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(I've been reading Homestuck which has an ungodly amount of text in styles that can be so difficult to read that I can't read all that bro... Sorry.)

Cosmo sighed and sheathed Altair as well as his battle form and went to retrieve the others just to find them having returned. "I'm with Lewis. This place'll hold for all but a large assault and I only used my battle form because I thought I'd have to beat Poe into submission so I need a nap... Also, we should be ok about changelings... *yaawwn* you're welcome for that one. If you decide to leave anyway just leave a note for me... Thanks..." Cosmo's voiced faded as he went for a bed.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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David sat up, perking his ears. He quickly cast a quick hearing enhancement spell to double check then nodded to himself. "Guys, could some pony untie me? Some pony is out and about in Trottingham and needs help! Quick, guys, cut me loose!" He struggled against the ropes a bit longer before slumping in defeat. "You're kidding right? You're letting them think that tying you up will stop you?" David glared. "Oh, your back. I thought you left with your tail between your legs. And, if it wasn't for you, I WOULDN'T BE TIED UP!" David basically yelled the last part. Poe merely smirked and disappeared in to his head again.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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  Sensiquill listened intently to David's testimony and thought it seemed legitimate enough.  Then something odd happened, he couldn't tell what it was, but it felt like his ears were ringing ever so slightly.  When David said somepony was in trouble at that precise moment, he couldn't have been mistaken. 




  Sensiquill proceeded to untie David whilst muttering under his breath,  "You'd better not be lying,  there are five of us and one of you.  I'm reasonably sure that your safe, but don't test me."  The slate stallion stared seriously into David's eyes at the last part.  When  the pony was free Sensiquill said, "Prove to me that you can handle trust and you will have earned mine."

   "As for that noise, can you tell where it came from?  because its going to get dark in a few hours and we could use the numbers."

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David shook his head to clear it and looked at Sensiquill. "Thanks! And, I think I know where the noise is coming from but...well, if every pony tries to go rescue who ever is out there, we'd make a lot or racket. I'm an accomplished recon agent. This is a basic package retrieval mission. Would you trust me enough to leave on my own?"


David looked at him, pleading internally. He wished he could make everypony know how sorry he was that he lost control and accidentally some how let Poe take over. He knew his split was a psycho. He couldn't control that, but this was his big chance to make it up to every pony! If he could save who ever was calling out, then that could be his redemption. He shook his head after realizing he had spaced out and focused on Sensiquill to see what he'd say.


Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Sensiquill gave a sigh and looked around at everypony before deciding.




   "Alright, this is your chance to prove yourself.  I want you back by tomorrow afternoon.  Now if you aren't here before then we will know something is up."  The stallion nodded in approval and added, "You have my permission to go..."


   Sensiquill then turned back to the rest of the group.  "As I mentioned earlier, it's getting dark.  We need someone on night watch since the bunker is no longer secure.  I'll take the first post and we can cycle through them if we need to."  He led the ponies back into the bunker and grabbed his pack and mat.  Next he went back outside into the night and set up a post on a hill some distance from the bunker.  There he waited, alone... and lonely.

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David nodded and in a flash of blue fire, his coat turned a very very dark green color. "I've had enough black for one day. Time to try some other color." He winked in Sensiquill's direction then cast a spell to enhance his night vision, and his hearing. He then cast a second spell on his hooves that made each step he took muffled, so as not to draw attention to himself as he walked. Then, after looking around one last time, he took off in the direction he thought he heard the cry come from. A few minutes later, he thought he saw a shape limping. "Hello?" David called out tentatively, and was immediately met with a large blast of green fire. "Hades! Stupid changeling!" David dove behind cover and waited a beat before jumping up and blasting a strong blast of pure magic energy at the changeling. It let out a terrible hiss and disintegrated. "Probably should get a move on, he was calling for back up with his dying breath." "Oh? Deciding to be helpful now are we?" David looked over his shoulder. He could criticize Poe all he wanted for his earlier actions, but that didn't change the fact he was right.


