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private Golden Corruption

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Lee smiled. He looked over his shoulder as Moon Crypt walked away mouthing the words "thank you" after him. He then felt himself being hugged and just sunk in to it, enjoying the feeling of some pony holding him and caring for him. "Thanks Char. That means more then you could know."



@@Charcoal Embers

Charcoal smiled as she hugged him. "Don't worry about it. I would do anything for you Lee. And no amount of tragic backstory is going to chase me away from you. I love you Lee, and I don't care what you did before. Those things made you who you are now. And I love that you."

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Solar Sentinel

Solar looked at his commander with a straight face. "Sir, I found out what happens when you allow distractions interfere with an assignment." Solar let his guard down for a second. "She offered me her heart ripped it away." he said angerly, but quickly hid his anger. "Never again will I let something as petty as love interfere with my duty. My love is for Equestria and it's rulers. To keep Equestria safe is the best love I can show it....Now what info do you have for me Sir?"

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@, "A wise move. Save the romanticism for outside of a mission, eh? And even then..." He shook his head. "Oh, well. Enough of such topics! I have some interesting information for you." He sighed. "First off, I was able to get us rooms in the village- or, rather, the town." He sighed. "Secondly- and, this is what concerns me- if they have really been out of contact with Equestria for fifty years, and they're sitting on a mountain in the middle of the Everfree, how is it that they have apple cider in their bars and modern playing cards?" He sighed. "Someone or something's supplying them. I've yet to interview Lee on the topic, but, considering the glares that he was receiving, I think he touched a bit too close to something to be hidden..." Moon Crypt looked at Solar sideways. "I also think that it's unusual for a village that has remained a village for centuries suddenly becomes a large town in fifty years. We certainly have our investigations to do."

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Lee stepped back from Charcoal, smiling very widely. "Thank you." Was all he could manage to say. He was about to say something more when he heard his name said by Moon Crypt. He looked over his shoulder at his mentor and Solar then back to Charcoal. "I gotta go talk to Moon Crypt ok? I just realized I haven't reported in yet. I'll be back in a little while. See if you can help Sunny a bit more?" He turned around and  walked over to Moon Crypt. "Sir, I heard my name. You need me to report?"



@@Charcoal Embers

Edited by ~Evil Toa Tahu~

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Sunny sighed as she heard her name, brushing her partially cut mane back and standing abruptly. Then, the mare turned and walked past Charcoal, ignoring Lee as she continued on to Moon Crypt. "Time to go yet, Inquisitor?" the mare asked impatiently with a grim and careless tone. She didn't dare chance a look to Solar, not knowing what may start on something as minute as such.

Edited by ~Evil Aero~

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Solar Sentinel

"This can't be a good sign Sir. If they have been kept up to date on modern Equestria...As for the cider, couldn't we track it by the branding on the barrels? I'm sure we could send somepony in Canterlot a letter to go and check out who the buyer was. If we know where it came from, we may be able to point a hoof at our culprit."


@, @,

As Sunny approached, Solar kept staring straight ahead, not even looking at the mare. His suppressed feelings for the mare where turning towards resentment. "Lord Crypt, I'll let you finish with Lee. Jaeger and I are going to finish going over the maps of the Everfree around the town...Even though there outdated, It should give us a lay of the land for the area where the newer buildings sit."


@@Frosty V,

Solar walked away from the group over to his makeshift map area where he had left Jaeger. "Well, we better get a lay of the land from these topo maps to know where the high ground is." he said trying to keep his mind off of what it was really thinking. Solar looks back to where Sunny is. He tried to hid his feelings, but all he could do is stomp a hoof, cracking the large rock in the ground underneath him as he starred off before looking back to the maps, hoping nopony had seen his outburst.

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Jaeger watched in silence as Solar approached him. He only nodded when he pointed out looking at the maps to get a plan in place. When Solar stomped his hoof Jaeger looked up to him slowly with a raised eyebrow. "Do you want to...I don't know....talk about your feelings." He said letting a small chuckle escape his throat. "You know you can tell me anything....you trust me dont you?" He asked

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"I'm good Jaeger. I do trust you, but I'd rather not talk about them to anypony. I just want to get on with the mission and get back to life afterwords." Solar burred his head into the map, finding the highest point. "There. That's going to be the best place to hold off any threat we face. In relation to the mountain, I'd say it should be easy to find."


