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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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There were little things to think about while heading to the Sugar-Cube Corner. 'Wow. The very loud Violet was speechless. And thoughtless. Oh, wait, this is a thought. Silly me!' She finally arrived at the Sugar-Cube. She entered and sweet smells fill her nose. Violet walked up to the counter and ordered blueberry pancakes. She sat doen to eat, wondering what she could do today to try to earn her cutie mark.

Edited by Xenon
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While Break was busy with the princesses, Christoph got some free time in Canterlot until the flight back to Ponyville. So he wandered around this city, looking at what the ponies did here, he wasn't here often after all. But the manners of the Canterlot ponies fascinated him... Like Celestia tought them to everypony here herself! And then, in one of the gift shops, Christoph saw something that he really liked to take home, just as a remembrance: A big Canterlot Banner, supposed to be a wall hanging. So he walked over to the shop and tried to take out his best manners for this city: "Uh, excuse me? I would really like to buy this... uh... brilliant, fascinating banner of Canterlot. It has something... magical..." "Well, thank you!" the shopkeeper said "Canterlot sure is a fascinating city! So I take it you are actually not from here?" "Hehe, no..." Christoph answered "Am I good with my manners?" The shopkeeper answered: "For somepony who is not from here, I can say your manners are... quite acceptable. To be honest, sometimes these manners annoy me, too... BUT back to the banner: That would be 20 bits, Sir!" Christoph took a deep breath in to not say 'Ouch!' and then gave the 20 bits to the shopkeeper: "Here you go..." "Thank you." the shopkeeper answered "Have a nice day, Sir!" "May you have a nice day as well!" Christoph answered and continued wandering around the city with his new Canterlot banner. He still hoped that Rainbow Dash was here and he would meet her before he had to fly back...

Edited by ChristophR
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"Well, what made you decide to specifically paint my house? Don't get me wrong, I do love it, but it's a bit run down, tiny and a little hard to see against the looming forest." She gazed up at the painting again, noticing difference in Sketch and Skotch's styles of art. It was interesting interacting with two facets of the same person...technically the same person at least.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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"I...I really don't know..there's this feeling that I should, something I couldn't deny...your guess is as good as mine. I know that sounds a bit cryptic and weird...but I don't usually follow my instincts unless there's a good reason to them." He got up on his legs and yawned slightly shaking off his fatigue as he shielded his eyes from the morning sun.


"Now then..how about some breakfast..My treat? Perhaps after we can work on that garden of yours."  He asked looking down to her as he lent out a helping hoof to pick her up. Morning was here and he certainly wasn't use to staying awake through it and he could certainly feel the strain coming on to him, but he forced himself to stay awake. Sketch had his fun, now it's time for Skotch to try his hand at having some. Besides...things seem alot more interesting this time around.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Breakfast sounds wonderful. I can help you carry your supplies, if you'd like. We can even store them at my house, since it's closer." She picked up his palate, some paints and brushes, hovering them in the air with her magic. She looked worriedly at Skotch. "Are you alright? Do you need some sleep? Know what? Never mind."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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As he took in his surroundings, Dusk smiled again. "Oh, I'll take the downstairs room," he said, adding as an afterthought, "I've never really liked stairs." He made his way to the guest room and looked around before setting his stuff in the corner. After a few minutes he hesitantly began to unpack the few things he had thought to bring when he first set out from Baltimare.


A small pouch of bits, an old hat he wore from time to time, a pencil and his notebook, falling almost to pieces with age, and a simple pillow that had been his since he was a young colt.


After he had taken everything out of his bag, he sat down for a moment on the side of the bed, half lost in thought.

“In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is a light in darkness.”

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/autumn-dusk-r5274


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"That sounds Bloody Brilliant, I must thank you for your offer." He collected most of his things and emptied out the water in the now dirty jars with paint all over them. He followed suit after Tranq and her amazing magical abilities.


