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private Golden Corruption

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Jaeger let out a small chuckle and punched Solar playfully "Lighten up, you'll get used to it soon. After all its not enough to incapacitate you so you should be over it within the hour." He said as he looked over his shoulder back at the tower with the thirteen hour clock. "Solar....you said it was like that place was calling you? How bad did you feel when you told me that." He asked in a concerned tone

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar gulped. "It's hard to explain...It almost felt like it was calling my name, telling me to come. It felt like it was trying to lure me to it. The closer we got, the worse my head felt...but ether I've gotten use to it or it's going away."


Solar looked at Jaeger. "I take it...that's not a good thing, is it." he said as he put his head down. "At least my headache is gone."

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Jaeger listened to Solar's statement, staring with a angry glare at the clock tower. "No.....it isn't good...it means the demons know they have a new comer....somepony who hasnt been around demons as long as the others who live in the town here." He said turning his gaze away from the tower and pulled out a small box, opening it there was a small pill sized sphere inside. "Chew on this...it will dull thell effects long enough for us to finish our search." He said

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"Well...Maybe if it only lasted as long as you'd want it to.." mentioned Sunny as she eyed the doors ahead. She then chuckled at the thought of what awaited them within before thinking back to what she and Lee were talking about, "And Charcoal's a good mare. I know she'll be good to ya lover boy," teased the mare with a wink. For some reason, her spirit was rising again ever so slightly. It was apparent that actually doing something seemed to get her mind off things like when she worked the farm as a young filly. "Thank ya kindly Lee....Now, time to wrestle up some hearts of these stallions," she joked as she snapped her tail against Lee's flank so that he would enter before he as planned.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar took the pill and began chewing on it. "You don't think..." as Solar thought for a few moments. "Let's just finish scouting and stay away from that tower...sound like a plan." as Solar patted Jaeger on the back.


"You know, this thing works pretty good. I feel 110%. I wish you would have mentioned this pill before we got here though...Out of all honesty, do you think it just sensed me because we got so close to that bucking tower....Or do you think it.......Jaeger, do you want to know what it attempted to promise me?"

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Jaeger smiled, "That sounds like a good a plan to me as any." He said with a chuckle as he began to march on. "Of course you feel 110%, thats what the pill is designed to do in these types of situations. I didn't tell you because I didn't think we would need it....more you than me." He said with a laugh as he continued to walk. What Solar said next made him stop dead in his tracks. He faced away from Solar, but turned his head back slightly. "It.....promised you something...." he asked

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"It tried to...but I guess I was too strong willed for it, with my dedication to Celestia. You don't have to worry about anything." Solar said with a smile. "I just want to make sure I'm the one that ends this one...for messing with my head." as he stomps a hoof angerly. "That voice in my head kept saying that Celestia sent me on a suicide mission to face the demons on my own...Why would it think I came alone? That's a good thing though. It thinks I'm alone, Right?"


"I am starting to remember the face that was in my head though....black unicorn, golden eyes, red mane....I hope that helps us." Solar chuckled for a few moments. "Hey Jaeger, how do you think I'd look as an Alicorn?....I'm joking!"

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Jaeger calmed down a bit, he had thought whatever it was that was calling to him would have been more sinister. "Actually there is no it I'm afraid....if there was we would be fighting demons right now. I suppose the same power that gave you those headaches also put voices in your head....nothing to worry about they will fade." He said, turning around with a chuckle "I think you'd make a sappy alicorn you dolt." He laughed

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@@@Frosty V,


Even as the two of you watch, a relatively young stallion enters your field of view, walking slowly and stumbling every now and then. A second pony comes along and smiles at them. You can't hear then clearly, but the first pony says something along the lines of "not used to..." something...


As the leave your vision, you notice a large bulletin board. It looks ancient, despite the newness of the town around you, an posted on it are items such as an event poster, posted over what appears to be a small map of the town and a missing poster. It declared that market day was next week.


There were very few ponies out and about, but there were a few. You saw in the distance a strong light flickering from what appeared to be a blacksmith's shop...

@, @@Aerodynas,


As Lee entered, the bar was much rowdier than before. The drunk mare, Black Star, was sitting there snoring, as well as her friend sitting grumpily next to her. Other than that, there was quite the commotion going on around the bar itself, yet you couldn't determine what it was from here...


The poker game had broken up, and Rock was nowhere to be seen, yet Quick Shot was eating a salad in the back corner.

