... a Changeling! It somehow picked up Human Fluttershy and took her to Queen Chrysalis.


"Well, well, if it isn't Fluttershy..." mused Chrysalis, running her hoof through Human Fluttershy's mane.


"Get off me, thing with holes in your legs!" snapped Human Fluttershy. "I'm not really a pony, I'm a human!"


"What's a human?" asked some random filly who had appeared in the room for no reason.

OCs: RileyAnala

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The changelings gasped, a filly has broken through their secret base that was under Sugarcube Corner. The entrance to their hive was disguised with a sign that said, "Totally not a Changling Base, pls don't enter." It's impossible for a filly to break into their base with such camouflage and security.

Edited by Demirari


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Crystalis glanced over to one of her changelings and ordered "get into the castle and find that mirror".

the changeling replied yes my queen and quickly changed into a canterlot royal guard.

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A changeling spoke up, "Isn't the mirror in the Crystal Empire?"

Then another one spoke up, "I though the mirror was in Trottingham?"

By now, the poor changeling was shapeshifting faster then the eye can see.

Edited by Demirari


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The Changeling exploded from the sheer amount of shapeshifting. "The mirror is in The Crystal Empire, dweebs!" taunted Human Fluttershy, galloping away. She never thought she would ever use that word, but the evil bug-pony thing had just kidnapped her!


At last, she reached the mirror. She was about to step in, when she realized something. "If I go through, I'll turn back into a human." She had a major dilemma on her hooves. Go home where she belonged, or keep her new ponyhood?




Human Fluttershy turned round in horror. Chrysalis and the Changelings had caught up with her.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Suddenly a shield appeared around her, a purple magical shield. Suddenly a majestic purple alicorn called Twilight Sparkle appeared in front of Human Fluttershy. Twilight Sparkle bellows, "Stop right there changeling scum!"

Chrysalis shouted back, "Never!" And so they jumped toward each other, priming a spell.

Before they collided, Human Fluttershy yel---------

"What in Celestia's beard am I reading?"


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The voice had come from the filly from earlier. She was reading a strange book. Ignoring her, the ponies continued their fight. Suddenly, Chrysalis remembered something. "It's free ice-cream day at the shop!" So she and the Changelings flew away.


"Well, Fluttershy, are you coming home?" asked Twilight.


"Wait a sec... are you the Twilight from this pony world or my world?" asked Human Fluttershy.


"I'm the Twilight from your world. I was walking past that school called Canterlot High and loads of kids ran up to me saying 'Twilight! You're back!' Confusing, to say the least. There were four who seemed particularly pleased, and they said 'If only Fluttershy was here to see you!' They explained they had a friend called Fluttershy who jumped through a portal at the back of a statue that leads to a world full of ponies, so I decided to jump in too. Thanks to the four students' description of Fluttershy, I knew she was you," explained Human Twilight. "And now I'm a pony with wings AND a horn! Could this be any better?" she added excitedly.


"I see... well, let's go home. Those bug things were scary!" said Human Fluttershy. So the two mares walked towards the mirror... but it was closed.


"Well, now what are we going to do?" asked Human Twilight.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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Voices started to appear behind the two. The fight had alarmed the guards of the castle. The ones that were leading the charge were Shining Armor, Cadence, and will be to the two's horror, Twilight Sparkle, the MLP one...

Edited by Demirari


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"Oh, noes! What will become of my wonderful pony form now?" said Human Twilight worriedly. Suddenly, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Pony Twilight, and the guards were kidnapped by a pineapple.


"Thank you, turn of events that make no sense whatsoever!" said Human Fluttershy happily, Suddenly, the two girls-turned-ponies began heavily sweating because giant frying pan.

The heat caused Human Twilight to release a magic beam from her new horn, which forced the portal open. "Did you know you could do that, Twilight?" asked Human Fluttershy.


"Nope," replied Human Twilight. Suddenly, Human Pinkie Pie, Human Rainbow Dash, Human Rarity, and Human Applejack came through the portal. "Guys? Is that you?" asked Fluttershy.


"Yep! I used my Pinkie Sense to predict that you and the Twilight back in our world had gone through the magic portal and turned into ponies and gone on freaky adventures!" replied Human Pinkie.


"Oh heavens! The trip through the portal has ruined my wonderfully styled hair!" said Human Rarity, shocked.


"Will yeh shuddup 'bout yeh hair fer a sec?" asked Human Applejack, clearly annoyed. Human Rarity was speechless. And the day was saved.


"Why do I have a weird tattoo on my butt?" asked Human Rainbow, apparently not having noticed her new wings.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Well, that's great, girls," said Human Twilight, "But if we don't get out of here, we'll be cooked by the giant frying pan!" So the six of them ran out of the castle.


The six girls-turned-ponies were well away from the castle when it inexplicably exploded. "Going somewhere?" asked a sinister voice. It was the pineapple. It abducted the six mares and flew away.

Inside the pineapple's airship, the six former humans noticed Pony Shining, Pony Cadence, Pony Twilight, and the guards. "MY OWN CLONE!" Human Twilight and Pony Twilight exclaimed in unison. Then they squealed like rabid teenage girls at a sleepover.


"Why are there two of you, Twiley?" asked Pony Shining.


"We'll explain later," replied Human Applejack. "Right now is the time for escapin'."


Human Pinkie had an idea. She picked up a can of whipped cream that had seemingly appeared from nowhere, and sprayed it around her mouth. "RABIES!" she screamed. A mini-pineapple servant went to alert the leader.


"Throw all of those ponies out at once!" commanded the leader pineapple.


"Why all of them and not just the one with rabies?" asked the servant.


"I don't know, just do it!" replied the leader. So the servant pushed all nine ponies (oh, and the guard ponies) out of the ship.


When everypony was free, the mirror portal mysteriously fell from the sky. "I'm not going through! My hair will be ruined again!" snapped Human Rarity. Giggling, Human Rainbow pushed Human Rarity into the mirror... but the portal was closed.


"OH NO!" cried the six girls-turned-ponies.


"OH YEAH!" said the Kool-Aid guy.

OCs: RileyAnala

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