"Bloody 'ell, wish I could do that..that's be easier than drawing with me mouth." He said chuckling to himself as he closely followed behind into her house, placing the supplies near her door within. Once she had ask about him sleeping and quickly dismissing it, he couldn't help but laugh a bit.


"Obvious side affects to me sleeping aside, they don't call me Sleepless for nothin', I'll manage, but thank you for worryin'." He smiled slightly at her. As he led the way back out towards the now up and active town.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Well, it wasn't just that, but since you two share a body, you should...well...share. I would assume you would want the most possible time out, right? Also, I don't think you've been here. This is my humble little home. It's not much, but it's perfect for me." She smiled and looked around. She loved her tiny house.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Time passed quickly as Break's dream continued.  It continued to grow darker as time passed in the meeting room.  Nobody said anything as this faint noise of maniacal laughter started to take over the room.  Break couldn't help but laugh himself as the princesses just stared at him with ever hollowing expressions.  Unmoving, unfeeling, Break just kept laughing... for no reason.  This would continue on until at some point, a figure appeared in the now fading room.  It was another pony, but completely obscured.  The closer it got, the more the laughter would increase, the more Break couldn't control himself.  He was scared, but... still laughed anyway.

Suddenly, it all just stopped, causing Break to shoot away in a cold sweat.  It was early morning!

Break's breathing was heavy as he felt his own heart beat really fast, What the hay was that?  I've never had one of those before...


"...It's today, right?  Yeah..."  Break got out of bed, and went to grab his things for his long day ahead.  "...What was all that laughing about anyway?"  Break's natural curiosity got the best of him, and he started to think about the dream he had.


"...."  Break heard a small breathing sound in the room.  It sounded like somepony sleeping.

It was then he saw the perpetrator; T.  Somehow T had gotten into his apartment last night, but has fallen asleep.  "You've got to be kidding me."  Break glared at T, who was asleep at the edge of Break's bed.  "...!"


T started to slowly becomes awake from his exhausted slumber, and looked up at Break who was staring him down.  "...Oh hiiiiii Break!"  He slowly stood up, stretching as he did, "You were so adorable last night.  I didn't know you sounded like that when you laugh.  Hehehe..."  He pat Break's head.  "Well, I better get going.  See you later Breaky!"  With that, he was out the door in a flash.... Only to reopen the door, and peek inside, "Oh yeah, I live just up the street."  He slammed the door.

What a total blowhard, I mean really.  He doesn't know when to quit does he?  Entering my home while I'm asleep, what a total---LAST NIGHT?!  What did he do!?  Did he...!?  He caused my dream to go insane?  Oh for the love of Celestia, are you serious?!  Break started to brush himself off in disgust.  Not that there was anything on him, he just felt a little violated.  What a creep.  What a total...Ugh.  I can't think about this now.  I need to find Christoph!

With that, Break slipped his Write of Passage into this pocket, put some clothes on, and was out the door once more.


My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"It is very nice home, quite humble indeed, there's always that charm to small places you call your own. I remember living in Manehatten and staying in my 1 bedroom/bathroom apartment." He looked back at how he lived before he moved here. He remembered the long nights he would work on his drafting table, the tea house across the street that sold his favorite brews, and those walks onto the streets where he would study other ponies with his sketchbook. It wasn't a glorious life but he was content with it, though looking at Ponyville from a different perspective and how peaceful and vivid it was compared to the city...yeah it wasn't so bad here.


"Come along Miss Tranq, muffins are on my mind today and they won't leave me alone, Forward ho~" He said leading the trot as he headed out her door and towards the town, his belly had the rumblies.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Coded stepped into the sunlight, and the brightness of the outside world stung his eyes. The lawn was covered in a assortment of leaves perfect for jumping in, but that was not in Coded mind today. What Coded wanted to do today was go to the small arcade in Ponyville, so he set off with a sack of jingling bits in his mouth.


