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open Broken World: Equestria


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You wake up to the sound of roaring winds blowing past your ears and the feel of hot, dry sand on your body. As you come to your senses, you find yourself in the middle of a desert. Next to you is the burning wreckage of the prison skyship you were in moments ago, on a return trip to Capital Prime. You look around and spot several other survivors but the other occupants are dead. Items and equipments are scattered throughout the place. You only have a few hours before sundown.


(What is your plan now?)

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"Ouch..." grumbled Dichromate, as he got up dizzily and surveyed the wreckage. "Jeez." He tried to recollect his senses. "Morons of pilots these days can't even fly..."



Sunrise tottered to her feet. Her head was pounding, and she could feel continuous pain lancing through her. Realizing that she had landed on a smoldering scrap of the ship, she rolled over hastily with a yelp.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Absolon rose to his feet, he shook his head and looked around.


"Well that was interesting."


Absolon surveyed his surrondings, noticing the other survivors.


"I suppose I should check to make sure everyones all right"


Absolon walked over to Dichromate.


"Hello there, It would seem that we have had the glorious fortune to "escape" in a manner of speaking, our captors. However we also seem to be miles from any settlement and night will be soon apon us. May I suggest we gather up any supplies and set up a fortification here. Oh and where are my manners, my name is Absolon and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


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Dichromate grinned. "Straight and to the point, eh? Good, I like a direct pony. My name is Dichromate, nice to meet you." He considered. "I have some experience with electronic devices, but I'm not sure what I could make out of that...pile of burning scrap metal. Keep a lookout for individual electronic components or machinery though, I could use them." Frowning thoughtfully at the still-smoldering ship, he added, "As for fortification, we've got plenty of metal here. If anypony had a welding torch..."



Sunrise looked around the deserted interior of the ship. "H-hello? Is anypony there?" she called hesitantly. The only sound that greeted her was the roar of flames. "I..I guess not. Okay.." she mumbled. "I'll see if anypony is in the other side."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"I've no doubt that something must have survived the crash. Those Hierachy fellows are some what keen on technology and one would assume they would have measures in place to protect said technology. However....on further thought something occurs to me. Assuming this ship does have valuble assests aboard then It is a real possibility that some sort of search party may appear soon."


Absolon pauses and looks vacantly of into space.


"Regardless, I'll go search for equipment, oh and later on I'd best check what injuries you have sustained. Don't want our only competent mechanic dying now do we?"


Absolon chuckles and heads into the wreck of the ship to search for supplies and equipment.


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Dichromate and Absolon searches the ship for important stuff while Sunrise is still looking for survivors.


Dichromate and Abasalon, you search the wreckage and found the following:


[steel Pipe] x 4

Damage: 2

Durability: 25/50

Requirements: N/A


[Metal Coins]

Value: 10


[Hierarchy Pistol] x 1

Damage: 4

Durability: 45/50

Ammo Type: 10mm bullet

Clip Size: 12

Requirements: N/A


[10mm bullet clips] x 2

Type: Normal

Bonus: N/A


[small Medkit] x 3

HP Recover: 15


While sifting through the wreckage, you see a silhouette moving about nearby. What is your next action?

> Check it out

> Wait for it to approach

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Strong Hooves slowly roused from his Unconcious state at the sound of rustling around the wreckage. Slowly standing up, he called out, "Anyone else still alive?" he began to look around the wreckage, trying to scavenge what he could find, survivors, equipment, anything of the sort...


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Strong Hooves' ears perked at the noise that he heard coming from the other side from where he was at, <I'm not sure if that could be rescue, or trouble, wouldn't hurt to at least find out> he thought to himself, and cautiously walked in the direction of the noise.


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Dichromate picked up the medkit. "Not exactly a medic," he grumbled. "But I'll hang on to it until I figure out who is."

Seeing a few shiny coins scattered on the ground as well, he picked those up. "Never know when these come in handy," he said cheerfully.



Sunrise looped around the ship twice. Unfortunately, she reached the spot where Dichromate and Absolon used to be, only a few minutes after they had let to go scavenging. "Ah.." she said, dissapointed. "I-I guess nopony's here. Hello?" she called tentatively, one last time.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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You hear a tentative cry for help amidst the roaring wind. Your time grows short as the sun sets by its own slowly across the western horizon. The cry sounded like a female but you couldn't be sure due to the winds. It seem to come from the silhouette you saw a few minutes ago.


