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private Golden Corruption

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Charcoal smiled and rested her head against Lee and nuzzled his neck. "Hey... I missed you Lee." Charcoal said. How she really had missed this Changeling so much. But... there was one thing... "Say Lee... can... can I talk to you in private please? There is something very important I need to talk to you about."

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Lee looked at Charcoal, curious. "Sure. Just a moment." Turning to Moon Crypt, Lee tells him how to find the book about the myths and legends that White Quill had been reading in the library that Lee had hid with a chameleon spell. After he finished explaining how to find the book, he turned and followed Char. "Ok, so...what's up? Is something wrong?"


@@Charcoal Embers

Edited by The Dragonborn

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Charcoal looked around to make sure nopony was around or listening to them. When she was absolutely sure they weren't being listened in on she turned back to Lee with a look of worry. "Lee... I... I really need your help right now. You see... I just... I need to go to the Clock Tower. I just know there is something there that I need to look at, but Moon Crypt doesn't seem to want to go with me and everyone else is gone, so... will you go there with me? Please?"


((And it begins. XD))

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Lee smiled his pointy smile. "Of course. You don't even have to ask. You know that, right? Why do you want to go? Just curious. What is it you need to look at?" Lee gave Charcoal an inquisitive look. "You don't have to worry about what I'll think. I'm not going to make fun of you or condemn you. You can tell me."

@@Charcoal Embers

Edited by The Dragonborn

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Relief flooded Charcoal as Lee actually agreed to coke with her. Thank Luna for that. Now I just need to tell him why. Charcoal thought to herself. "Well... to be perfectly honest I don't actually know why... I just... I just need to go there as soon as possible. So... if we could go, the sooner the better would be extremely nice..."

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@,  @@Charcoal Embers,


((Ugh, missed my chance. Keep talking.))



@, @@Aerodynas, @@Frosty V,  


Silver Quill shook his hoof with Sunny's, smiling, before looking at Solar carefully. "Certainly. Let me get my props together really quickly..." As he sets the tea in front of you, you hear him shouting from the next room, "I certainly wasn't expecting you here this early, so forgive me for the mess!" A few crashes and muttered curses either, he walked into the room levitating scrolls and the book. "I had another book, yet I don't know where it went... hmm..." He shook his head. "Anyways, I was doing a bit of late night research when I found something... quite odd." Opening a scroll, it was revealed to be what appeared to be a sword, with a hilt made out of gold and a blade out of flaming beams of light. "When forged correctly, and with the right magic enchantments, the sunmetal will actually absorb sunlight and create a powerful sword, able to banish even the foulest of creatures in mere seconds. Well, I told myself, there's a good reason for them to be here." Looking at a scroll, he said again, "It also says here that 'the darkness will fall two the two bearers of the light,' which, when combined with this, means that a duo of the swords would destroy the darkness, yet if the darkness is able to prevent this, it will gain the upper hand and, eventually, rise to dominance..."

Edited by Archmagos Amphrose
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@, @@Aerodynas, @@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"Well, that's not as black and white as I hoped. It can be taken many ways." as Solar closed his eyes for a second before opening them. "I was kind of hoping of a storybook ending." he said to White Quill as he put his wing around Sunny and took a sip of tea.


"Mr. Quill, I don't know why, but for some reason I can't enplane, I get the feeling that your eying me up. I got the same impression last night. I hope that it's just me being paranoid."


Solar looks to Jaeger for a second to see if he felt the same way before looking back to Mr Quill.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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@,@, @@Aerodynas


Jaeger kept his eye contact with White Quill as he spoke about the prophecy and would glance over to the scroll whenever he was able. So this orb is something that can be smithed into a blade...then there is the two bearers of this light... he thought as he pondered over what this could all be tied to. Or the solution to.


Jaeger looked over to Solar, trying to show him the fascination and curiousness that lingered in his eyes. He then looked to Sunny, giving her a half smile.

