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private Back to Ponyville! (A SoL Casual RP)


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"Uhhh, I feel awful." Brechard mutters. He slowly moves off his sofa, the ice-pack is dripping with blood from where his nose was bleeding. he carefully trots into his kitchen, goes to the sink and washes the blood from his seemingly broken nose. "Looks like a trip to the doctors for me, yay." He says in a deep croaky voice. He places his boots on his hoofs and his hat on his head, his mane all scruffy from sleeping on the sofa, and ventures out to the doctors. 

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He looked at the machine that the colt pointed at, and walked towards it, not even looking behind him to make sure Shining was following. He put a bit into the machine, and stepped aside, letting Shining play on the machine. He sat down and saw that the cluster of ponies surrounding the CHANGELING BLASTER 2000 was growing steadily larger. Coded gave up on the idea of playing that game.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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@@Oran Schvoletski,

Blossom smiled and headed to her room, stopping in front of the guest room.  "I hope you like the room.  Well, I better be off to bed, got some stuff to take care of tomorrow, so good night."  She went into her room and shut the door, laying on her bed.  'Well, I'd say today was successful.  Met two new ponies and nothing was broken in the house.  Gotta get food tomorrow though.'  Sitting up, she set an alarm and turned off the light then returning to snuggle up in her bed. 

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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@@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch,


Trane wiped her hoof over her face. Good one Tranq. Way to keep up with your friends goings on, as well as making a complete jerk of yourself. She smiled sheepishly "Well, I guess now I'm really buying huh?" She tried to keep the conversation light. This crowd was a little edgy in general.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Bright zoomed up to the arcade machine with enthusiasm, almost heedless of Coded being next to him. His playstyle seemed to merely be him clicking the fire button as fast as possible, with very little effort made to actually dodge enemy volleys. It seemed to work well at first, getting him through the first and second level, but his measly defense soon caught up with him as the difficulty spiked. His lives were gobbled up like snack cakes on the third level and he soon found the machine asking for more bits. He frowned in defeat, especially at not being able to put his name on the score chart, but soon got over it.


"I think the game cheated. Planes shouldn't explode into more bullets. That was fun! What next?" He noticed Coded looking forlornly at the arcade game in the back. "You wanna play Changeling Blaster? I can clear that crowd, if you want."

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@, @@SleeplessSketch


"We can go get some muffins at 'Breakfast for All', if you want.  It shouldn't be as crowded in there."  Break said, pointing at a building that had a sign with a depiction of a pancake.


I'm actually surprised Christoph hasn't shown up yet.  It would be simple for him to find us since he's a pegasus...  Oh well.



My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Right then, food first then conversation later. Forward ho friends." Skotch said leading the trot once again, going ahead of the other two. He was very much determined to get his hooves on something to eat, he was absolutely famished.


He entered the facility and spotted a table by a sunlit window, a fine place to settle down and eat. He stood at the door and held it open like the GentleStallion he was as he waited for the other two to come in.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar,

Tranq walked into the bakery and inhaled deeply. The alluring aroma of bread assaulted her nose. She ordered muffins, bagels and doughnuts, paid for them, then magiced them onto the table where Break and Skotch were already seated. "I ordered loads of food so everyone can have what they want. We usually get crashers too, so food for all. If not, I've always got critters to feed. They eat everything. So, what's going on?"


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Blossom got up from her bed sleepily and trudged into the kitchen.  Yawning, she opened the fridge and grabbed some imaginary ingredients to make an omelette.  She began to heat up an empty pan and began preparation.  A few minutes into the process, she opened the blinds to let in some light from the morning sun.  The sun shone brightly onto the stove and the heating pan.  Blossom noticed something wasn't right as she stared at the empty pan.  "Where'd my food go?" She thought aloud.  Sighing, she turned off everything and put it away.  "Right, no food yet."  She chuckled aloud and then went back to her room, remembering a little of the previous night,  'Did I really invite a stallion to sleep over or was that a dream?' She opened the guest room and saw Autumn sleeping on the bed and jumped back a little, crashing into the wall then erupting in laughter. "I can't believe I almost forgot about him!  i hope I didn't wake him."

@@Oran Schvoletski,

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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As he trots, Brechard's nose starts dripping blood. He starts galloping to get there faster, blood is running out his nose faster now from the bumping.

Brechard slows as he gets to the doctors.


After waiting for what seemed an eternity, Brechard finally gets a call to the doctor. 

" How did you do this?" The doctor asks confused.

" Well, i woke up on my desk, and i fell."

" You realize you almost broke your nose, luckily for you its not, but it is damaged and tender. I'll wrap it in some bandages and you be careful."

" OK, thanks doc."

" Your welcome." (where i live healthcare is free so i'm just gonna assume its free in ponyville as well).

Brechard leaves the doctors, nose wrapped up, looking like a div, he trots home to bake some muffins. 

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((Sorry for the big delay, School, sleep, all that stuff.))


"Nah, its fine, but I'm a little hungry, want to go to the snack bar?" Coded was starving, actually. He stared at the hey fries, drool almost dripping from his tongue. He sat up and almost fell over from a filly shoving him away.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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(Youngest, have I ever mentioned Hard Coded looks like a pickle?)

"Oh, uh, alright. But you're buying." Bright decided not to remind him that he just had ice cream. If Coded was feeling peckish again, who was he to judge? Besides, he couldn't say that he didn't feel like a bite to eat himself. A bit of food was fine by him.

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((A pickle with hair and glasses.))