David shivered and padded off again. Making barely a sound. He was walking for about a half hour when he heard the steady...or mostly steady...clip clop of a pony walking with what sounded like a limp. "Another changeling. Fry him and lets move on." David nodded and prepared to jump up and surprise the changeling. Then he heard something odd. With his enhanced hearing, if he was close enough, David could hear a ponies heart beat. It dawned on him that the previous changeling's heart beat had been steady. "He knew what he was doing and wasn't afraid." David mused to himself. "But this ponies heart beat is going crazy. I don't think he's a changeling." "Only one way to find out." David readied him self and when the pony was close enough, he jumped up and flashed his horn on, illuminating himself and the pony. The pony in question was actually an orange pegasus mare with a hat and a vest. He took all this in in the space of a moment. Then he saw her leg. She was wounded. Eyes widening, he quickly started searching through the pockets of his vest. He realized he hadn't said anything and thought he better introduce himself so he wouldn't scare her. "Hi! Are you ok? My name's David Pocket by the way, I heard you scream and came looking for you." Finally managing to find his bandages he levitated them to about her leg height then asked, "Would you like me to take a look at your leg?"


Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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   Sensiquill watched as David trotted off into the abyss that was Trottingham.  The pony lay back on his mat and stared at the stars.  He enjoyed the outdoors, in fact most nights he would sleep outside and let his mind wander.  He had nothing better to do.  There wasn't a sign of anything for a long time.  Then his mind found his way back to Whiplash.  He couldn't stop thinking of that mare.  He almost regretted volunteering to keep watch, but he believed in leading by example.  He smiled at the thought of her, then realized that she didn't have a mat to sleep on.  "Oh well,"  He thought, "I can't go back now."

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Whiplash tossed and turned in the bunker, struggling to find a comfortable position to rest in. She was using her pack as a pillow, which wasn't exactly comfortable. "There's no way I'll be sleeping tonight. Too much excitement," she muttered, and dragged her pouch outside by Sensiquill.


"Sorry if I'm disturbing you. It's impossible to get sleep in there," the Pegasus murmured, looking fondly at the stallion.

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Skuldaf looked out at the night. He couldn't sleep, it was a physical impossibility, the most he could do was make himself faint. 

"Sensiquill, I'm going to fire some energy blasts to lower my energy" Skuldaf droned before coating his horn in red and black magic and firing dozens of energy balls into the sky rapidly. Already he could feel his energy getting low, almost low enough to faint

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Lewis was sprawled out just outside the door way dead asleep. He was snoring loudly even though he was usually quiet. Then he started whimpering  quietly, his dreams filled with uneasy thoughts, and images of the changeling he killed which wouldn't leave his thoughts. The bloody remnants of its face and the feeling of the blood on his hoof and muzzle were making him go mad, and somewhere in him it felt.... good? It made him fear what ever pent up anger was in him and he pushed it back down but now he knew it was there.


He woke in a cold sweat breathing heavily. "J-just a dream...." He sighed.

My OC Lewis

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@@Moonlight Fire


  "Oh I don't mind."  The stallion was visibly pleased by her presence.  He then scooted over on his mat so that there was enough room to comfortably share.  "The sky, it's glorious tonight..." He said as he laid back to look at the stars.  "and so are you."  He thought to himself.

   Her bicolor mane, her hurricane coat.  She possessed a sort of rugged look that was attractive, even after all she had been through.  "I'm glad we finally get some time alone."  Sensiquill lost himself in the mare's glowing turquoise eyes.

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Whiplash nodded and gazed at the sky, the stars twinkling brightly. The pegasus layed down on the mat, hoping she wasn't intruding too much. The mare's gaze wandered away from the sky, and rested upon Sensiquill. The stallion was so incredibly, kind, smart, handsome.. "Stop it!" Whiplash growled to herself outloud.


The mare covered her mouth with a hoof and nervously swallowed. "Uh, I mean, not you. I was talking to myself. Not that I usually do that!" she said quickly, stuttering. Why am I getting so nervous? I'm never nervous! she thought, looking back up at the sky.

