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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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"Get's the job done," Draco said as he looked through the books. "Ah here it is," Draco said pocketing the book for that cute mare. "Says the guy with the balefire bomb launcher seriously switch to a grenade launcher. I have a machine grenade launcher called Mercy," he said as he rolled his shoulders "So who knows a place to rest in the god forsaken wasteland?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Arrow raises his hoof as he knows the answer to Dracos question. "I know! It's off of the border of everfree forest!" He smiles a bit thinking that Draco might refuse. "It's my place actually... But it's better than nothing. So, are you in even though we just met?" he asks.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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End Game shrugs, "I'm yet to find something that doesn't take heed when it sees a Balefire egg, but I'd love to use a grenade launcher if I had one. So would you happen to have any spares? It's not like I could just make one or something." He turns to Arrow, "may I come along? "

End Game shrugs, "I'm yet to find something that doesn't take heed when it sees a Balefire egg, but I'd love to use a grenade launcher if I had one. So would you happen to have any spares? It's not like I could just make one or something." He turns to Arrow, "may I come along? "

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I'm starting to feel like a creeper, Cryptical Code thought as he continued to peak. Its best for me to leave before they notice me, Cryptical Code thought as he slowly began to walk away from the library. Today is rather exciting, though the Mexiponyian Standoff was completely unneccesary, Cryptical Code thought as he began to trot over the dead bodies of legionaries, minding to loot whatever they still had on them. Maybe I'll meet them again, Cryptical Code thought, that is if they don't notice me...


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moonlight seem to stare at dracos blankly she chuckled. "you can can kill your self inside the fillydelphia crater" she chuckles. "anyway i prefer magical energy weaponds their less messy thats for sure i use to have a magical energy shotgun. but i lost it"


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"If ya want my mad explosive friend." Arrow said jokingly and walks out if the library to see another pony who was searching the corpses. "..... I hope you're not trying necrophilia on those ponies!" He said to the stallion. "Were Going to tracel a bit, you wanna join?" He asks the pony.


(Imma go to bed, night)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Cryptical Code turned his head around to notice Arrow, "Travel a bit? Yeah, I guess so, its better then being alone, and one thing, I AM NOT INTO NECROPHILLIA!" Cryptical Code then proceeded to cough as he continued to search the bodies for items. Then he turned around for the second time, "Exactly were are we going?"

(The Night approaches, I'm going to sleep soon.)


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"Radiation filled?" Draco asked then chuckled. "Yeah good luck with that. I walked into the middle of a balefire bomb ruin after it exploded. Felt sick for weeks but hey I'm sterilized," Draco said nonchalantly. "No nasty little surprises if you catch my meaning," he chuckled as he looted onl;y the heavily armored ones as he looked at Midnight. "Of course not,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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lil pip has started to explore ponyville thinking all the raiders are dead. she went to carsoul beutique (i suck at spelling)

tho ruby was following her just in case theres anymore raiders "so lil pip how long have you been out your stables " lil pip checked her pip buck to how long has it been "a little over than a day " ruby perked her ears up.


"so what exactly are we looking for" so what exactly are we looking for.


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After he seeing the standoff come to an end,  Blacklight had begun to pack up for the trip back to New Appleloosa until heard a pair of voices coming from downstairs.


"so lil pip how long have you been out your stables " lil pip checked her pip buck to how long has it been "a little over than a day " ruby perked her ears up.  
Drawing his laser pistol, he slowly went over to the stairs and cautiously said, " Who's there?"

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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ruby growled. "o hey its the stupid pony that fired the stupid warning shot were not raiders idiot if you start shotting us i will decapitate you". lil pip jumped slightly. "well like i said i went searching for a pony named velvet remedy" ruby readied hers  battle saddle.and nodded at lil pip.


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For the record, I was helping you guys out." he retorted angrily as he slowly came down the stairs. Keeping his pistol on Ruby, he turned to lil pip and said, " Look, I don't want to start a fight so could you get your friend here to calm down so I can just get my stuff and get out of here."  

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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Cryptical Code turned his head around to notice Arrow, "Travel a bit? Yeah, I guess so, its better then being alone, and one thing, I AM NOT INTO NECROPHILLIA!" Cryptical Code then proceeded to cough as he continued to search the bodies for items. Then he turned around for the second time, "Exactly were are we going?"

(The Night approaches, I'm going to sleep soon.)

Arrow chuckle, "I know you're not, but hell, it's fun to mess with ponies a bit." He checks his bow that magically conjures lasers. Looks good to fire again...


