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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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Cryptical Code started run to the crash site. Cryptical Code then shouted out, "You chaps ok?" as Cryptical Code got nearer and nearer to the area where the balcony fell from. When he was a few meters from the crash zone, he noticed the pegasus nearby him, knocked out. He must have gotten hit by a debris caused by the explosion. Cryptical Code thought as he decided to try and rescue the pegasus instead, as he was closer to him.

Edited by Demirari


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Arrow was caught by the pegasus who's reward of saving his life was pieces of debris hitting into him. All Arrow knew was that he was caught, then saw the ground coming up to him faster than normal. He hits head first knocking him out and making his magic implode, dropping the bow, and lost grip from the string letting a laser arrow fly out to one of the raiders, missing by a foot.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Cryptical Code approached near the pegasus as he crouched down to check the damages. Must of been hit pretty hard, Cryptical Code thought as he tried to shake the pegasus awake. Turning the pegasus slowly to avoid any further damage, he checked any injuries. Cryptical Code then putted his ear next to the pegasus's chest, which was kind of hard when one is wearing a mask. A heartbeat, Cryptical Code thought as he stood up straight again, a small water bottle floated out along with paper. Gotta dab the areas of damage, Cryptical Code thought.


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Zzzzz zzzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzz zzzz zzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz z zz z z zzz z z z z z z z  z z z zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz  zzzzzzzzzzzzz oh yeah, did I also forget a zzz?

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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After securing the pegasus to his best with his limited knowledge of healing, he turned away and started to walk toward the crash zone. Arrow is probably knocked out or something too, Cryptical Code thought as he scanned the  rubble trying to find out where did Arrow exactly land. Hope he isn't dead. Then he noticed Arrow a few meters from the pegasus. How did I miss that? Cryptical Code thought as he rushed to Arrow. Crouching low and checking the pulse, he got up and brought out the used water bottle and some napkins and some bandages. I'm probably going to kill Arrow, Cryptical Code thought as he started to try to help Arrow. 

Edited by Demirari


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 Am I dead? Was the first thought as Blacklight slowly regained consciousness until a burst of pain shot though him. No, definitely not dead he thought. Managing to open his eyes though great effort to see the grey unicorn treating to the unicorn he had saved earlier. Weakly, he called out to him, "Hey...you over there." hoping to get his attention as he could feel himself slipping back into unconsciousness.    

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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End Game looks at the destruction, then spares a glance at the two bodies, "Well, that was a bit bigger of an explosion than I intended... I must have forgotten to switch to the normal-yield eggs before I fired... Are you guys ok? If not, can I have your things when you pass on?"

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Hearing a voice, he turned around, he replied to Mr. Explosive, "No you may not, and besides, they are alive, barely." Cryptical Code then trotted over to the pegasus and then lowered his head. He then spoke, "You awake? You woke up faster then what the text books suggested."


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Ignoring the other pony he turned his attention back to the unicorn, "Not for long, I can already feel myself slipping back...though that's not the point. Back to where you guys first found me, I should have some medical supplies stored there. If you can get somepony over there you can use them to treat us...." he said weakly, barely getting that last word out as he fell back into unconsciousness again. 

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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lil pip glared at end game "next time use your explosives when everypony is not bucking near your target" she said sourly "otherwise you can badly injure or kill one of us unless you actully plan to kill use don't use explosives in the first place" moonlight flew in front of blacklight with a curios expression.


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End Game shrugs, "Nopony was in the effective blast range, I just mislabeled which load I was using. It won't happen again, and would you rather I use an energy weapon I have no experience with that is even more likely to kill you, or a ballistic weapon that is a 50-50 chance to kill what I'm aiming at? I stick to what I know, but if you find yourself with a grenade launcher I'd happily use that instead of my baby." he protectively hugs his balefire egg launcher.

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"Supply near where we first found you," Cryptical Code said as he looked at Moonlight that just landed. He spoke sharply, "Quickly! Go to where we first found this fellow and search for medical supplies" Then he focused on the two far off, "You two, also go and find the medical supplies where we found this fellow," pointing his hoof at the unconscious pegasus.


