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open Checkmate: A Modern Warfare RP


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Have you ever killed? Taken the life of another pony? You die on the inside once you do. Two sides, the Unified Equestria Corps, fighting to maintain order in the Equestran provinces, and the Liberation of Ponies Front, fighting because they feel that their way of life is threatened, are in a power struggle for control of the major cities. Fillydelphia, Manehatten, and most importantly, Canterlot. The UEC and LPF have decided that Ponyville be a cease-fire zone, to allow civilians safe haven. These cities will be the main crunch points, deciding how the war will turn out. Which side will win? How many will die? The one thing we know, is that war is hell. The to armies are both on the march to a minor settlement, but could give an edge in the whole war, Appleoosa.






Wonder was carrying his LMG. How he was keeping up with the rest of his squad was a mystery. He saw tanks, armored trucks, etc. All he knew was that LPF was getting serious sending out Phantom Company.



Black sat in the back of the Humvee, he clutched his Lynx to his chest, and straightened out his helmet. He'd never killed, or even sweared for that matter, but the draft was hitting everyone, even him.

Edited by Blake Diamante
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Rayne sat quietly on his way to the battle zone, he held the weapons he was given to him, he hoped that he wouldnt die on his first day of battle, he floated up one of the weapons and looked it over, one was an SMG the other was a grenade launcher ,a rather big one at that

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Chain was sitting back, relaxing. He had joined the liberation front when the Princesses were going to have him march on citizens-turned-combatant. So, he took his weapons and joined. He was a high ranking officer before he quit. Even now he was somewhat high up in the liberation front. He was cleaning each of his many weapons. Last time he had a gun jam on the field he ended up killing enemy-combatants for a good bit. Ended up with 27 bullets in him too. While war is Hell, he had been living in Hell so long it was second nature to him, making him an exceptionally dangerous enemy.

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Firestar stood in the shade of a large tree, watching the mass migration of armed troops. He fidgets with his exo-skeleton nervously. The thoughts of being in direct enemy fire ran through his head. He adjusts his HUD and reviews the files from the debriefing. With the whining of the servo-motors in the joints, he joins the march towards Appleoosa.

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Firestar stood in the shade of a large tree, watching the mass migration of armed troops. He fidgets with his exo-skeleton nervously. The thoughts of being in direct enemy fire ran through his head. He adjusts his HUD and reviews the files from the debriefing. With the whining of the servo-motors in the joints, he joins the march towards Appleoosa.


Wonder catches a cyborg-pony out of the corner of his eye. He chuckles lightly, THIS was new. He couldn't see any way that he would hurt efficiency, but he did question how such a low ranking soldier ever got into Phantom Company in the first place. He shook it off and hopped onto the side of a tank. He sat riding, ready for the fight.



Black was surprised as the squad pulled over, one of the officers pulled out binoculars and began to scout across the field. The pointed their hooves and muttered about something that he couldn't quite hear.

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Firestar picks up his speed and veers towards a nearby tank with another pony onboard. He hops onto the side but slides slightly and bumps into the pony with a good bit of force. He turns to face the pony(Wonder). "Oh, uh. I-I'm sorry. I misjudged my speed and the grip on my boots."

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Tempest sighed, as he rode in one of the armoured cars. He then glanced behind him and noticed Wonder and Firedstarter. "I hope those two are ready for the fights ahead." He thought. The cyan pegesus knew he could handle himself in a fight, but he wasn't surgeon the others were.

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Firestar fidgets in his spot as the tank rolls down the road to war. He focuses his attention to the pair of FN P90s on his back. He lifts his right hoof and taps on the screen. He scrolls through the menu and activates the target assist. He looks side to side, and the sub-machine guns follow where he looks. "There we go. Working like a charm"

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Firestar picks up his speed and veers towards a nearby tank with another pony onboard. He hops onto the side but slides slightly and bumps into the pony with a good bit of force. He turns to face the pony(Wonder). "Oh, uh. I-I'm sorry. I misjudged my speed and the grip on my boots."


Wonder glanced up from his gun as he cleaned his it. "It's fine, I'm just cleaning my gun." He looks up and ahead to his new CO. Of course, he always got wrapped up with Tempest. He sighed and looked forward, seeing something bright flying through the sky. "Shit!!! Everyone off the fucking road!!!!!!!" He said hopping off and running for a field.


A few moments earlier...



Black was straining to listen to what the others were saying. He almost jumped a mile, when a missile was fired from an armored car behind him toward the other side of Appleoosa. "I guess this is it..."

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"Well, it's starting." Chain Mail said, he had been in appleoosa a day ahead of the normal troops. He had finished cleaning his guns and getting his most powerful artillery cannon, a Railgun on his back.

"Well, it's time to start killing people." He said, standing up and trotting to a building on the side lines.