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@@Frosty V, @, @@Aerodynas,

Solar Sentinel

Solar looked to Jaeger again, than to the scrohl he was looking at. His eyes lit up as he noticed the sword. He motioned for Jaeger to sit on his other side on the couch so he could ask him something in private.


"Hey Jaeger," he whispered, "that thing look familiar to you?" as he jingled his saber. "I know it's not it, but it looks a lot like it. This thing is steel and gold...but I'm pretty sure there's one smiler to it in Shining Armor's office that is said to have belonged to the first guard captain. It may be Sun Metal. Mine is based off of that one's design."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Jaeger got up and sat beside Solar as to hear his question or statement. After he had finished Jaeger shrugged. "I'm not sure, it would seem to easy for the swords of this prophecy to just be lying around....couldn't it?" He asked as he put his face in his hoof, trying to put the pieces together

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"Let me look again....Your right. Looks like that was a bust. Look at the detail on the hilt. No Equestrian Officer's sword is that ornate." he sighed.



"Excuse me Mr Quill, what can you tell us about this sword that is shown here? It's a very unique design. I would love to see it in person if the opportunity ever popped up."



Solar's head began to pound. His heart began to race as he pulled Sunny in close. Closing his eyes, and nuzzling her head in hopes that thinking of her would take his mind off the pain. After a few moments, it faded.


"Sorry about that Mr. Quill. I've had these migrains ever since I was a colt and flew into a cliff outside Canterlot." as he lied.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Lee nodded at his mare". "Ok. We can get going right now if you want. Though, are you sure you don't know? I'd hate to be walking in to someplace and be caught unaware by something nasty." He shivered at the thought of meeting something creepier then himself in a dark alley, then smiled thinking that there were few things in this life creepier then himself. 

@@Charcoal Embers

Edited by The Dragonborn

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Sunny could almost feel Solar's pain as he grasped her and nuzzled into her, feeling the slight sweat upon his muzzle. She enjoyed being close to him greatly, though it hurt to know he was in such anguish. He must have been strong to hold it in so thoroughly. "Please, Soaly...Don't be strainin' yourself," Sunny encouraged as she leaned up tenderly and gently kissed his white cheek. With a glance back to the weapon in question, the mare admired it's design even though she knew little of swordsmithing. It was hard for her to focus completely as she shivered under the warm touch of Solar. "What does this mean for us then?" she asked, hoping to suade that she had been paying the utmost attention. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Solar Sentinel

Solar smiled at Sunny, hiding the pain that his headache was causing. He had to stay strong, if not for Equestria, than for Sunny. A small tear trickled down his cheek as Sunny kissed him. He took a deep breath and picked his head up, looking at the parchment again. "I hope that you can help us out with that Mr. Quill." Solar said with a fake smile before laying his head back on Sunny's. She was a great distraction from the pain. How could a day that had started off so well have him in anguish all ready. Something had to be done about that tower, even if he had to do it himself.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Charcoal nodded, it was working. "Yes, going sooner rather than later would definitely be better. And... yes, I'm sorry, but I really don't know exactly why I need to go there I just... I just need to go there. You understand right? You will go with me and help protect me against any bad thing that might be lurking around inside that Clock tower?"

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@@@Aerodynas@@Frosty V,


"Well, it's said to have been forged more than five hundred years ago. Who knows where it is, if it's even in Equestria anymore? But I've heard that, recently, it's in the care of an agent of Equestria, but which one, I don't know." He shrugged.


"As for what's plaguing this town... I don't know. I was initially thinking of a changeling invasion- supported by the fact that I found a changeling- but the feeling of... evil in the air doesn't work in with all of this. The only other thing... well, they're legends and supposedly last seen after Celestia sent their leader packing, a thousand years ago. Yet, with what little information we know about them... they originate someplace out of this dimension. Other scholars, for lack of a better term, called them demons... yet that's supposed to just be an old pony's tale... heh..."


