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open Occult in the Swamps


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@@Twila Starshimmer,



Wish darted toward the edge: looking down into the darkness towards her (somewhat rude, but still otherwise amazingly awesome) friend. Her face was filled with concern, but at the same time there was more than a little wide eyed delight - Sabel was fine, if her voice was anything to go by, and she had found...


... actually, Wish had absolutely no idea at all. But she had certainly found something!


"Hold on, I've got a rope!" She called down in response - face already deep in the saddlebags as she rummaged through the multitude of supplies that so many ponies had told here were never going to be any use... "I'm coming down, I want to see this!"


'Rope... Rope... Where is it? I know its in here somewhere...'

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Twila Starshimmer,



"Don't worry, I'm fin- Owwww!"  Sabel winces, looking back at the source of her distress.  She'd landed on one of her wings, and it was definitely not in the proper shape anymore.  "Uh...  Like I was saying, I'm fine.  I just...  Landed on one of my wings funny.  I don't think I'm going to be flying for a while."


Sitting down, she cranes her head back to stare up at the hole.  She could see the outlines of her friend's faces when they looked into the hole, but there wasn't much else she could see.  "Hey, if you're coming down, try and bring a torch or something...  It's dark down here, I can't even figure out what I landed on."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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"I can solve the darkness problem" Skuldaf drawled, coating his horn in black and red energy. An energy ball of the same color appeared above his horn, crackling. "I can't hold it anymore" Skudlaf informed before letting the ball go and shooting out of the hole

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"I've got this! Hold on!" Twila shouted, realizing she had magic. She closed her eyes tightly, willing her magic to work. A light emitted from the horn, light up the hole below.


"I'm pretty new to this magic stuff, so I'm not sure how long I can keep this up. Skuldaf, can you see if you can help her wing?"


She shrugged towards Wish, pointing to the hole with her eyes, "Wish, I think I saw the rope to your left. Please hurry!" 

Edited by Twila Starshimmer
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Golbez Grandolfo

Golbez opened up one weary eye before lifting his head up, "Oh I needed that badly, " the griffon tilts his head abruptly one way then the other, stretching his neck muscles.

Standing up, Golbez arches his back and slides both his talons and his hind legs outwards along the ground, stretching each as far as they will go, holding this position he unfolds his wings and spreads them out before lettering loose a loud beastly yawn before finally retracting all his limbs and standing in an upright position, well rested...finally.


"Right, first thing's first I think I'll...what the?," peering in to he distance Golbez lifts a talon over his eye's to shelter them from the light to see in the distance better, it was hard to tell but it almost looked like a light being shot up into the sky, almost like a- , "Is that...a flare?..oh dear, " Scratching his chin, Golbez pondered if it would be best to tell the Manager, but then again if this was what he thought it was, then help was needed, right now.

"Well, here goes nothing," as he spreads his wings out and pushes himself off the ground, Golbez takes off towards the swamp.


The "Flare" would have dissipated by now, but Golbez did have a rough idea where it was shot from as he flew over the trees, his head darting from side side as he peered at every gap in the tree's he could find as he flew over, eventually one did catch his eye, two ponies looking down a hole, it might not have necessarily been them, but in all honesty how many more ponies would venture out in such a place anyway?

"They must be the ones," as Golbez flew over he performed a quick U-turn in the air before gliding downward, folding his wings in before grabbing a firm hold at a tree's higher branch's, a textbook landing as Golbez would have liked to have called it.


After climbing down some of the branches and touching down on the ground, Golbez peered around and spotted what he thought were the distressed ponies still standing near the hole.

Approaching them quietly, he cleared his thought to acknowledge his presence before addressing the one mare, he peered around again curious where the other had gone too.

@, @@Twila Starshimmer

"Pardon me madam, but were you the ones who sent a flare up in air? I saw it from the hotel and I believed you may require some assistance?", the curious griffon tilts his head slightly and raises an eyebrow as he awaits a response.