To Dichromate, Abasalon and Strong Hooves, what will you do?

>Maintain where you are and let the silhouette approach

>Investigate and see whether the voice belonged to the silhouette

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Dicromate perked his ears up. "Sounds like a survivor. I'll stay here and let them come." Then, remembering the medkit he was holding, he changed his mind. What if they're injured? "Erm, or maybe I should go see what's going on. If I'm not back in an hour, the sand scorpions got me," he laughed, half-jokingly.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Strong heard the cry, "What was that?" he wondered out loud, <Could be a survivor> he thought, he looked to the setting sun, "Wont be much longer until I lose sunlight, Id better go see what made that noise" He then trotted toward the cry...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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You discover an injured mare ambling among the burning wreckage. However, several sand scorpions the size of a stallion emerge from the sands surrounding her. There are three of them and they are poised to strike the mare, hissing at her menacingly.


Will you combat them or attempt to flee?


>Flee [Luck Check: 6]


Info updated


[Juvenile Sand Scorpion]


HP (Hitpoints): 50

AC (Armor Class): 3

Threat Level: Low

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(0_o is it Sunrise? Cause I want to continue rping with her, and if she's the one being attacked and I rp with the mindset that it's somepony else, that would be a waste of a post I'd have to delete later. And the sand scorpion thing was just a term, but oh well :P)


Dichromate frowned. "Oi, you pesky insects. Get away from her!"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Strong saw the sand scorpions and immediately took a fighting pose, "Back off from her!!" he yelled intimidatingly, he saw that these scorpions were big, but he was bigger, he began to charge the scorpions...

Edited by Strong Hooves


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"Uh-oh," stammered Sunrise, suddenly seeing two large barb-tailed arachnids erupt from the ground in front of her, hissing with malice. She backed away slowly, but was sprayed with a shower of sand as a third scorpion burst out from underneath the desert sand behind her. Three? I can't fight three! Oh no, I can't even fight ONE. "Help," she managed to feebly squeak out as the scorpions surrounded her. Calm yourself down! There's always a way out of these situations. She just couldn't find it.


"Reckless as hell," muttered Dichromate, watching Strong charge the scorpions. "But what the hay, so am I!" The wisp of fire etched onto his flank shining to life, he focused a ball of flame on his horn and sent it spiraling towards the nearest scorpion.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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((Dichromate only picked up 1 medkit, it seems.))


((Hey, Firestorm. How does durability work for weapons? How do they lose durability?))


Nidal woke up not too far from the rest of the party, covered by dirt and practically hidden on the ground. She shook the dirt off her and saw a steel pipe and a medkit near her. She picked them up.


<Item Get: Steel Pipe.>

<Item Get: Small Medkit.>


She spotted the scorpions and dashed forward until she reached a brown stallion. She spotted a gun on him and stopped next to him. "You know how to use that gun or can I have it?"




[steel Pipe]

Damage: 2

Durability: 25/50

Requirements: N/A


[small Medkit]

HP Recover: 15



<Items Left Around the Site:>


[steel Pipe] x 3

Damage: 2

Durability: 25/50

Requirements: N/A


[small Medkit] x 1

HP Recover: 15


Edited by Linguz
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(Okay, I'm doing the first battle step-by-step so Firestorm can learn. I'll be posting the rolls-in the future Firestorm probably won't include those, everything will be behind the scenes and the only thing he'll give ya is the action (what happens). Don't check the spoiler if you don't care what's going on.)


The battle starts! The ponies who are not in the battle at the time can continue to rp, and join in later-their initiative will be calculated when they join.


Initiative (d100 rolled)


Scorpion 3-79

Strong Hooves-70

Scorpion 1-61

Scorpion 2-40

Summer Sunrise-29 (<--But loses her first turn due to ambush)


Dichromate took a few steps forward and lowered his horn, channeling a burst of flame from it. Closing his eyes, he launched it at the nearest scorpion. (Scorp 2)



1 move point, rest of move turn skipped. Create Weak Fireball, 1 action point, Concentration roll-78 (beats the failing result of 25), successful spell. Aim and fire, 2 action points, Dexterity check (d20) 15 (+1 modifier) = 16, beats failing of 7. Battle roll(d100)-Dichromate rolls 66, * 1.25 modifier(magic skill) = 82.5. Scorp defense roll = 72, no modifiers. Dichromate scored a hit! Damage roll --> (d6) = 3. Scorpion has 2 hp left.