Edited by ~Festive Thundy~
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Jaeger looked around once again as he frequently did, when his gaze met the bulletin board he trotted up to it. "Solar, come here." He called out to his companion as he reached the board, it was noticeably older than the town around it and this puzzled Jaeger. He looked over its contents and sighed. He took note of what was there and turned around to see the lights coming from a building down the way from him. "Lets go there next Solar." He pointed out

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Jaeger looked around once again as he frequently did, when his gaze met the bulletin board he trotted up to it. "Solar, come here." He called out to his companion as he reached the board, it was noticeably older than the town around it and this puzzled Jaeger. He looked over its contents and sighed. He took note of what was there and turned around to see the lights coming from a building down the way from him. "Lets go there next Solar." He pointed out

Solar Sentinel

Solar noticed the sign that was pointed out to him. "Yea...I bet that has something to do with it," as he marked the location on the map. When Jaeger pointed out the lights, he turned to face the lights.


"Yea...that looks like a good place to start. After you." Solar said with a smile.


As he began to walk towards their destination, Solar turned to Jaeger. "So about earlier...you think I was hallucinating?"

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Jaeger chuckled at Solars comment. "Alright then, after me I guess." He laughed. As they were walking towards the lit building Jaeger turned his head to answer Solar's question. "I don't think I know you were, if that were a demon talking to you directly we would be in a fight right now. It was just the power irradiating from whatever demon is tied to that clock tower." He said looking back at the clock. "Your fine...that pill solved most of your problems." He smiled

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar looked at Jaeger. "What do you mean most of my problems. Is there something I should know?" as he slants his head at Jaeger."I don't particularly like the way that you said that...almost like I have a surprise coming..."


"...So did you hear what that stallion said...I could barely make it out. Do you think he meant strangers...or something else?"

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

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Lee walked inside and nodded to quick shot, walking over to him. "Putting my money to good use?" He asked this straight faced, but couldn't hold back a grin for long. Hoping the joke would break the ice, he nodded at the two mares that they'd played cards with earlier. "Right, so that one was to drunk for me to get their name straight. It was Black Star and...Dark Vengeance? That right?"



Edited by Toa Tahu
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Charcoal Embers,


"Excellent! Then we can get this party going..."



As the two of you approached the town hall, Moon Crypt paused and looked at it. "Alright. Wait about five minutes, and then approach the guards. Say you're applying for a warrant to build, and that you are wondering what land is open nearby. Don't draw any attention to me." He sighed, taking a gauntlet out of his bag  and snapping it around his leg, where the end of it unfolded and revealed what appeared to be a hook. "Well, I'll see you inside." Nodding to her, he turned around and walked a few paces, before jumping on a gutter pipe and climbing up to the rooftops...





That put a smirk on his face, and he shook his head as he continued to eat, not saying a word in response.


As you look at Dark Vengeance again, you are suddenly struck by her seemingly innate beauty, yet how that beauty manifested itself, you couldn't tell. The mare Dark Vengeance gave a condensing look towards you. "Yes indeed, stranger. What, worried about losing your memories?" She smirked, her voice ringing out strongly and... seductively? "What are you doing here?"



@@@Frosty V,


As you approach the light, a ringing of hammers on steel becomes clearer and clearer. You can see that the blacksmith shop is out of place here as well, looking very much like a medieval shop more than something befitting a town or city. The pony inside is too busy growling and cursing to himself to notice you, as he pounds furiously away on what appears to be a sawblade...

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Charcoal nodded at Moon's plan. She waited in the spot she was left for about five or six minutes, it was tough to tell without a watch. She approached the guards as she was told. "Hello there, I was wondering if you two fine stallions could help me out with a little problem I have. I need to apply for a warrant to build and was wondering if there was any free land that I could use." Charcoal asked, making sure to stand at such an angle that she was facing them away from where Moon should be.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Charcoal Embers, The guard on the right snapped at her, "Why do you want to build more out here? Haven't you contractors had enou-"


The guard to the left growled at him, and he fell silent. "Forgive me for my compatriot's rather rough behavior. Here, follow me inside. I'll arrange something with Mrs. Page."


You can see in the corner of your eye, a pony-shaped shadow crawling up the side of the building before quietly slipping into the building through a window...

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Charcoal nodded and followed the guard inside. "Don't worry about your friend there. I have gotten enough attitude like that from projects I have done in many other places. But I thank you for being acually nice. I don't meet many guards like that." Charcoal tells him, trying to strike up a small conversation.

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Sunny had peaked into the inn very briefly to make sure Lee had blended, looking at him somewhat irately as the mare flirted with him...it's all part of the act Sunny...Quickly, retracting her gaze and taking in one proud, long breath, Sunny softly opened the door to the inn as though she had rubbed her face against it lovingly. She had lowered her eyelids in a passionate manner as she smiled slyly. With her creamy tail swishing back and forth gracefully, Sunny slowly entered with tender steps against the floor as she cast seductive glances at every stallion that accidentally brought their eyes upon her. Giving her mane a little flurry, the mare softly tickled her tail about the shoulder of a stallion that had his back turned caressingly as it eventually fell in her continuation towards the innkeeper's bar even though there was a commotion about it. The beautiful mare gave out a pleased grin as she felt more and more glances being cast upon her once she had made her way to the bar.