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@@Twila Starshimmer,



"Rope! Perfect!"


Tugging at the coiled cord, she glanced about for anything that looked like it might be strong enough to support her - a good, sturdy tree or a sizeable boulder...


Failing, she improvised.


Looping the rope about an old, dead piece of woods that once probably was a tree, she pulled it into a knot and within seconds was suspended above the darkness: sliding the length of the rope at speed before tightening her grip just a second or so before reaching the end if the rope - slowing her down before landing.


It would have been perfect, had the rope itself not been a good few meters too short - falling the rest if the way, she somehow managed to land on her hooves: grin massively at her own achievement and strike a proud pose at the same time.


"Yeah! Wow, just look at this place... Oh! Sabel, are you okay!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Twila heard a new voice, and turned to see a griffin looking curiously at her. "Hi, I'm Twila. Uh, sure, whatever you could do to help would be great!"


She heard a thump and saw that Wish had entered the hole. "What'ya see down there?!" she shouted, feeling her anxiety go up a notch.

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@@Twila Starshimmer,




Sabel blinks in the light the unicorns had managed to make, looking curiously at the 'ground' she had landed on.  What the..?  The floor of the tunnel seemed to be made of a mass of tree roots, extending in either direction as far as she could see.  She turns towards Wish as she hears the mare land next to her, giving a small smile and folding her hurt wing up against her back.  "I'm fine...  Still breathing, anyways.  What in Equestria is up with this tunnel though?"


As she tries to figure out just what had happened, Sabel stops in her tracks when she thinks she hears a familiar voice above her.  No way...  What would he be doing all the way out here?  Granted, the same could be asked of her, but that didn't occur to her at the moment.  She tilts her head back to call up towards the hole, just to see.  "Golbez?"  She couldn't be sure, of course, but it did sound like the magician's voice.  Maybe the tunnel is just making me hear things strangely...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Wish's attention was lost.


"Golbez..? No thanks, I think I preferred 'Kid' to that - what's it even mean? And don't you think this is a bad time to be thinking about nicknames? I mean, it's up to you... but seriously, wouldn't you rather be exploring? Just look at this place! It's amazing!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Golbez Grandolfo

@@Twila Starshimmer

"Why certainly Madam how may I...What in the?", Golbez blinked as he turned his head towards the hole, he wasn't sure but he could have sworn he heard his name being called...twice even, but that was absurd.

He was practically in the middle of no-where, with ponies he barely even knew,it was unlikely they would know of him and it was just as unlikely it would be someone he knew of, so how in the name of Celestia could anyone be calling his name!?, he muttered to himself, "Curious."


Peering at the whole Golbez eventually, albeit somewhat reluctantly, lowered his head just over the edge of the hole, it was dark and difficult to see but he could see movement down there, perhaps they were the ones needing assistance?

@, @, @

"I say, did someone call for me specifiacally down there?!"

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Sabel can't help but laugh as she glances back at Wish, using a talon to scratch at the back of her neck.  "Heh, sorry Wish.  Heard a voice up there, thought I recognized it...  You're right though, we should figure out what this place is."  She stands up, trying not to stress her wing as she gets her feet back underneath her. 




When Golbez calls down into the hole, Sabel stops and looks back to the surface again.  What the...  It is him!  Why is he out here?  Trying not to laugh, Sabel calls back up towards Golbez and Twila.  "Ha...  So I've heard of a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat before, are you gonna do the same and pull us out of this hole?"  She grins, laughing to herself at her own joke before looking back to Wish.


"Apparently, a friend of mine is here...  Don't know why, but sounds like good news for us."  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Twila turns toward Golbez in surprise. "A magician? Really?! That's pretty awesome! So, like, can you magically transport them out of there? Or at least put us in there?"


She craned her neck to see Wish and Sabel,  her hooves getting closer to the edge, unaware that the edge was still unstable.