Solar let out a sigh. "You know, I was like this when my father died. If I just keep my mind off of it, the problem will go away. Do you have any ideas for the mission?" He said, trying to quickly change the subject.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Jaeger nodded and put a hoof on Solars shoulder, patting it lightly. "I will respect your wishes friend

" he said as he turned his gaze back to the map. When Solar asked if he had any ideas, all he had were questions. "Well whatever Moon Crypt and Lee gathered I know nothing of....your going to have to give me details. Who is in the town? Are the expendable? Are they a threat? If so do they need to be takin out quietly? That sort of stuff." He said

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"Well, It apperes the town has grown quite a bit in the past 50 or so years...and has gotten quite....modern since any last know contact was made. This has Lord Moon Crypt a little uneasy. To be honest, It has me worried as well."


Solar turned his head to look at Jaeger. "I can only hope that we were not misinformed by Twilight Branch or we may be waling into a trap..."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Jaeger was confused just slightly. "Why would it have him worried, so they have upscaled. I don't see the problem...then again I never do so theres that." He said looking of into space, shrugging before turning his attention back to Solar. "Well if they really have modernized that gives lots of hiding spots....or at least places for marksmen teams to watch over the group as it moves through the city." H. suggested

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar laughed a bit. "I've got a small bit of news for you on that one. We are just six ponies...er and changelings. They could have a hole unit, or even an army hiding in there. Until I see it for myself though, I better not be jumping to conclusions." he said with a straight face. "I'd love to believe that this is going to go to plan, but it just seems to have one of those feelings about it, if you get what I mean."


Solar looked to Sunny from across the small clearing. His heart was telling him one thing, his brain another. He had to keep his emotions for her suppressed, until at least lest the mission was over. 

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Moon Crypt grimaced as he looked at Sunny. "It's not time to go- at least, quite yet- but how was the time back at camp? It seems to have been..." he paused slightly. "...interesting. To say the least."


He then turned to Lee. "If you could also tell me what information you managed to get from the... kindly folk you played with, that would prove helpful."


((@@Charcoal Embers@@Frosty V, and everyone else- how are you liking the RP?))

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@, (it's fantastic...now only if I could post more often XD)


Sunny sighed irately at her negative answer followed by a more disliked topic...though, Moon was their lead inquisitor in the exhibition and she figured she could at least somewhat 'answer' his inquisition. "Well, be sure to tell me the moment you make up your mind to do so..." She murmured, then glancing at Solar unsure in a brief pause, "I don't want to stay in this place much longer..." As she finished, Sunny turned her gaze sadly upon Moon before continuing to answer his question. "We've been waiting for orders...Celestia's will overrides all other things...of course we would be impatient." The mare's words stung herself as well, even though they were meant to mock Solar. The spiteful nature was a little dark for Sunny, though her mind didn't think of the damage as she was blinded by her own heartbreak. 

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jaeger just chuckled at Solar's explanation for the worried Moon Crypt. He understood some what of where he was coming from. "I can understand that, but if we were hoof picked for this job I'm sure we can manage....unless there is something Moon crypt hasn't told us yet." He said remembering his leaders warning to watch all the other council members.




(I am loving this RP one of my favorites in a long while! I want to see it to the end! Maybe even a sequel nudge nudge wink wink)

Edited by Frosty V
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Lee nodded. "Well, I didn't get as much information as I hoped to, but I did find out that we have a veritable melting pot of ponies living in that town. One of the ones I was talking with was a merc. He was sent here on a mission and stayed, and is now working for the Mayor who's name I found out is Mrs. Page. Though for some reason my little band of merry men didn't seem to happy with one of their cohorts when that bit of information was made public." He stopped to take a breath and to think. "Oh yeah, and they were really good at cards. Got most of the money from my false wallet in that game. Anything more specific you need? That's about all I can recall for now." 

Edited by Toa Tahu

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"I think he's being honest with us. He hasn't given me a reason not to trust his judgment yet, but...things happen." Solar said as he looked over at the small group that had gathered around Moon Crypt. "I'd say he's kept is professional so far. Now if he decides to use one of us a bait....than we'll have a issue, but lets hope it dose not come down to that."


@@, @,

Solar's ears flicked as he heard Sunny mention Celestia's name...and in such a sarcastic tone. He had half a mind to trot over there and smack some sense into the mare, but thought otherwise. 


Solar began to pack up his maps before walking over to the group. 