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Skuldaf stepped out feeling pain building up in his horn, No, not again. Skuldaf sighed as he walked past Whiplash and Sensiquill before pausing just in front of them. Skuldaf then powered up his horn and fired off a barrage of energy spheres, utterly destroying the surrounding buildings. While it relieved the ache in his horn somewhat, Skuldaf knew that the fact that his power constantly replenished a danger to everypony. 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Moonlight Fire


   Sensiquill jumped a little when Whiplash scolded herself.  He was happy to hear that it wasn't him and he knew something was bothering her.  He wanted to help.  He just didn't know how.  Just then Skuldaf shot his energy spheres.  "Why do you always have to ruin the moment?"  Sensiquill thought to himself.  He decided that nothing would get in the way of his and the mare at his side's time together.




   "Hey Skuldaf,"  The stallion called as he stood from his post,  "Why don't you take the next watch?"  He gathered his belongings and held a hoof out to Whiplash.


@@Moonlight Fire


   "I can't sleep in there," Sensiquill gestured toward the bunker, "I think I'm gonna go relax on the hill behind it.  Care to join me?"

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Skuldaf nodded and began staring out at the night, firing off energy blasts every now and then to relive tension. He wanted to meditate and focus his energy, but the stench of death had tainted this area. Such violence, it made Skuldaf shed one tear, the most emotion he had shown all day.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Whiplash nodded with a sigh and took Sensiquill's hoof, glancing back at Skuldaf and his energy beams. "Guess we'll just have to hope he doesn't kill us," she sighed, and followed Sensiquill to the hill. The mare tried to supress her feelings of excitement of being alone with the stallion, but couldn't help but smile as they layed on the hill.

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David readied him self and when the pony was close enough, he jumped up and flashed his horn on, illuminating himself and the pony. The pony in question was actually an orange pegasus mare with a hat and a vest. He took all this in in the space of a moment. Then he saw her leg. She was wounded. Eyes widening, he quickly started searching through the pockets of his vest. He realized he hadn't said anything and thought he better introduce himself so he wouldn't scare her. "Hi! Are you ok? My name's David Pocket by the way, I heard you scream and came looking for you." Finally managing to find his bandages he levitated them to about her leg height then asked, "Would you like me to take a look at your leg?"


"Yes... Please..." Star breathed. "I've been running all day, haven't eaten a real meal in a week, and I'm feel like crap, because I need sleep. Do you know a place I could stay for the night?"


She limped closer to the stallion, showing him her wound as he showed the bandages. "I'm Star Belle, what's your name?"

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@@Moonlight Fire


   For a long while Sensiquill laid there in silence basking in Whiplash's warmth.  He made sure to lay as close to her as he could without actually touching her.  The stallion wanted to be near her.  It was the first time he had been happy in a very long time.  When he finally felt that he was relaxed enough to maintain his composure, Sensiquill gently touched the pegasus' neck with his head and nuzzled her softly.  His heart was pounding in his throat.  He had never experienced anything like it before.  He didn't know what to do, and that frightened him greatly.  He simply did what he felt was right.

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Whiplash had begun to close her eyes as she and Sensiquill layed beneath the stars, and was slightly startled as he touched her neck. The pegasus once again felt nervous, but also felt an unfamiliar feeling of hapiness and excitement. The mare brushed her snout against the stallion's, and laid her head back, her heart beating quickly.

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@@Moonlight Fire


   It was the greatest feeling in the world.  Another pony showing the same affection toward him as he had for her.  Sensiquill wanted that moment to last forever.  "Whip..."  The stallion whispered softly in her ear, "I'll never let you go.  No matter what it takes, I'll protect you..."  He then lightly caressed the pegasus' wings as he continued to lay with her throughout the night.

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"Yes... Please..." Star breathed. "I've been running all day, haven't eaten a real meal in a week, and I'm feel like crap, because I need sleep. Do you know a place I could stay for the night?"


She limped closer to the stallion, showing him her wound as he showed the bandages. "I'm Star Belle, what's your name?"