The ball of fire, aimed well, seared the second scorpion, causing it to shriek in agony. Hissing, it turned its attention to the one who wounded it.


The third scorpion, either unaware or uncaring, bears down upon the prey it ambushed, eager for a meal.



Advance, Move points 1, Aim Stinger, Move points 2, + 5 to next attack roll. Scorpion stings! 51 + 5 = 56. Sunset's defense roll (-10 for being surprised) 33 - 10 = 23. Scorpion hits. D4 stinger, plus 10% chance of poison. 2 damage. Sunset has 2 hp left



Slamming its stinger down upon the helpless pony, the scorpion snarled viciously. Sunset felt a white-hot lance of pain drive into her flank, and she was driven to the ground from the agony.


(It is now Strong Hooves turn. Rp normally, say your thoughts and stuff and what you notice and all the other stuff you would when you normally rp, but "aim" to do something rather than do it. For example, Y charged forward, aiming his machine gun at X's head, preparing to launch a storm of bullets)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Strong saw the fireball hit the first scorpion, he then looked toward the other scorpion that was not paying attention and charged at it, jumping into the air and aiming his forehooves down on it's abdomen with all his might.

Edited by Strong Hooves


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The unaware scorpion, still focused on its prey, was unprepared for Strong Hoove's sudden assault. As he jumped down onto the scorpion, he attempted to wrestle the arachnid to the ground, forcing it into a violent tussle. The noticeably squashed and weakened scorpion put up a feeble resistance. (2/5 hp)

(Grapple has it's own rules)



Jump, 2 movement, Aim, +5, 2 movement. Attacker roll-92 + 5 + Strength modifier(+1) = 98. Defense roll- 97 - 10 (Unaware) = 87. Attacker wins, D4 damage + Melee Grapple Check = 3 + Success. Scorpion3 has lost 3 hp, 2 left.



The first scorpion, noticing the sudden assault on its companions, turned its attention to the threats, scuttling up and lashing out at the tussling pony/scorpion group. The scorpion indiscriminately lashed out powerfully at the group, indifferent to who was hit. Both combatants tooked up and attempted to dodge, but both were hit and knocked backwards. Strong hooves went flying back a few feet, slightly wounded but unfazed (7/10 hp left). The third scorpion, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. Its comrade's slash ripped it to shreds, tearing the scorpion down the middle (-2/10 hp, scorpion is now unconscious and dying).




Scorpion roll-40. Strong Hooves- 39. Grapple Interference Check(d20)-1 (Critical Failure! Firestorm, for d20s and d100s, a roll of 1 for d20 and 1-5 for d100 are critical failures, meaning not only does the performer fail at what they're doing, they fail spectacularly, such as instead of missing a sword swing, dropping the sword as well-over a cliff. Whereas a roll of 20 for d20 and 95-99 for d100 is a critical success(opposite of critical failure) and a guaranteed critical hit.) Critical Failure penalty-guaranteed hit on unaware companion. Damage roll on Strong D4-3 damage. Damage roll on Scorpion- 4 damage



The second scorpion rushed at Dichromate, furious and still burning. Dichromate smirked, underestimating the speed of the scorpion. It can't reach me from here! This was slightly true- the scorpion hastily burrowed into the ground, claws raised, and burst out a few seconds later, practically in Dichromate's face. But the intermission gave Dichromate time to prepare.



Scorpion burrows-3 Movement. Move Underground-4 Movement. Unburrow-3 Movement. Action round lost



Summer, wincing with pain, slowly stood up, wating for the tail lash that would send her sprawling again, but it never came. Blinking in confusion, she looked around, and saw two ponies engaged in battle with the scorpions, one of which was already lying motionless on the ground. "Oh, thank you, thank you!" she whispered, relieved.



First round of the battle, initiative skipped (surprised)



Dichromate gritted his teeth. "Wrong move, creep." Summoning up another ball of fire, he blasted it straight at the scorpion's face.



67 - 10 proximity penalty = 57, > 25 concentration check. Close proximity-no dexterity check taken. Dichromate attack roll-20 (*1.25), Scorpion Defense roll-8. Damage roll(d4)-2.



The fireball hit the scorpion straight between the eyes, scorching it heavily. The scorpion reared up, grasping for a second at the sky, then came crashing back down to the ground with a thump. [0/5, knocked out but not dying]


(It's Strong Hoove's turn again.)

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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