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@@Charcoal Embers

Solar Sentinel

Solar sighed heavily at Charcoal's comment. "I tried!" Solar said. "I've tried, believe me I have." Solar said as he looked down to the ground. "This is a mess, and it's all my fault."


Solar paused for a moment as he thought back to that moment in the clearing when the bomb that was their emotions went off. 


"It was when I said that I had a responsibility for everyponies safety...that we had to keep Equestria safe...that the mission was bigger than the both of us...that I promised her my heart after we where done here....that's when the bang happened."


Solar looked back up to Charcoal, a emotionless expresson on his face. "What do I do now? I don't want to lie to her about how the fate of Equestria is in our hooves....but I want happy Sunny back. Can you help me get this thing fixed? For Sunny's sake?"

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Throughout the many conversations that took place, Sunny remained silent, eyeing Moon readily as she kept close. She proceeded to rub her rapier thoughtfully at his orders as she looked to Lee. A changling could definitely persuade a group of ponies easily, as with their personas of being mercs...perhaps a temptation approach would be the best in such a moment where the song no longer sung in her heart. The mare knew Solar continuously gazed with anger upon her...of course it hurt but it was understood and accepted for what it was. "You know the city more than I, and likely even the ponies...though, by the way you had described them earlier, I think I may have just the trick," She said to Lee smartly as she saw Solar in the corner of her eye in preparation of his reaction to her plan. "Ever transformed into a mare of great natural appeal, Lee?"

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Aerodynas@, @@Charcoal Embers, @, @@Frosty V,




"Ever transformed into a mare of great natural appeal, Lee?"


Moon Crypt frowned at Sunny. "What exactly do you mean by..." he paused. Then his face contorted with a barely held laugh. "Err... I'm not exactly so sure. Lee already has a persona in there... And we do kinda have to be consistent... but it's a brilliant idea." He sighed. "I could always cast an illusion spell and make those physical changes to you, but, I mean, I've never exactly known what the is exactly 'tempting' for ponies, so you'd have to enlighten me."


Before they entered the town, Moon Crypt stopped them and turned to everyone. "Alright. Solar and Jaeger, I want you to give me places, people, and things of importance. As much information as you can, alright? Just don't draw too much attention to yourselves."


He then turned to Lee and Sunny. "Well, Sunny, if you want to go into detail, I can probably do it. Even if it means slimming your body down and lengthening the legs, but, as I said before, I don't know. So if there's anything else that you would like to add to that..." He glanced at Lee, gauging his reaction. "Charcoal, get ready to go." He said behind him.

Edited by ~Festive Thundy~
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@ @


Charcoal placed a hoof on Solar's shoulder. "Just show her that you care about her. It doesn't have to be anything huge like buying her a mansion or a mountain of flowers. Just show her that you really do care about her."


When Charcoal heard her name be called by Moon she turned to him. "Alright. I'm ready to go at any time."

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Charcoal Embers,

Solar Sentinel

Solar nodded at Charcoal's words before looking back at Sunny one more time and sighed. 


@@@Aerodynas,@@Frosty V,


"OK everypony, we'll meet you at the inn after we finish scouting the area." Solar said with a smile. He had a plan to try to win Sunny back.


"Let's see what this town has to offer, shall we Jaeger?" as he spread his wings to fly towards the edge of the town. By studding those maps, he learned that the bell tower should be in the middle of the town, and also be the tallest building. 


Before leaving, Solar walked over to Lord Moon Crypt. "Sir, Could you mark the location on the map of the inn so I know where to meet up with everypony?"

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Jaeger was lighting another cigar before he heard his name be called out by Solar. He nodded "Right, I'm ready to move out when you are Solar." He said taking a drag from his cigar and blowing out a large puff of smoke. Might as well get one cigar in before we head out he chuckled

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"That's very kind of you to offer such Moon...but this mare's hips are just fine and I know how to persuade..." she answered despite her true feelings towards what she wished to do. It somewhat upset her more as she noticed Solar's change in demeanor...I guess...he's already moved on...Sunny was happy he no longer would let her drag him down, though it still stung in her heart... "But is their any sort of spell you might know that may help me charm the ponies?" Ironically, Sunny already had her flare and pizzazz naturally, but she didn't feel in any way happy enough to return to her sporadic and outgoing self.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Lee had kept quiet. He had gone back to brooding about the smith he killed. He knew it wasn't healthy, but the thought of him would just catch him at random times. He was jolted out of his thoughts by Moon Crypt and Sunny. He listened to his mission and nodded. Turning to sunny, he smirked. "Changelings aren't necessarily male or female you know, I just chose this body because it means something to me and the male persona came with it, but I wasn't always specifically male, at least not when I was still with the hive. Charming ponies, stallions and mares, was what I found fun in my spare time. If love is in short demand, I've always found the emotion of lust is very easy to come by." He said all this with a sly grin on his face. He then shifted in to Steel Shield. "I'll stick with this form for now though, thanks." As he said this, he winked at Sunny then turned around and walked to the edge of the group again, visualizing the way to the tavern in his head so he didn't get lost.