"... right?"


The room seemed to be filling with whispers that served to agitate Solar's headache... but their locations, you couldn't determine. It was obviously beginning to spook White Quill.



@,  @@Charcoal Embers,


Moon Crypt knocked before entering into the room. "Hey, guys. Something just came up, and I'm going to have to make my way down to the airship. With Lee here, you two will be fine checking out the Town Hall by yourself, right?" He sighed. "I would love to ignore it, but it's from the Grand Inquisitor and he wants me to talk to him RIGHT NOW!" He finished off his sentence by stomping his hoof for emphasis, grinning. "Oh, well. Alright, guys, don't go near the tower until I get back. I mean it, there's something in there, and we're not ready quite yet to determine what. At the airship, I'll bring back a selection of weapons and other supplies, and we'll get this job done. Don't do anything rash, keep an eye out for each other, and keep yourselves laid low. I may be a day or two. Solar's in charge- let him know after you all meet up again." He nodded before closing the door and walking off, whistling a happy tune.

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Sunny's brightening aura seemed to void her sense of the evil presence as she smiled and chuckled at White Quill's assumption: "Now, ya realize your sayin' that in a place where dragons and magic are normal right?" The subject matter seemed humorous to Sunny in that it sounded like an old pony's tale she had read with her brothers when they were younger. The mare could feel Solar shaking ever so slightly in his attempt to fight back whatever pain he was feeling; thus was normal when there was pain. It upset her in realization of it, causing her to move closer to him and hold his hoof worriedly. "Are ya sure your okay, my Soaly?" Sunny murmured softly, trying not to draw attention from the other ponies.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jaeger sat quietly as he listened and let himself think about the situation this town was in, and possibly how this prophecy was connected. So these swords can destroy darkness as if it was nothing like a mere bug, what if this darkness that is corrupting this town is meant to be destroyed by these swords and their wielders... he thought, rubbing his chin.


He looked up from the floor as his gaze met with White Quill's. He didn't want to worry the poor scholar anymore than he appeared to be so he figured he would try to get more info on the swords. "So you said in the prophecy it mentioned the "Wielders of Light" if I'm wrong please correct me." He said with a friendly smile. "Did it say who these ponies were or how they could be found?" He asked hoping there was an answer

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Lee nodded at Moon Crypt then turned back to Charcoal. He had reverted to his normal unicorn form a while ago, feeling more comfortable in his natural body. "Right. So, off to the clock tower now? If we're going to check this out, we need to be quick about it. If we can do it in under a day, that would be good."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Frosty V,@@Aerodynas, @,  

Solar Sentinel

Solar sat there, listing to White Quill and Jaeger's conversation as his headache seemed to be getting worse. He closed his eyes and began to rub Sunny's head with his muzzle, trying to comfort her. "Don't you worry about me. I'll be fine." he said hiding what he felt. 

Solar could here his name being called, as he opened his eyes to see who else was in the room, as he saw nopony else, closing his eyes again. within moments, the voices multiplied, aggravating his condition even more. As he opened his eyes, barely in focus, he looked White Quill. The reaction on his face said it all.

Solar looked to Jaeger. "I'll let you two keep talking....Sunny, stay with them...I...I..need some...some air...maybe a little walk...will..will. help", as he staggered off the couch, walking towards the back of the library. As he got a few steps further away, he collapsed, knocking over a tower of books. an anchant text landing on his head. It's subject matter caught his interest as he slowly got up and read he first few pages. He may have found a way for him to end his headaches and give him the power to stop the demons, but at what cost.


With the pain he was in, Solar took the book and headed back to the group, plopping down next to Sunny, hiding the title of the book he had taken from her.  


The book itself was bound in blue and black leather with a moon on it. It had to be quite old. With their location to the Everfree Forest, it may have come from the old Royal Castle, perhaps brought to the village by scavengers many years ago.


