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"You think that the princess doesn't know. I found out about it when I broke into the royal archives. It was under Class XXX clearance. Just like Project Hellfire, ONLY the Princesses know about it. Cloudsdale is considered a sovereign nation with open borders. Officially, Celestia has no authority there." He explained. It was a little known fact, but cloudsdale was the ancestral home of the pegasai, moved from where they were from before the wendigos.


"Besides, why would I kill them. That would be a pity kill. Something I don't do." He said, "I won't free them though, Since I killed 80% of Project Hellfire I've avoided killing foals."

@@Doc. Volt,

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moonlight glared again at chain. "look if those stupid princesses have no authority over that stupid factory why the buck does it exist? i want it destroyed the weather can go buck it self. and or il assassinate rainbow dash which should be simple ive assassinated a few hight authority ponies. in my life time and never got caugh" she laughed


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"i ask you to think about it... yes you can murder Rainbow Dash but that won't stop the CWC, you can destroy the factory but they will rebuild it, you can destroy the weather, all the pegasi will just work twice... the solution is to have proof, to tell everypony the truth.. only that way we can stop this madness forever.. we have to assasinate the CEO first... but nopony knows him... only Dash.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"rainbow dash's greatest secret to success is her wings if we tie her down she can't do jack horseapples. we can kidnap her in her home. like do something like putting her in sack that is tight  enough she can't flap her wings properly. we then force her to tell us who's the CEO after that we leave her to rott. she said with an evil grin.


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"Ehm I say that one team goes to search for the fillies and the other team goes for Dash. I'd personally like the second one, I never met one of celestias 'favorites'." He said with an sadistic looking smile. "Doing things quietly is my job, so that won't be a problem."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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b]@@Doc. Volt,[/b] @@GameytheGeemer,

"Atmosphere," Shadow Strike said quietly. She knew what she had to do. She turned around and started to run. She was a fast runner; a regular pony couldn't keep up with her. But the other ponies weren't normal. She turned down an alley before teleporting, ending up by the warehouse she'd spent her first night in. She went inside for a few minutes, before coming back out. She then teleported back to where the other ponies were. "Doctor Atmosphere is the CEO, I believe." She said.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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That's not possible! they said he died! how do you know him?? i saw him... falling.. into the cyclone room... i was there.... i...i... i launched him inside there! it can't be possible!!!... but.. but this explain all... also the other non-weather related projects.... "Volt was thinking again about NightStrike "... but if this is true... we can't kill him.. he is the only one with the resource to keep the factory going without killin fillies.. i am an electronic engineer... he is a weather engineer..."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"Well, I think we still need to search for him, but before that could I really talk to you in private Volt. I suggest we head off and see you guys back at the dress shop. Then we can arrange our plans about the factory. I think we'll need some time to think about all this now."

NightStrike looked at Volt, all the time while saying this


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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moonlight seemingly stared at nightstrike for a pro long period of time before speaking "better be quick u need my daily dose of death. and blood not that i need it" she landed from the sky "where is that filly anyway i do want  to meet her" she then takes off to the sky again this time in search of the filly.


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ok then, the Valkirie here can go with shadow strike to look for the filly... also... Nightmoon... be carefull... those pegasus are cyborgs... make sure to not let them escape though... kill them until they stop splitting oil and blood.... i will stay here with nightstrike... what are you planning to do chainmail?


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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@@Doc. Volt,

"Since killing Rainbow Dash would cause the most stagnant insects to be killed in the long run, of course I'm going after her. Besides, I'm the only unicorn here that knows the spell to walking on clouds. If I wasn't than Celestia would have already sent the cavalry to stop spectra." He said as though his answer had been clear from the beginning. "Besides, I wouldn't save the fillies, I just wouldn't kill them if I found them."

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maybe you can walk on cloud but how can you go up there? Teletransport i guess? By the way if you need i have a pass badge... but i fear... "Volt said looking to ChainMail and Nightmoon " that you two are going to do a mess... no offende but you don't look like quite killers... i see you more entering in a room blowing down the door and killing everything that breath.."


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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"While I prefer torture to simple decapitation, but I can kill silently nonetheless." He said, bending the light around his horn and body. It made him look like a Pegasus. "It pays to never doubt my skills. I was, after all, shaped to be more versatile than you could ever believe." He added, 'taking off' with his fake wings by levitating himself.

@@Doc. Volt,

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(Ehm mate your oc is capable of transforming into another pony. Ain't he gettin a bit too overpowered? I think you should either specialize in becoming a stealthy pony or a big strong indestructible one. Right now he would probably be able to kill celestia with one hoof on his back XD.


"Well, I guess that if you want to come with us you can. Also you really thought you where the only one who knows how to walk on clouds." he snickered "Nothing keeps being a secret for long around spies you know.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(He can't ACTUALLY turn into another type of pony. It's an illusion, if he were to touch anything with his fake wings than they would go right on through, and if he touched something with his horn than it would poke into it, blowing his cover. Also, sorry if I was unclear, but he CAN be silent and stealthy, he just isn't by nature. Also, I think you're kind of underplaying how strong Celestia is. By like... A LOT (Strong enough to kill Silent Blade with only a bit of effort. Rainbow Dash could likely go head to head with Silent Blade, Chain Mail just has nothing to lose so he's going into this suicide mission in hopes that she can finally free him from the painful and twisted embrace that is his life, and everypony else that he goes with.)