(((Sorry I haven't posted. I got real busy with my job. I have most of this week off though so I should be good to post.)))




Edited by Toa Tahu
  • Brohoof 2

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Charcoal Embers, @,@@Frosty V, @@Aerodynas, @,

Solar Sentinel

Solar laid the map in front of Moon Crypt as be began to go up to each pony before they left, saluting them. As he made his way down the group, he stopped at Lee, and whispered something in his ear. "Look after her for me. Even though we're not seeing eye to eye right now, I don't know what I'd do if something happened. When this mission is over, I plan on making it up to her."


The next pony he came to was Sunny. Solar starring expressionless at her. "Take care of yourself. Can you at least do that for me private?" as he quickly turned his head as to not show his true feelings for her.


Next was Charcoal, Whom he saluted before reaching Lord Moon Crypt again. "Sir, Take care of your self." as he reached into his bag, pulling out one of the remaining two Sky Guard coins. "Can you hang on to this for me Sir?" as he laid it beside him and picked up the map and put it back in his bag.


"Come on Jaeger, lets get this show on the road!"

  • Brohoof 1

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@@@Aerodynas@@Frosty V@,


He sighed and shook his head, although he accepted the Sky Guard token without a word. He silently marked the map where the in was before saluting the others and smiling. "Well, everypony... see you at midnight." He nodded to Charcoal and walked away...


@@Charcoal Embers


As he stood upon the rooftops, peering into the Town Hall from a distance, his enhanced night vision saw a few guard patrols, as well as making out the one or two guards outside. "Alright... what we're going to do is we need to enter the buildings and watch. We need to get any key files, an accurate map, and an idea of what's going on. You focus on tailing the mayor, and I'll pinch the documents and maps. Try not to have to use your weapons- a kill will instantly alert someone to our presence, even if they won't know what form it takes."

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Charcoal nodded at Moon. "So all I have to do is talk to the mayor and distract her? I think I can do that. And don't worry, I didn't plan on killing anyway. Blood if a nasty stain to yet out anyway." Charcoal joked. "But anyway, just tell me when to go and where and illiberal all over it."

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Sunny looked blankly at Solar as he spoke, hesitating slightly as she turned towards Lee. She couldn't help but glance once more at the pegasus as he left their position, wishing him the same in silence. Then, the mare turned to Lee and nodded. "Lead the way...sir.

Edited by Aerodynas

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jaeger watched as the others spoke, he sat waiting for Solar. His eyes drifted around the room until he saw Sunny, who appeared to be gazing at Solar. He followed her gaze to make sure. He confirmed she was looking at Solar, all Jaeger could hope was that Solar's feelings towards the mare wouldn't jeopardize their cover. When Solar called for him to join him he smiled. "Right behind you....I wanna be at the tavern before long." He chuckled

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Lee watched Solar walked off. "I promise." he said mentally. Solar hadn't given him a chance to respond, but that didn't change the fact that he would make sure she was safe. He turned to Sunny just to hear her call him sir. "Now now. No need for that. Just call me Steel right now. That's my identity I've taken for this mission. I remember the way up to the tavern, It's right up this way" As he said this, he started walking the path that lead to the city, he then stopped as a thought hit him. "The last pony everypony in the bar saw me with was Moon Crypt. That means if I just show up with you, they could get suspicious. How about this, when we get to the bar, you can go in and just do what you need to do. I'll wait a few then come in after you and we can then 'meet' each other. That way we don't have to act like we don't know each other. That sound good to you?" As he voiced his idea, he started walking agian in the direction of the town. 


  • Brohoof 1

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Sunny shrugged without care, "It's whatever you want Steel. All we're supposed to do is get on the ponies within's good side. I'd say were in for a heap of fun...or at least I am." The mare had full intentions on making an appearance. Even if she didn't have to sing, the sweet smell of sugar within her mane and her firm farmpony body mixed with her knowledge of how to draw stallion attention through the saloons in Appleloosa would still suffice. "Say Lee...what's it like lacking your own emotions? I almost envy you in a few ways..." she admitted, obviously not understanding much of changelings but revealing a little of her attitude to the situation with Solar. 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar walked towards the edge town, looking down one of the main streets, the clock tower at the end of it. "Looks like the town was built around that tower Jaeger.....which should make finding our way around town somewhat easy. Most of the older buildings should be near that tower, with the in being a block to the east away."


"So Jaeger, do you think our target would be in a newer section of town, or in that old original section? If I was a demonic spawn, where would I go...."