"Camp is packed up, and we're ready to move on your order, Sir" Solar said to Moon before looking at Sunny. His heart didn't know what to feel around her anymore. One part of him wanted to strangle her, the other, to love and hold her, as he looked away again. His face showing no emotion at all.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Charcoal walked up to Solar and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Solar. I need to know, where exactly are we going and when. Sorry for asking. I just haven't really been paying attention." Charcoal says. Then her eyes go back to Sunny. "Also, maybe you could talk to Sunny. She isn't listening to me and I'm worried about her."


@ (This is a great RP. I'm sorry I haven't been posting often. I just don't usually do it when Charcoal isn't being talked to.)

  • Brohoof 1
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@, "A merc...?" Moon Crypt paused for a moment, thinking. "How interesting." He shook his head slowly before turning to the others. "Alright everyone, let's move out. Don't reveal that you are part of the Inquistion, don't reveal that anyone has a relationship. We are merely bounty hunters using this as a base of operations during our mission- which you will not disclose either. We need to get as much information as we can out of these ponies." Guesturing with his hoof, everyone started to move. "Sunny, I expect your charming demeanor and your songs will be able to get on your good side. I want you and Lee to stay back at the tavern. See if you can get on their good side. Charcoal, it's time to see if your master has taught you well. You and I will be paying a visit to the mayor. I want to know what she's up to..."


"And, finally, I want Solar and Jaeger to scout out the town. Locate patrons, ponies in power, interesting locations. A whole lot is changed. While this is a casual thing, try not to raw too much attention to yourself. We'll meet back at the tavern at midnight. Then, we'll all shared what we learned, and then we'll plan from there."

Edited by ~Festive Thundy~
  • Brohoof 1
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Charcoal saluted. "Of course. But you will have to tell me in greater detail on what I am doing and what I can and can't do to help. If you don't I will mostly just studder and not be very helpful." Charcoal said in a much more serious tone than she usually uses.

Edited by Charcoal Embers
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Solar Sentinel

"Understood sir," as Solar saluted Moon Crypt, before glaring at Sunny.


@@Charcoal Embers,

Solar turns around to look at Charcoal. "Looks like you'll be spending time will Load Moon Crypt with the mayor. I bet you'll do a great job." Solar looks back at Sunny one more time. "I understand your concern for her. She is your friend after. I just...just." as he turns back to face Charcoal, a tear in his eye. "Just don't know what to say that won't blow up in my face or make this even worse. For now, I just think it's best if we let time heal our wounds...or something like that. Celestia knows I've tried to make it up to Sunny. She just keeps pushing harder each time I try to talk to her."


Solar sighs. "I know I'm not a perfect stallion. All these years in the Royal Guard has me programmed to put Equestria first, even before my own needs." as a tear formed in his other eye. "The best course of action here is to finish the mission as quickly as possible...than I plan on making it up to her...She is a wonderful pony. I just wish that we didn't meet this way. She is lucky to have a friend such as you....but if she keeps pushing, something is going to break. It's like she's pushing away anypony that's close to her....I'm afraid that she may do something that might do something....I don't even want to think about it."


@@Frosty V,

"Well, what do you think about our assignment?" 

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~
  • Brohoof 2

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Jaeger smirked as he was given his assignment and turned to Solar asked for his thoughts on it. "I think I can't wait to get out there, it might just be scouting, but at least I get to do something. Hey! And I've got you with me so thats a plus.!" He said with a smile as he punched Solar in the shoulder "Who knows...we might find something interesting." He chuckled

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@Frosty V



Charcoal walked up to Jaeger. "Hey Jaeger, you have a pack of cigars and a lighter I could borrow for the ride? I didn't think to bring my own as I said before. And if this is going to go how I feel it's going to go I may need a smoke now and then for when things get stressful."

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@@Charcoal Embers


Jaeger turned around when he heard his name. He smiled when he saw Charcoal, after she finished her question he chuckled and pulled out his spare pack of cigars and his matches. "Sure you can use these...just pay me back." He said with a laugh. "Im sorry that it's just matches, I need my lighter....its special." He said still smiling

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@@Frosty V


Charcoal smiled. "Of course it isn't a problem. If you want to keep your lighter go ahead. I've used matches before. But thank you very much anyway." Charcoal says as she takes the pack and pats him on the back. "Good luck out there. Do a good job for me."




Charcoal turned back to Solar. "Oh, and by the way Solar. If you really think time is the best thing for this then you are wrong. You say it has blown up in your face, and it will if you try to say something, but what could you and have you already said to tick Sunny off?"

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