"What do you want to do, Sabel? We don't exactly have a reliable source of light to go exploring, and it's almost sundown now. Pretty soon we won't be able to see to go through the bog."

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@@Twila Starshimmer, @

Golbez lifts his head back up with a very baffled look on his face, not only did the nameless stranger in the hole knew he was..but what he did for a living, it had to be someone he knew and a frightening thought occurred to him,  "Oh sweet Celestia please don't let it be Cherry Bomb, that's all I need."


The griffon Snapped out of his thoughts as the Pink mare standing beside him addressed him, he could only smile sheepishly at her,"Erm...Well I'm afraid I'm not that kind of Magician madam, I'm more of an Ent...Wait, did you say Sabel?", Golbez blinks as he abruptly leans his head rather uncomfortably close to Twila, "Are you referring to a griffoness named Sabel?...rather thin, scar over one eye...has a bit of an attitude?"

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Swiggly lay down on the bed, he could hear Storm in the other room, "of course there's no service, this place is empty" Swiggly rolled off his bed and trotted towards the window, the room was still on the ground floor so there was no elevated view "who the hay would want to build a hotel in an ugly swamp like this?"

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Storm went over to their adjoining wall. "Obviously somepony who wanted to attract ponies like us. I'm starving... What are we supposed to do for food?" He looked around the room, hoping to find something to satisfy his hunger. He only found a moldy Cheerio. "Eww.."

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"You want to leave?" Wish asked with an incredulous look plastered on her face. Leave? Now? This was exactly what they had been looking for! Adventure didn't just come to you, you had to chase it down!


 "... but... but this place is awesome! Just think what we could find further... further into..." She trailed off, pointing into the darkness with a hoof weakly - knowing full well that her excitement wasn't shared - saddle bags already wide open on the ground in front of her with various tools and supplies laying around it. "... I guess I can come back here on my own later..." She relented.

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabel blinked and pulled her gaze away from the hole above them, grinning at Wish and gesturing for the mare to step off to the side with her.  She lowers her voice to talk quietly to the pony, nodding towards the hole in the roof as she starts.


"C'mon now...  Wish."  She still hadn't come up with a good nickname yet.  "It's not that I want to leave - I'm looking forward to seeing what I fell into too.  But first we should make sure we're not trapped down here, right?"  The griffoness tilts her head for a minute before turning and holding out her hurt wing for Wish to see.  


"I mean, if there's something dangerous down here, I'm already hurt...  So, it'll be up to you to take care of everything, right?  And we both know that adventurers should always have a retreat plan ready, right?"  She grins and winks at Wish before nodding her head back towards where the others were.  "We've gotta keep these things in mind for the others - they'll be counting on us.  Especially you, now that I went and got hurt."







Mister Silver makes his way back to the front desk, looking much more haggard than the night before.  As he sits down he blinks, looking at the sign in book.  "Oh my...  It looks like two guests signed in while I was trying to organize the staff...  *sigh* This is terrible, my hotel must be giving off a terrible impression.  I need to get these issues solved as soon as possible..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, stormwing, you tag someone like this  @[ member = 'Name' ] (not including the spaces)

(this rp needs to liven up)

Swiggly found himself dozing off on the bed. Just as he was about to fall asleep his ear twitched "Storm you're not rustling through the front desk right?" Swig got off and opened a packet of Hershey's.

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(OOC: I know this.)


He was laying on his bed, flipping through a nice book. He perked his ears as he heard his name. "Nah, I'm not. Why?" He shut the book and got up. "What makes you think I'm out at the desk? I wouldn't need to go out there for anything."




One of the names, etched in a nice style, read "Stormwing". There was no last name. There was a little ink blot as if he was about to sign the name, but did not. 

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Swig bit off a piece of Hershey's and savored the taste of the bits of cookies. Swig popped his head out of his room and looked down the hallway "psssst.... Storm, I think somepony's inside the lobby" Swig levitated himself onto the ceiling so he could walk upside down, trying to stealthy and ninja, then trotted into the lobby. 