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Lee was at a loss of words for a moment. What was she up to? She was there when he introduced himself as Steel Shield. And it had been her friend that was drunk, so why was she...he couldn't think straight. He was running short of breath, he was going to lose it...what was that. Something familiar, a familiar emotion, someone he knew. He kept his face straight, not letting on to the turmoil running amok through his head. He slowly moved his eyes around the bar until he found the familiar feeling. It was coming from Sunny. He saw her look around, playing her part. She's relying on me. My...my friends...I have friends, they're all relying on me. Charcoal. The thought of her cleared his head almost immediately. He focused on Dark Vengeance and Black Star again. Speaking slowly, he replied with a sly grin "Hmm? My memories? No, I just don't want to get as drunk as your friend there. Maybe your the one with the bad memory, 'cause I'm pretty sure I introduced myself. Anyways, for your sake..." He stuck his hoof out to shake hers "So we can be officially introduced, Steel Shield. Good to meet you when your not taking my money." He said the last part with a large grin on his face. "So, would you happen to know what all the fuss is going on at the bar?"



Edited by Toa Tahu
  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar motions to Jaeger to fallow as he walks up to the shop, entering, hoping Jaeger was behind him. As he entered, he began admiring the blade he was working on.


"That's an exceptional piece you have there sir. The craftsmanship is unparalleled. Something you don't see anymore these day. Anymore, it seems everypony is going mass production and not quality."


Solar motions for Jaeger to look around the shop as he tries talks with the blacksmith, looking around himself for anything out of the ordinary, studding the buildings design, waiting to see if he would get an answer or not.

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

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@, @


Jaeger stayed silent as he walked inside and began to look around, there really wasn't anything there that he saw as strange or out of the ordinary, to him, it looked like a regular blacksmith shop. He started looking over the materials and workplace to see if he could find anything out of the ordinary.

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You recieved a poisonous glare, but it was quickly masked behind a mask of a sly smile. "Well, then, perhaps it's because of you friend who's currently intent on rubbing herself all over the bar." She winked. "They're all discussing you. And this 'party of adventurers' that that Soul Silver fellow was talking about. And if they are all as attractive as that, you'll have people falling over themselves trying to get lined up with you." She sighed and turned back to the menu. "If you're so interested, why don't you go see for yourself?"




And suddenly, all the stallions' eyes in the tavern were turned in your direction, and half the bar fell silent as they silently watched you. Even Quick Shot raised his eyes and let out a whistle, turning back to his salad. The barkeeper shook his head silently as she walked up to the bar, but approached you in a reluctantly friendly fashion. "Hello, ma'am. Might I inquire if you would like anything to drink?"


In the silence that followed, a voice that sounded quite drunk proclaimed, "Be careful, Obsidian. She might boil your drink from a mile away!" This was received with a few scattered laughs, but without much enthusiasm.


Now, with half the bar's eyes watching your every move, you seem to sense a dark presence of sorts nearby... but you can't identify what it is...



@@Charcoal Embers,


As you walked inside and took a seat, a feeling of vertigo took hold, although you could not determine its source. The building itself was lavish, with silk cushions, replicas of famous Equestrian paintings, vases, and more.


A few minutes after you sit down, the door opened, revealing a large, white Earth Pony mare with red eyes and pale brown hair. "Hello..." She said, drawing out the word. "I hear you have a business proposition for me? Well, if you could come this way, we'll get everything sorted out."



@@Frosty V, @,


"Eh?" He put the hammer down, grunting and turned around. "Well, I can agree with you there, stranger. Ever since all of these permits to build and demolish and mass production and all of that, I can't make an honest living. All that I can make is weapons, but even then, I shudder at the thought of usin' my precious trade work to draw blood." He sighed. "Well, can I get you anything? Chances are it's already forged."


As Jaeger silently and stealthily nosed through the materials, he eventually came up with a dark red ore, glimmering in the firelight, yet it seemed to give off a radiance- and the presence- of something darker...

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Charcoal nodded and followed the earth pony. "Yes, I need some land to build upon. I was hoping you would be able to help me out with that. And I apologize for coming in this late at night. I was only able to come down here and I have no idea how long I will be able to stay."

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Jaeger stared at the orb, almost as if he was in a trance. He felt the presence of the darkness of whatever this orb was tied to. He stepped back slightly and opened his mouth to speak, but he stopped himself. this blacksmith could know more about this....but asking could tip him off, but I might need to know more. he thought, still staring at the orb.

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