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private Zompony Survival

Sir Xarthas VI

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(she's actully an alicorn) 


moonlight's expression turned appologetic. "appologies my friend" she then unsteathes her sword. then turns to steel. "so who might you be mr?" she said politely. though her politeness seemed off for moonlights standards she's probobly not too polite.


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@@repsol rave,


Icarus nodded at the pony.


"you owe me nothing, " He said in his usual chilling neutral tone.


This pony doesn't seem to have taken a major psychological hit, but I may check up on him just in case.


"We need to get somewhere safe, I have a makeshift home set up not far from here, shall we head there?" Icarus asked.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"With that large horde coming,we need to be getting as far away from here as possible.We shouldn't set camp there." Arrow says to Icarus,"Just stick with us.A medic would probably be a good idea to have,and we might as well get all the support we can get.That is if you're ok with coming along."

"Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you.

While gripping the sword,I cannot embrace you"

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@@ArrowWing@@repsol rave,


"If you have a good camp then sure, I have a large stash of Medical supplies in my place, if you think we can be quick enough, if not, then we should head back to your place" Icars responded to the newcomer.


"By the way, My name is Dr. Icarus" He introduced himself.


Better now then never 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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moonlight nodded. "yes we shou;d go to this base of yours.  and by the way names moonlight" said moonlight in a rather anxios tone. "yea i guess we should go" moonlight seemingly waited for steel to lead the way considering she does not really know where this base is.


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After standing still for a while, Cryptical Code felt his patient slip away for a bit. He shook himself as he brought out a small notepad and began scribbling down a few things. Though Cryptical Code will look from his notepad to check if there was any stray zomponies.


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Repsol looked around the group. It seemed ponies whern't really agreeing here. Some wanting to take shelter at the doc's place, others wanting to push foreward and make for the savezones.

He knew what he was doing tough. Eventough he said he didn't owe him nothing, he was gonna stick to the doctor. Ensuring his safety wherever he went.

He only had 25 shells left after that last incident tough, and he needed some 12 gauge shells fast.

@@Commander Tangent, "Nice meeting ya, Doc." repsol said as he grinned sheepishly at the somewhat creepy looking figure. Especially with that mask... 


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Walking quickly over to one of the guards ((Steel)) he asked, " Hey as much as I would like to stay here, this area isn't safe. So how far is this secure base of yours?" as he began cleaning his blade of the zompony's blood and reloading the pistol he had found earlier.

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Nice to meet you,Dr. Icarus,name's ArrowWing." He tells the new pony with a calm voice."It wouldn't be a bad idea to run by your place to get the supplies,but not all of us,we need to be quick and quiet.Maybe just a couple of us can go while the others start heading out of here." he explains his idea.

"Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you.

While gripping the sword,I cannot embrace you"

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(OOC: Sorry it's taking me so long to post. I've been busy with work...)


