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Breaking through creative blocks


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Edited by MooWho
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  • Brohoof 4
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I get the same problems with writing: I get stuck for weeks or months at a time with either no new ideas or no way to proceed in my story.


My suggestion? Find some menial outlet and just think. Go for a long run, do some yard work, do what I do and stand in the shower for an hour. As long as you're thinking creatively, eventually an idea will come to you. Many great ideas come to artists when they are away from their work station, so carry around a pen and a little notepad to jot down your idea(s). 


Also, just doodle! Draw random shapes and lines and ideas. Fill up a sheet and keep it hanging up on your wall. Three weeks down the line you might wake up, look at your doodles, and be hit with inspiration.

  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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If you can get one drawing finished, there is a good chance that will help the creative juices start flowing again. If it is a matter of feeling as if what you are drawing is not what you are trying to draw, see if it works as a style. Play around and ask for ideas. Draw your favorite pony crossed with a cat, or make a comic for a favorite joke or pun, or like Handsome Jack suggested, doodle at random. Or you could take a break, relax you mind and allow inspiration to strike.

Keep flyin'


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No clue.  Ever since my life started falling in place I haven't found much inspiration.  When I get a new drawing tablet I'll likely start drawing again, and working on assets for flash.  (Trying to make some new stuff for the community.)  Creative blocks are hard to get passed as a working adult.  As a kid I just kinda worked through it, and it went away.  Now I just don't have the energy for that.

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You might as well wanna get enough sleep, sometimes your brain can really mess you up if you're sleep deprived (like me).


Hope that helps! Just don't give up c;

Yeah sleep is pretty important, I do lots of my drawing at night, usually nights where I have no school the next day or weekends I stay up until about 1 or 2 Skyping with my friend as we share art ideas. My computer is currently out of commission and I can't really do that at the moment. As for relaxing music I do have my fair share of very calming music.


I've thought of giving up as an option a number of times, I never feel like I'm improving but apparently I am says my peers. I don't plan on giving up but the option is always there. Thank you

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I would pretty much do every thing that  said to do.


I dont have to much I can offer other then what Ken said but, I have had stuff like this happen to me as well and I found this video about getting past art blocks on youtube to be quite helpful.  :)


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As someone who doesn't consider theirself very good at being creative in the first place idk myself lol.


I'm a musician, and therefore i should be more creative, but i don't feel very creative.


I have such a conflicting mind. 


Anyways, i think the shower is a good place to think, while i don't think of myself as very creative, the shower is a great place to just think, its relaxing and it just seems easier to think, peaceful i guess..


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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