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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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Sketch opened the door..but only to see that she wasn't there. He was bemused, he could have sworn somepony was knocking right here. He stepped outside and looked around only to find an empty street and some flower pots, even some that were growing tails.


"Huh..guess nopony was here..I even got all cleaned up too." He said looking at his hair that used to appear so ruffled, but was now neatly combed back. It was hard to tell the difference now between Sketch and *Skotch* for Sketch was neatly groomed for this occassion, while Skotch would be groomed just for the sake of looking professional.


"Oh well~" He said shrugging as he went back inside, this time without closing the door behind him leaving it open. He really was quite oblivious...

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Autumn Dusk looked around as the marketplace activity died down. It was getting to be about time for lunch, and everypony was either looking for food or already had it. He left the small bench behind and made his way to the nearest food-looking shop, without really knowing where he was going. He had some food, of course, but he figured he should make use of a fresh lunch rather than the stale bread and aging apples he had brought with him. He sighed as he stepped inside, smelling the aroma of the shop. The sign overhead read "Sugarcube Corner". He approached the counter and looked around before deciding to buy a cupcake to snack on while he looked for some actual lunch. He went back outside and began wandering around the city once more.


((I have to go for most of the day -- it's my birthday :P -- so I probably won't post anything else today. Also this was the post that got me the cupcake title thing so I felt like randomly putting that in xD))

Edited by Oran Schvoletski
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"Wh-what am I supposed to do?  Just GIVE it to him, or something?"  Break was pushed towards the pony of interest.  He swollowed spit, and spoke, "Uh, hello there sir.  Could I have a moment?"


The pony looked interested and walked over to Break.  "Yes?"


"Uh... me and my friend here were wondering if you would like to try this instant dinner!"  Break held up the bottle.




((Do I say the things this other pony says or do you do it? XD;;;  ))

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@@Pripyat Pony


"it's good that Cloudsdale has a healer now.There weren't any back when I lived there.Sure,there were doctors and such,but they can't do much if the injury was too serious..." Arrow says with a hint of sadness,"It would've been nice to have a healer back then..." He looks gown at the ground and takes a deep breath.

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Brechard started smelling the fresh air of the small town, after being on a train for hours he feels cramped. " I know." He says quietly." How about a sleep at my favorite spot." He trots to the park to find no pony else sleeping there. " I'm glad i'm here to stay, not just for every Saturday."


Dozing under the gazebo, with his hat over his head, Brechard was thinking about life, when the autumn wind blew the hat right off his head. He curses at the sky and starts running to get his hat. As he is running, he trips over a rock and starts rolling down the path. Just as he finishes rolling, he lands in front Derpy. " Hello Brechard!" she shouts excitedly. "Hi Derpy. Have you seen my hat anywhere?" He says in a deep English voice. "No. maybe it's somewhere near the pile of leaves over there." She points her hoof to the pile of leaves. "Ugh. I guess i'll be over there for a while then. See you later Derpy." He storms off to the big pile of leaves to search for his hat.  

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@@ArrowWing, Glory saw the look and felt sorry for Arrow. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked him. "I'm a good listener. As for Cloudsdale, I do what I can. I live with my mother, Starfall; do you know her? She won't ever leave Cloudsdale, but always remains up there for personal reasons."

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@@Pripyat Pony


"I can't really remember much about Cloudesdale or who I knew there.It wasn't really too long ago,but...i just wanted to forget back then..." Arrow says,trying to get rid of the sadden tone in his voice,"...It's alright,I just needed a second." he states,putting a small smile on his face,"You shouldn't be wasting your time worrying about someone like me.I got problems,just like everypony else in the world,and I just have to power through and make it to the next day." he states as his voice goes back to it's original tone.

Edited by ArrowWing
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Autumn Dusk wandered through the city for a few minutes more before finding a café. He figured eating at such a location might easily burn through his money, so he hesitated. After looking around for a moment, however, he decided there wasn't much else for options, and reluctantly sat down at an empty table in a vain attempt to enjoy himself.


The waiter arrived swiftly. He was dressed in very formal attire, and spoke with an accent Dusk had never heard before.

