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Medusa cackled. "You really think I'll just let her go that easily??? Haha! You've got some nerve!"


Midnight opened her eyes slightly, them starting to glow. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her hooves started glowing, too. ((Her mother's powers are taking over))

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Grell focused his energy draining the life force out of Medusa "you should have taken my offer while you had the chance " grell said a dark aura forming around him as Medusas life was sapped from her she would end up weak and unable to do much at least that was the plan

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Medusa quickly drew her gaze upon him, luring him to open his eyes. She was much more powerful than him, so it took longer to make her weak.


Midnight's eyes turned glowing white, her body twisting out of Medusa's grip. She growled, grabbing all of her snakes in her mouth, ripping them out.


Medusa screamed, blood pouring from her scalp. "M-my snakes! You witch!" She drew her gaze right into Midnight's eyes.


Midnight growled, staring into her eyes, not turning into stone. "DON'T INTERFERE WITH MY PLANS YOU SNAKE BEARING BITCH!!!!" she screamed, her eyes like mirrors, turning Medusa into stone within a second. ((That was the first time she's actually cussed))

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Grell opened his eyes just before midnight did her thing and his hooves had turned to stone ND he aura had disappeared and grell couldn't draw anymore life force he was weak and couldn't move "go I'll be fine save your mom midnight " grell said sitting as best he could he was ready to pass out

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She was blood thirsty now. She spit out the snakes and lunged at her, ripping out her throat.


Medusa let out a blood curdling scream, dying instantly, releasing Grell from his stone prison. Her mouth was dripping with blood and neck flesh, growling and glaring at her dead body.

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((Grell wouldn't be released from the stone as much as I hate to say it didnt work like that in the myths so it won't here))

Grell sighed "midnight go save your mom she's waiting for you I'll be fine" grell said forcing the sadness away from his voice so midnight wouldn't get upset

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Skies lifts up a leg and pees on grell. "I told you i was gona pee on ypur stone body but nooo didn't believe me didn't you" he chuckles being a butthead pony. "Muahahahaha taste my pee I'm a pony of my word." He laughs as he finishes. he walks away laughing like a child.

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Grell started draining his life away "now it's my turn to have some fun" grell said feeling skies life force work on the stone at the rate it was going he'd have to drain a lot of life since skies was only a pony his life would drain quickly leaving him weak

Edited by dashian500
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Midnight looked at Grell. "I'm not leaving without you!!" She wobbled, then passed out, back to normal.


Scout ran in, panting and bruised up. He glared at Skies, stopping right in front of him. He slapped him, tears in his eyes. "You let me fly off your back and didn't even come to help me you plothole!!!"

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"I told you to hang on.scout i couldn't stop." He chuckles snuggling to scout. "Are you alright son?" He chuckles licking his forehead. "Are you hurt are you ok?" he asked snuggling up to scout holding him close. He stretches again hugging scout then he puts scout on his back.

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Grell focused even more skies would be felling really weak of he didn't die grell sent it to midnight hoping it would cause her to wake up he looked at skies "get her out while you still can" grell said still drawing the life force out of skies ((eating dinner be back soon ))

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Midnight woke up, blinking. She looked over at Grell. Her mouth was still covered in blood. She looked like a rabid beast.


Scout huffed, looking at Midnight. He trotted over to her. "Are you okay, Midnight?"


((Sorry if i'm slow at replying tonight. I'm busy tonight))

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He smiled "go midnight I'll be fine " grell said "your mom needs you " grell still couldn't move and had stopped draining skies life force and was getting weak very fast he Sat ready to pass out ((it's all good just reply when you can and will odd be replying at the same rate ))

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Midnight shook her head. "I'm not leaving without you. Get over it," she said, standing up.


Scout sighed, loooking back at Skies. -He reallly made me mad and he didn't even apologize for throwing me off his back... Some "dad" he is...- Scout thought, sulking.

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Grell sighed "I can't move and I'll be of no use I'll only hinder you" grell said his head started to swim he got really dizzy and was swaying slightly "you can get me on the way back I'll be fine but you need to save your mom before it's too late I can't be the reason you don't "

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Midnight glared at him, her eyes flashing. "I told you I'm not leaving without you Grelll!!" She got under him, puttting him on her back. "Come on, everypony. We're going back to camp." She flew offf.


Scout climbed up on Skies, yawniing. "Come on. Let's go back to camp."

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Grell sighed and his eyes git heavy he tried to stay awake but failed sadly he passed out and was unable to balance correctly causing him fall off of midnight as she flew he landed with a thud his hoof cracking a bit he had hit several trees on the way down

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"I'm sorry scout" he nuzzles scout looking happy. "I tell you what i can show you how to run fast... If you want but ya know it'll be so cool" he chuckles looking away looking like he has secrets. (Sorry lol some prick from the past showed up on my screen just out of mind atm so ill be slow also)

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Midnight swooped down and caught him, making sure he's level. She sighed, blood still trickling down her snout.


Scout didn't acknowledge him. He was still pretty upset that it took him so long to apologize. "I'm a pegasus. I can't run fast. I can't even fly. I might as well be an earth pony..."

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Grell moaned I. His unconscious state his hoof hurt a lot it had been cracked during the fall his bag still had the energy potions but he had forgotten them his tail began to twitch he hadn't had an apple recently and NE was staring to have withdrawal

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Silver glided down from the tree as the group approached camp. "Did everything go alright?" He asked. Looking at grell's hoof, he realized that even if he cold be restored completely, his hoof would need to be repaired while still in stone form. He said to Grell, "I need to help you if you ever want to use your hoof again. This might hurt quite a bit, depending on how many of your real nerves remain in the hoof." As he was talking, he heating Grell's hoof up to extremely high temperatures, and slowly reworked it into its proper, unbroken shape. There, now you just need to collect enough life force to heal yourself.

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Skies looks dpwn. "I'm sorry scout..." he sighs as he walks to the entrance "I'm sorry scout ...." he looks down sadly. "Please forgive me" he jumps off into a random lake and dosnt come out for a very long time resting and sleepinng" he feels peaceful in any body of water.

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Midnight blinked, smiling. "Thank you, Silver," she said, blood still all over her snout. She laid Grell down on a leaf bed.


Scout looked at her. -Has she not noticed the blood caked on to her snout...? I mean, it's quite obvious...- he thought, making a grossed out face.

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((I need a really hugely enourmous recap. I had a lot of homework yesterday AND auditions for the school musical. Also, today I obviously had school and homework, but I also had to type the first page of my research paper and print it out along with my works cited and stuff... So.... recap?))

Epic looked at Leif. "Fine," she said. "I'll lay with you." She lay back down in the hammock and cuddled with Leif. She snuggled up close to him and kissed his cheek. "I love you," she said. "Wait... Does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend, or....? Because that always confused me."

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Leif smile and kissed her "umm I'm not sure iv never had a marefreind before" Leif said "but I'd really likenfornyou to be my marefrined" Leif was blushing a lot his florescent green eyes sparkeling "and that was my fist kiss to" Leif wasn't good with mares he was shy

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