Mr Silver was at the desk when Swig sneaked into the lobby undetected (because noone ever bothers to look up). Swigl lowered himself behind Mr. Silver "..... don't guests get complimentary gifts when they book in a room? like chocolate"

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@@Twila Starshimmer, @, @


Golbez scratched his chin as he peered down the hole, pondering how to best handle the situation, eventually he turned his attention to the pink mare beside him, 

*crumble crumble*

Unbeknownst to him however, the unstable earth around the edge was beginning to give way under his weight.

"Madam, if you wouldn't mind, I would like for you to stay up here while I take a look at what's going on down there."

*crumble crumble crumble*

"If you see anything come here, pony or otherwise, shout down and I'll be back up as quick as a f-".




Landing flat on his chest, Golbez winces as he looks upwards with one eye noticing Sabel and Wish right in front of him, he couldn't help but smile meekly,"Evening...ugh...mind if I drop in?...eh heh"

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"I don't believe this situation is beneficial" Skuldaf observed, giving Golbez a blank stare. "I could blast us out" Skuldaf offered, creating a ball of energy on his horn and expanding it so that it could be fired off when ready. "Your choice" Skuldaf said before discharging the energy ball out of the hole

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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The surprise arrival of a second griffon was, to say the least, unexpected. Wish jumped back several meters - her shock thankfully preventing her from saying anything potentially embarrassing... at least, after the half-legible cry of alarm. She quickly shook herself off and back into a state capable of speaking.


"Can we all stop falling down here!? The mare chastised the pair of griffons - somewhat less meekly than she might have had she not received the fright she just had. "You're griffons - you've got wings! How am I the only one down here who didn't fall down?"


Looking back at the other, larger, carnivorous creatures, she started to shy away before looking back up at the light above and standing as tall as she could - which, in all honesty, was still not all that impressive.


"Now what are we going to do?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Sabel blinks at Golbez, tilting her head slightly while trying her hardest not to grin at his predicament.  She wasn't doing a very good job of that.  "Now I've heard of showy entrances...  But that wasn't quite what I was expecting."  The fact that her own fall into the hole had been just as poor, if not worse due to the fact she managed to hurt her wing, wasn't the issue here.


The griffoness steps closer to offer Golbez one of her talons to help him up, winking at the other griffon.  "Didn't expect I'd run into you somewhere like this...  You alright, big guy?"


As she helps Golbez up, she tilts her head back to look at the hole.  Twila is still up there...  That could be good if we're stuck down here, but it could be bad if any of the predators the signs were warning about are up there...  Suddenly worried about the mare being by herself, Sabel calls up to her.


@@Twila Starshimmer,


"Hey, Twila...  You may as well join the rest of us down here.  Hopefully this tunnel leads to a way out, but we should probably stick together in somewhere like this."








Silver looks up from the book to turn and look at Swiggly.  If he'd been shocked by the pony's presence, he hid it well.  While the old stallion still looks rather haggard, he puts on his best friendly smile.  "I'm sorry son.  If the free rooms aren't enough, you're welcome to try the dining room...  We have staff working 24/7 in case anypony gets hungry.  Or at least we're supposed to..."


The old stallion turns back to glance at the books again.  "Now...  Would you be mister Stormwing, or mister Swiggly?  As the owner, I like being able to keep track of the guests in case there are any problems...  And would you kindly step out from behind my desk?  Employees only.  I do apologize for any inconveniences you've experienced thus far, I'm afraid there's been...  Well, multiple problems today...  I'm trying desperately to get them all sorted out, but we're rather short-hooved all the way out here..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Swig tossed himself over the desk and landed on all fours "I'm SwigglySwiggly, mr.Stormwing is in his room" Swig fell back caught himself with his levitation spell and hovered back down the hallway "sorry bout booking the rooms ourselves, If there's any problem feel free to move our rooms around"

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