Coded walked over to the snack bar and asked for a small order of hay fries. "What about you?" Coded said as he looked at Bright.

Coded picked a fry out of the bowl with his magic and put it in his mouth, slowly chewing. Coded thought that after this, they should head back into the market and see whats there to do.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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The unicorn carefully surveyed the menu. What did he want? That was a good question. He hadn't thought about what exactly he wanted to eat, only that he wanted to eat something. Maybe hay fries? But Coded already got those. Some apple juice? He was more hungry than thirsty.


"Can I get some... rose petals?"

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Break looked at Tranq and took a deep breath, "Weeell...  As it turns out, I got royal mail from the Princesses of Equestria, and apparently they want me to be in Canterlot Castle today for something rather important.  ...I don't know what it is, as it's apparently so secret they couldn't risk someone reading my mail."  Break explained.  "So that is why I'm looking for Chrisoph to take me to Canterlot..."  He then looked off to the side, "It'd be nice if you ponies could come with me but...  I don't think that's possible."


I wonder if Skotch would even want to go.  Break looked at Skotch for a moment.  ...?  Maybe he does?  He seems to be hiding something again.



My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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Skotch sat at the table as soon as the other ponies were inside and ready. Once Tranquility had brought over the baked delicious goods, Skotch began to eat into one of the muffins. Royal mail from the princess? It seems like Break was a lot more important than Skotch would have been led to believe, though he wondered why would Break tell him about this? Wouldn't Sketch be the more trustworthy of ponies than of them both? Maybe he was just letting him know on this just in case Skotch happened to switch on over..as if it was easy enough to remember each other's memories, it wasn't that simple. Of course Skotch wouldn't mind going to Canterlot and taking a look see at how that academy was fairing, they may have declined him for his absent use of magic, but it was still an admirable school. Suddenly Skotch saw that Break was looking at him in that sort of way once again.


"Oi Eyes to yerself, save yer examination hoo-ha for somepony else..." How could he forget that first evening here...man did his head begin to tingle at the very thought of it. Skotch admired Breaks amazing talent, though he rather not have it aimed towards him once again in the future.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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The mare behind the counter plopped down a bowl full of rose petals on the table in front of Bright and Coded put 5 bits on the table, and the mare walked away with the bits in her hooves. "So where do you live in ponyville?" said Coded as another fry flew into his mouth.

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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@@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch,

"So uh...What did you do to deserve royal mail? It sounds awfully official." Tranq inhaled deeply the bagel she had been dreaming of. It smelled fresh and cinnamony ((Ungh miss gluten!)) "When are you supposed to leave? I would think you would need to go pretty soon."


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Autumn jumped up and wound up on the floor beside the bed. "Ow."


He stood slowly, trying to remember where he was. After a moment, he saw Blossom, and then everything came back to him. "Oh! Uh... Good morning."


((Late reply on my part again, exams have kept me busy, sorry about that.))

“In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is a light in darkness.”

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/autumn-dusk-r5274


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@@Oran Schvoletski,
Blossom giggled, "Sorry for waking you, I kinda forgot you were actually here.  Well, anyways, want to come with me to pick up some groceries and such?  I almost started cooking food but realized I didn't have any yet."  She stood and brushed herself off, smiling. 

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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Break, you're doing it again.  Freaking ponies out with your staring.  Break averted his eyes from Skotch.  "Sorry."  Memories of that evening started to come back in clips.


"I...I have no idea why they would want me of all ponies.  It's very strange, and I hope its for something good."  Break tried to be modest about all of this, he wasn't a snob like most of the unicorns at Canterlot.  "Wouldn't it have made more sense for it to be for say, Applejack or one of her friends?  Guh..."  He looked down at the table in front of him.  "This is making me anxious.  Not to mention I need to be over there by noon for some strange reason."


@, @@SleeplessSketch

My OCs: Break Shimmerald, Emerald Yttrium, Onyx Moonlight, Ti...ehh, and Dual Boot, Existential Panache.


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"Sounds awfully urgent...Perhaps there has to be some other way? I'm not sure what that would be be you two are unicorns eh? You can figure something out.."


Skotch said as he raised a cup of tea and drank from it. He figured since they all have quite the brain power put together, it shouldn't be that hard of a problem with a little thinking involved, and just as he said...they're both unicorns..He was more than positive they can both think of a magic spell or two to get rid of the problem. Good thing Skotch was the more inquisitive between him and Sketch, though it didn't take much to point out the obvious.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch,

"Even with a unicorn flying you as fast as ponily possible, you'd be cutting it awful close unless you leave ...quite soon, I would think." Tranq narrowed her eyebrows. She wasn't sure why she was stressing over him being late. They weren't terribly close, but being late had always bothered her. Plus, it was the Princesses.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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(Sorry for the late reply, I brought my laptop to the final repairs (hopefully) two days ago and thought it was just for a few hours. Well, now it was two days -.-)




Christoph continued following the group and now decided to join in: "Hi there! Here I am! A little late, I know, sorry, but I'm here. We can leave as soon as you ponies are ready... I mean Break being ready to leave and everypony else being done with saying goodbye" he giggled.

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"Oh! I live at... well... near that farm that's nearby. You know, the one with all the apples. But not too near it. Just sorta on that side of town. I'm new here so I don't really know all the who's and where's. But I know I'm near that tree farm." He tried to levitate some rose petals up to his mouth but they only made it so far before he lost his grip and they fell back in the bowl. Stupid magic, he must be the only unicorn in town who couldn't properly use telekinesis. He was probably the only one without a Cutie Mark too. He wondered if the two were related.

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