"What would you like today?"


AD looked at the menu for a short moment before picking the least expensive thing he could find; a run-of-the-mill daisy sandwich. He sat and looked around at the ponies at other tables, laughing and having fun, talking about things they wouldn't remember the next day. He muttered something under his breath, and looked down at the empty seat across from him.

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"Where is that bloody hat?" Brechard says, while stampeding through the hundreds of fallen leaves. slightly further he sees his hat and charges towards it. "Got ya! Now stay on my head." he shouts, realizing there are ponies staring at him, he blushes, and slowly trots downtown. 

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After strolling through town a while, Blossom decided to stop at a cafe she saw.  The cafe seemed much more formal than any other places in town, but she didn't mind.  She still had plenty of spending money given to her as a leaving gift from her aunt and uncle, who were wealthy pegasai who lived in Canterlot, so she felt like spending more than she normally would.  Sitting down at a table, she looked over the menu.  There was so many different things to choose from that she had no idea where to begin.  She set down the menu to glance around the room and noticed there was a lone stallion sitting at the table behind her, facing the opposite direction.  Somewhat suddenly, she decided to ask him a question.  "Hello, I'm new around here, what do you think is the best thing to order here?"  @@Oran Schvoletski,

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"Instant Dinner?" the pony asked, confused. "All I see is purple liquid. What makes it so special?"


"Easy, sir," Xenon replied. "This special brew should give you the taste of a good dinner and the feeling of being full, without having to cook anything! Give it a try!"


The stallion stared at it for a bit, then took a couple sips. "Roast beef! This is fantastic!" he said as he gave them two bits each. "Thank you!" he said, walking away. "Success!" Xenon exclaimed.

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Tranq ran home at full speed, her nose bleed getting consistently worse as she ran. "No, not now. Not tonight. No, no no." Tears ran down her face. She used to get nose bleeds a lot as a kid, but they had mostly stopped. Once they started though, it would be hours before it resided.

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Sketch went back into the house and began to set down dishes from the kitchen onto the table. Then Sketch thought for a moment...maybe the reason why Tranq wasn't there was because perhaps she was having way too much fun with that new quill of hers, yeah that must be the reason! Sketch chuckled to himself and prepared a container to go, setting aside some of the lovely soup he created.


"I'll just go and surprise her with dinner at home, maybe that'll be more comfortable for her anyhoof." He said smiling as he prepared his little trip over. He also set aside some more soup, maybe he'll go and surprise that new pony that just moved in not too long ago, and maybe even some for Break as well. Ohhhh he was ecstatic! He put the containers in another basket and got on a green plaid scarf for the chilly weather. He then tip-toed past the sleeping Changeling in front of the fireplace and made way for the door closing it behind him. He wrapped himself all cozily in his long scarf and gripped the basket handle in his mouth, then he trotted along his way to his first stop, Miss Tranq's house.

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Tranq flopped down on her bed and sniffled to herself, a towel under her nose. "I hade dis. Stupid dose. At least i can work on by wriding." She magiced her quill into action, pouring her disappointment into her letters. Stupid nose. Stupid bleeding. So gross. Grrr!

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Sketch had arrived on the start of the path towards the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. He bundled his muzzle even more and continued walking on the dirt path. It had been a few more minutes before he came to the familiar rolling hills where it was one of the most popular of places to stargaze, and boy was it. There were several ponies out with their telescopes and picnic blankets as they got themselves ready for tonight's Star Gaze. Perhaps there was some sort of meteor shower happening tonight? Well it wouldn't be long for that to happen, the sun was setting and the sky was in that perfect color of Twilight.


He continued on as he clenched his teeth fastly on the basket. It was another several minutes before coming to the more out-skirted locations of the forest. He saw a single house near the trees on the edge of said forest and figured it was probably Tranquility's home. He smiled and galloped towards the home quite excitedly. Once arriving at the front door he brought up a hoof and began to knock.


"Miss Tranq? Are you home? I figured you would be busy with writing and thought I'd deliver instead!" He said almost muffled, but still quite clear as his mouth was occupied with holding the basket as well as being cuddled up with his scarf.