The leaves under him crackled and snapped under his hooves as he merrily trotted down the path into town. He spotted an icecream

vendor right off to his right. He walked over to the stand and plumped 5 bits into the table, and happily snaked on the frozen treat.

Edited by TheYoungestBrony

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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Down the street raced a salmon-colored colt bursting with energy. The crisp air whipped through his sky blue mane, spurring him onward. Today was absolutely wonderful and after being cooped up inside his house, he was raring to do something. So invigorated was he by the autumn air that he nearly didn't see the pony in his path. He dug his hoofs into the ground, grinding to a halt and building up a bit of dirt in front of him. <p>

He cocked his head at the pony in front of him. Green coat, brown hair, about his age. He didn't recognize the colt, not that that couldn't be said about most ponies in town. Maybe they could play together! It would be a pity to have all this energy and only himself to play with. He turned his head rightside up again and beamed brightly. <p>

"Hiya! I haven't seen you before. I'm Bright Beam! What's your name? And what's with that bag of yours? Is there something in it?"

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Coded whipped his head to look at the energetic colt. "Oh hey, I'm hard coded, most people just call me Coded..." And then he stared at his bag of bits.

"And this is just some bits." He examined the track the young colt made in his sudden stop, and took another lick of his ice cream. He thought 'Maybe this other colt wants to go to the arcade with me?'. So he asked, "Want to come with me to the arcade?"

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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The arcade? Well he hadn't been there many times before. His parents never gave him the bits to go and whenever he made some of his own, they always seemed to disappear when he walked through the market district. Although he always came back with a shiny bauble so he supposed it wasn't exactly a mystery.


"Alright! But you're going to have to pay for me, I don't have any bi- Hey! Is that a Cutie Mark? What does it stand for?" Even as he agreed to his query and walked with Coded, he couldn't help but let his curiosity get the better of him.

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Break started to walk into town to look for Christoph, and peered up at the sky.  It was early morning, and he had ample time to find Christoph and get to Canterlot before the sun reaches its peak.  The town was lively once more as ponies from all around went and did things together.  It was very busy, but not overbearing.


Tch...  I can't believe T would do that to me... in my SLEEP.  Anyway, I'm sure I'll find Christoph somewhere in town--  Break's thoughts were interrupted when he saw someone familiar just across the way.  It was Sketch and Tranq walking through town together.


Break took a quick trot over to them to make idle chit-chat with his friends.


@ @@SleeplessSketch

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Oh, my cutie mark? It resembles that I'm the best programmer in equestria!" He explained as they walked towards the arcade. He didnt actually know if he was the best programmer, he just thought he has a cutie mark of a computer, so he has to be, right? Coded saw the arcade at the end of the market, and quickened his pace.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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"Programmer? And what exactly would that mean? Sounds a bit silly to me." As impatient as Bright was, he wasn't the type to sit through credits and read who did what. Well, not that a whole lot of people did, but he was even less likely. Of course, all this was brushed out of his mind when he caught sight of the arcade. Quickening his pace to match Coded's, he was greeted by the flashing lights and glowing signs of a busy hive of activity that was the arcade.


"This is gonna be fun. Which first? Which first?"