David nodded and made his horn glow a little brighter so he could see Star Belle's cut and knelt down to bandage her up. "Ouch! How'd that happen? My name's David by the way. David Pocket." He said this with a look of extreme concentration as he wrapped the bandage around the cut on her leg. After he finished, he got up from his kneeling position and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, but that's only a temporary fix. When we get back to the bunker, I'll need to remove the bandage and make sure it hasn't gotten infected. Oh yeah! You must be starving. I've got a bit of supplies on me, but I'm part of a bigger group of survivors. We're held up at an old NLR supplies depot. I'll give you the food and water I got on me now and hopefully that will be enough to get you to the bunker." As he said this, he reached in to one of his larger vest pockets and pulled out some packages of military styled field rations. He also pulled out a bottle of water, and one of his favorite hard cider, giving the water and food to Star Belle while popping the top on his bottle.

Skuldaf looked out at the night. He couldn't sleep, it was a physical impossibility, the most he could do was make himself faint.

"Sensiquill, I'm going to fire some energy blasts to lower my energy" Skuldaf droned before coating his horn in red and black magic and firing dozens of energy balls into the sky rapidly. Already he could feel his energy getting low, almost low enough to faint

He was about to take a drink when a large flash of red light lit up the night. "Oh bucking hay and apples. Was that? I bet that was Skuldaf!" He stood and watched the magic for a moment, wondering if he should head back to the bunker to help, in case an changelings we're attracted to the light show going on. "No", he decided, "My first priority is getting Star Belle to safety. Besides, Cosmo is there, and he seems to be as good a fighter as I am." He turned back to Star Belle. "We can wait until you feel you're ready to go. Do you think you'll be able to walk? Or would you like some help?" Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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David nodded and made his horn glow a little brighter so he could see Star Belle's cut and knelt down to bandage her up. "Ouch! How'd that happen? My name's David by the way. David Pocket." He said this with a look of extreme concentration as he wrapped the bandage around the cut on her leg. After he finished, he got up from his kneeling position and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, but that's only a temporary fix. When we get back to the bunker, I'll need to remove the bandage and make sure it hasn't gotten infected. Oh yeah! You must be starving. I've got a bit of supplies on me, but I'm part of a bigger group of survivors. We're held up at an old NLR supplies depot. I'll give you the food and water I got on me now and hopefully that will be enough to get you to the bunker." As he said this, he reached in to one of his larger vest pockets and pulled out some packages of military styled field rations. He also pulled out a bottle of water, and one of his favorite hard cider, giving the water and food to Star Belle while popping the top on his bottle.

He was about to take a drink when a large flash of red light lit up the night. "Oh bucking hay and apples. Was that? I bet that was Skuldaf!" He stood and watched the magic for a moment, wondering if he should head back to the bunker to help, in case an changelings we're attracted to the light show going on. "No", he decided, "My first priority is getting Star Belle to safety. Besides, Cosmo is there, and he seems to be as good a fighter as I am." He turned back to Star Belle. "We can wait until you feel you're ready to go. Do you think you'll be able to walk? Or would you like some help?"

Star Belle gobbled down the food, and washed it down with water.


"I can fly for a bit. Now, where's this bunker you're talking about?"


Gah, was that to harsh. Good gold, I am tired! I'm going to sleep as soon as possible. No matter what. Well, unless this city blows up, then I have to leave... Star thought.


(When you want to go to the bunker, you can lead Star and just say "she followed".)

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David nodded and pointed with his hoof in the direction he had come. It's over that a-way. Can't miss it with the magic fire works going off above it. He watched her take off and started walking in the direction he had pointed. He'd look up every few minutes to make sure she was on the right track and eventually made it back to the bunker before sun up. He walked by nodding at Sensiquill and Whiplash. "I can take over watch, you go ahead and rest now." He told Sensiquill. He left them to have their moment together and walked a little ways away to to sit down and take over for watch duty.


Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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He left them to have their moment together and walked a little ways away to to sit down and take over for watch duty.

Lewis woke up sloely from his uneasy sleep and looked around. He saw David had returned so he hot up and trotted over to the other stallio. "H-hey David.... D-do you mind of I join you?" He asked before sitting down next to him. "D-did you find what you were looking for?"

My OC Lewis

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