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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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End Game begins to idly fiddle with a large pistol, "Do you guys have any .50 pistol rounds? I won this hoof cannon from a guy in a game of poker, and I didn't really bother to find myself any ammunition for it... Where did you find such a beautiful city? The wasteland doesn't have anything like this..."

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The couple looked at Arrow for a second before the stallion spoke. His voice was strong and resolute, "It's absolutely fantastic. I mean, we weren't born into this city, we traveled here. And oh dear Northern Lights, it was wonderful. Fresh water I tell you, food, shelter, it was like a small Eden in this world." The stallion then closed his eyes and smiled, the mare shook her head, agreeing.

The mare entered her opinion, "I don't even want to know where we'll be, and I don't think I can ever leave this city." There was a small colt hiding behind the mare's hindlegs, the colt peaked out to look at the strange pony talking.


".50 caliber? I don't have any, though the place we are going will have some," the Tank Commander said before continuing, "This city? We rebuilt it End Game. This is years of work, this is years of defending this place. Ponies gave their life to defend the city till the walls were built. Till the city was repaired." 


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Arrow sees the colt peek at him. He smiles and slowly bends down to his level. "Hi there." He says softly. "Do you like it here with these ponies?" He asks in the soft tone. "This place seems amazing! And you're lucky you're living in an amazing city!" He added in (12)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The colt seemed to gain some confidence as he left the security of his mother. The colt nodded his head, "Yea I love it! I get to play with other colts and fillies. Though I hate school!" If there was one thing this colt hated about this city, it was school. School to the Northern Union was something they needed immediately. 


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"Well believe it or not, but school is there to teach you how to become better!" Arrow started. "Yeah it can get boring at times, but hey, sometimes life can get boring. But school, I wish I was in school, where I come from, there is not school. No place to learn, and then you don't know how to do things at all." He said to the colt keeping the cool and soft tone.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Vatrana made her way to the bomb she plant's all of the C4 she has and started making her way to the exit with the detonator in her talons. once she was outside she flew as far away as possible then activated the detonator setting off the C4's  




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The couple looked at Arrow for a second before the stallion spoke. His voice was strong and resolute, "It's absolutely fantastic. I mean, we weren't born into this city, we traveled here. And oh dear Northern Lights, it was wonderful. Fresh water I tell you, food, shelter, it was like a small Eden in this world." The stallion then closed his eyes and smiled, the mare shook her head, agreeing.

The mare entered her opinion, "I don't even want to know where we'll be, and I don't think I can ever leave this city." There was a small colt hiding behind the mare's hindlegs, the colt peaked out to look at the strange pony talking.

".50 caliber? I don't have any, though the place we are going will have some," the Tank Commander said before continuing, "This city? We rebuilt it End Game. This is years of work, this is years of defending this place. Ponies gave their life to defend the city till the walls were built. Till the city was repaired."

End Gake smiles, "I'm still amazed that a group of ponies could work together to create something this amazing... Where are we going exactly? I never bothered to ask because I thought a certain bitch of an alicorn would try to stop us... Who watches the walls?"
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"Really? But school is so boring!" The colt said disbelievingly. The parents smiled at this as they allowed the conversation to continue. The Tank Commander (Lets just call him Officer Steel,) approached the small group. 

He then spoke, "My apologies, but Arrow we must get going, End Game needs to reach Upper North and you need to get to the military academy." The couple seemed amazed at this, the military academy was very hard to get into, considering that one must be a genius.

Then he spoke to End Game, "The walls are guarded by 500,000 soldiers. This city has five million inhabitants. There are more than enough to guard this city."

Edited by Demirari


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Arrow nods at the commander. "I'm sure you want to be in the military, so, you have to go to school to be in it!" Arrow would've winked and smiled at the colt if he didn't have the gas mask on, but, he gets up and says his goodbyes, and is ready to follow the soldier.




The silo blows up as well as the facility. Everything, even the taint, was sprayed all around. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Really? But school is so boring!" The colt said disbelievingly. The parents smiled at this as they allowed the conversation to continue. The Tank Commander (Lets just call him Officer Steel,) approached the small group.

He then spoke, "My apologies, but Arrow we must get going, End Game needs to reach Upper North and you need to get to the military academy." The couple seemed amazed at this, the military academy was very hard to get into, considering that one must be a genius.

Then he spoke to End Game, "The walls are guarded by 500,000 soldiers. This city has five million inhabitants. There are more than enough to guard this city."

