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private Golden Corruption

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Lee keeps the spell making the image of the changeling flying for as long as possible, while also holding on to his chameleon spell. He felt a small amount of satisfaction when Charcoal and Jaeger took off after the flying changeling. He strained a little longer, keeping the image of the changeling in the air, then had him fly out of sight and let go of the spell. Breathing hard, he barely held his chameleon spell over himself. He padded slowly back around the smithy, making his way slowly towards the clock tower. As he did, he took the orb and pushed it in one of the holes in his legs where he wouldn't have to worry about carrying it or it hindering his movements should he have to take evasive actions.



@@Charcoal Embers

@@Frosty V

Charcoal growled at Jaegar as they ran together. He still must not trust her. She decided to try and ignore him for the time being as she continued chasing the changeling. And that plan would have worked if th changeling had not flown away. She slid to a stop and stomped in frustration.

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He gently attached the metal device to his the side of his head- making him look like some sort of cyborg- before he slowly got to his feet. "I haven't felt that since... that was nothing demonic." He shook his head. "That wasn't a demon. That was a presence of a changeling queen- Queen Spellbinder. Lee's previous queen..." Moon Crypt's eyes widened before grabbing the other device to his head. "If I was affected by those mental energies, Lee must be utterly enraptured by them! Quickly, we have to find him and get this onto him before he does anything that I won't be able to defend from the council!" He ran down the stairs after gesturing for you to follow.

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Lee slowly made his way towards the clock tower, taking feeling some kind of euphoria building in him. He smiled, his eyes half closed, in a trance lime state, listening to the whispered words of reassurance coming from...where were they from again? Oh yes. His queen. Lee smiled. To be accepted again, that was his most fervent wish, wasn't it? At the thought of that question, the whispers grew a little louder. Making it hard to think. To concentrate, to question. He struggled for a moment, then mentally shrugged, letting the queen's euphoria enrapture him again.

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@@Skycoaster, @@Aerodynas,


He gently attached the metal device to his the side of his head- making him look like some sort of cyborg- before he slowly got to his feet. "I haven't felt that since... that was nothing demonic." He shook his head. "That wasn't a demon. That was a presence of a changeling queen- Queen Spellbinder. Lee's previous queen..." Moon Crypt's eyes widened before grabbing the other device to his head. "If I was affected by those mental energies, Lee must be utterly enraptured by them! Quickly, we have to find him and get this onto him before he does anything that I won't be able to defend from the council!" He ran down the stairs after gesturing for you to follow.

Solar Sentinel

Solar nodded and fallowed his commander down the stairs. "Wait...defend What from the councel?!" As Solar fallowed. His eyes widened as he fallowed before realizing that Jeager had his saber. "BUCK!"


As Solar continued to fallow, he could feel a power slowly growing in him as he looked to Moon and grinned.

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"For all we know, this Queen is working with the demons plaguing this town. If she's using Lee and he is accused of anything over here, I don't want him to be killed on his return as a traitor- and then, if that happens, my neck is on the line- literally- and I would prefer to keep it. So come on!" 






You see Moon Crypt sprinting towards you, undisguised and panicking, with a device on his head. "Lee, you have to listen to me and come here now. And don't take another step towards that clock tower."

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You see Moon Crypt sprinting towards you, undisguised and panicking, with a device on his head. "Lee, you have to listen to me and come here now. And don't take another step towards that clock tower."

Lee slowed down, then stopped at the sound of Moon Crypt's voice. Turning around to face him, you see a wistful far away look on his face, yet the voice that come from him is strong and forceful. "Ah, so you've finally caught on to our little game have you? Are you here to stop me? Stop us?" Then an alien noise issues forth from Lee's throat, and Moon Crypt recognizes the sound as changeling. "wux ornla defy udoka? wer kothar shilta ti qe stopped! jaci tepohaic promised ve vi jennu vers batobot si shilta klae ekess finally subdue sia hive, sjek si ergriff majak jacion wer tobor di nomeno poor drone tenpiswo. unfortunate youwe, agantal persvek wer xuut goawy sva wer xuut tairais. jacida marfedelom ui necessary though, vur coi geou qe ihk vi xihuuliup cause. origato ve gethrisj unopposed, vur si geou ocuir ekess coi batobot dout tobor ui spared. jalla wux xoal ekess pok ve though, si geou ocuir ekess coi batobot wux waph persvek misery." As this is said, a sudden pressure starts on Moon Crypt's mind, the feeling of something vastly powerful trying to control him. As the pressure hits Moon Crypt, Lee staggers, and falls to the ground, reverting in to his own changeling form, wing nubs buzzing angrily. He lets out a few agonized breaths then manages to whisper out, "Th-...the Queen, she's..." He's over taken by a fit of coughing on the ground, making an obvious struggle to try and resist the Queen, and failing painfully. Trying agian, he finally manages "The Queen. She's on her way here. That's why she's able to assault us both at the same time. I-AAAUGH!" What ever he was about to say was cut off by a scream as he and the Queen struggled for control. Finally it was all to much, and Lee simply passes out. The orb rolls out of his grip as he hits the ground with a dull thud.

Edited by Dante Confusa
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Solar Sentinel

"I'm right behind you Sir," as he fallowed closely behind. "I should tell you....Never mind. Let's get him before he dose any real damage. I'll cut him off!"



Solar flys between Lee and the tower, hovering there. "Don't make me do something I'm going to regret!"


Solar lands and puts a hoof on the orb to keep it from rolling, keeping an eye on Lee. "All right you demon, he yells at the tower. What are you going to do now!"

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@, @, @@Skycoaster,


Charcoal growled and thought for a moment. She hadn't seen any changelings here other that Lee. And she figured if there were any others than Lee would have told her. But... if that was the case then...


She began sprinting in the direction of the tower. She didn't care if Jaegar followed her, she had to check something. She ran and ran until she made it to the tower, where she found Lee laying down on the gorund unconscious. She also saw Solar standing on the orb. "SOLAR!"

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