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Why are Derpy and Doctor whooves a couple?


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I believe Derpy Whooves actual name is Ditzy Doo.  And she became Derpy because of the influx of Bronies on 4chan.... 


and I believe Her and Doctor Whooves are a couple and they have a filly.... for a split second you can see Doctor Whooves and Ditzy with their filly, standing next to each other at the last episode of season 3 while Twilight is singing at the end....  


Side note, in that last episode of while Twilight is singing in the background there are hundreds of peoples OC, you just have to know what you are looking for.

  • Brohoof 1
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Thing I've always seen said about it was how derpy, or rather derpy like characters, and Dr.Whooves characters were ending up in the background a LOT in different forms. Anything from younger ponies, to unicorn and pegasi. They've shown up all over the place in different ways, and in the same episodes. So people made up a story about how Derpy ended up getting her funny eyes as a result of a time leap gone wrong or something.


Completely fanon though






I believe Derpy Whooves actual name is Ditzy Doo.



Never understood how that can be claimed when the Ditzy Doo character did make a brief appearance in Winter Wrap Up. Some may like to deny it, but she was the one sent for the birds. And while others "messed up" things they weren't reassigned, just helped out to get it right. So why wouldn't she have been helped to get it right? Why would they have sent some other pony? That doesn't make much sense within the story.


She did have the same body/hair/cutie mark of Derpy, but she, like others in the episode, had a different mane color.

Edited by GrimCW
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Never understood how that can be claimed when the Ditzy Doo character did make a brief appearance in Winter Wrap Up. Some may like to deny it, but she was the one sent for the birds. And while others "messed up" things they weren't reassigned, just helped out to get it right. So why wouldn't she have been helped to get it right? Why would they have sent some other pony? That doesn't make much sense within the story.


Dizty Doo actually has multiple appearances and interacts with the Mane characters...  These are not all of the occurrences, just the ones that come off the top of my head.  

  1. She interacted with Rainbow Dash on the episode where Applejack leaves Ponyville because she got second place on all of her competing events 
  2. She dropped a Ton of crap on top of Twilight Sparkle during Pinkie's Twitching Tale.
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Several things:


1) In the new series of Doctor Who, actually starting with the FOX TV Movie, no, I lie, it started with Tom Baker back in the Classic Series. The FOX TV Movie had the Doctor be romantically 'active' towards his companion of the piece, and that carried into the new series. However, speculation about the Doctor and his companions was a fixture ever since Tom as he was the first actor to play the Doctor who was considered young enough to get away with it. In fact Tom Baker and Lalla Ward (who played the second Romana) were married for a brief time during their stints on the show.


Because of that, many fans of the series honestly think he *has* to be romantically linked to his companions in some way.


2) This background pony became 'Doctor Hooves' because he bears a passing resemblance to David Tennant, the actor portraying the Doctor at the time MLP:FiM started. Plus he has an hourglass cutie-mark, so the idea of the pony being a 'Time' Lord was too funny to resist. Like most fandom things, that's all it takes.


3) He's paired with another pony because the Doctor always has a companion, it's a necessary part of his characterization. Even when he is travelling without a companion, at least one other character in the story will be elevated to a companion-like status because the Doctor *needs* someone to be the audience avatar in asking 'but what does it mean?' 


4) Other than Derpy, the most common companion is Twilight, with Trixie and Lyra being more recent additions to the list. Twilight is very tricky story-wise though as being one of the main characters of MLP:FiM, and most times the *central* character, that doesn't leave a lot of room for fanfic writers. It's hard to not violate canon with that. It's a lot easier to work with Derpy, as she is also a background character so you can take her places without having to worry about violating canon as much.


5) Also, her fan-created personality is very close to a previous companion to the Doctor, Jo Grant. So if you lift Jo Grant's characterization right out of the classic series, you pretty much have everything you need to see how she would interact with the Doctor.

This... This is why! Also.. You said her bubbly personality doesn't suit doctor who... Have you even SEEN the characters that have been paired with the doctor... And the doctor has his wacky weird and wonderful moments... So yeah... What they said xD


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This has been confusing me for a while. Why are they a couple? I don't know how the Doctor Whooves thing sparked up, but how and why did Derpy and Doctor Whooves became a couple?


I used to be a fan, but I realized that it just doesn't make any sense. How did they become a couple? Why?

Like I said I don't know how Doctor Whooves became the ponified version of Doctor Who, but pairing Derpy and Doctor Whooves a couple? Like I said, it doesn't make sense. Derpy has to much of a bubbly personality, and doesn't really fit Doctor Whooves. No olfence to derpy she is amazing :D


I guess Twilight and Doctor Whooves fit a little better, but all I am asking is:

How did Derpy and Doctor Whooves became a couple, and why?

OMG you just read my minds. Finally somebody raised this question. And I totally agree with you in the series there is no hint that Derpy and Dr Hooves is a couple. It seems to me that this is just fan fiction which has been strengthened in many people's minds

Edited by zev_zev


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Dizty Doo actually has multiple appearances and interacts with the Mane characters...

Not sure I'm following you.. As the ones you list off... that was Derpy, not ditzy.