DJ Alicorn listens to everypony argueing from a distance. He then teleport himself to the group. "How about you all come back to the main group and listen to my plan before making any decisions of your own. And Dr, if you need your supplies then I'll get my scout to get them for you. She'll get them and be back within a few seconds. Just tell her where your 'home' was and she'll get everything useful." He says as he disappears again, reappearing in the base. He walks up the stairs onto the roof, and stands next to Shining Midnight. Where's Stained Steel? We need him over here. Shining looks in the direction of Stained Steel "He's securing and searching a house right now. With 2 more ponies following him. I can't tell what or who they are." DJ Alicorn teleported to inside the house that Steel was in. "Steel! What are you doing searching this house? We searched this one already. It's empty. Why don't you bring those two back to the base, and we discuss important matters."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Steel sighed "sir it's a guild store house one that hasn't been raided yet " steel said pointing at a mark on the wall he pulled out his dagger and slide it between two panels sliding it up two inches then down four the panels split apart to reveal a small room with to bags one of weapons one of food and water steel grabbed the bags "let's go "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Major General waited for everyone to get back before rolling out a map. He drew a few lines and circles. "We can't stay here. We all know this. This building is falling apart and zombies are regrouping right now to setup an attack on us. We need to get out of here, fast. What I strongly recommend is that we head for Canterlot. It's the only safehaven close enough to where we would survive the trip. Civilians need to be at the front, with one guard ahead of them. That's not where most of the zombies will attack from.. At the start anyway. The other four guards will need the be both beside and behind the civilians. Killing the zombponies before they get to civilians is vital, so don't let them get too close. I will fly above the group, getting rid of any bigger threats, such as a large horde of zombies. We wont want those getting close, we'd easily be overran. And yes, I am aware that a few of the civilians are able to defend themselves. But if you mess up in fighting, then you're done for. And the zomponies are getting a lot smarter, they're gaining fighting tactics, and actually getting better at it. Everybody, grab anything useful, and let's get going." DJ Alicorn teleports up to Shining Midnight, and gives him temporary wings (OOC: Not the wings Rarity got, I mean actual wings, but for a short time.). "You fly high above the group and scout out any hordes or those giants for me." He says as he teleports away again.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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"That sounds both great and horrible at the same time sir," Cryptical Code commented on the plan. He had no doubts on the plan but he feels that this is rather risky. He continued, "If the zomponies are actually gaining intelligence which I believe whole-heartily, should we not use the pegasi we have to our advantage while the zomponies still aren't able to fly?" 


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DJ Alicorn reappears next to Cryptical Code "If we use too many pegasi, the zomponies would learn by watching. And if we have arial attacks as well as ground attacks, then we wouldn't make it far. We should just continue with the normal plan." Shining Midnight takes off and hovers almost 100 meters above the group, keeping an eye out for any signs of trouble.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Arrow walks over to a few sacks of food as he starts tying and loading them onto him."Lets hope this plan doesn't cause any losses." he says to himself as he finishes up with the sacks."I don't think most of us can handle losing any more." He then looks around for anything else to get.

"Unless I grip the sword, I cannot protect you.

While gripping the sword,I cannot embrace you"

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dawn looked around to try to find something to help with "could we use pegasi to look ahead to see if there are any zomponies?" dawn asks "The pegasi could hide in trees and not be seen or heard as easily as earth ponies or unicorns." she explains still looking around "we would only need to use one or two of them three at the most" 

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Atlas flew into the center of town his rifle slung on his back alas it was out of ammo. He scanned the streets for any sigh of other ponies. He landed next ot a dead zompony. Fresh. Good. He fired three shots into the air with his trusty revolver in hopes of somepony hearing despite the fact it may draw zomponies to him. He checked his ammo. Seven more shots.

"Come on somepony better hear that" he thought worried he may never see anypony again.


OOC: Demirari, fancy meeting you here.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"I'll be in the back too sir," Cryptical Code said. He didn't care where was he in the group, as long as he was guarding civilians, he was contend. Then his ears picked up some noise, he then spoke, "You guys hear that? It almost sounded like gunshots." It was rather distant and rather hard to hear. 


(Same here Airbornepony.)

Edited by Demirari


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Steels ears perked as he heard the noise then (I'm going to call him code for short if that's okay with you) he heard code ask about steel nodded "I heard it although I'm not what direction it was on or if we should go check it out by the time we get there who ever fired those shots could be eaten" steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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He would gisve his signal ten minutes before moving on. He pulled out his journal and pencil and began to write about the day.

"Today I stumbled into the town of Ponyville south of Canterlot. I found a fresh zompony which could mean live ponies. I fired three shots to give a signal I'm here" He waited five minutes. Nothing. He weighed his options. If he fired three more shots it may bring ponies to him. On the other hoof he may be on a wild goose chase and that's three less bullets from his already dwindling supply. He fired three more bullets into the sky.

"May Celestia protect me" He thought out loud.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Steels ear twitched again "sir I'm going to go find the pony firing shots" steel said before taking off and flying I'm the direction of the gun shots he flew and didn't see Anypony for a while but as he was about to turn back he seen the pony with the gun he flew down "hello safety is this way" steel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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