End Game smiles and nods, "Seems like a pretty good way to keep a city safe... You may want to add some automated sentry turrets in order to secure it against harder targets... Have any of the wasteland alicorns wandered up around here? They're pretty wicked if you don't have heavy weapons..."
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The tank arrived, though it immediately stopped when the explosions occurred. Ms. Maple looked at the scene before speaking, "The hell?"


"We are thinking of that, but so far our AT guns and autocannons seemed enough so far," the Officer Steel said. Then he spoke, "Quickly, the Upper North station isn't very far." Officer Steel then started walking toward the direction of the Upper Norther station.


(Something that'll possibly relate to Arrow later on.)

The Balkmane Peninsula, very far west of the Northern Union had recently spiked in hostility. Due to this, 500,000 soldiers had been diverted to quell down the unrest. 


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End Game nods, "Laying siege on a place like this would be a nightmare... Do you know why Cryptical Code left the north? With so much beauty, I can't imagine a reason to leave..." he follows officer Steel to the station.

(Phone is dying, no further posts from me tonight.)

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"It was probably due to his personal guard dying in the Siege of Manecowy," Officer Steel said. That had to be the reason for him for leaving. Though the North was fully willing to accept Cryptical Code back if he ever comes back. They approached the Upper Northern Train Station.

(I'm just going to say you are on a train going to the North, is that ok Fractaluna? :3)


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(I see no problem with this. I'll just have myself arrive when I wake up tomorrow morning.)

End Game sighs, "I've heard that the Siege was hell... He did wind up finding one of his old guard though, they're currently relaxing in New Pegas... I should go visit them once I get your nukes working." He begins to step onto the train, "By the way, here's something for bringing me here." He levitates out fourteen hundred caps and leaves the pilev at Officer Steel's hooves.

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Arrow follows the two up North and to the train station. Ge stays quiet as he thinks of the possibilities that he might do while here. Seeing the city was amazing, now maybe even living in it, is another.

(How tha he'll dies the hostil thingy have to do with Arrow?

..... Arrow? What did you do?


Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Thank you," Officer Steel said before turning toward Arrow. He spoke, "Alright Arrow time to go to the military academy." Officer Steel started to move toward the general direction of the Military Academy. The Military Academy wasn't very far away from them.


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Arrow nods as he follows. His heart was beating fast wilst adrenaline was pumping as well. It was exciting to know that he was about to join the Northen Union. He was filled adrenaline about what was gonna happen next after they reach their destination.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The Academy was rather big. It's large size, glass panels, and flags. Only a few entered and exited the Academy at a time. Well follow me, the sooner the better. Officer Steel started to approach the academy. It was guarded by soldiers there and there. Intimidation was its goal.

(Time skip time hopefully :3)


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Arrow looks at the guards. They seemed too cool to be intimidating to Arrow, he follows the commander and looks at the building from inside, and out. It look so much better than what he thought. In fact, he didn't give the academy much thought anyway. (11)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Skipping the academy was the way. To a group of fifty ponies standing in front of a podium, it was exciting. An officer walked up and spoke, "Alright you bloody new tankers, your first mission. You fifty will be leading a charge into the Balkmane Peninsula. There had been an open up rebellion and it's going to be quelled."


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Arrow listened intently. He was excited, and nervous to be going out in a hunk of metal that was made to be heavy, protect him and his crew, with a big gun. He was starting to wonder who will lead the division. They are all new tankers, so it might a pony who's experienced?

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Instead of an old time tradition, a pony from this group will lead," the officer spoke. There was sudden noises and small chatters. "The pony is Arrow Head, give a round of applause." There was a small clapping of 49 new tankers. The officer continued, "An experienced tanker will be following, Officer Steel."


Cryptical Code woke up and did his morning duties. When he got outside, his eyes widened. Northern Union soldiers. He whispered, "How?"


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Arrows heart sank into the pit of his stomach.

'WHAT!?!?!?' He thought to himself. He looks at the 49 ponies. 'shitshitshitshitshitshit!' Luckily, his gasmadk hide his fear of working with 49 units. He never thought of leading a division before, nor did he ever think of himself as a leader!

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"You all will depart later today to the Balkmane Peninsula. Congratulations," the officer said before leaving the tankers alone. Skipping to the Balkmane we go!


Unfortunately for Cryptical Code, the Northern Union soldiers noticed him. They seemed to stare before the soldiers start approaching at a large increased pace.


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The tankers were rolling out. Arrow was sticking his top half out of the E-75's turret hatch looking through binoculars, assessing the battle ground. "Division <insert division number here> hold up." He ordered as the tanks slowed to a stop. He looks more into the enemy position to see what they're up to.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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