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Firebolt  jumped off the road as Wonder Tone shouted. There was a huge hole in the road from the object. '' What the hell was that,'' he shouted. Then came another object from the sky. Everypony started to run as they knew that they have been ambushed by some unknown enemy.


"A damn surface to surface missile. Obviously, the UEC has the same ideas as us." He said as he stared at several burning vehicles. He noted a Humvee with a dead driver. He walked up. "Sorry buddy, I need a ride." He grabbed his tags and pulled him in back. 'Nopony left behind.' Wonder climbed in. "Hope I remember how to drive this."



Black was given some orders as he was dropped off at the water tower. "Wait for the enemy, then blow their brains out. Watch for friendlies." He said going prone and looking through his scope.

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Firestar tares at the destructive power of the missile. "Holy shit. That... That was too damn close." He seems visibly shaken. Some dust and rubble shakes loose as he starts pacing around. "If they have our current positions, then...." He starts to ramble endlessly..

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Firebolt got some sense into Firestar. '' Get it together solider. We need to find the enemy and take them down,'' Firebolt said. He levitated a magazine a slammed it into his rifle. He saw Wonder getting into a Humvee. '' Wait for me soldier,'' he yelled. He got in the vehicle.   

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Firestar finally gets his head focused on the situation. He says to himself, "Stupid to stay in one spot. They could be launching another.. Need to move.." He walks towards the Humvee. Before climbing in, he looks back at the crater and shutters slightly. He then takes his position in the back of the Humvee.

Edited by Icealier
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Tempest noticed the destruction behind him, and grit his teeth in anger. "Damn it. I won't lose anypony." He thought, as he noticed Wonder getting into a Humvee. "I might as well join up with them." The cyan pegesus then trotted towards and entered the car. "We should be careful, as we proceed to Appaloosa." He said, glancing at Wonder. "There's no telling what the UEC has in store."

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Firebolt got some sense into Firestar. '' Get it together solider. We need to find the enemy and take them down,'' Firebolt said. He levitated a magazine a slammed it into his rifle. He saw Wonder getting into a Humvee. '' Wait for me soldier,'' he yelled. He got in the vehicle.


(Firebolt, you're in Cavalier, not Phantom. There's a bit of a mix-up happening.)



Wonder laughed. "Do you not know me?" He pushed the stick shift to the correct gear. "I'm always careful." He hoofs the gas and the Humvee goes bursting forward, narrowly missing other explosive attacks. "Just like old times eh buddy?" He asks Tempest.

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Firestar bangs and bounces in the back of the Humvee. He struggles to stay in the back of the Humvee. There is an occasional cracking sound as his helmet whacks the wall. He finally has enough of the insane driving. "If we don't die by the UEC, You'll surely kill us with your driving!"

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Firestar bangs and bounces in the back of the Humvee. He struggles to stay in the back of the Humvee. There is an occasional cracking sound as his helmet whacks the wall. He finally has enough of the insane driving. "If we don't die by the UEC, You'll surely kill us with your driving!"


"And if you don't shut your noise-hole, you'll surely die by being thrown out of a moving car." Wonder shouts back, trying to navigate the tricky terrain of the desert. "Hey Bot, I need you to open fire on anything close enough to give us a bullet. You got that?" He says as he starts to see buildings.



Black noticed a random Humvee drive by. "Not ours." He said. Black shut his eyes and pulled the trigger rapidly as it went by.

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Fire stares at Wonder with horror. "Err. Uh.. Y-Yes sir!" He ducks down as he hears enemy gunfire. He crawls up towards the gunner's hatch, bumping into the roof occasionally. He kicks up the hatch and positions his remote gun platform. He activates it via the wrist pad.

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Wonder wasn't squad officer, that honor went to Tempest, but he knew that he had to do best by the squad. He peeked at Tempest beside him, but soon looked back at his self made 'road' This was when he came acrossed the hive. He could see UEC nearly everywhere. He pulled over a fair distance from them. "Are we really the first of Phantom to get here?" He wondered as he grabbed a pair of binoculars and looked ahead.

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Firestar looks up from his wrist pad. "Well. Considering the barrage of ordinance, maybe the rest... Were delayed? It seems likely since nopony in the right mind would speed through a target zone as deadly projectiles rain down from the skies." He looks down at his wrist pad for a minute. "I can intercept the UEC's radio channel. It might take me a few minutes to find it, but we could at least hear what is going on, maybe even what they are planning."

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"No, you're hardly the first phantoms to arrive. I am." Chain Mail said, fully loaded in weapons, the most prominent being the rail gun on his back.

"And you're also right. I'm not in any right mind. Former UEC Lieutenant Chain Mail." He said, adding the UEC standard radio channel in at the end. "And I've gone rouge for the Phantoms."

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