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searching The Academy [Freshmen]


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A Letter from the Headmistress

At the academy we are not indecisive. 

At the academy we stay true to our calling. 

At the academy weakness is not tolerated. 

Will never be tolerated

And any source of weakness will be removed. 


That is the pledge that all freshman who attend the Academy must memorize, and be able to recite on cue. Failure to recite the pledge will result in the loss of stars. Each student starts out with five stars, if all are lost then they will be removed from the school and shunned by all who attend or teach at the Academy. That is the way of like. You'll do very well to get used to it. 


The Academy was founded by a strict scholarly alicorn named Stone Carver the Wise. He was not always an alicorn. He was born as a simple earth pony. But by following strict rules and guidelines, he transcended to an alicorn and became one of the greatest ponies of them all. 


Every student who attends the Academy wishes to become an alicorn, but so far only twelve have achieved success. If you wish to prove us wrong, respond to this letter with a check or an x. Or don't respond at all. It's your loss. 




History of the School and Founder

Mythical and Magical Creatures

Structures of Magic

Potion Making

Bed Time (9:00 PM)

*Of course on the first day there is only orientation.



A Warning from an Alumni

I attended this academy and I am begging you to not attend! This school is horrible, if you're an earth pony you're treated like dirt. If you're a pegasus you're treated better but still belittled and treated as if you're an idiot! Only unicorns and alicorns are treated fairly! Please don't go! It's not worth the pain. 



General Role play Information

For this rp, there will only be freshman. 

There are four levels when it comes to rank in this school; Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Upperclassmen are automatically treated better than freshmen, but unicorns and pegasi are treated better than earth ponies. 

As freshmen, only unicorns no magic, but nothing too extreme. They only know the basics. 

Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi are separated for dorms. 

No royalty. No pets/mascots/companions. 

For a uniform all freshman where a brooch, but earth ponies have bronze, pegasi have silver and unicorns have gold. 

No Godmodding.

Site rules apply.

Each post must be at least five sentences, third person, past tense. No cheating with short sentences like 'He said./She laughed./They ran.'

No cheating the post limit with OOC chat.

Small OOC messages are fine, but put them in parentheses or brackets. 

So I know you read the rules put a picture of a mane six pet in your post in a spoiler. 


Character Sheet

[unless you have a link to the database, just put the asterix marked parts]


Age (15-19)



Short Bio:

*Reason for attending:



Bronze Dorm:

- Sound Thought









Silver Dorm










Gold Dorm

- Eventide









Edited by DarligPegasi
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This sounds really amazing. If I can, I think I will join with sound-thought, and tone down his sometimes murderous/insane personality.
gender: male
race: earth
appearance: a White stallion with a unkempt gray mane and tail; and gray eyes. He has black and white checkered coat he like to wear, and a rather thin build for an earth pony.[/size]
Short Bio: After a horrible chess incident four years ago, Sound thoughts mind was opened. He became obsessed with games and how life compared to them. He became more obsessed with winning. In order to win the game that he plans to play one day he wants to learn as much as he can about equestria, and when he read an academy letter. He realized that being an alicorn would greatly increase his chances of success. "So all I have to do is pass a few classes... Oh look, a little warning...." 
While sound thought is an earth pony he likes to consider himself as fairly smart, and if you were to ever look down on mind he will usually plan to get revenge. In this case not murder, but a very creative way to embarrass the pony. He also has a bad habit of thinking out loud.
Something to note: He can never resist playing a game.





Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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I haven't got a page for this one yet.

Name: Eventide

Age: 17

Gender: Female


DU50tfd.png Her cutie mark is a medicine kit surrounded by a unicorns' magic aura.

Short Bio: Eventide is generally short tempered, but if you get to know her you'll see that she cares for others deeply and isn't that bad. Her special talent is healing, but in this roleplay she only knows basic stuff.

*Reason for attending: Well, she figured that if unicorns were well respected in this academy she may as well join, and she wants to know more advanced magic. Plus, the prospect of becoming an alicorn sounded cool.

I'm sorry if this isn't very good. I'm ill and tired. :(

Edited by Art
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I'm a little confused as to how your character boxes? Although in this rp she wouldn't be doing that much, unless another user agrees to fight. Anyway, she's accepted! ^^


You also need to put your reason for attending the school. Next time please do better at reading the rules. :3

Edited by DarligPegasi
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She stands on her hind legs and uses her forelegs to box. It ain't heard to get.  And she wants to learn more about things that she doesn't really know about, hoping to expand her knowledge. And she wants to get a scholarship for boxing.

Edited by Gloomfury
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