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open Children of the Night RP


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Flair sits in front of celestias dungeon. he stares at celestias dungeon after awhile he says"Wake up i have questions to ask you." He sighs trying to be the nice pony here as he watches her. He cast a light spell that glows brightly so she can see him. "I don't know if you remember me."

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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*yelling to the two other ponies that are still here in the dungeons*


"remember that i am still here, geez i feel like i am a ghost, oh and celestia remember lies are words and more words but the truth is singular"


*with that silver walked back to the ceiling and laid down*


((just a small backstory, silver is part bat pony so he tends to sleep on the ceiling and due to his magic coupled with his heritage he can walk on the walls ignoring gravity if he is on something))



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Celestia nodded. "I will answer truthfully..." She looked at Silver. "Bite your tongue. We lost and now we must pay the price. I shouldn't have tried to force Luna to come back... That was my mistake the first time when she became Nightmare Moon... I had thiught I had learned my lesson..." She looked back at Flair. "I am ready to answer your questions..."


Midnight smiled, nodding. "I'm fine... More importantly, are you??? Those were some pretty bad wounds you had..."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He grit his teeth. "Why did you banish my mother and pushed me away for a thousand of years. You have no idea the pain and sorrrows i had to go thru and its all your fault! Did you take take responsibility for it?! Why!" He stanps his hooves down cracking the floor dungeon.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Storm laid there lazily, still not waking up. His mane was flopped over in in his eyes. His legs twitched a little. He was breathing softly and would snore every now and then for just a few seconds. He had been muttering to himself about his days when he used to be a thief; something about a vase that he never got to take. His mutters soon switched to almost talking, as if he were in conversation with Lunar. 

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Celestia sighed. "I know you will not believe me but I did it to protect my subjects. She was going to kill us all and wouldn't listen to reason. I realized what I did wrong too late. She was already to far gone. It broke my heart..." She had genuine tears in her eyes.


Lunar blinked, looking at Stormwing.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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A second shadow heart, or what everypony assumed to be shadow heart in truth it was a shadow form and steel was the only one that knew what he really looked like,a stark black pony slipped into celestias cell acting as Luna's all seeing eye

Steel watched still hidden in the cell he wanted out and would need shadow hearts help

Grell smiled "I'm fine so I hear there's a party being planned"

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"But that was no excuse to leave me alone!" He was starting to lose it. "You protected your subjects but didn't give a buck about me did you!" he slams his hooves down again as he grabs his head trying to stay in control of the dark deep hatred and rage he had for this pony. "You left me to fight for survival, i missed my mother so much, i was just a filly!" he grits his teeth which where turning into fangs and sharp teeth. "I had to commit murder, steal and hurt the innocent." He sighs shaking his head. "You where never fit to be a ruler were you?"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Celestia looked up at him. "I didn't know she made you her son otherwise I would have taken you in! I just thought you were a filly Luna let hang around her... I'm sorry Flair..." Tears started falling from her eyes. She was genuinely sad. "I regreted the decision my entire life... I never wanted to banish my own sister, nor abandon my newphew! Please believe me..." She started crying.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Shadow sighed and sent a clone to akio "I hat to bother you but you're needed in the dungeon please be quick thank you" and with that he disappears

He moved the shadows around so steel could slip out

Steel walked around lookin for Luna when he found her he sighed knowing she wanted to talk about him leaving

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Aiko blinked, walking back to the dungeon. -Is Flair going wild again...?-


Luna was sitting in her room, staring out her window, looking disappointed and sad.


Midnight kissed Grell, giggling. "Hey, why don't we go for a walk?? I feel like walking!" She took off her armor, smiling.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He growles,"stop and think the signs, she started teaching me it was obvious! Did you not care i saw my own mother banished right before my eyes i tried to come to you thinking my aunt wouldd show compassionate and kindess but did she? No!" He growls as half eye was slitted and the other one was dialated. "I hated how you thought you could do what you want you had a bucking choice! You could've thought up a plan to bring mom back but you took the easy way didn't you? Banish her noone would miss her but i did i did! You get what you deserve! Locked up in a dungeon!"

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Celestia curled up, crying. She was beat; she knew she had done wrong, and this filly was only making it worse.


Aiko put a hoof on his shoulder. "Come on, sweetheart... Let the witch wallow in her own shame..."


Luna looked over at Steel. "Hey..." she mumbled, looking away quickly.


Midnight smiled, walking out of her room

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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He growls as his eye shift to normal. "Fine fine your right pretty pony" he looks away then he kisses aiko to fully calm himself his rage was more terrifying than he thought. he walks out, she deserved every bit of that he thought as he smiles. "Where would i be without you"

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Somehow, through the chaos and emotion Shadow had managed to finish his helmet. Soon... A smile came across his face.


Looking around, he found a suitable table to place his armour and Sword, almost entranced by the fine work done on the helmet, then a little sad. Staring at the arcane blade, memories came flooding back to him, he never made the sword you see...


Never will I make that mistake again... This time, it will work. He drew his knife and grabbed the front left leg guard, getting to work with the last traces of emotion he had left.

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Aiko smiled. "Probably dead, honestly," she laughed, kissing his cheek. She blinked, feeling an uneasy aura in the castle. "Hey... Does any pony here happen to use enchanting magic...?" She tried to depict where exactly the aura was coming from. She felt it once before, but never this strong.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel walked over to her and have her a huge hug "I missed you" steel said he debated giving her a kiss but again decided to wait he wanted to get everything cleared up and explained before the happy reunion he was pretty sure that's the only way he could get one

Grell walked by midnight happily

Shadow heart appeared "to answer your question yes shadow does he's enchanting his armor but I'm not sure why yet" shadow said

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Storm snored, his ear twitching. He was still asleep. It was obvious he would be like this for quite a while. His wings moved a little now and then, but he was still deep asleep. There were probably better things for Lunar to do with her time than sit around with the sleeping little pegasus.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Luna nodded. "So did I. You missed a heck of a battle. We won." she said harshly, refusing to look at him.


Midnight smiled, walking outside. "I love the night time air. It's so refreshing!" She flew up and did a spin, then came back down.


Aiko nodded. "I figured he would be the one doing it. He seems suspicious. Keep an eye on him."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"As is my duty aiko" shadow heart said "if you need me just look to the shadows is there anything else you need before I leave"

Steel sighed "look Luna I had to go to hell so I wouldn't die I couldn't risk you trying to come with me it's far to dangerous I was almost killed several times" steel said

Grell smiled at her "you're so amazing " grell said

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Aiko thought for a moment. "No, I don't think so..." She smiled. "Thank you."


Luna didn't answer. She just looked out the window.


Midnight blinked, blushing. "H-how so???"


Lunar yawned. She was tired of just sitting here. She blinked. "Duh! Why didn't I think of this sooner???" She stood up, her horn glowing.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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