"I...I'd like to check out his book, Mr. Qill" he said, closing his eyes again.

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Lee nodded at Moon Crypt then turned back to Charcoal. He had reverted to his normal unicorn form a while ago, feeling more comfortable in his natural body. "Right. So, off to the clock tower now? If we're going to check this out, we need to be quick about it. If we can do it in under a day, that would be good."

((I wonder if Lee heard what Moon Crypt said. XD))


Charcoal nodded as she smiled. "Yes, sooner rather than later would be better. So lets head down there now. If we wait then things will just go bad." Charcoal said before standing and taking Lee's hoof and leading him out and in the direction of the clock tower.

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@@@Aerodynas@@Frosty V,


"W-well... I personally think that they are the ponies who bear the swords, but if they are particular ponies, I have not a clue on what it is." He looked around, but the whispering had died down. He shook his head. "If you ponies can do anything about this- whatever it is- I will be eternally grateful. I haven't been able to focus, and I've barely been able to sleep."


He then proceeded to take the book that Solar was holding, looked at it, and, giving him a strange look, stamped both the inside and outside of it, as well as a separate card. "There you go..."



@, @@Charcoal Embers,


((In one ear and out the other.))


As you got closer to the tower, you find the sense of evil growing larger and larger. Approaching it, you see that the tower itself seems to have sealed itself with some kind of biological growth... and, suddenly, a voice sounds in your heads...


((For Charcoal and Lee))


So you have returned with a partner. Perhaps questioning my intent, perhaps to purge me. The one with you seems to take in your magic, yet it does not give any back. Perhaps a racial trait? My questions are many.


Yet no matter.


I can sense that you have little trust in me. A wise decision- one can only put their trust in someone- or something- they have accustomed to their presence, done in various ways. It may have also been folly on my part to appear to you, Charcoal Embers, amongst your dreams last night. Perhaps this conversation will convince you of my reality.


But you have brought another with you, and I feel that an introduction may be needed.


In your tongue, I am known best as Mar'Del, young Lee. I am merely an observer and a researcher, and I found myself, up to a few weeks ago, infused to this construct. I do my best to research ponykind from where I am stranded, until I can figure out how to return to my home plane.


I have found presence of a bond of magic connecting two of the ponies in your group. The ones known as Solar Sentinal and Sunny Caramel. I humbly request for the presence of the mare, so that I may examine this connection more thoroughly. She will be returned, unharmed, within three hours of her arrival, as well as a reward to each of you.

However... the mare or the stallion must not know of the intent, and I must have the mare- and ONLY the mare, alone. As for what the reward is...? I do not know your inner mind. Yet, I know that I have many, many contacts...


Edited by Archmagos Amphrose
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@ @


((Nah, XD, She just ignored him.))


Charcoal jumped a bit at the voice in her head, but after a second and listening to what he had to say she began nodding. Of course. I will bring her here and help you out as I can. Charcoal thought back to Mar'Del. Then she turned to Lee with a serious expression. "So Lee, are you going to help me out?"

Edited by Charcoal Embers
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@,@,@@Frosty V,

Sunny was a little curious about Solar, keeping her thoughts to herself though in recognition of his motives to be discrete. "Believe me, Mr. Quill, if I know these here ponies like I do, we'll do our darndest to help the best way we can," she winked assuringly, patting Solar's back. "Right y'all?" It wasn't in the mare's intention to thrust any sort of unnecessary trouble in their quest, but her heart always seemed to want to reach out to ponies who needed some sort of help....when she was in the correct mood that is.

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"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Lee looked at the tower, a horrified expression on his face. The tower was a living being? If that was true, then why hadn't he picked up on thoughts or feelings before? Was the tower or what ever infested it able to nullify his emotion consuming ability? Deeply disturbed, he turns to Charcoal. "Yeah, sure Char. Anything for you. You know that. And I have an idea of just how to get her as well."

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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