If you watch winter wrap up a pegasus flys up to rainbow dash and says that ditzy went north to get the southern birds.

later on you see her coming back with the birds as such



Some try to say that this isn't her, but no other pony that was having trouble was replaced, so why would she? Assumption would be someone corrected her, just like they did every other character. She wasn't likely flying at full speed and was caught up before long by someone else.



B) Because there is no such character as "Doctor whooves".


Actually he is official... they have figures of him in the mini's and funko pop vinyls.. I got him with DJ-pon3  and a few others in a set from the hasbro mini figures.. It has his name tag on it, and the back story from the box reads as "Dr. Whooves decided to get some ponies and DJ-Pon3 for a party" or some thing. Its for the new "rainbow-fied" sets, I only got it for Vinyl Scratch :)

And he has spoken in the series both as an earth pony, and a Pegasus... dif voices.. same model/cutie mark..

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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To be honest, I'm not quite sure why we all latched on to Derpy as his companion outside of Derpy and Tenth Doctor companion Rose both being blondes.


As to why I pair them...I've got reasons. As @@Fhaolan mentioned, a certain section of Whovians are a bit too fixated on shipping the Doctor with his companions (and it isn't even done all that well most of the time when it does arise anyway), but I don't know, my personal interpretation of Time Turner's personality and Derpy's mesh.


Amethyst Star had to have come from somewhere, is all I'm sayin'...


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

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It maybe when it comes to the class or case of Ditzy Doo/Derpy she has been

one of those ponies that the fandom/Bronidom has given a place, a personality

and even a back history and made their own as it has been with many of

the background ponies: BonBon, Lyra, Vinyl Scratch , and Octavia. Some of these background

ponies have only had one appearance in one Ep yet something about them made the

fans love em and give them a spark in the fandom.


Sheesh they got shipping, art, videos and many other ways the fans have done for these ponies in also for Derpy. Now on the Doc, he was one of those random background ponies with a time clock on his flank and fans made a connection with Dr Who and even paired him with Derpy from a couple to just friends and it has given fans one more creative outlet to use from art to writing and everything between. So I got ask: What is so wrong about it? Yah some fans maybe “oh its not cannon” or etc but I never seen any other fandom also care about the ponies they have made their own as much as this one has in their favs/


Love it? Hate it? Who really cares if its not hurting anything.


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They've been seen together on the show.

People think she resembles Rose?

Since the 10th Doc is quite fun, I can imagine he'd be amused by Derpy and enjoy her company.

Similar names, Whooves/Hooves.

She's quite curious, and this is an important aspect of all companions.

I just started on season two and I love David Tennent as the new doctor. He's so expressive and is a great foil character for Rose. I've started calling Rose derpy whenever she gets herself into a bad way.

  • Brohoof 1


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For me personally what brings me to consider the idea of Doctor Whooves and Ditzy Doo/Derpy Hooves being together (though not so much as a couple) is because of the series Doctor Whooves and Assistant. This series can be found on Youtube and follows the meeting and subsequent adventures of the Doctor with the grey mare he met before anypony else. This actually gets really good, particularly when it crosses over with Doctor Whooves Adventures (this series involving the Doctor and Twilight in an alternate dimension) for an amazing story arc involving the Jabberwocky and a cheshire cat in each dimension.


Now admittingly I've only really been following Doctor Whooves and Assistant with Derpy/Ditzy not the Doctor Whooves Adventure with Twilight. So while I can definitely recommend the former I cannot do the same for the latter, as I don't know enough about it. It should be noted though that it does take scenes from the show and weaved into the series, such as the Doctor's appearabce during the Winter Wrap Up song (with altered lyrics) and in Appleloosa.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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This has been confusing me for a while. Why are they a couple? I don't know how the Doctor Whooves thing sparked up, but how and why did Derpy and Doctor Whooves became a couple?


I used to be a fan, but I realized that it just doesn't make any sense. How did they become a couple? Why?

Like I said I don't know how Doctor Whooves became the ponified version of Doctor Who, but pairing Derpy and Doctor Whooves a couple? Like I said, it doesn't make sense. Derpy has to much of a bubbly personality, and doesn't really fit Doctor Whooves. No olfence to derpy she is amazing :D


I guess Twilight and Doctor Whooves fit a little better, but all I am asking is:

How did Derpy and Doctor Whooves became a couple, and why?


As far as my understanding goes, Dr Whooves became a ponyfied version of Dr Who is simply because he has a similiar look to (going out on a limb here) David Tennant and his cutie mark is a sand timer.. Now.. I'm fairly certain his canon name is Time Turner, and it is pretty obvious he is just like a time keeper, in the Super Cider Squeezy 6000 episode. There is nothing else that suggests that he is a time lord, now this is all in my opinion mind you.


Now, to get to the whole shipping of time turner (sorry i refuse to call him by that other name, unless proven otherwise) and ditzy (I just feel that derpy is a bad name, considering how many times it has been used as an insult), the only thing I can say is, in my opinion, is that ditzy is a blonde, and in most of the dr who series, the dr's companion, Rose, has also been a blonde, and a bit of a ditz. Once again this is just my opinion


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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