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private Golden Corruption

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@, @


Jaeger smiled at the scholar, "Thank you, but I'm not much of a tea pony." He said with a friendly chuckle as he thought about the questions to ask him. "Well a few things actually, the smith said you referred to the orb as sun metal, I'm curious about that." He said, scratching his chin. "Also, the smith told us about some sort, is that why the orb is so important, I'm just guessing it is." He smiled again. "I'm sorry for the flood of questions sir, I'm just very very interested in it." He said with excitment

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@, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar smiled back at the scholar, however Solar did not like the pause when White Quill looked at him. Solar entered the Library behind Jaeger. Solar looks at all the food that was brought out. To him, it was almost to convenient to him. Solar's military training was kicking in. Never trust any food a strange pony gives you. It was better safe than sorry.


"Thank you for your hospitality Mr. Quill, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass. I had a heavy dinner." Solar said as he looked around the room. "So, with a collection like this, I bet you've been in this town quite a while."

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Sunny came off the bar with the quick clop of her hooves, acting as though she didn't notice the curious ponies with the apparent weapon. "All the same mister," the mare chuckled to the bartender as she grabbed a couple bits and laid them on the counter. "I ain't meanin' any disrespect to ya." She gave a wink before petting her fur to get it stop dripping so much from the beverage. Suddenly, as she was searching the room with a tantalizing gaze, the mare realized that Lee was gone. That wasn't right...Quickly, the mare looked to the stairs and trotted over to them to begin her ascent while still trying to maintain her character. Great...of all the things...he had to go and disappear.

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@@Frosty V,


"I have stayed around a while. Well, a bit of it was my father's and my grandfather's books, but for the most part it was me. These merchants coming in and out of the city regularly have been great for my collections. Equestria certainly seems to have grown in the past fifty years- that's good to know."


White Quill's smile faded somewhat as he looked at Jaeger carefully. "As much as I would very much love to trust you right now, sirs, and don't get me wrong, I rather like you, but I don't want to bandy the information about this prophecy around. I'm not sure if you've realized this, but there's something dark that's been looking at this town for a while- you can feel it. It started a few days after Mrs. Page invited those contractors in..." He shook his head and sighed. "I've warned her, yet she refuses to listen."


He looked up. "Well, a few days before all of this started to happen, one of the stars in the sky went supernova- which meant that it exploded, scattering it's remains so that it can be reborn as a new star. A few days later- perhaps hurtled through the skies through the force of the explosion- it collided here as a... well, orb, of metal. It was silver and shiny, and some of the purest metal that I have ever seen." He shrugged. "Remembering the history of Equestria, I called it sunmetal because, like the ore that resides upon Celestia's brow, it came from the heavens as well. Interestingly enough, as Mrs. Page's cutie mark was astronomy, her eyes were turned red by the energy that was sent out. She assured me that it would be gone in a few weeks, yet..." He shook his head.





Going upstairs and into the room revealed that he wasn't here, either. It was like he vanished...


As you sit down, you see that it was only about fifteen minutes to midnight. Might as well stay here and wait for the others.



@@Charcoal Embers,


"Well, it is nearing midnight. Perhaps we could return tomorrow and finish?"


As the hook returns up, Moon Crypt winks at you before vanishing into the shadows, jumping up into the roof and, as you can see silhouetted against the window, sliding out of the window.



((Time to finish up and head back, everyone))

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Charcoal nodded and yawned. "Yeah... I guess I probably should have waited for a time that wasn't so insane. I'm sorry for wasting your time here. I promise next time I come I will definitely be more productive." Charcoal said as she stood up from her chair. "I'm again sorry for wasting your time."

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@,@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar nodded to what White Quill said, as he looked to Jaeger. "I see. So about these contractors....did she happen to say where they came from? Canterlot, Ponyville, Fillidelphia"


Solar waited for Jaeger to see if he had more questions. 


