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open Fallout Equestria alternate the rp


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"Ugh..." Blacklight mumbled as he slowly woke up again. Ugh, I feel like I have been put though a meat grinder...he thought as he opened his eyes, spotting Majestic and Moonlight he said, " Thank you guys for helping me and remind me to punch End in the face after this is all over..." he stopped when he noticed Moonlight's changes and asked, " Whoa, Moonlight what happened to you?"

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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End Game sees Blacklight go down, "Well shit, time for plan G1/2..." He draws his pistol and begins running up to raiders and shooting them. As he slowly clears out the stragglers he tries to find anything of value. After he makes sure the camp is clear he goes back to the group.

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"Find anything good?" Cryptical Code said standing up from his sniping position. 

"Oh yea you defiantly look different," Majestic Bloom commented on the new physical look of Moonlight, then she turned to Blacklight, "You should thank Velvet over there for fixing your wing."


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moonlight had a disturbed look on her face too bad there wasn't any mirrors around. she continues shooting raiders. she then said. "end game is going to get some dirt in the face after this" she yelled.


@@Demirari, @,  @,




velvet blushed. "no no no need to thank i help ponies thats what i do" she then takes out her combat shotgun and starts shooting raiders though she misses most of the time since she doesn't have a pipbuck anymore and that means no targeting spell.


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End Game ejects the spent magazine from his pistol, and rams another home, "Some food and healing potions... Nothing that would be too hard to acquire otherwise... I found a few old books, but I don't think any of you are interested in advanced magical dynamics..."

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"Magical Dynamics, let me see those books," Cryptical Code said interested. He had read many magical theoretical books in the North and wanted to see if the Equestrian Wasteland offered any of these things. 

"Don't be like that Velvet, be pride that you're able to heal a sensitive part of a pegasus anatomy," Majestic Bloom said.

Edited by Demirari


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moonlight rushed to end games. "id like to read those end i want to learn more about magic n stuff and i still feel uncomfortable end do i look diffirent in anyway?" she said some plainly


velvet blushed slightly at majestics comment.


(moonlight has princess luna's body shape now and her mane is longer and her horn was 2 inches longer than before btw)

Edited by moonlight7starshine


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"You do look different alright," Cryptical Code commented, noticing much more change than last time, "If I didn't pay much attention, I wouldn't have knew it was you except for the color for indication." Cryptical Code then took a small sheet of paper before writing a magic mathematical equation for a random spell. 

"Help me carry Blacklight would you Velvet?" Majestic Bloom asked as she levitated Blacklight slowly. 


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End Game shrugs, "You look a bit different... I don't see much difference, but you definitely look different..." He rifles through his bag and takes out the books, "Alright, here y'all go... It's not any of my good books, but it's what I found... I'm not even sure how raiders even got these..."

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velvet rush to majestic and uses her own telekenesis to help carry him. "of course il help" she said happily 


moonlight panicked for a few seconds "whats diffirent about tell me tell me everything whats diifirent about. oh celestia maybe im infected with taint" she very worriedly.


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"I doubt it'll be that bad, besides there could be no possible way you are infected with the taint," Cryptical Code calmly spoke as he searching for anything new on Moonlight. After a while, he spoke, "You are taller, about three inches, your wing span should also be bigger, your horn has grown by a couple of inches.

"Great, we'll just deposit Blacklight near End Game, quicker, the better," Majestic Bloom said not caring if Blacklight was awake or not. 


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velvet slowly helps majestic bloom levitate blacklight near end game.


moonlight sighed.


then a pink filly with pink eyes and a yellow mane approched wearing a enviromental suit approched the group then yelled. "HELLO my names puppysmiles" moonlight jumped in surprise.


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End Game spins around and points his Balefire Egg Launcher at puppysmiles, "Who the what the how in the nine hells did you get here?!" he says in alarm, then slowly calms down, "So why are you wearing an environmental suit? This area is radiation free, or as radiation free as the wasteland gets..."

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puppysmiles giggles. "im stuck in my space suit im looking for my mommy. a nice mare in canterlot made it wear it when the castle was sorrounded by pretty pink clouds. then when i went home when the pretty pink clouds went into my house. i felt sick then i feel asleep when i woke up my house was gone


moonlight stared at puppysmiles with a slightly disturbed expression. 


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"We just got to make sure Draco doesn't ruin this filly," Cryptical Code whispered to his group members.

Majestic Bloom placed Blacklight down next to End Game, sighing with relief. Then she noticed the adorably cute filly, "Awww, look how adorable she looks!"


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" Ugh, I must have dozed off..." Blacklight mumbled as he tried slowly to get up until he noticed the group huddled around a small filly in a yellow suit, " Hey  End, what's up with the filly? "Blacklight asked as began giving himself a cautionary look over to check his injuries.  

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Just look!" Majestic Bloom said crouching low to meet the filly eye to eye, "She's so adorable!"

Cryptical Code simply rolled his eyes at what Majestic Bloom was doing. Majestic Bloom had always been a bit too much obsessed over adorable little things.


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puppysmiles giggled "hi miss pretty pony whats your name" moonlight was disturbed by the fact that she came from canterlot she then spoke. "you came from canterlot you should be you should have died before you can even walk out of there how are you alive and that pink cloud is not pretty it will melt you into nothingness" moonlight said in a rather aggresive voice.


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"She spoke," Majestic Bloom said excited, "Hi, my names Majestic Bloom, you adorable pink filly in an environment suit. Ignore Ms. Aggressive over here." Majestic Bloom was referencing to Moonlight.

"Exactly what is this "Pink Cloud,"" Cryptical Code asked, not knowing due to being a Northern and all.

Edited by Demirari


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(also wouldn't somepony comment on the story that puppy smiles told about how she got here?)


moonlight sighed speaking in her normal tone of voice. "if you go to canterlot you can see a pink cloud around it if you go into it even if you have a gas mask or enviromental suit like hers it will melt you into a pile of sludge leaving only your bones. however this filly is not a pile of sludge which is fricken creepy. oh and puppysmiles my names moonlight"


puppysmiles giggled. "hi miss bloom hi miss moonlight"




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Draco looked disturbed as he saw the adorable filly. Pink cloud that almost sounds like the cloud from the Sierra Madre  and that was what disturbed him. Draco looked cautious at the small filly noticing the weapon at the filly's side. "Is that a range finder?" Draco asked slightly steely.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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End Game shakes his head, "Canterlot ghouls... Ponies who were wearing some sort of protection, powered armor and environmental suits usually, could survive it... Evidently this filly is one of them... Very dangerous, I'd recommend we move as far away from her as fast as we can."

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"Wha?" Majestic Bloom asked standing up now, "But she's so adorable, she can't be that dangerous can she?" Majestic Bloom simply couldn't believe that the filly could be that dangerous. 

Cryptical Code didn't speak, he stared at the filly and processed the information he got from his fellow group members.


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"Well she looks harmless enough. Except for that rangefinder..." Blacklight commented as he walked slowly to the group. Knowing the Wasteland though she's probability one of the most deadly ponies here...Blacklight thought as he took a closer look at the filly. 

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Mmmm," Majestic Bloom only mumbled as she also noticed the rangefinder.

"That would be the best course of action End Game, however, we have to know more," Cryptical Code said. Cryptical Code was now more interested in the filly, the knowledge given by his group members sparked his interest.


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