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moonlight gace demirari a smuggish grin. she then reach into her saddlebags with a hoof and pulls out a healing potion. "dont you mean one of these" she said while holding it with a hoof "i got 10 of these from the last raider camp i raided. or got rid of which ever you prefer its also the place i lost my magical energy weapon shot gun."


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"Great!" Cryptical Code said as his magic began to unscrew the potion and tipped it into the pegasus's mouth. Watching carefully, making sure the last drip falls into the pegasus's mouth, he looked at Moonlight, "I gotta give you the props for having them nearby, now, come on, we gotta heal Arrow too." Cryptical Code then turned around and began to trot forward to Arrow, motioning Moonlight to follow.


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moonlight smirked and pulled out another potion. "hey i like helping none raider or slaver or other evil thing in this wasteland" ruby was scouting the area in case if theres anymore raiders and or other unwanted things that they don't want to encounter. lil pip gave end game a angry glare before heading towards moonlight.


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"Right, right," Responded Cryptical Code as he began to pour the content of the potion into Arrow's mouth. Cryptical Code then spoke to Moonlight, "You like helping ponies that aren't raiders or slavers, eh?" Cryptical Code then continued on after he cleaned his glass pieces of his mask, "Same here." 


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End Game shrugs and looks around, "I will help whoever pays or gives me an opportunity to cause the largest explosion. If you need traps set or disarmed, or a large structure obliterated by sunset, I'm the stallion to call. You wouldn't happen to have something a little smaller than this you could lend me, would you?" he asked, gesturing to the balefire launcher.

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"Here's a couple, my damaged 9mm pistol and a gun that a raider used to old, and the ammunition that came along with the gun," Cryptical Code said as the items were laviated towards End Game. Cryptical Code then turned around to face End Game, "Whats your name anyways? I never got it."


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lil pip sighed "look i only been out of stable 2 for well over than a day and no i don't have a spare weapon this one i have im just barrowing it.


moonlight chuckled a bit. "i will work for bad ponies if its for the better good. unless its slave work don't count me in ever"


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End Game takes the pistol and strips it apart, taking the receiver and swapping it for his own pistol's. He takes the rifle and sighs, "Do you have anything more parabolic and explosive? I've never been good at shooting things with ballistics or spells..."

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"Any explosives? Nada, I don't use explosives, I use my Markspony customized Rifle with a silencer and my 10mm pistol, I like precision, as you may tell," Cryptical Code said.

Then he responded to Moonlight, "Never a slaver's work eh? Neither would I, unless it is the only choice I had." 


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Draco tossed the Wasteland survival guide over to Lil Pip "Read that will you," Draco said slightly as he just shot a raider pony through the eyes. He walked through the radiation filled blast from End Game. He started to loot tossing the others their prizes "You looked confused when I said Caesar's legion," Draco said "They are nothing more then raping, and slaving barbarians who are under one flag of the roman. Met the burned mare ones Jasmine Graham. Nice lass alittle uptight but she had nice flanks and so does the lass with the wings there," Draco said.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Arrow coughs up saliva and some healing potion liquid and wakes slowly gaining consciousness. He slowly looks around.... "I'm not dead... Am I?" He asks (whom ever is around him) and slowly gets up and picks his bow up. "Damn, how was I out?" He wonders, and walks around.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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End Game scoffs, "Precision is for people who can shoot things from a distance. I'd show you that I lack that quality, but if you don't believe me I could demonstrate with this rifle you gave me and the bottles on that shelf." he gestures to a few empty bottles a dozen meters away.

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"yea il never be a slaver because they will strip me of anything i wear except my pip buck which feels like its permanently wedged again'ts my foreleg. not only that if they took every clothing from me i might get into trouble" moonlight then sudden silenced her self.she then adjusts her hat for an odd reason.


lil pip winced and then opened the wasteland survival guide and started reading. "umm thanks for the book"


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