"Well, I thank you for your hospitality, but we must be going. I hope we can have another one of these chats again soon."

  • Brohoof 1

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Sunny sighed as she sat down and got comfortable, pulling her tail up to fondle with it's fur boredly. Of course he'd leave her here like a fine gentlecolt of a pony. Oh well, if they decided they wanted her, they'd come get her...eventually...right? The mare shrugged, surprised none of the ponies below had followed her. She was somewhat thankful for that portion as she closed her eyes and relaxed her head back in the seat. 

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@, @


Jaeger chuckled "No worries, I would put all my trust in somepony I had just met either, but one more question. The contractors that recently came, what were they here for exactly?" He asked right after Solar asked a similar question about the some ponies. "If it happened right after they showed up, they could be tied to it....or I've just been reading to many mystery novels lately." He laughed again

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@@Charcoal Embers, ((Forgive me for the godmod, but I want to give Sunny someone to interact with. Please forgive me. :( ))


She nods silently. "Have a good evening, madam."



As you come back outside, Moon Crypt drops down from a rooftop. "Well... that went well. Kind of. I still need some more information, but next time I'll go ahead and play pretender as you pinch the information. But for now, let's go ahead and meet back with  the others."





As the pair of you reach to room, you notice that the topic of choice is the fine young mare that was here earlier. So it seems Sunny did her job. As you walk back to the room, Moon Crypt opens the door, smiling lightly. "I take it it went well?" he commented.



@, @@Frosty V,


"I don't know where they came from or if they have some sort of ulterior purpose. I never got the opportunity to talk to them, and Mrs. Page has been unusually quiet about it."


Upon the announcement that you needed to go, he smiled. "Well, it was nice talking to you. If you want, come back tomorrow. Perhaps I will be actually able to find more information concerning the prophecy and everything. Perhaps it will interest you."


((Herd yourselves back over to the hotel, and we can get this show on the road.))

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@,@@Charcoal Embers,


Sunny jumped slightly, expecting one of the ponies in the inn rather than the Inquisitor himself; though, she smiled brightly upon seeing Charcoal. "I'd say just about every stallion in there's got the hots for me," Sunny joked, almost proudly with a beaming smile. Her mood had obviously changed since they had last saw her though she was still wet from the liquor upon her fur. Blushing a little, she put her tail back down and continued to try to wipe the liquid off her fur. "Sorry...guess I got a little too in the moment there heheh...but I still can't figure why you wanted me too anyways...What'd y'all dig up in your neck of the woods?

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Charcoal smiled as she saw Sunny. She was even happier when she saw that Sunny was in a much better mood. "Hey Sunny. Glad to see that you are in a better mood than before." She looked around, hoping to see Lee somewhere. "And I don't really know what we got exactly, but... where is Lee? Did he stay behind?"

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@, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar gives a respectful nod to the scholar before walking out the door and waiting for Jaeger.

"Well, at least we got some leads. I can't wait to here this prophecy...unless you want to take Moon. I had this funny feeling he kept eying me up for some strange reason. Oh well, I'm ready to hit the hay. I'll meet you at the inn."

Solar began his way back to the inn, checking the map where Moon Crypt had marked. He kept looking back, making sure Jaeger was fallowing him, and that nothing else was fallowing also.


As he reaches the in, he enters than goes up the stares to where the rest of the ponies are.


@@Aerodynas, @, @@Charcoal Embers,

"Well, I hope your guy's day was....wait a minuet...One, Two, Three, Four..." as Solar shakes his head. We're missing Somepony. Where's Lee...Unless he's playing the part as one of those passed out ponies downstairs...and who in the name of Celestia smells like a brewery!" Solar said shaking his head.


Solar moves over to a bunk bed, taking off his armor and setting it in the corner. "Once Jaeger get's here, I hope we can get this meeting over so we can get some shuteye. He should be right behind me."