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Jaeger sat and stared at the tower and then around the area surrounding the tower., listening to Solar, but not making eye contact. He thought about his question and pondered for a minute before speaking up. "The way I see it there are to possibilities, one....the target could hide in complete isolation...or...he could hide in plain sight...be somepony of a high class...somepony important." He said

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"Your the expert on this, I'm just along for the ride..." Solar laughed. "I'm trusting your judgment on this one. What should I be looking for in a suspect?" He paused for a moment. "It's not like they are going to have glowing red eyes, right?" as he gave an uneasy laugh. 


"So...do these demonic possess ponies or do they just take the form of a pony."


Solar's head began to pound as he entered the town itself. Closing his eyes before looking over to Jaeger. "I just have a bad feeling about this place. Lets just get this thing done and over with." as he began walking down the street, carefully checking out each building.

Edited by ~SadisticSkycoaster~

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Jaeger scanned the surrounding area, keeping one ear on Solar and the other on anything that could be of informational value. "They are demons....they can posses or just look scary, but in a place like this they would just be normal ponies, not wanting to raise alarm." He said as Solar mentioned his bad feeling. "I know, I feel it to, but your going to have to bear it until or job is done.

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Lee almost laughed, but caught himself, not wanting to be insensitive. "Hmm. Well, to be honest, I'm actually a fairly emotional pony now. I'm just really good at hiding it and suppressing it. I guess that's what happens when you live among ponies as long as I have after living the life I lived." He paused at a cross road before taking a left and continuing walking "Honestly though, I've been able to keep my emotions at bay fairly successfully until this trip. Charcoal...she...well, she woke something up that I never knew existed." He paused for a beat, pondering her original question. "But you didn't ask about all that. Before I was abandoned by my hive...well, it was kinda an empty life. The only time I felt fulfilled is when I was among ponies, usually in a boisterous location like a bar or some place political where there was a cornucopia of different emotions swirling around the room. The pain, the hate, the success, the loss, the sense of accomplishment, all different kinds of emotions. It becomes some what addicting. Living an emotionless life, it is painful. I can feel what's going on in you right now and it hurts. It feels like it's ripping you apart doesn't it? Well, be glad you can feel. Trust me. Not feeling, being numb. Not a good feeling. You can't tell when you're hurting. Being hurt, hurting others. It's not a fun life to lead. Emotions are what makes ponies special. Griffons constantly feel the need to be tough, to appear either emotionless or just untouchable, but that's not a good life to live either. That's what makes ponies so interesting." He paused again as they neared the entrance of the bar. "Are you going to be alright? You know if you need to talk, I'm here. I'm not sure what I can do...but I'll help any way possible." 

Edited by Toa Tahu
  • Brohoof 2

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"Good to know about that. That's why I'm glad I got put with you. Like I said back when we first met, even though I have all these years in the Royal Guard, I'm still a rookie at identifying demons."


Solar looked up at the clock tower. Something didn't seem right about it to him. "Do you think that has anything to do with this demonic activity?" as he points a hoof at the clock, with 13 hours on it. "I don't know why, but something is telling my to go there. Almost beckoning me for some reason....That's probably not a good thing is it....plus these headaches....Maybe I'm imagining things, what with this being my first run in with demonic forces. I've had training to deal with threats though, so let them come...Me and you could stop a whole army of these things...Right?"

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Jaeger put his hoof on Solar's back and patted it lightly "Just take deep breathes you'll get used to the feeling soon, but grin and bear it I dont want us getting noticed by anypony." He says as he turns to look at the building with the clock. He turned back to Solar and shook his head. "Sorry, but we cant. Our order was to document, we can keep a mental note until we return. Besides, the closer you are to the demons the worse you become....i would need you battle ready." He said with a sigh

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

"Wait a minuet...what's that supposed to mean?" as he stops mid stride before shaking his head. Solar closed his eyes and began to take deep breaths, trying to offset the demonic energy that he was feeling. To him, it felt like somepony had knocked the wind out of him, but he threw on a fake smile and continued to walk. "OK, you lead the way...I'll just fallow behind you. You point it out, I'll wright it done and mark it on the map." he said with a fake smile, hiding his discomfort. "Maybe the longer I'm near these things, the more I'll get used to this...discomfort..."

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Jaeger nodded slowly, "I'm not going to be doing all the work...this is my first time in this place as well as yours so I need you to keep a look out as well.....anypony or anything that looks important to the mission write down and mark on the map....shouldn't be super hard I think." He said in an uneasy tone as he looked around. "Just jot down the clock tower for right now." He suggested

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@@Frosty V,

Solar Sentinel

Solar gave Jaeger a look. "I don't know where you got that idea. Thinking I was going to leave you to do all the work..." He said a little upset. "Let me guess, Celestia branch?" as he tried to laugh it off. "Don't worry, I'm not going to slack off. Just trying to get use to this....discomfort...that's all, so it might take a little while before I'm back to 100%."

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