End Game shrugs, "I'm yet to find something that doesn't take heed when it sees a Balefire egg, but I'd love to use a grenade launcher if I had one. So would you happen to have any spares? It's not like I could just make one or something." He turns to Arrow, "may I come along? "

End Game shrugs, "I'm yet to find something that doesn't take heed when it sees a Balefire egg, but I'd love to use a grenade launcher if I had one. So would you happen to have any spares? It's not like I could just make one or something." He turns to Arrow, "may I come along? "

"If you want, it'll be nice to have more company than none." Arrow walks onward. "My place is just 2 miles down that way." He points with his bow. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"So exactly where are we heading?" Cryptical Code asked as he turned over the last body. Sighing from the lack of salvageable items, he got up and kicked the body. Turning around, he checked his clip as he slowly replenished his empty magazine. Searching around, he noticed the lack of Ruby and Lil Pip.

"Where did those two go..." Cryptical Code muttered.


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"We're going to my place which is two miles down that-a-way." Arrow repeats again. "Do ya think the vault dweller and Ruby should tag along as well?" He looks at the two eyeing ruby down. She looks kinda cute... He says to himself. "Do ya think you they should?" He asks again except more intensely.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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ruby growled not liking the fact he's pointing a gun at her she landed on ground. lil pip approched her and whispered to her ear "hey relax don't fight" ruby growled and sigh "fine but if he shoots me he's going to die no matter what" ruby said in a rather threathing tone. 


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"They should, who knows what will happen if we leave these two alone. I doubt they could survive in this harsh wasteland," Cryptical Code said as he noticed Ruby and Lil Pip by a building. Turning to Arrow, Cryptical Code said, "I'm going over there to check things out, you wanna come?" Without waiting for a response, Cryptical Code started to walk toward the two mares.  


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"They should, who knows what will happen if we leave these two alone. I doubt they could survive in this harsh wasteland," Cryptical Code said as he noticed Ruby and Lil Pip by a building. Turning to Arrow, Cryptical Code said, "I'm going over there to check things out, you wanna come?" Without waiting for a response, Cryptical Code started to walk toward the two mares.  

"Pfft! 'Course I do!" With that, Arrow follows drawing out his bow and walking up to the two mares. "Hallo, Sperchen si deutches?" (hello, do you speak germane?") He sees that the one pony that looks cute has her battle saddle drawn onto another pony. He looks to see who it is. "...That's the pony who shot the crappy shot?"

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Was that the pony that shot a random shot? Was that a warning shot?" Cryptical Code asked as he stopped. Cryptical Code then he pulled out his 10mm pistol and pointed it at the black pegasus, "Put that gun down fellow, no one needs to get hurt here." I hope this doesn't turn into another Mexiponyian standoff, Cryptical Code thought as he waited.


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ruby grinned "yea you bet thats the stupid pony heck he even threatened be with his stupid pistol"  lil pip smiled. "so are we gonna scavenge for materials here also i kinda need a weapon since i don't have any" she said a bit nervously.


(i just have idea there should be a love triangle between ruby cryptical and arrow i just though it would be cool and interesting )


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Cryptical Code's gun was still pointed at the pegasus as he thought of his next few words. He then spoke, "You need a gun? Hmmm, I got a small 9mm pistol, it isn't much, and its broken." A small gun floated outwards as the gun was revealed as a tarnished 9mm pistol, "I don't have much ammunition for it, but it should work for now..."


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Arrow looks at Crypticals gun. "I got something better." He levitates out his .45 pistol with color of ebony and the wood handle is oak. "here ya go..." He gives her 4 other mags. "Just give it back to me when you get a better gun." Then he aims his bow at the shooter that shot the warning shot and pulls the string back making the bow conjure a laser arrow.

Edited by Three Wolf Moon

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Giving your own gun, eh?" Cryptical Code said as he putted back the damaged 9mm pistol. Then he looked around, "Ya know, these raiders should have weapons somewhere," then he turned his attention back to the pegasus. Then he said in a calm and yet demanding voice, "Put the gun down, and no one will go home with holes into their bodies."


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Noticing that he was outgunned, Blacklight let the pistol drop. " Yes, it was a warning shot I wasn't sure if he was going he was going to shoot you when you first met." he said to the Cryptical as he gestured to Arrow, " Though it's obvious that I was wrong and I'm sorry for that. I was also the one who cleared the way for you and her." he said as he turned to ruby, " And what was my thanks..you shot me! Talk about no good deed goes unpunished." 

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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lil pip grabbed the .45 pistol with her magic "thanks i will give it back when i got a better weapon" ruby smiled. "well whatever weapon these raiders have are knives if were lucky we could find a really good weapon plus is anypony here good at lockpicking just in case we find a locked chest or something" lil pip placed the .45 pistol in her saddlebag "im good with lockpicking so if anypony finds any locked stuff of any kind tell me so i can try to unlock it"


moonlight decided to leave the library and decided to go to carosel beutiqe ( i suck at spelling ). there were raider ponies near the entrance since there's no ponies around that can see her she grabs her zebra rifle with her magic. and flied near the raiders. "surprise b*yay*tches" she fires her zebra rifle at them they were ingulf in flames they screamed for 2 seconds before their burning bodies burnt to the ground. moonlight then realises her zebra rifle's silencer isn't on that means it was quite loud when she fired it.she sighed.


(ruby and the group heard it).


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