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"I don't know, you pick first, I guess." Coded was just trying to be nice, because what he wanted to play was the CHANGELING BLASTER 2000 machine at the back of the arcade. Other colts and fillies rushed by Coded and Bright Beam, some even shoving to get to their destination. Coded tightened his grip on the sack as he stared through the crowd at the group clustering around the slick arcade machine.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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While Break was busy with the princesses, Christoph got some free time in Canterlot until the flight back to Ponyville. So he wandered around this city, looking at what the ponies did here, he wasn't here often after all. But the manners of the Canterlot ponies fascinated him... Like Celestia tought them to everypony here herself! And then, in one of the gift shops, Christoph saw something that he really liked to take home, just as a remembrance: A big Canterlot Banner, supposed to be a wall hanging. So he walked over to the shop and tried to take out his best manners for this city: "Uh, excuse me? I would really like to buy this... uh... brilliant, fascinating banner of Canterlot. It has something... magical..." "Well, thank you!" the shopkeeper said "Canterlot sure is a fascinating city! So I take it you are actually not from here?" "Hehe, no..." Christoph answered "Am I good with my manners?" The shopkeeper answered: "For somepony who is not from here, I can say your manners are... quite acceptable. To be honest, sometimes these manners annoy me, too... BUT back to the banner: That would be 20 bits, Sir!" Christoph took a deep breath in to not say 'Ouch!' and then gave the 20 bits to the shopkeeper: "Here you go..." "Thank you." the shopkeeper answered "Have a nice day, Sir!" "May you have a nice day as well!" Christoph answered and continued wandering around the city with his new Canterlot banner. He still hoped that Rainbow Dash was here and he would meet her before he had to fly back...


(Ignore that post I made earlier, I was too early :blink: Now instead:)




Christoph was still in Ponyville, just woke up and left his house to pick up Break for the journey *whistle* He found Break being about to talk with Sleepless Sketch and Tranquility. So Christoph went there, but decided to wait with the actual joining until Break was done with his conversation... or Christoph found a good moment to join in the talk.

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(Poor Changelings. Looks like they get the short end of the stick here)


Bright furrowed his brow as he thought pensively on what he wanted. This wasn't helped by the numerous other ponies rushing by them, some shoving as they went past. Finally, he cracked a smile as he found what he wanted. "That one," he exclaimed as he pointed a hoof at a machine titled 'Daring Do and the Enigmatic Legion.' It appeared to be a side scrolling shooter where you went through various staged of increasing difficulty.


(Think Gradius or Ikaruga)

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Tranq trotted to catch up with Skotch. "Muffins are on me today! I think cinnamon crunch is in my future." She trotted along in silence, contemplating her complicated relationship with two ponies in the same body. She knew she owed muffins to Sketch in reality, but their cash flow came from the same wallet. She didn't know how much the quill had cost, but she knew it couldn't have been cheap.


((Yay new ponies in town!))


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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 "Oh well, that's mighty kind of you." He said as he continued to stroll through the busy street of the recreational district of Ponyville. Suddenly the both was approached by a familiar stallion. Skotch recognized the Stallion and drew on a stoic face whence he came closer, when he came into conversing range, Skotch decided to speak first.


"Ah yes..you're that pony from earlier. Fancy seeing you here." He said eyeing the other stallion examining him with his keen eyes from horn to hooves. It would seem he appeared a tad bit restless and slightly unkempt, trouble sleeping perhaps? He knew that feeling all too well to not notice that.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch,

Tranq watched the other two ponies interacting warily. "Hi Break! I hope your trip to Canterlot went well. I know you were a bit apprehensive about it. You look like you could use some food. Fancy joining us for muffins? I'm buying!" She tried not to let her agitation show.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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@ @@SleeplessSketch

"Hi Tranq...  Yeah, uh, I'm actually going to Canterlot right now.  Well, actually I'm looking for christoph as he's going to take me there."  Break replied.  "I've got plenty of time to get there, so I guess a muffin wouldn't hurt."


Break looked at Skotch, who didn't seem to fully recognize him, but knew Break nonetheless.  ...Skotch.  Fancy seeing him in the daytime for once.  Heh.

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Skotch stood there and remained silent to stop himself from creating any nasty remarks or smart Alec comments. He can tell he was grating on their nerves with his hostility, so he decided against it for the sake of trying to change...for just a bit at the least.


Canterlot he said? Skotch remembered the time when he tried to apply at their art school, only to find out that it was strictly for unicorns and their magic. He wanted to prove that a simple Earth Pony could do just as well, oh how much he wanted to show them he was more than capable. Not a lot of ponies know, but there was always this little spark of competition within Skotch, but not so much as Sketch. But for now..muffins, all about the muffins...maybe some eggs too.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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