"Fair enough." He said, only mildly amused.

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@@Doc. Volt, @@GameytheGeemer, @,

"I know that spell, too. In fact, I know the illusion thing too." Shadow Strike said, as she made it look like she was a pegasus. "Although I am unable to cast another spell without breaking the illusion. So, I'm going to get started." She said, teleporting to the CWC building. She ended up behind it. She quickly used the cloud walking spell and put the illusion back on.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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(Ok not turning into one is less I guess. Well it was my oc's backstory that he entered a project so he could have the powers of a changeling thus allowing him to turn into another pony. But the project slightly failed and had another outcome. He still tries to complete it though. BTW It depends on the fic how op Celestia is, in some she really is but in others she is kinda weak. Like in the show when she's easily taken out by queen chrysalis after she's only feeded on 1 pony.)




"To be honest I kinda hate asking things." Said NightStrike as he turned to Chain Mail. "But I never learned that spell during training because my enhancements would have me able to transform into another pony thus making it unuseful. But as you might have noticed it failed. And no matter how good I can become nearly invisible thanks to the same project, there's still a chance I get spotted. And I don't want to be in a unicorn form in the middle of Cloudsdale."

He bit his lip as if this was really hard to say: "Can you help me learn it?" He mumbled.


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(What in equestria makes you think that Chrysi only fed on one pony's love. She was likely feeding on all the ponies in canterlot that loved Cadence. Meaning both Luna and Celestia, Twilight, the entire rest of the mane six, Shining Armor, everypony at the wedding, probably a good portion of Canterlot. And even then based on her facial expression I don't think that Celestia was trying anywhere near as hard as Chrysalis. Fueled by the possibility that Chrysalis had the magical equivalence of an adrenalin rush, see Turnabout Storm Part 5 for more detail, then her own magical potential that was already much above normal was expanded exponentially. So the fact that Celestia could even stand up to that shows how OP she is.)


"How good are you at bending light. That's the principle focus of this spell."

Edited by GameytheGeemer
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(XD well this is a rp so I won't go into it any further, but wouldn't Celestia have noticed if she was fed upon?)


"I have used light spells a few times I guess. When I needed to distract somepony. But never in this fashion. I understand you can bend light to change direction thus making you invisible. But changing would mean creating a bit of colored light too so it could reflect upon the surface" NightStrike tried something but he only became blurry "Could you explain any further?"


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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(I don't think so. It's like setting yourself up as a middleman and then never telling the person you're supposed to give the love/money to and keeping it all for yourself)

"You're on the right track. The spell is basically using magic to project a pseudo-solid wing construct that appears visible, but doesn't have any actual form. It's rather complicated, so it's difficult to use in conjunction with other spells without training." He said, taking his fake wings off to provide a holographic display of them to Shadow. 

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NightStrike facehoofed because of his own stupidness. Maybe he did it a bit too hard "ouch"



"Ow now I get it, it's kinda like that holospell I used to make visual reports back when I was a spy." He tried it again, this time being more sucessfull making some vague black pegasus wings. "Thank you Chain, I'll practice it for a while."


Aaamazing signature made by the awesome Nectar! Thank you so much bud! :lol:
My OC page of NightStrike
other oc Itiri


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"well its seems like we learn something everyday from everypony... sorry this is not my field... i prefer to bend magnetic fields instead of lights... uhm i should pratice too... i  didn't use those coils since a long time... uhm where can i get some pratice targets?"


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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moonlight was done looking for the filly. she gotten too bored and filly proven to be really hidden well the filly did just escaped from the factory where no other filly has. she spots chain mail and flied towards him then landing on his back. "well the filly is really hard to find so do i get to do anything" she said while still standing on chain mails back.


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Shadow Strike had managed to get into the upper part of the rainbow factory. It was a lot scarier looking then the lower floors. She came across a worker. "Excuse me, could you point me in the direction of Miss Dash's office please? I'm new and was told to visit her." She asked politely. The worker pointed in the direction of the office before getting back to work. Shadow Strike arrived at the office and knocked twice before a voice said "Come in." She quickly entered the room and saw the cyan pegasus sat at her desk. "Well, can I help you?" She asked.

"Yes, actually. I'm new here, just got promoted today. I was told to come and see you." Shadow Strike replied.


Sig by me for my use only

Self-proclaimed biggest Twilight Sparkle fan.


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"well at least if we can't find 'em, probably they ain't gonna do so too... so whatcha we gonna do now? I'm outta of ideas and outta of a plan... ehi what the hell? why i am speaking like this?  Damn Moonlight.. the way you talk is affecting mine!"

"By the way we should take cover and a rest... " Volt looked to the sky, the previous resonant cascade made by his portable laser accumulated enough clouds to start another storm ".. i am still a pegasus and this weather is carring lots of rain... ehi wait a moment.."


Volt's pip-pony was blinking red.. "... it is the silent alarm of the factory... this is no good"

Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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