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open MLP Camp Half-Blood


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((Wow this thread almost like died... I will revive it!))

Epic hovered over Leif's back and looked around for Scout. She saw a door that was slightly open and went into another room. "Hey guys," she said. "I think I know where Scout might be." She flew towards the door and opened it. Epic saw Scout and flew over to him. "Scout," she said. "We were looking for you! Now come on."


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Silver grabbed the sleeping colt and set him on Skies' back. "And on that note, we make our departure. Speaking of which, how long were we here?" Silver said. He then asked, "Do we have enough pearls? If not, where are the others?" Realizing that Dark had just fallen asleep, he hefted her onto his back. "I'll just go try and figure out the date. I'll meet you guys outside." Silver then strolled out of the casino.

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Dark Shine blinked, opening her eyes. Her face went bright red as she clumsily flew off Silver. "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to fall asleep on you!"


Mia More sighed, walking out. "All the time I spend here and not once had I ever fallen prey to those damn cookies..." she mumbled to herself, going out of the casino.


Midnight looked at Grell, following him. She was still tired, but she fought through it.


Scout yawned, stretching out his hind quarters. "What'd I miss???"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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leif smiled as they walked out he looked around "we where in there for five days guys ill explain those cookies had lotus in them a;; you really need to know is it clouds your mind and makes it so all you want to do is stay and party" leif said

grell smiled as he used his magic to grab midnight and lay her on his back

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Silver turned to Dark, saying, "It's fine, you can stay there, you know, i-if you want to." Silver had suddenly realized how close he was to a mare he found very attractive, and got somewhat nervous. "W-we have to figure out what date it is. I d-don't know how long we've been in there." He was now blushing, and futilely tried to cover it up.

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Scout thought for a moment. "A museum... In Washtub DC... It's a Greek mythology museum..."


Midnight blinked, smiling. "Thanks sweetie," she said, nuzzling his neck.


Dark Shine blinked, blushing. "I-I want to come with you guys... I-if you don't mind..."


Mia More nodded. "Yes. We would both love to come with you all. You sound like very interesting ponies..." She glanced at Skies, flashing her gorgeous smile.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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(Uh, washtub? Ok, then... let's roll with it.)

"Yeah! We would love to have you along Dark! And you too Mia!" Silver exclaimed, ecstatic that Dark had decided to come along. "Anyway, I know we can run fast and all, but Washtub is really far away, should we try and get some form of transport, you know, so we aren't tired when we get there?"

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Well, I suppose we are all quite wealthy now... Silver thought to himself. "We'll take 8 tickets for first class," Silver told the mare at the train station, "as well as sleeping and dining arraignments." Silver dumped a significant quantity of bits on the counter, and the mare handed him a stack of tickets. "Well, our luxury ride awaits!" He said to the group, motioning for them to come along.
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Epic flew after Silver. "Aww yeah," she said. "This is so cool! I've never traveled first class before! Nor have I traveled with sleeping or dining arrangements! Silver, you're awesome!" Epic flew back with Leif and pecked him on the cheek. "Isn't this gonna be soooo fun?"


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Leif nodded "yes it will title relaxation before Tartarus does sound nice, panomma come" Leif said the. Kissed epic

Panomma stopped yipping and walked beside Leif calmly

Grell tossed silver a pouch of bits "that should cover my fare" grell said "I don't like not paying when I have the means to"

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Mia got on the train, smiling flirtatiously. "I was born for these kinds of rides..." she said to herself, sitting down.


Dark Shine got on the train and sat next to Silver, yawning. She looked around the train. "It's sooo pretty..." She gawked at the ornate detailing.


Midnight got on the train, waiting for Grell to get on, saving him a seat.


Scout sat in his own little seat, smilig brightly. "I love this train! It's sooo epic!" He jumped up and down on the seat.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Silver hopped on the train, relaxing in a 2-pony compartment, glad he bought luxury tickets. He saw Dark approaching, and waved. "Hey! Come over and sit by me!" He said, gesturing to the seat next to him. "Anyway, I heard this ride is about 20 hours, so maybe we can learn some more about each other... You know, i-if you want to."

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Epic sat next to Leif and patted Panomma on the head. "It's alright," she said, trying to calm the wolf down. "It'll be over before you know it. Just try not to think about what could go wrong. Think about how beautiful this is. Look! The train walls are patterned with flowers! It should remind you of the forest!"


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Panomma whined at the mention of the forest she would much rather be there instead of on the train

Leif smiled at epic he got close to panomma and started making wolf like sounds panomma calmed down a little


On top of the train two hellhounds where tracking something

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Simply by sheer luck, Snowstorm, who is being chased by monsters, is on that exact train, trying to find Camp Halfblood. She knows only the name, where it is, and that it is a safe refuge from the monsters tracking her. She is completely oblivious to the fact that there are any others like her on this train, and she is also oblivious to the fact that she has powers. Ignorance is not always bliss...

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The hell hounds found their prey sitting alone used their claws to tear through the roof and descend upon her they lamed one to each side

Panomma yipped wildly she ran off

Leif sighed and watched her "she'll be fine" he said

Panomma ran into the car ((panomma is a white wolf))she jumped up by snowstorm and bard her teeth at the hell hounds

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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The hell hounds found their prey sitting alone used their claws to tear through the roof and descend upon her they lamed one to each side

Panomma yipped wildly she ran off

Leif sighed and watched her "she'll be fine" he said

Panomma ran into the car ((panomma is a white wolf))she jumped up by snowstorm and bard her teeth at the hell hounds

Snowstorm screamed as the hellhounds dropped to either side of her. Her muscles locked up and she was frozen in place. The irony of the situation did not escape her, and for a brief moment, she felt guilty for all the mean things that she had done. This quickly faded and was forever forgotten as Panomma serendipitously bounded into the car. Unfortunately, Snowstorm did not know that Panomma was on her side, and the extent to which she was frightened shot up as she screamed again. But as the wolf bared her teeth at the hellhounds, Snowstorm became confused.


'Whose side is this wolf on?' she thought to herself. Was the wolf trying to take Snowstorm for herself? Or was the wolf trying to protect her? She didn't know which was more likely. But as the hellhounds whined and scrambled out of the car, Panomma did not make an attempt to hurt her. Her muscles went back to normal slowly as her frightened state faded into the periphery. "H- Hello?" she said, slowly and diffidently.

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Panomma howled in glee as the hell hounds whined and left she tuned to snowstorm and nuzzled her kindly

Leif heard panomma and got up and walked in to the car "panomma what are you doing girl" Leif said

Panomma yipped and Leif nodded "hell hounds huh" Leif said

Snowstorm smiled lightly as Panomma nuzzled her. She couldn't believe her good fortune. It was simply incredible. But she continued to be cautious, in case Panomma turned against her suddenly. She started back a little when another person entered the room. "Is she yours?" she asked, diffidently. Now was no time to be a jerk.

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