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Tranq gasped as she heard a knock at the door, followed by Sketch's voice. She promptly hid under her sheets and yelled "Do! Dere's Nobody hobe!" She then smacked her hoof over her face. Subtle. Real subtle. She sighed and flopped herself off the bed walking to the door. She opened it a little.


"You bay as well cobe inside."

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"Oh no, you sound terrible! Did you suddenly catch a cold? A fever? Are you feeling alright? Are you drinking your liquids?" Sketch began to ramble on as he stepped inside a little worried about her...only to then realize that the poor thing was having one heck of a bloody nose.


"Awww, you poor mare, here have this." He said giving her one of the cloths he used to line the bottom of the basket as he gently plopped it against her snout. He placed the basket down on the ground.


"Bloody noses are quite rubbish really, it's probably because it's much too cold and dry outside. Happens to the best of us though~" He said chuckling a bit, trying to make her feel better. Good thing he came too.

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"Bloody doses are stupid and ebarressing. I hade by stupid dose. It's stupid, and I didn't wadt you to see be like dis." She held the cloth tighter against her nose as she ranted a little more. "Ridiculous. Stupid. Addoyig." She continued on, randomly kicking the ground.

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"Baw well don't you worry about anything! I've brought something to cheer you up~" He said picking up the basket once again and bringing it towards her.


"Here you go, see? The soup I told you I'd make, it's super delicious too." He said smiling at her. He set it down on her table and brought out one of the containers inside the basket holding the delicious mana from heaven. He took the plastic lid off from the container, and just as he did, the room was quickly filled to the brim with the enticing aroma.


"Just like Granddad use to make it!" He said quite proud of himself.

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Tranq tries to sniff the soup, but can't. She sighs mightily. "At least the bleeding has stopped. I...I wanted to thank you again. Well again for the quill. It's like using an angels wing, it writes so smoothly. I guess I'm going to have to upgrade my ink and parchment a bit. And also for bringing me dinner. It was very sweet of you, even if I was a little grumpy at first.  I think I'm better now."

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"Awww well it's no big deal." He says rubbing the back of his neck with his hoof turning a slight red at the cheeks.


"Everypony has their bad days, heck I've had mine just for a brief moment when I was all wibbly wobbly at the knees yesterday, being all switched personality and all that rubbish...er well it's not the same situation but still." He remarked smiling awkwardly, bringing up that rubbish again.


"All these things are only happening because you were a good friend to me, I just wanted to return the favor is all.." He said getting embarrassed again, talking about all this mushy feel good feelings. 

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Tranq smiled at him, then tried the soup. "It would probably taste better without the blood tinged flavor, but Sketch, this is delicious! However, it's a little dungeony in here." She got up with a purpose, and uncovered all the windows that had recently been covered. Her home was tiny, but it suited her well. It was covered in the same colors as her, dark blues and purples. Around the room, there were scattered parchments, some crumpled up, but most not. On her small desk sat her beautiful new quill and a large stack of papers. Her eyes fell on it, and she motioned towards it with her head.


"It's almost ready. I was stuck. Badly stuck. I couldn't figure out how it was going to end. Sketch, that pen was a pure stroke of genius. I was able to outline the ending, and I even started writing it."

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It is starting to get dark, so Brechard starts trotting to Sugarcube Corner for something to eat. "Hello Mrs Cake, do you have any blueberry muffins left?"

"Hi Brechard, I haven't seen you in a while. Yes I have five left." 

"I know, I think i'm here to stay. How many bits does three cost?"

"Yes, that will cost four bits."

He pulls four out of his bag. "Here you go." Mrs Cake hoofs him a box with three muffins inside. "Thanks Mrs Cake.

"Anytime Brechard."

He trots out Sugarcube Corner, convinced his friends will enjoy the muffins as much as he will, trotting down to his tranquil house. ( not tranquility's house). 

Edited by Brechard
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Blossom smiled and repied excitedly. "Well this is my first day too. I'm sorry if i scared you. What are you ordering? If you dont mind me asking?" Blossom turned her seat around, hoping she didnt frighten him too much. "I'm Blossom by the way. Are you staying in Ponyville for long?"

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