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

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@, @, @@Aerodynas, @@Charcoal Embers


Jaeger thanked White Quill one last time before shutting the library door behind him as he walked out. He looked at Solar and smiled. "I'm right behind you." He said in a less happy tone than he was before, he was only smiling because he didn't have to act overly cheerful anymore, he felt like his face would freeze if he smiled any wider.


He kept his distance behind Solar, thinking over what the scholar had told him. These contractors have something to do with this I know it! I just need to get their location...hopefully someone else can provide me that... his thoughts trailed off as he walked into the inn, found his group, and sat down without saying a word.

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@@Charcoal Embers@, @@Frosty V@@Aerodynas,


"Alright, guys. We can keep socializing here in a minute. Let's get going..." Moon Crypt said, gesturing for everyone to take a seat on the floor. "Alright. So, glazing through these files, it seems that the advances of these contractors were all in the hooves of one, larger company. Unfortunately, it says that it's nearest base is in Fillydelphia." He sighed. "The mayor's eyes being red is a suspicious theorum, as a pony with extended contact with demons, possessed by one, or the extremely rare albino has red eyes." He looked at the others. "Also, the generic feeling of wrongness is sending up huge alerts in my head. We certainly have a lot to do." Unfurling the map, he looked at it carefully. "So, what did each of you discover?"

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@,@@Frosty V, @, @@Charcoal Embers,


Sunny held up a hoof humorously before blurting out her comment, "That every dang pony in that there bar is a pig," she laughed jokingly before continuing in a somewhat serious manner, trying to ignore Solar's presence. "Well...that and I...saw another pony who used some sorta dart gun on a pony there too. Seemed harmless...

  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Aerodynas@@@Charcoal Embers,@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar takes a seat on the floor, looking at the map, trying to focus on the mission. The pill that he had been using was beginning to ware off slowly, as he was beginning to feel it's effects fading. He listens carefully, nodding to acknowledge the he understood what everypony had said. As Sunny mentions the ponies being pigs, Solar mumbles under his breath loud enough that only the ponies on ether side of him could here. "I'll end each and every one of them if the even think about disrespecting Sunny or Charcoal.."


Solar waits for his turn, Looking up to Moon Crypt. "We discovered a Sun Metal orb here. The locals believe it fell from space, also we learned from the town scholar, a Mr. White Quill, that it was the Mayor that discovered it. I'll put both their locations on the map....also, apparently Mr. Quill doesn't like my armor, as I got the feeling he was eyeing me up...particularly this beautiful medallion I guard around my neck." Solar looked at the map and pointed a hoof at the clock tower. "I, myself was getting some pretty strange feelings off of this particular building, which I would like to talk to you in private about Lord Moon Crypt."

Solar looks over to his partner. 

"Am I forgetting anything Jaeger?"

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

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@, @, @@Aerodynas, @@Charcoal Embers


Jaeger looked up from the table and looked over to Solar and then looked to the rest of the ponies at the table. "The scholar told us that this orb could be tied to some prophecy. He didn't go into any detail about the prophecy, my guess is it is something important." He said as he scanned the table. "He also mentioned that all the odd things around the town only began to happen after a group of contractors showed up. I was unable to find out their location in the town or their reason for coming here. He mentioned something about....a Ms. Page I believe was one pony who would have information on them, but never shared it." He said, the cadence of his voice not missing a beat. "I believe that is all....correct me if I'm wrong Solar.

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@@Aerodynas@, @@Frosty V,


"Dart gun?" He gave Sunny a look. "Tomorrow, I will have to see this pony. He sounds familiar. Yet it seems that you did your job..." He stopped talking for a bit and before turning to Solar.


"Well... that is certainly interesting. Sunmetal? Here? Well, then..." He looked at him carefully. "This is quite interesting news, considering the last recorded piece of sunmetal was more than five hundred years ago..."

"And this news concerning Mrs. Page... it all seems to add up to her having either been manipulated, possessed, or replaced. Yet more information that we'll need to find out more specifically about."


"Alright. Let's all sleep on it, and then, tomorrow, we can get down to business. Solar, if you could come with me to talk about the clocktower...? You may come along if you wish as well, Jaeger." He transformed and stepped out into the hallway, leading the way outside.



Once outside, Moon Crypt then proceeded to talk in an undertone, yet appearing to have a friendly demeanor, as if they were two close friends out for a walk. "Alright then. Tell me about this clocktower."

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@, @


Jaeger looked t Moon Crypt as he spoke, taking in the info as best as he could. After the meeting was over he would have gone to his room, but when Moon Crypt said he could come along to listen to Solar explain his little event with the clock tower. He nodded and got up to follow the two stallions outside. He stood beside Solar and kept silent.

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@,@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar fallowed Moon Crypt outside. Once there, he closed the door after Jaeger fallowed as not to alleart Sunny or Charcoal.

"Well, sir, I've been getting some bad feelings from that tower. It's almost like it's....its....talking to me...Jaeger thinks I may be hallucinating, and the pill he gave me helped with that....The damn tower knew my name! I'm just a bit worried about it, that's all."


"I just hope it was me reacting to demonic energy for the first time and not anything more. Sir, you've been around this stuff alot longer than I have. Please tell me I have nothing to worry about."

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@@@Frosty V,


"It was... calling you?" He looked at Solar, slightly alarmed. "Did it have a particular voice, or was it just a mental urge? Did it try to urge you to do a particular thing? Did you get any strange or alarming images in your head, and if so, what? How bad was the headache? Did it come from the clocktower, or in the general area?" He turned to Jaeger. "Did it have any visual effects that you could perceive? How well did the magic-imbued medication work?"


((Yes, he's barraging you with questions. Your answers here-both of you- whether you lie or tell the truth, will affect the story. Answer wisely- or foolishly. Whatever you want to do.))


((@, Aaaand I've read your profile and looked at the RP, and I have no idea how to play Lee and make him believable...))


@@Charcoal Embers, @@Aerodynas, ((Two mares are sitting in a room. Have sociality, plz.)) 

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"Yeah... some stallions can be that way." Charcoal said with a slight frown. "So... Sunny... what exactly made you get such a good mood all of the sudden? Last time In saw you, you were in a horrible mood. Now you seem to be just like when I just meet you, if a little bit stickier."


((@, Sorry, wasn't exactly sure what to say to her.))

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@, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar sighed. "You may want to sit down for this Sir." as he found a quiet spot. "It had was a voice...It kept telling me that Celestia sent me on a mission alone...to die by myself....That it could give me the power to rule over the one who sent me to die. The whole time, my head felt like it was going to explode, until Jaeger here gave me this pill, which dulled the effects down to almost nothing. The image that kept flashing was that of me as an Alicorn...the supreme commander of armies. When I took that pill, it all faded, and the last thing I saw in my head was a tall, black unicorn with a blood red mane and glowing golden eyes...The further we got from the tower, the more like me I felt. That's about it Sir. Do I have anything to worry about?"


Solar looked over to his friend. "That hole time I just remember squinting because of the headaches. That's about it. We do have more of these pills, right?"

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@, @


Jaeger stayed silent as Solar explained what happened. His leaders words about the other Lord inquisitors rang in his head. He turned to his friend and smiled. "Yes I have some more Solar." He said as he turned towards Moon Crypt. "What he says is true....I felt a presence of darkness almost everywhere I went so the clock tower wasn't special....at least yo me it wasnt." He explained

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@@Charcoal Embers,@,

Sunny smiled as her mood was slowly dying back down with the presence of Solar. "Oh, hard to stay upset long. Besides, I got so much attention from them stallions," she chuckled, sneaking a glance over at Solar before returning to Charcoal. "Happy to see ya again though Charcoal. Don't guess I know where your stallion went but I'm sure 'e'll turn up sooner or later.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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